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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Lasher looked at Rave. "So you mean to go on with it. The plan I mean. How in Equestria are you going to find such a device? It is harder to get than an Anti-Machine Rifle". "I don't know, but I'm sure that I might run into one one day. And the way you described this stranger. Might be that he has some pre-war stuff with him. Might have one of those. Not saying that it is likely, but maybe. What do you say? You in?". "Of course. This land is cursed. There is nothing but pain and sorrow here. It has to burn". "I'm glad you are with me, if the things that happened to us had not happened, I guess you, me and Sunshine could have lived a happy life. But as I have learned. The Wasteland does not give. It only takes. I think I know the Wasteland better than anybody. Because what I've been through, most ponies would kill themselves because of it. I don't know how I found the will to keep on going. But I did somehow. I guess it was revenge". 

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(Yeah we can skip to the end of the operation, since I don't think either of us know much about operating on horses or how to keep it interesting)

By the end of the operation on Clover, Silvermind was fading fast.

"Ok..." he wheezed. "She'll... she'll be fine... Now... if you could... patch up my leg... I'd... really apprec... iate it."

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Hmm." Ebony mumbled, throwing the cleaver into the skull of a body. "This is unexpected... It seems I've created a serum that temporarily gives your cells the ability to multiply very, VERY, quickly." The deathclaw looked at her head cocked to the side in confusion. "Means you can regenerate for a little while, idiot." Knowing full well that it didn't understand a thing she was saying. She looked about the piles of bodies the deathclaw was bringing in, "Where'd you find so many dead ponies? Never mind, don't tell me." The deathclaw threw the last of the bodies onto the medical tables. She loaded the serum into a dozen syringes and packed her saddlebags. She quickly wrote up her research results in her notebook, where she had the lists of chemicals she'd discovered by trial and error including her liquedising chemical. "Stay here, you've exhausted your usefulness." The deathclaw growled and leaped at her, she anticipated the attack and used her magic to throw all of her surgical equipment into it. It had no chance. Scalpels, bone saws, nails and acids splattered themselves all over the creature, causing it to drop dead instantly. "One less problem for me to deal with." She left the stable and walked off into the distance.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Clover was starting to feel a little better. She lifted up a PipBuck. "I managed to find one that worked. I hacked into Rave's terminal in the tent. I downloaded his file and I looked into it. It contains everything you wanted to know about him. About his past and a little bit about Laser as well. It is horrible and I feel sorry." she managed to rasp. "Bu--" suddenly her neck exploded. Lasher had used an explosive round, however, he had managed to make it have a delayed effect. She dropped the PipBuck on the floor as she died. 

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I thought I removed all the bullet. Explosive rounds long delay volatile explosion. Even the smallest residue would result in this kind of damage. Of course. Small gunpowder or tiny shrapnel residue left in the neck after operation would have cause this level of damage." Wade let out a long sigh before drawing his sword and effortlessly cutting through one of the Steel operating tables. He controlled the rest of his rage, fortunately for Silver.


"Ok let me look at your leg."


(30 minutes later)


After several bone realignments and a few stim-packs later, Silvermind leg was stable and should set fine with no need for further operations. "You should be fine from here on out. But don't strain yourself too much. Or it will break again. I thank you for helping me with Clover, even though our efforts were futile in the end." He looked over to her body, thinking for a while before deciding what should be done with her body.


"This place has a morgue that has never been used. It will be the pest place to keep her body for a while."


Wade began to reattach any limbs that he could that where not destroyed beyond recognition, while thinking about the many, many ways to torture Lasher.

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"I'm a little curious. I ordered you to kill Clover but I never told you how. How did you kill her? I hope it was agonizing". "I used my rifle to take her out from a long distance. I made sure she would not die quite yet and would suffer for a long time until she died from loss of blood. However, I used a delayed explosive round just to be sure she would die. If she somehow amazingly survived and got help, it would detonate as soon as the rounds began to be removed". "Brilliant. No skinning, but brilliant all the same". Rave walked to his terminal. "You are going to look at it again? It only brings you pain". "I have to remember, if I don't I won't be able to get revenge. I have to remind myself what I have been through. To stay sane". Rave check the terminal. "What? It is open. I always lock it. Someone has hacked it and copied my file" Rave had a dark look on his face. "Someone is going to die an agonizing death". 

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"Thank you," sighed Silvermind. "It is a shame that we couldn't save her. But... the Wasteland is a cruel one. It cares not for good and bad, only for death. It really does beg the question of the point of it all. Anyway, I suppose I should be going now. You don't seem the type who cares for company. Before I go, though, would you mind telling me who you are?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Thank you," sighed Silvermind. "It is a shame that we couldn't save her. But... the Wasteland is a cruel one. It cares not for good and bad, only for death. It really does beg the question of the point of it all. Anyway, I suppose I should be going now. You don't seem the type who cares for company. Before I go, though, would you mind telling me who you are?"

"Who I am? I'm not sure I can even say I am who I use to be. Like you said, the Wasteland is cruel, and it killed me 5 years ago. Literally. My name is Wade, I am, or was a Raider who's sole purpose seemed to be survival and murder. I understand if you do not wish to be near a savage like I use to be. But before you go, know that my door is always open to you. Be safe."


Wade carried Clovers corpse down the hallway and deeper undergrounds to the inbuilt morgue, placed her body in one of the bags and put her in an empty chilled draw.


"Wasteland, why do you put me though this? Every time I try and talk kindly to a pony, you have them killed. And yet, as everyone around me dies a painful death, I linger around, Neither fully alive nor fully dead. What is it you want from me? Why do you not let me die!?"


Wade was enraged now, cutting through anything that got in his way with his sword.


EDNA had downloaded a small vocal software from the systems in the computers, giving her some capacity to talk. She had the voice of a high class mare in around her mid 20's, but her voice was still grainy with static.


EDNA: "Hey Silvermind, listen. You want to leave, you may want to stay. Either way I'm ok. But I have to ask you a favour, it's about Wade. His mental state has not been the best over the last few days, and I'm worried that he will get himself killed. I want you to stay and talk to him about his Stealth buck addiction. He cannot go out without the blasted thing on, and the radiation is destroying his mind faster. See if you can talk him out of using them with such frequency. Please?"

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Silvermind turned to EDNA.

"Absolutely," he answered. "I spent a few months studying the effects of Stealth Bucks on Nightkin. Considering that a pony's mind is much more advanced than a standard Nightkin, I have no doubt that I should be able to cure him. It may take a while, but I wouldn't say more than two weeks. Now, you know him better than I do. What's the best way to calm him down when he gets upset?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Silvermind turned to EDNA.

"Absolutely," he answered. "I spent a few months studying the effects of Stealth Bucks on Nightkin. Considering that a pony's mind is much more advanced than a standard Nightkin, I have no doubt that I should be able to cure him. It may take a while, but I wouldn't say more than two weeks. Now, you know him better than I do. What's the best way to calm him down when he gets upset?"

"Best to just keep your distance. If he's angry or sad, he does some target practice with his Crossbow in the firing range. Calms his down in less than a minute. And it's good practice so he does not lose his aim. If all else fails, use this." EDNA handed Silvermind a few dart and pointed out a dart gun. "This will put him to sleep for, varying amount of time. Make sure to shoot him in what organic tissue he has left. Or it will only pass him off."


Wade came back to the medical room with one of his Cybernetic arms being carried in his organic arm. "I'm surprised you are still here. I was certain that you would of left. Excuse me a moment, I need to reattach my arm." He sat down at a work bench and began to weld his arm back into place. "So why are you still here? Their has to be some reasons for you to not up and leave."

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"Actually, I was simply admiring your abode," Silvermind lied. He would have to be tactful in order to pull this off. "How did you find it? It's beautiful. Just like the books back in the vaults."





(conversations can be hard to do in roleplay, what with the character requirement)

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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(I know. It's annoying.)


Wade slammed his Gauntlet onto the table, denting it quite badly. "Don't talk about, Stables or Vaults or what ever else they are called. It's brings back memories I would much rather leave in the back of my mind. Funny story on how I found this place, and it's a rather long one to. I'm gonna tell the story, I like telling stories. Truth is I don't know how I found this place. Closes memory I have prior to knowing of this places existence, is September 5th 2275. I was captured by the Enclave and during one of their moral boosting shows they brought me out. I had a nickname back then. They called me Saber tooth on account of me having teeth as sharp as blades," Wade gave a quick grin to show his teeth. "They brought me up, sat me down and killed me. They cut my neck, the Jugular was cut along with the oesophagus. I died. I wake up in this medical room on November 8th 2275. No sign of other life anywhere. And my neck had been replaced by electronics and metal. My Pip-buck marked this place as Stable tech security bunker. That's the story of how I found this place. As you can see by just using my arm as an example, I make full use of all the facilities that are available to me. Their are things here you will not get anywhere else in the wastes for free or out of a stable. Working toilets, limitless electricity, clean fresh water, comfort and my favourite, pressure showers with hot, clean radiation free water. This place only has one problem. Because we are quite deep underground the pressure can go to our heads and turn us crazy or kill us, so you need to go up for fresh air at least once every three days and spend at least an hour on the surface."


Wade had been talking for a while and had not noticed that he was done on his arm. " So what about you Silver, what's your story?"

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Rave gone around his base, searching everywhere. But no one had the technology to copy files from his terminal. The only way someone would be able to do so and leave would be with a PipBuck. He went to the manager of the loot. "Has anyone come here to pick up a PipBuck?". "Why, yes indeed. Clover came by here many hours ago. She actually managed to find an undamaged one. I let her take it since I felt sorry for her since she had gotten a difficult mission.... if you don't mind me saying it". Rave's eyes twitched. "That fucking bitch. She got my file". Lasher had been following Rave the whole time and Rave turned to him. "Any possibilities that we can go back to where you killed her and retrieve it?". "I killed her on a public road. Many ponies use it. Her body is probably already looted". Rave's eyes twitched more. "I guess we have to move our plans ahead of schedule. We must force the Iron Warriors to attack us. Their leader Iron Mane seems to be a hothead. It should not be too difficult to get him to attack us. We cannot risk the enemy being able to study these files and use it against us". "Understood". 

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Before Silvermind got a chance to respond, Wade's eyes set upon the Pip-buck that had left for him.


"Um, hold on to what you were going to say Silver. I need to read the information on this Pip-buck. It's important information that is best learnt as soon as possible."


Wade picked up the Pip and began looking through the files, 'I hate these old Pip-buck 2000A models. 3000B is so much better.' He found the files containing the information on Lasher and Rave and started to read rhe files




(Some information would be nice.)

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A file named 'Reasons' was on top of the list of files. As it was opened a wall of text appeared. 



Reasons for hatred by Rave Crystal


I am writing this so that I can remember. Remember what I've had to endure. To not forget. To remember vengeance. 



I was born in Tenpony towers (who would have imagined me ending up as a slaver?). When I reached maturity I started working for the Happy Smiles Caravan company. I was a caravan guard. The first few days were easy. Then we came under attack. I was escorting a less valuable caravan so I did not receive any magical energy weapons. Raiders attacked us on all sides. I managed to kill few, but they overran us with sheer numbers. Everypony was killed except for me. I was to be used for their entertainment. I faced all kinds of torture. But what really broke me was when I got raped (thus why I had rapers). I was thankfully not raped by all of the raiders. Only by one pony named Blooddrop that wanted to keep me for herself. For over two months I was their prisoner. But I managed to escape. I killed all of the raiders except for Blooddrop. She managed somehow to get away. Strange for a raider to run away from a fight. Raiders are not smart. I dread the thought of perhaps meeting her again one day. Thus my reason for Raider hatred. 



After my escape I wandered the Wasteland. Broken and bent for a few years. I faced all kinds of dangers, got a lot of experience about the Wasteland. Took jobs where I could get them. Then I met the most wonderful pony in the world, Sunshine. She was a pegasus mare sent to scout the ground for the Enclave. At first it was just friendship but it soon became love. It came to a point where the Enclave interfered. But that only made her leave them permanently. Lasher was her brother and a officer in the Enclave army. He attended the ceremony as we got married (well he was the only attender and we had a pony bond us). We were happy. But our happiness was not about to last. One day the Enclave found us and they tried to brand Sunshine a dashite. I was useless in the fight against highly trained military units. But Lasher was better than they were. He managed to give me and Sunshine the time to escape. Lasher got branded. The Enclave forced us to flee and tried to hunt us down. Thus my reason for Enclave hatred. 



The worst of the worst. The scum of the Wasteland. After the Enclave incident I wanted us to travel to Tenpony towers where I was sure it would be safe. But on our way we got attacked by a band zebra raiders. We were taken prisoners. I watched in horror as they gutted her. My Sunshine. SHE WAS PREGNANT FOR PONIES SAKE. We were going to become parents. But that was taken away from us. They were going to kill me as well come morning. Fueled with hatred and rage I managed to escape and kill every single zebra raider. I made sure I killed them slow and brutally. I buried Sunshine at Tenpony towers. I met up later with Lasher and we have been partners ever since, wandering the Wasteland together. Thus hatred for zebras.


The Wasteland does not give. It only takes.


I will burn the Wasteland.


The file ended there.


Next file opened. 


It contained all sorts of information about the Enclave. About Lasher's status with a rifle. Apparently Lasher was good at sneaking and taking out targets and getting away without being caught. 


Then the next file popped up but did not open. It was signed by Rave. The file was named 'Project Hellfire'.

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Wade tried to open the file listed as Project Hellfire but the screen flashed red with large words saying Data Corrupted, transfer incomplete.


"Well, I got enough to use against him. Blooddrop. I know that Mare. A good friend of mine, and a gang leader. Sorry to cut our chat short Silver but I have things I need to do." Wade gathered up his weapons, ammo, food and his Stealth buck and was making his way out of the bunker.


EDNA: "Silvermind, stop him, he doesn't need stealth bucks for what he is doing, yet he uses them. Talk to him."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Ebony stopped by a small cave and decided to set up camp inside. When she got in she saw light and heard voices and stepping. She looked inside the cave a bit further to see a makeshift wall of metal scraps and other things and a rather pretentious looking colt sitting at the top of the scrap gate, watching out with a hunting rifle. "Go away mungo!" Yelled the colt at Ebony. She blinked and looked up to him, "And just who are you?" The colt looked back for a second then shouted back, "Why should I tell you mungo?" Ebony sighed, she was cruel and evil, but she wouldn't shoot a child. "Can you let me stay for the night? I'll trade you supplies for it." The colt jumped down and a filly took his place, "The last mungo we let in took some of our best ponies with him. So no!" She shouted at Ebony. Ebony looked for a way round and sighed, "Let me guess... You want ME to go to the slavers and get them, yes?" The filly smiled at her, "Obviously you dumb mungo."


Before Ebony set off to get the children she had to ask, "What is this place?" The colt climbed back up and shouted, "Mungo free!" and closed the gates. Ebony was astounded by the inhospitable attitude of the children living there, and what was a mungo? She knew what she had to do and set off to Ponyville.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Rave walked around his base. Inspecting its defenses. He saw it would not be taken easily in a major assault. "Lasher, have you doubled the guard everywhere, especially the gates?". Lasher nodded. "Good, although I don't think the Iron Warriors will be able to launch an attack right away, you can never be too careful. Iron Mane will be mad when she receives our 'gift'. The reason he is here is revenge of course. So when he receives the bodies of the slain Steel Rangers, it should make him go haywire" Rave chuckled. "What if he doesn't take the bait and does not attack?" Lasher asked. Rave smiled. "Then he will just prove that he is a coward. To let some lowly slaver insult him in such a manner. Insult someone who is supposed to be superior, more powerful and better than some lowly slaver. He would lose respect from his fellow 'Iron Warrior' buddies". "What about the files?". "We must hope that nobody will be able to access 'Project Hellfire'. The less resistance we face, the more likely we are able to complete our goal. I locked these files really tightly. No one in the Ponyville area has the technology to open the files". "Great, then we must hope if someone wants to try and crack the file open that he dies travelling to another place that could hold the technology" Lasher said skeptically. "The files also contained information about my shooting skill and about my sneak skill. It also reveals that I'm a pegasus. Been hiding these wings under my barding for years". "I'm sorry about that". 

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"This are of the Wastes is a mess, a Slaver army, Enclave remnants, Raider Strongholds, Zebras and several power players of the Wastes. This may be more fun and challenging than I originally anticipated. I guess its just more things to kill to increase the Standings of the Iron Warriors as a Powerful Faction in the World. If my scouts are right, that Slaver army is controlling the region. Remove them, and the entire south to central Equestria will be Iron territory, and the birthplace of a new, advance civilisation." Elder Iron Mane's train of thought was interrupted by his Star-Paladin. 


Star: "High Elder Iron Mane. We received a 'gift' from the Slave Master of that army. You may want to come and take a look at this."


Iron mane was almost shocked at the sight. To think a bunch of Slavers could have killed so many of his former Brothers and Sisters. It mattered not any more. "Do they think I'm crazy, and will just launch a retaliation attack? Hmm... Idea. Gather up a small Squad Star, you are heading into combat. Take some of the new blood with you. They don't matter all too much. Storm their stronghold head on. Send the new blood in but make sure you come back alive. That will give them false confidence, and the belief that I am as Hot-headed as my reputation says. Then Operation Cyclone can begin.


Star: "Yes Sir."


Star gathered up a squad of 10 New Bloods, armed them with Standard energy weapons and low level power armour, and began a march to the Slaver Stronghold. "I hope this works."

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A pony came running towards Rave. "Sir, our scouts report that a squad of Iron Warriors is heading towards this base. They are not far from here. They are just out of the range of Sniper fire". Rave grinned. "But not out of range from artillery fire. Fetch the 'engineers'. Alert the slavers. We will give them a 'warm' welcome" Rave laughed. "I knew you were a hothead Iron, but to send out a squad immediately? You must be crazy" Rave smiled intensely while he thought. 


The few engineers that Rave had had set up the artillery. Former members from the 'Boomer' gang manned the artilleries."FIRE" Rave yelled. The world seemed to roar as 5 artilleries started to fire. "Lasher? I want you to be ready. If any of them manage to get too close for artillery fire, I want you to drop them dead. Understood?". "Thought you would never ask". 

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"Shelling, cover." 3 of the new blood were killed by the first shell barrage, the rest dived into blind spots for cover. "This was not on the Intel. How did they get artillery all the way up here?" This actually was just the Intel, he just had to act surprised in front of the new blood. "Keep pressing forward, I'll provide directions from a vantage point."


New blood: Yes sir.


The Warriors started the make their run while the artillery where reloading. Going from supposed blind spot to blind spot.

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As the artillery were being reloaded Rave inspected the scene with a telescope. "I'm guessing at least 3-4 dead Irons by the look of the torn up bodies. Keep firing. Fire at will". As soon as the artillery was reloaded they started barraging the landscape where the Irons were. Lasher was setting up his rifle. Waiting for the Irons to get closer. Rave moved closer to Lasher due to the loudness of the artillery fire. "They can't be attacking without a leader. Try spotting the leader and take him out. But not until the other Irons have gotten close enough. We don't want anypony escaping do we?". "Understood". Lasher began scanning the area with his rifle scope. 

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"Wade, wait," Silvermind called. Now he just had to think of something to say. He was really hoping he would have more time to devise a plan to seperate Wade and his Stealth Bucks, but it was clear that he was going to have to move his non-existent plan up.

"Can I come with you? I know a lot about science and old world technology. If what you're doing has anything to with that Pip Buck, I could come in handy."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Well, I'm actually just going to find an old friend of mine. But you can feel free to tag along if you want."


Once Wade got to the surface, he activated his Stealth buck. And waited for Silvermind to make it to the surface with him.



Star had to make a convincing way for him to appeal are dead, so he took of his armour and enveloped it in a Telekinetic grip. His magic was Clear, so they would see no sign of magic. He put a can of old food on his helmet and a detonator for some C4 his armour was carrying. "Ok, so once this armour is shot in the head. It will look like blood and brain had just been mashed by a bullet, and the armour will detonate the C4, leaving no armour left. Hear goes nothing." Star controlled his armour in realistic motions and the motion pattern he would take. But he made sure that once he made it into range of the Snipers, he left just the tip of his head to be shot.


"Take the shot or I will be forced to use this C4 against them." Star was hoping his trick was good enough for them to take the bait and shoot.

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"Hey, Wade," started Silvermind. [sPEECH CHECK]"There's no one around for miles. Do you really need that Stealth Buck? I mean, this is your home territory. I can't imagine many would encroach on it, given your strength."




(don't mind me, just bypassing the character limit asd)

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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