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I left a request, but I'm not sure if you got the notification for it... so can you look for it? 

I didn't get a notification for that, but I did for this, and I see it, just working my way through the requests lol 

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That's a pretty good picture. Thank you. You know, that was my ponified hairstyle when I was creating my picture. 


Can I please be granted permission to save the picture you drew as a keeper? I'll promise to credit you when I saved it.

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the show globe you linked actually didn't look too bad as a cutie mark lol, but if you want anything changed, give me a holler.  :)



Wow. That's awesome! Haha. The show globe did turn out better than I was expecting it too. :o. Thanks! <3


I hate to ask but I did find a base that I thought would fit Bittersweet rather well. 

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/061/6/b/but___i____unicorn_base_by_riakapepsipony-d5wqibm.png (Base)


If you'd have the time to do one on that base I'd be much appreciative. No need to rush, though.. <3

Thanks again for the awesome drawing of Bittersweet. I love it! <3

Edited by FirstPonySpectre
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Can I ask why Moonlit's mane looks very choppy compared to Fluttershy's mane? 


The curving part on his mane was not the most fun to work with, I can fix it if you'd like. 

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Go ahead and leave the request. :)


Name: Lanix (that's la then nix as in nixon.)

Race: zebra

Sex: stallion

Coat: Black and white stripes

Mane: Black and white striped. Short mohawk.

Eyes: Golden eyes (like Derpy's)

Cutie mark: http://www.siliconafrica.com/wp-content/themes/directorypress/thumbs//mpua_lg.gif

Pose: Looking into an empty crate. Front hooves on the lid.

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It feels like as if going battle and feeling out the

foe given her look and body lingo!


I love it!

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