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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Lasher couldn't believe what he was seeing. Did this Ironer really think he was stupid. "A waste of shot really. Don't bo--" one of the snipers shot at the head. "Ugh never mind. So long as my precious bullet wasn't wasted, I don't care". 


Rave looked through his telescope and saw the sniper bullet hit the head. "Haha, another one dead" he said cheerfully. 

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"Hey, Wade," started Silvermind. [sPEECH CHECK]"There's no one around for miles. Do you really need that Stealth Buck? I mean, this is your home territory. I can't imagine many would encroach on it, given your strength."




(don't mind me, just bypassing the character limit asd)

"Just a precaution you see. Can't have anyone seeing me coming in and out of this bunker now can I? If it makes you feel better, I'll turn it off once in 200ft away ok? Let's go. It's about 2 miles north west of here. Through what is now called the badlands. I heard it was lush open plain back in the day, now it's full of Gangs, Ghouls, and mutated creatures. It's dangerous, and only the toughest and the stupidest live out their. And that's where my friend lives. Come, if we make good time we will be their in about 20 minuets."


Wade set of into the badlands, both eager to see his old friend again, and simultaneously regretting this choice.

Lasher couldn't believe what he was seeing. Did this Ironer really think he was stupid. "A waste of shot really. Don't bo--" one of the snipers shot at the head. "Ugh never mind. So long as my precious bullet wasn't wasted, I don't care".


Rave looked through his telescope and saw the sniper bullet hit the head. "Haha, another one dead" he said cheerfully.

When the bullet passed through the empty suit of armour, Star let out a sigh of relief. At least one of them took the bait. He dropped the armour out of his telekinesis and the arm triggered the block of C4 it was carrying, causing a relatively small but powerful explosion, obliterating the armour.


"Mission complete."


To avoid being seen, Star made his way back to base the long way through the rocks and cliffs avoid the sight of their snipers. "Soon Operation Cyclone will be ready. Let's see how you repel what is to come."

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"Report!". "We have 11 dead bodies. 6 of the power armors are can  not be salvaged due to artillery fire, including the one that somehow exploded when shot in the head. The rest we were able to salvage and loot the weaponry. Not very special. They did not really have any good weapons and their armor was not really of the best type". "Well we showed them who are the master of the Ponyville area". Lasher came up to Rave from behind. "Mind if I talk to you alone for a second boss?". "Sure". Rave and Lasher went to Rave's tent. "What is it?". "They were playing you for fools. Those were Irons were probably nothing but recruits, regarding how they acted poorly towards being assaulted. They kept coming even though it was a battle they could not win. Lame armor, bad weaponry. This was not an assault that was supposed to take this base. I know this because I was an officer in the Enclave army. I fought in many wars against griffins. They sometimes used that kind of tactics to make us feel overconfident. That Ironer that exploded when shot in the head was nothing but armor. No pony inside. He was too much in the open, as if it was allowing us to fire at him, as if it wanted us to fire at him. The others at least tried to use the landscape for cover. You got 10 ponies dead, not 11. Iron Mane might not be so dumb but I consider him a fool for wasting precious lives. A Steel Ranger, even if only a recruit, can equal up to 8 slavers. Recruits receive at least some training and they can be given better weaponry to be able to help. We can afford to loose lives while he can't. He's just burning up his horsepower (manpower)". Rave looked confused and angry. "That little bitch. Well at least we gained something out of this". "And we wasted some shells. Not like we don't have an assload of them, but we could have just spared them and taken them out with snipers". "Fuck!". 

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The Badlands ate harsh, inhospitable to all life that had not been alerted by the Radiation, or those who seek to take advantage of the situation.


"Come on Silver, when we get to the top of the hill, I should be able to see the pony I am here to see."


Wade felt exposed without his Stealth buck, but he promised Silver not to use it. He quickly spotted the pony he was after on the outside of the Raider Village that was built into the Valley below. He snuck up behind her and puy his hands over her eyes.


"Guess who?"


Blooddrop: "The only pony brave enough to play this game with me." She turned around and gave Wade a rather large hug. "Hey Wade. Long time no see. You look like absolute shit. Still can't go a week without being shot can you?"


Wade: "It's like a bad habit and a tradition. I have to get shot once a week to remind myself why I'm still alive after all this time."


Blooddrop: "Yeah. I would love some more time to 'catch up' with you more privately. But I'm guessing you did not challenge the Badlands just to say hi. So what makes you came out all this way from that little bunker you own. You still live their right?"




Wade: "Yes I still live their. But I'm also not here alone. Silver! Silver come down here and meet Blooddrop. I promise these raiders won't kill you. Maybe."

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Completely unconfident in his ability to escape in case of trouble but giving Blooddrop the benefit of the doubt, Silvermind slowly made his way down the hill and met the raider.

"Ah, hello," he greeted. "I'm Silvermind. Wade saved me from bleeding out not too long ago, so I'm sticking with him in hopes that I can return the favor."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Blooddrop gave Silvermind a quick look ever, and noticed that he was unarmed.


Blooddrop: "What kind of pony goes into the badlands without a gun? Your lucky you had someone with you, or you'll be dead right now." Blooddrop gave him a smile, trying to act as nice as possible. "I jest, Welcome to Evergreen City, a refuge for all that is rejected by society across the Wastes. You have the look of a pony from Tenpony towers out east. It's rare to see your kind around hear. Stay close to us while you are hear. I won't kill you, but no guaranty from Raiders that are not In my gang. Let's go to my home. I'll fix you both something to eat." Blooddrop trotted off in the direction of her home.


"Ain't she great? No need to be nervous. Half this place bends to her will and the other half stay clear of her territory. He gang have a white symbol on their shoulder of an Albino Radscorpion. Nasty creatures. They will treat you like a brother. Come on, I don't like being outside with my stealth buck off for too long. I feel like I have a big target on my head. It's not nice."


Wade too began to walk in the direction of Blooddrop's home, catching up with her ahead if Silvermind.


Blooddrop: "I don't like that Silver guy, you can never trust those stuck up Tenpony types. But I'm glad you're here." She leaned over and gave him a small kiss.


Wade: "It's good to see you again to. And you can trust Silver. A Tenpony pony would not have done what he has done. Go outside."


Blooddrop: "I don't like it. But if you day you trust him, I guess I have to trust him to."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Rave walked over to big pony wearing heavy armor, named Bragus who was the slave overseer. "I heard there was some problem with the slaves during the short battle". "Ay, somehow the slaves heard about Rangers attacking. Some of them tried to revolt". "You dealt with it?". "Ay, we killed four, the rest, 8 ponies, surrendered". "Any damage?". "None". Rave thought for a while, eyeing the 8 ponies that's heads were being forced to the ground. "These slave revolts are starting to get annoying. We have to set an example. LASHER?". Lasher walked over to Rave. "Use your whip and lash the smallest one". Lasher started to drag the small one from the other 7 ponies. He bound him to a pole in the ground in front of the other slaves that had not revolted. He started lashing at him. "What of the others?". Kill them and skin them. Put their hides on the walls as a warning. Crucify the bodies. That should make slaves think twice before revolting". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"From what you are telling me, this could be more of a problem again. I knew this area help powerful ponies, but not these guys. We need to cover more ground but we lack the troops, and we are short on volunteers for training. With the power we have we could safely manage two citadels and still have enough troops for an assult. Never mind. I have a plan. Time to test some new technology we have created."


Star: "Sir, do you mean the agility armour. Last time we tested that, a pony broke every bone in his body. I don't think it's ready for field testing just yet."


Elder Iron Mane: "Has it passed safety tests?"


Star: "Yes but-"


Elder Iron Mane: "No buts. Get the troops into their armour and get the practicing their movement. I need them ready on three days."


Star: "Yes sir."


Iron Mane: "Your time is up Slavers, the new order begins on your corpses."

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Rave kept a zebra skin from one of the slaves. He tried it on. "Hehe. Even though they are monsters, at least there hide can keep one warm. But I think this fits more as a carpet". He laid the zebra skin on the ground. "Fine decoration. Very comfy" Rave chuckled. Lasher stepped inside the tent. "Sir?". "What?". "Poindexter has managed to create a sort of an air defense". "What? How?" "By using materials from the Vertibirds we captured. We had to dismantle one completely. He managed to create some turrets, however, they aint exactly accurate. But we have enough ammunition to keep on firing. Then we also have rocket launchers and other missiles". "How many turrets did he manage to create?". "Only three". "Well, that is at least something. But I don't think that we can improve our defenses any more now. Except for putting mines. I've sent some slavers to place mines around the walls. Also I had them put some 'special' mines around the gate. Special mines that were specifically improved to work on Steel Rangers" Rave grinned. Rave then looked at Lasher with concern. "Any word from Lena and her griffin merc army?". "None". "I guess we are on our own now" Rave said grimly.

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Elegron has just finished off the last of the small raider pack that had attacked him. He continued on his way north until he saw some sort of commotion up ahead. Putting up his ward, and readying his .44 magnum and got closer to investigate. Upon closer inspection, he saw it was a heavily fortified base. "i probably shouldnt run in there guns blazing. I plan to at least live to 20" "wait... whats that over there?" He saw the glint of a power armor helmet, and decided to lay low and investigate, as it didnt look as dangerous. He walks up to the nearest soldier and asks "um... whats going on over here?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Elegron has just finished off the last of the small raider pack that had attacked him. He continued on his way north until he saw some sort of commotion up ahead. Putting up his ward, and readying his .44 magnum and got closer to investigate. Upon closer inspection, he saw it was a heavily fortified base. "i probably shouldnt run in there guns blazing. I plan to at least live to 20" "wait... whats that over there?" He saw the glint of a power armor helmet, and decided to lay low and investigate, as it didnt look as dangerous. He walks up to the nearest soldier and asks "um... whats going on over here?"


The Iron Warrior turned to see a Stable dweller in front of him. This was quite a surprise. "What are you doing outside of your Stable? This place is dangerous and extremely hostile to everything. Especially your kind. Why don't you go and crawl back into that safe house you dragged yourself out of. You won't even last a month up here." The Warrior laughed at the Stable Dweller and started to walk away.

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Ebony looked about the badlands, the one place she didn't want to be. "How the hell did I get here?" She looked over her map and groaned. "Gah... took a wrong road back the second crossroads." She sighed and turned around, only to see the barrel of an energy weapon. "You are a high value bounty by the Brotherhood of Steel. Dead or alive." Ebony looked at her options and decided that she'd do what she always does, kill someone.


She bowed her head to assume capture, as the Star paladin went to put the shackles on, she stabbed him through a small gap between his head and torso. It wasn't an ordinary knife, it had a bottlecap mine attached. "If I were you, I'd just shoot first and then capture me." She whispered to him. In an act of pure spite the paladin dived at her to get her caught in the explosion. The explosion was pretty large, even for a bottlecap mine, and sent bits of the paladin everywhere, Ebony however landed into a crag with a sickening crunch, she looked herself over to see what happened and saw she was actually impaled into a few stalagmites through her back legs.


She didn't have to time to cry out in fear as she spotted in the corner of her eye a wild deathclaw wandering about. "Oh no..." She looked about hoping it didn't see her as attempted to remove herself from the rock. at this point she realized she was more than likely going to remain crippled for a long time. Her saddlebag fell off in her struggling and a syringe rolled out. She had a plan and she  hated it. She looked at her legs, whimpered a  little and set a mine underneath them. "No better way to test than a field test..." She closed her eyes as hard as physically possible. The explosion threw her across the chamber and she could hear action going on below as she crawled slowly to her saddlebags, leaving a long trail of tears and blood. She managed to reach the syringe, injected herself a few seconds later she blacked out, wandering whether the paladin was alone, or if he had a squad waiting for her or whether a deathclaw was going to rip her apart.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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An explosion rocked the Badlands as Silvermind walked towards Blooddrop's dwelling. In a fit of naive stupidity, Silvermind left Wade and Blooddrop and tracked it down, in case a pony was hurt. The source of the sound wasn't too far away, and he found a pony laid out on the ground with her legs half-blown off.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. He looked around for any people who might have attacked this pony. After all, it generally wasn't a good idea to patch up someone who had been attacked by a raider if the raider was still there. However, no such ponies were to be seen. Silvermind injected the pony with a drug to slow her flow of blood, then picked her up and started carrying her back to Wade.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Two Raiders riding Albino Radscorpions where on patrol in the outskirts of the city, and on the way to investigate the explosion. They spotted Stallion carrying and bloody pony who was missing a leg.


Raid Rider: "That's that pony that came in with Blooddrop's Cyborg friend correct?"


Raid Captain: "Correct. Get on his side. I think we should question him."


The raiders pulled up alongside Silvermind and began walking with him.


Raid Captain: "You, pony. What has happened here? And who is that Mare you are carrying?"

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Silvermind eyed the ponies carefully. He didn't trust them one bit. Still, he was in no position to deny their questions.

"I was walking along when I heard an explosion. I found this mare here with her leg blown off, and now I'm taking her to my home where I can hopefully patch her up."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Are they ready?" Rave asked one of the former Boomers, a gray pony named Nytro. "It sure is. We've put them on the slaves". "Tell me more about them". "Well it is quite simple. The slave collars will ensure that the slaves won't escape nor be rescued. If somebody tries to take it off, BOOM and their heads go rolling off. Don't worry. It is not a big explosion. Just enough to rip their heads off and sending it flying into the air". "Any way to remove the slave collar without using your key?". "Not unless they are a very very skilled at lock picking and also good with explosives. Oh, by the way, here are the keys to the collars. It is best that you keep them until we have to transport the slaves to the Happy Smiles Caravan". "Got it. Anything else?". "The bomb detonator" Nytro handed the detonator to Rave. Rave really wanted to press the button just to see the heads go flying, but managed to restrain himself. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Silvermind eyed the ponies carefully. He didn't trust them one bit. Still, he was in no position to deny their questions.

"I was walking along when I heard an explosion. I found this mare here with her leg blown off, and now I'm taking her to my home where I can hopefully patch her up."

Raid Captain: "Very well then, don't let us keep you any longer." The two Raid Riders turned their Albino Radscorpion away and continued to patrol the city.




Wade: "You have a very nice home Blooddrop, and you lead the only gang who can tame and ride the beasts of the wastes. I'm impressed on how far you have come in the last 3."


Blooddrop: "I know. A lot has happened since you last came down this way. And all of it benefits me. I mean just look around. I control the most powerful gang in the badlands, heck maybe even the entire wastes. I get to live on a great home and essentially control a city." Wade out his arms around Blooddrop, hugging her from behind, and gently playing with her ears. "This power also brings fear. Those who oppose me are scared of me, and those that follow me will do so to hell and back for the respect they have for me. I love my life, but it a missing one very special thing." She turned around and gave Wade a long kiss. "Or should I say someone."


Wade: "I've missed you so much. Ever since I had to leave, I've been aching to see you again. And now I finally have the chance. I wish this was a social call, but I'm here on business unfortunately."


She stopped Wade with another kiss. "Not another word of this business until after we have eaten. I've got your favourite dish cooking, and a vegetarian salad for Silvermind, all fresh from the farm in the north part of town. Speaking of Silvermind, where is he?"

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Since there was no reason for him to stay outside any longer, Silvermind chose that moment to enter Blooddrop's house.

"Hello, Wade," he greeted. "Blooddrop," he added, nodding at her.

"I found a pony with one of her legs blown off. Since I can sympathize with her, I decided I may as well patch her up. At any rate, we're not in a hurry, since I gave her a drug to stop her from bleeding out. We'll be good for at least 5 hours. That being said, the sooner I can operate, the better.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Since there was no reason for him to stay in outside any longer, Silvermind chose that moment to enter Blooddrop's house.

"Hello, Wade," he greeted. "Blooddrop," he added, nodding at her.

"I found a pony with one of her legs blown off. Since I can sympathize with her, I decided I may as well patch her up. At any rate, we're not in a hurry, since I gave her a drug to stop her from bleeding out. We'll be good for at least 5 hours. That being said, the sooner I can operate, the better.

Blooddrop: "Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Their is a doctor's office just down the street. They have plenty of medical equipment you can use."


Wade: "Wait a minute." Wade got a close look at the mares face. His eyes widened when he recognised who she was. "You're taking a big risk with this operation. I hope that the cards play our well for you. Be careful when you revive her, she is not the kind of pony who likes to be restrained or one who would be surrounded by Raiders. Again, be safe. Your putting yourself in as much trouble and danger as I put myself in. You remind myself of a younger me. Not sure if that's a good thing."


Blooddrop: "Make sure to stop back here later. I was making you some food, but I can keep it chilled until your done."

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"Alright," replied Silvermind. "I'll be back in a few hours."


He headed down to the doctor's office. For a small fee, they allowed him to use one of their operating tables and equipment. Silvermind quickly got to work.


(three hours pass)


With the surgery complete but the patient still unconscious, Silvermind returned to Blooddrop's abode.

"Well," started Silvermind. "That went well." Silvermind set the pony down on the floor. "Could I have that food now, Blooddrop?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Rave walked around in circles inside his tent. He was alone, although the griffin mercs stood outside his tent, guarding. "If only get my hands on one, just one. I'll become the most powerful force in all of the Wasteland. Nothing would stop me. I just need a location and I will sacrifice as many ponies as I can to get my hands on it. 'Project Hellfire' must be completed. It must be fulfilled. The Wasteland must burn" Rave's eyes were twitching. "If Iron Mane defeats us, nothing except the Happy Smiles Caravan will be able to stop them. They would probably target that disgusting raider city in the badlands next. Ir---" Rave stopped, thinking deeply. Then he smiled. "Even though the raiders posses shit equipment, they do have the numbers. Not that mine aint growing, but at the moment, they are the largest. If I could somehow convince Iron Mane, that the raiders are more dangerous, which they are since you can't trust a raider. If there is anyponies that everypony hates, then it is the raiders. It would certainly increase his fame if he were to take out a raider city. Even though it would benefit him, it would also benefit me personally". 

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"Alright," replied Silvermind. "I'll be back in a few hours."


He headed down to the doctor's office. For a small fee, they allowed him to use one of their operating tables and equipment. Silvermind quickly got to work.


(three hours pass)


With the surgery complete but the patient still unconscious, Silvermind returned to Blooddrop's abode.

"Well," started Silvermind. "That went well." Silvermind set the pony down on the floor. "Could I have that food now, Blooddrop?"

Blooddrop came out of the bedroom with her mane in a bit of a mess, and froze when she saw Silvermind. "Oh, I wish you didn't see me in this state. This is kind of embarrassing. Erm... your food is in the fridge, should be cold. I didn't know what you like so I just made a Salad out of what I could find. Vegetarian of course. I don't take you for the kind of pony that would eat meat. Wade and I have already eaten so I hope you enjoy it."

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"Thank you kindly. And I don't mind your appearance. In this hellhole of sinners, who am I to judge?" Silvermind walked over to the fridge, got his salad, sat down, and started eating.

"So Wade," questioned Silvermind. "Who's the pony I patched up? You seemed to know her."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Thank you kindly. And I don't mind your appearance. In this hellhole of sinners, who am I to judge?" Silvermind walked over to the fridge, got his salad, sat down, and started eating.

"So Wade," questioned Silvermind. "Who's the pony I patched up? You seemed to know her."

"Someone dangerous, someone deadly. I know very little of who they are, but what I do know makes me slightly worried about her waking up. Well, for you at least." Wade was trying every way possible to avoid mentioning the fact that he and the mare where the ones who infiltrates and aided in the destruction of the base that nearly killed him. His efforts made what little flesh he had left on his face blush red and to start twitching his hands a little.


Blooddrop: "You're twitching. And you've gone red. What aren't you telling us?"


Wade: "Some things are just best left unspoken. This is one of these things."

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Elegron picked the lock and walked into the house. Shortly after, he realised, it wasnt as abandoned as he had thought. he stared down the three ponies inside (what is up with that ponies mane?). "GACK! i uhh... umm... *ahem* Im sorry i thought this place was abandoned. I dont want to fight. at least, not with you. the thing is, i saw a very large building a while back, and what looked like slavers! but theres too many to handle. i dont know if you could.... nevermind, im sorry, i cant ask that of you. its not really my business anyway... look, ill be on my way... although... i havent seen any ponies who havent killed me on sight yet. this may be a bit to ask but, could i possibly stay with you 3? you seem nice." Elegron kept his ward up and .44 close just incase, hoping he would not need to use it.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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