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searching The Middle Of Nowhere In Particular


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"Dear ____, you have been selected to join us in our plight to find an answer of 
nothing in particular... Now, no need to worry. You will be paid in full by the end
of the test. 10,000 bits for you all.

That's if you make it.
Meet us here if you agree to help us:

467 Cherry Road


The Team"

You were very reluctant to follow these unknown ponies, in their
mysterious quest. But being you, curiosity overtook you to the point where you thought you might go insane if you didn't see what they meant...

So, you found yourself running to a street in which you had never heard of, to meet people you don't know.

Crazy right?

But nothing is as it seems, as you round the corner to Cherry Road, it's just a dirt track leading deeper into the brush of the unknown.
You finally make it to what seems to be a broken down ware house, and you nudge open the doors into a dimly lit room.

"Hello?" You call out..

That is the last thing you remember before seeing nothing and feeling everything around you warp and change shape.

The Place

You wake up in a tent, not knowing where you are or who you are, just your name (Maze Runner Reference :P), you don't remember anything about where you came, who your friends are, your enemies, your love, or your family.

You'll just have to figure all of those things out once again, except this time. With new people.


You have woken up to find you are stranded in the middle of the jungle, in a lone camp, many tents dotted all over the place, all holding a different pony inside, in the exact same situation as you. You must now learn how to survive in a harsh world full of monstrous and horrid creatures. You must learn who will be your friends, your enemies and possibly, who your love will be.



1) Do NOT 
God Mod other OC's

2) Do not Powerplay.

3) OP OC's (Metagame) will NOT be tolerated. Your OC MUST have some form of weakness or crippling fear.
E.g. My OC that I will be using, has mild Claustrophobia, and will become weak when he is trapped inside a small space.

   4) No excessive language. You ARE allowed to cuss, but excessive amounts of profane language will NOT be tolerated.

5) No detailed sexual interactions other than kissing, nuzzling, hugging, etc. You know what I mean when I say no sexual interactions. You MAY 
say things that can relate to sexual interactions, but nothing detailed. E.g. "I spent the night at ______'s." I repeat NO detail.

6) This may sound very serious, but just chill out and enjoy yourself! 

7) Remember, your OC and his/her feelings are yours to control! You may crush on other ponies (and if you have permission and the other is okay with it you may have relationships.) and you may hate other ponies, and you may start fights with other ponies, as long as you have permission from them.

There are MANY MANY spots available for this RP, so don't be afraid to try out! (More may open in the future, Maze Runner Style.)

Here's what we have so far:

Lightning - Me
Wolf - Royal Blue Jay
Rising Shine - Rising Shine
Lordy Snow - Lordav
Amber Dust - AmberDust
Overdrive - Overdrive
Synth-Star - Child Of The Night
Ice Blizzard - IceBlizzard
*NOTE: MORE SPOTS MAY OPEN IF THIS RP BECOMES SUCCESSFUL, IN THE WAY MAZE RUNNER WORKS (More people wake up and have no idea what's happening, and other seasoned ponies can help them out.)


(Sorry if this is not worded well at the moment, I'm really tired :P)


Edited by Lightning


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I would try it with my OC Rising. He is not a fighter and is not the courages one, when it's not too important, so he sure has several fears XD

Accepted! If that was even an application. :P it's 12 at night and I can't even tell the difference!

  • Brohoof 1


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Accepted! If that was even an application. :P it's 12 at night and I can't even tell the difference!

Yay^^ Mayby this becomes my first group RP, that doesn't end in nowwhere XD

Edited by Rising Shine
  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Well the two Rps im in are pretty slow so i gess... another wont hurt now would it...


here's me entery: Lordy Snow ( He's a unicorn that cant do agic... and pretty weak =P)




that doesn't end in nowwhere XD

What do u mean... Isnt it called"The Middle of Nowhere" :P  

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Well the two Rps im in are pretty slow so i gess... another wont hurt now would it...


here's me entery: Lordy Snow ( He's a unicorn that cant do agic... and pretty weak =P)




What do u mean  mean... Isnt it called"The Middle of Nowhere" :P  

Accepted! Feel free to post in the RP section linked near the start of the OOC thread^^^





Okay, the RP isn't gaining people fast and it will soon just be a thing we all signed up for and nothing happened XD


So I am going to continue the RP with the people we have now and overtime hopefully we can get a few to join in!



Feel free to post further RP in the Thread. 

Edited by Forest
  • Brohoof 1


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We are all in the same place, so I would see you(Forest) panicking right now, or?

That's your choice.


You can choose to interact with the panic attack, or you can choose to "not see" it and have your own thoughts on where you are. :)


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Is it too late to join? :) If not, my OC is in my signature. She's a curious, courageous pony with an adventurous spirit and a talent for filling others with hope. She doesn't like to be unprepared, and she isn't very trusting of others if she senses malice in them. (So she's kind of suspicious of others at times, I guess.)

I've never read maze runner, but I'm interested in this RP, if you aren't already too far into it.

(Also, does a pony need to rediscover their cutie mark, or will it stay?)

I can answer any question you might have regarding my OC. (Skills, fears, etc.)

Edited by AmberDust
  • Brohoof 1

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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You say there's an open spot, eh?


I'm game. I bet my OC, Overdrive would fit right in.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Currently no, because being able to use them would currently get you out of the jungle too fast :P











at least not yet






Alright. Tell us when we're allowed to use bits of it again.

(I think Amber opened the zipper with magic--sorry.)


As Overdrive continued to follow the sound of ponies in agony, he began to think about his crippled wings. Something just doesn't seem right about this. I have a sick feeling in my stomach. He shook his head, thinking about what he could come to expect. There wasn't a sense of confusion clouding his thought pattern, but rather a sense of fear.


As the woods began to break and open up, a large clearing became visible in the distance. The clearing was full of tents, each marked by blood. "What the...?" he questioned, confused and uneasy by the scene unfolding in front of him.


Ponies of all ages, sizes, genders and races were sprawled out in different areas of the camp. Each afflicted by one illness or another, yet one thing appeared uniform throughout: it seemed as if all were suffering from a bout of amnesia. He thought to himself I can't say I recognize any of these ponies. I don't even know where I am right now. The sooner I act, the sooner I can begin finding answers.


Overdrive worked his way around the camp, asking other ponies if they knew anything. Each time, the same response: "I'm sorry, but I have no idea either. I don't even know my own name." As he finished his quest for knowledge, he came upon a final group of ponies, one of which suffered a gash of some sort. As he approached, Overdrive spoke, "Hello there. You wouldn't happen to know what's going on, do you?"




Hey, DM, I think we need to clear some things up here. :/


Do Pegasus wings physically break, or just lose their magic? (I'm guessing it's the second option, but somepony already said their wings fractured mysteriously.) Also, are the tents bloodied? There are some major assumptions going on in the RP thread. ^^ I just want to make sure we're all on the same page.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Technically, there's "something" preventing pegasi from using their wings and unicorns from using magic. Overdrive's wings are crippled both physically and unable to move to begin with, because of this "something."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Alright. Here I'm going to explain all of the confusion. 



Alright. Tell us when we're allowed to use bits of it again.
(I think Amber opened the zipper with magic--sorry.)




Hey, DM, I think we need to clear some things up here. :/


Do Pegasus wings physically break, or just lose their magic? (I'm guessing it's the second option, but somepony already said their wings fractured mysteriously.) Also, are the tents bloodied? There are some major assumptions going on in the RP thread. ^^ I just want to make sure we're all on the same page.


Pegasi wings do not physically break, but lose their magic as you mentioned. Pegasus can move their wings around, but they cannot take of in flight.

Unicorns may only use magic when doing something small, AKA, holding a torch, reading something, eating, or lifting tiny things. So unzipping the tent was allowed. And when will they be able to use bits of large magic? When fueled by something. Rage, Depression, Joy, etc. It may sound very confusing but as I mentioned it is extremely experimental, and since this kind of RP hasn't been done in a while it can be very difficult to set the rules in stone.

And yes, you do wake with the only memory in which being your name.


Technically, there's "something" preventing pegasi from using their wings and unicorns from using magic. Overdrive's wings are crippled both physically and unable to move to begin with, because of this "something."

Pegasi are able to move their wings, but not take off. You can maneuver  wings to fit into spaces, open doors, hold things, but not take off in flight. AKA They've lost their magic. 

And also something I think everyone is confused by, is in the sentence you wrote that there were many ponies off all ages writhing in agony in the jungle, and that you woke up and packed your saddle bags.

1) There are no other ponies in the Jungle than the specific pony circle, so in which you wrote the sentence is quite wrong, I'm sorry if that's a little rude.

2) You wake up with nothing, you only know your name, so when you say your packed your saddle bags, that's not possible since you don't have anything to pack.

I hope I cleared some confusion up here, if you have any more questions feel free to PM me about them.

Edited by Lightning


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Hello, I was reading through your rp and I was wondering if I may take one of the still open spots. The oc I would be using can be found here: synth-star


Now I actually need to mend this character a bit as it was built for a specific roleplay.

  • She does not have her memory loss like in the backstory
  • She has an irrational fear of fire and will stay as far away as possible
  • Her healing skills is not necessarily magic aided and thus if the right herbs are around she can work wonders however it is severely worse then with magic

(please alert me to any required changes)


Edit: The reason my memory is normal in this is because we wake up with nothing and that would entirely break her as she has to have a book and quill for her memory loss.

Edited by child of the night



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