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open A.R.E.A 51 (Supernatural/Battle/Slice of Life) Roleplay


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Charles thought for a moment. "Speaking of gifts, what's your stance on love? If I remember right my last gift was from my ex." He said as he held up his right hand On his right pointer/trigger finger he had a silver band ring. "Is that big bear sized bloke who was pointin' a rifle at me earlier your special somebody?" He asked with a grin. 

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"Who, Zac? While that would bring about huge strides in human-dragon relations, no. He's my mentor, and caretaker. Or was before I was old enough to take care of myself. Now he's a friend and a teacher." She tosses a glance his way, checking out his ring, before turning back to the TV. "So why'd you keep it?"

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"Ah, I see, a dragon too. I haven't had too many interactions with the scalies but they're always fun when I do." He commented before looking at his ring and thinking. It was a fair sized signet style silver ring with diamonds encrusted in the front of it. "If it was two fingers down it would make more sense to take it off. But we were never engaged or anything. It's more or less just a good luck charm for my shootin' finger. She was quite wealthy, so a ring wasn't that big of a deal by a long shot. I still have fond memories of her, and our breakup have been worse. So it... just made sense to keep it on I guess." He explained with a shrug. Charles's clothes seemed to have a hint of flashiness. Besides the silver ring, he wore a expensive looking all silver chronograph with a white dial on his left wrist, a twenty two inch silver necklace, and even his silver sunglasses didn't look cheap by any stretch.

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Auria blushed a bit when Masun placed his hand on her ever so gently. She stood there as she watched him leaving her room. She was aware that the group is supposed to go nocturnal, but she didn't know what she could do to pass the time. Auria let out a yawn before heading out of her room to join up with the others. As she approached Sam and Charles, she noticed Masun sitting away from where they were. Auria sat down beside Sam and said "Hey."

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"Yo. We're discussing nik-naks and collectables. And I was about to ask Chuck here why he has so many expensive items on his person. Especially since they csn break, get lost, or get stolen." She turned and looked at Charles expectantly, levitating another pop from the fridge.

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"Hmm.." Auria looked at Charles from top to bottom, examining every single piece of accessory he had on him that was visible to her. "Everyone likes to look cool or fancy. Besides, wouldn't it be pointless to leave it in a safe place where no one can see them?" She commented.

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"Well I'd consider myself a smart enough enough bloke to not lose or break solid metal. It would be near impossible for some mongrel to be able to pull the wool over my eyes and steal something from me." He said as he leaned over to Sam and grabbed onto his knife. "And if I caught them, I'd skin them." Charles said as a scare tactic with a serious face before breaking into a laugh and leaning back. "And what's the point of getting the watch if I don't plan to wear it on my wrist to tell me the bloody time? Or a good luck ringeymajiggey if I don't wear it for good luck? And I'm not loaded top to bottom with jewels like some show pony. So I don't think a few trinkets is that big of a deal." He finished.

Charles took a sip of his drink and looked over to Masun. "What about you Matchstick Murray? I don't suppose you got any long lost loves, eh?" He asked.

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The whetstone glided over the edge of the blade, as if to attempt to hone its already perfect edge. Masun began to get in a rhythm with the stone, speeding up ever so slightly every time relationships were mentioned. Finally, Charles asked Masun the question about relationships, and Masun was starting to go so fast that the stone began smoking, until the stone shattered under the strength of Masun's grip, and he ended up cutting his hand to the bone across the palm because the stone was no longer there. "ITAI!" Masun exclaimed, withdrawing his hand to examine it. The cut was so deep that a few of the drops of blood managed to make it on the coffee table, despite the blood that was still on his hand receding back into the cut due to his healing factor.

Masun took a few of the cleaning cloths and cleaned up the small puddle of blood, balling up the tissues and leaving them on the corner of the table. Masun realized that the whole room was looking at him now, waiting for his response. "I- Uh. I'd rather not talk about that subject" Masun replied as he began to reconstruct his sword, placing the tang through the tsuba and then the tang into the hilt. He then put the pins back into the hilt which went through the holes in the wood and the tang in the metal underneath to bind the hilt to the blade. He then placed the sword back into it's sheath which then immediately dematerialized into black smoke.

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Charles waited for Masun to finish cleaning the blood before continuing. "Oh come on mate, you're like a thousand years old, you gotta have at least one wild crazy experience with the ladies for us... or the gentlemen if that's your thing." He pried with a grin. 

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"Dude, drop it. Boundary lines are different for different people. Think about for a moment. One, he drinks plenty. His body might heal it right up, but the smell klings to the body. As my dad use to say, the only sober man is God. He would then take a swig and try to find the answer to his problems in a bottle. Two, how many bajillion-year olds do you know that haven't developed a sort of sad, apethetic, or superiority view on mortals? And how many of those people can hide it all the time? How much of your s*** has he taken? And you're still alive. Lastly, how much has Masun talked to anyone beyond the practicality of his station? Minimally. He's not naturally chatty. So what in the name of the Eternal Nightmare are you doing pestering him about relationships right after he broke his sword over said topic?" She says this with a sort of bored tone. She was beginning to look pretty tired.

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Masun appreciated what Sam was trying to do for him, but it wasn't necessary. "My sword is fine, I just shattered the whetstone that I was sharpening it with, that's all." Masun said, with a sigh. "And since I don't believe in a god, I guess that would mean no one is sober, right?" Masun took a swig from his flask. He extended his hand and summoned his blade once more and held it by the scabbard out in front of him showing everyone in the group. 

"This is my blade, Haruki, but it wasn't always mine even though I was the one who forged it about 700 years ago. I used to run a smithy in a little village of Izu. I spent all of my time at my smithy, I was a master at black smithing, so I was spending the majority of my time perfecting my craft. You can imagine that living the way I did, I didn't interact with very many people, let alone females." Masun took a moment to sip from his flask  "But there was one, she was the daughter of the Master of Izu's Kenjutsu dojo. Every so often her father would send her down to do business with me. She would come down to my shop and either request repairs for some chipped katana, or buy full swords that I had crafted. The first time our eyes greeted each other's I knew I was feeling love." Again he sipped more rum from his flask  "I noticed as often as she came down, she didn't have a sword of her own. She talked about her father's dojo often, but never spoke about training herself. So I brought it up to her one day, she said that her father refused to train her because she was a female, and the dojo was no place for a woman. You might have noticed her name was Haruki, believe it or not, that is a male name. Haruhi is the female form of Haruki. She said that her father wanted a boy and was very disappointed that he got a girl. But she said that even though he never taught her, during the night she would sometimes slip out of the house and train with one of the swords they had on their wall in the dojo. But she said that she stopped doing that because her father had caught her during one of these late night training session, and beat her." Masun paused to clear his throat. "So one day, I had the idea to forge her a katana as a gift, and I would give it to her as a proposal gift. I finished it that night, and was going to give it to her the next day, but I didn't expect what happened the next day to happen. You see, during this time, the emperor of Japan had just recently been overthrown. The previous emperor was not a bad emperor, in fact he was revered for his benevolence. Some saw this as a weakness and overthrew his empire, and took it over for themselves. The new emperor was a megalomaniac, and began to build up a large standing army. The emperor knew about my forge, and how high quality my blades were and sent a few samurai to my shop to try and convince me to only forge swords for his empire. I refused. Fast forward to the day after I finished the blade that I am holding in my hands right now. This was probably a month or two after I refused to forge exclusively for the emperor. Haruki shows up at my smithy, which is actually where I lived, very early in the morning. She tells me that my parents have been executed by the emperor as a show of force to those who dare oppose the new empire. I flew into a rage, and became consumed with revenge. The next evening I was drunk on sake, and decided to go for a walk. I ended up at this shrine in the mountains. I was so desperate that I prayed to the shrine for revenge. Instead of being answered by a god, I was answered by a ronin who lived up at that shrine. The ronin told me he could give me the power for revenge, all I would need to do is be turned into a vampire by him. I was so consumed by rage and revenge, that I didn't even hesitate. After the ceremony, I blacked out, and woke up, maybe the next day, maybe a week from when it happened. All I know is that it was a full moon when I woke again. I could feel the vampiric energy flowing through me. So I ran with supernatural speed back to my smithy looking for a sword I could use to exact my revenge. Because I want to spend time making a new blade, I grabbed the one I made for Haruki. I sieged the castle, and slew the emperor and all of the forces who didn't immediately surrender, which was most of them. I found the previous emperor in the dungeon and released him that he be reinstated as the emperor. It was still night time when I made it back to my place. I was cleaning the blade of the blood when Haruki showed up. She confessed she had feelings for me, and I showed her the blade that I made for her and told her it was to propose to her. She immediately accepted, and we spent the night together. It was early morning when I woke to the sound of an intruder downstairs in the smithy part of my house. I told Haruki to stay in bed and I went to investigate. It was the ronin who made me a vampire. I asked him what he was doing in my house and he laughed and said 'I have allowed you your vengeance, but now your life is mine, as you shall forever be my servant. You will forge blades for me and only me, and I will rule Japan for all eternity.' When I refused, the power of the Master/Servant contract that is formed when a vampire makes another vampire caused me intense pain. Haruki heard my cry out and came downstairs with her katana. The ronin disarmed her and gave the katana to me. He told me to kill her, and when I refused I fell to my knees in pain. Haruki realized what was happening, and to save me from the pain she grabbed the tip of the sword and ran herself through on it. With her dying breath she told me that she just wanted to see the sunrise one time with me by her side. I slid open the rice paper door right as the sun began rising and she died in my arms. The ronin was behind us, watching the whole thing with a sadistic expression. I pulled the katana from Haruki and ran at the ronin. He tried to command me to stop, but the sunlight that was flooding in from the open door weakened us. This caught him off guard and I slew him right then and there. I named this blade after her and have carried it with me through the ages." Masun finished the story and took a big gulp out of his flask, finishing the run that was in his flask as well. Masun released the Haruki and the blade dissipated. Masun hovered his hand over the cleaning supplies he brought with him that were resting on the coffee table. Shadows began to weave themselves into around the supplies, forming a shadow bag again. He picked up the bag of supplies and placed them on the couch next to him.

"So there you have it, Charles. That is the only time I have felt love before. I have had plenty of one night stands since then. It's an excellent way to get blood from sleeping women. Being a vampire has its perks, I can't get human diseases. So sexual promiscuity isn't a problem for me." Masun ended.

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Charles seemed to keep a rather straight face, oddly not showing really any reaction at all to what Masun said. However, he did stop spinning the remote around in his hand while Masun spoke. Signifying that he was registering it in some way. "Well it might of been a little more wild and crazy than I had hoped. Also a tad more depressin' too." He finally spoke. "But that's love for ya. Relying on something that's not only very fragile but also irreplaceable tends to end in the opposite way you want. Not to mention there is always the chance that they go against you." Charles explained as he pulled out his gun. "Weapons are a lot more trustworthy then people, they do what you want, they're hard to break, and you can replace them." He said with a grin before holstering it. "But of course there are some things a gun or a sword can't provide."


"I suppose I misspoke when I said love. I was more asking if you had any interesting stories about gals in general. For instance, my ex used to throw kitchen knives at me if I was late to her place. Really good way to get your heart rate up if you're a thrill seeker like me." He said as he gave two thumbs up.   

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For someone who has never really been in a relationship, she found his story quite intriguing, but also saddening. Auria has been avoiding any chances of getting into a relationship, and for good reason. 'It's just simply too much work and no one would ever fall in love with someone like me..' She thought to herself.

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As he took his first step outside, for the first time in the past five hundred years, the moon illuminated his figure. Beaten and battered, he ran through the streets. The mansion that had been on the hill behind him, which had been standing there since the pioneering of the west, was finally crumbling. Franky was bleeding and had a limp, but he still ran. He ran, for his life depended on it. However there were two figures leaving the burning wreckage. The second shadow leisurely followed Franky.


Several days later...


"Anything you can spare." said a homeless man along the side of the streets of Hollywood.


The homeless man was none other than Franky, the multi-billionaire. Franky didn't need any money, but was rather doing this to blend in. His accounts would be too dangerous to access right now. He didn't want his location to be found. Franky swore under his breath when someone would insult him. But he put up with it, because if he didn't, he could very well be killed. What angered him the most about his situation, was that he did not know who had tried to kill him!


He had collected a lot of cans today, and had felt especially proud of his ability to adapt to any situation. As he was jingling a pouch full of quarters, he noticed two people going into an alley. He could tell that the lady was about to be attacked, and he followed for a good show. Franky isn't a pervert, and he wasn't getting off to other people's misfortune. He was intrigued because after spending so much time learning about everything, he had neglected the human race. He spent a lot of time recently getting to know people's behaviors. After a few minutes of the two fondling, he was growing bored and was about to leave, when suddenly a third person walked into the alley. The third person seemed to know the man, and now the ratio was two guys and one girl. Things looked bad for her, and Franky decided to stay. 


The situation took a grisly turn. Blood and guts everywhere. The entire alleyway was devoid of life now, however one person remain in the area where it looked like a beast had attacked: the woman. Franky went over the events that just took place, so that he could better understand what happened. The first male had started to get aggressive when his friend had showed up, and the lady had started to feel uncomfortable. She started to try leaving, only to be pinned against the wall by the second man. Now, maybe other people would have stepped in, Franky didn't move an inch. Franky had learned so much, but he had never learned how to fight. The males turned to each other, and started to laugh. When the men took their eyes off the woman, something incredible happened. Her head turned into a snake, and she started to grow. The men turned their attention back, only to find the beautiful woman, was now replaced with a snake that towered above them at a startling nine feet tall. The next few seconds went by quickly, as she grabbed the bigger, second, man and smashed his head into the wall. Franky determined it was because he was the bigger and posed more of a threat than the thinner man. Simultaneously, as the man was killed in an instant, the Lamia didn't stop there and lowered its head. It looked like a person taking a bite out of a hot stick of butter, it seemed the creature had no problem biting the head off. It immediately spit the head onto the floor. It seemed it had no interest in eating the people, but rather was a creature that just wanted to bathe in carnage. It crushed the bodies, and smashed the bodies into the floor and walls of the alley. 


After it was all through, Franky decided it was time for him to move along before it decided to kill him as well. As he slowly backed away from the dumpster he was hiding behind, he saw a sight even more frightening than what he had just seen: a small cat had poked its head out of the dumpster, and was staring right at him. He knew what was next, and it seemed like time slowed down. He could practically see the wheels turning in the cats head, and the muscles of its jaw and throat start to move.


As the cat meowed, Franky saw his life flash before his eyes. He had lived a really long life, so it took more than a flash. He stood still long enough for the snake to walk over to him, and when he came to he was right in front of the creature. He was close enough to spray spittle on it with just a whisper. The creature looked down at him, with the same eyes a cat would look at a mouse with no legs. 


'I regret that I didn't read more books.' Franky thought to himself as the monster's tail smashed into his right side.



Three. Three ribs were broken along with his entire right forearm. He hit the wall with such force, that he broke another two ribs on his left side. Dust blew out from the wall and all vision was obscured. Once the dust settled, Franky was standing in the midst of the smoke. It seemed like nothing had happened to him, and he stood with a strength he should not possess after that hit. His skin had cracks all over, and the cracks emanated a purple light. Franky had passed out from the hit and was not in control of himself. What stood before the monster was Franky's survival instinct. His fists started to move forward without any fear of the Lamia. He threw punches that he had never learned, but were skills he had gained from his life before death.


His fist connected with the snake's gut as he rushed out of the smoke. The force from the single punch sent the snake going a full five feet back, even with the snake guarding. The snake was completely taken off guard, but was still fast enough to react when it saw the first fly from the smoke. As the snake looked down at its severely bruised arms, another came from the ground and hit it in the face. A beautiful uppercut. Followed by another punch to the gut. The snake was completely overwhelm by an assault of fists, with strength that no human could possibly have. Sirens were soon heard and the only person in the alley was Franky. The Lamia was crushed into a mess of meat and bones. After obtaining victory, Franky slumped against a wall, followed with collapsing. 




Franky awoke in a room with a lot of medical equipment. A hospital room?

'Ah, the monster.'

As he looked around, he realized he was cuffed to the bed. A stranger walked into the room, and looked me all over. After looking at me briefly, they suddenly started talking.


"What are you?" asked the stranger, who had a brisk demeanor.


"Don't you mean 'who'? I am Franky Laphi. I don't have any identification on my person right now, but I hope you can just ignore tha-"


"I clearly said 'what'." 


At this, Franky realized she knew he was not a normal human being. Franky didn't know what he was, but he knew he wasn't normal. Normal people don't live for hundreds of years while maintaining the same appearance. 


"I don't know what I am, but I have lived for five hundred years. I haven't been able to discern anything odd other than my infinite longevity. Now, who are you."


The stranger did not answer, he instead, took out a phone and started texting away. How incredibly rude! He had started a conversation and suddenly ignored me. After a few minutes. his phone beeped and he read a short message. After which he walked over to me slowly. I tried moving back as far as I could, but I couldn't go any further because of the handcuffs! He reached towards my immobile hand and... un-cuffed me. Confused I asked him, "Why are you doing this..."


He stared blanky at me, and told me with a straight face, "You're being transferred." 


"Transferred where? And why? Who were you talking to earlier on the phone? Hey! Answer my questions! Fine! I won't come along unless you tell me something."


At the last comment, he stopped midway reaching for the doorknob. He turned and said calmly, "Then the people chasing you will kill you."


Franky immediately got up and followed the man. He went down in an elevator and walked out into the street. He was still in a hospital gown, and stark naked under, but no one said anything... There was a black car with tinted windows. As he got into the backseat, he was careful to put his gown between himself and the seat. After a few hours of driving through a desert, they finally stopped at a small store. The man who escorted him, got out of the car, was gone for ten minutes, and came back with some clothes. Throwing them back, without even looking at him, he turned on the car and continued driving. 


Franky had changed and was now wearing sweats and an oversized sweatshirt. It was night time by the time the car stopped outside of a facility. He walked in, and was brought to a secretary sitting behind a desk with a computer.


Without looking up, she suddenly spoke, "Look forward."


He looked up and forward, when suddenly he was flashed with a bright light. After he regained his sense of sight, he was handed a little card with his picture on it. It also had a small bar imprinted onto it. He was about to ask what this was, when he was suddenly pushed from behind by the rude man. 


"Get in the elevator, and go to B2."


'What is with all these people and talking without any build up! They're so cryptic.' He walked into the elevator and went down for a while before finally reaching his destination. As the doors opened he saw before him, a lounge with people scattered here and there. Feeling incredibly lost, he timidly walked forward and looked around. He saw a hanging sign that indicated males' living quarters. Franky quickly moved down the hallway and looked at the rooms. He quickly found a room with his name, it was apart from the other rooms he had checked that had name plates. He removed the name plate, and used his card to get into the room. He hurriedly went into the room and closed the door. He hadn't slept in the past five hundred years, but the stress from his recent events finally caught up with him and exhausted his strength. 


While the others chatted in the lounge, he finally drifted into sleep for the first time.

Edited by Inertia
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Auria noticed someone heading into the Males' Quarter, but she couldn't tell who it was or how he looked like. 'I wonder who that is..' She thought. She looked at the others to see if anyone noticed, but it didn't seem obvious to her that anyone else saw someone going into their room. "Hey, did anyone see someone heading into the Males' Quarter or was it just me?" She asked no one in particular.

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"Yeah, I saw him. I just had this thing where I didn't care enough to say anything. Worse-case scenario; someone got lost." She stretched and walked over to a terminal. Sending Zac a quick email, she turned back to the group. "It'll be morning soon. In an effert to not be a colossal b@#$#, I'm going to bed."

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"Hmm. Yup, that was definitely an oddity of some kind. He wasn't human, that's for sure. His circulatory system was normal in his arms and legs but as the veins got closer to his center mass, there was some sort of energy that was distorting my vampiric sense." Masun replied. "I have never encountered anything like that before."

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"Yeah I noticed him, I'm sure we'll meet him tomorrow." Charles said as he put the remote down and got up. "Yeah, I'm gonna head to bed too mates. I think we've all stayed up late enough. Toodles." He said as he walked out and over to the male's quarters. He found his room and went inside. However he had to go through quite a tiring routine before finally getting in bed. First he hung up all his weapons and set his alarm for a reasonable time. One area of the wall was dedicated to all of his sniper rifles, pistols, and knives. He then took off all of his accessories and put them away. And then finally his clothes came off. Once he was only in his underwear he crawled into bed and fell asleep rather quickly. 


(Also I edited all of his jewelry from gold to silver since it made a lot more sense)

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Auria looked at the time. "It's almost morning.." She thought out loud. Auria let out a huge yawn right as she got off the sofa and said "I guess I'll also go to bed." but she didn't really mean it since she didn't feel tired. Sure, she could get in bed, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Auria headed back to her room decided to unpack most of her stuff from her luggage and to make herself more comfortable.

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Sammantha then actually went to her room and laid herself down. Turning on her star projector, she mentally traced constellations until dleep took her. Leo the lion, tarous the bull. Big dipper, little dipper. Orion and his belt. Virgo the Virgin... She slipped into unconsciousness.

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Looking at the time, Masun noted that it was 5:21 A.M. before everyone had called it a night. Masun lumbered back to his room, noticing that he had drank way more than he could handle, even according to vampire standards. He opened his room and staggered in, flopping on the bed, not even bothering to take off his clothes. The whole world was spinning, and it felt to Masun as if he were on a small boat in the middle of a stormy sea, tossing and turning to the waves. And with every wave a dizziness he felt, a wave of nausea slowly built up as well. Masun thought for sure he was going to vomit, but he thought that if he moved it would only compound the nausea. so he laid there on his stomach, with his eyes closed, riding the sea of drunkenness. 

Masun was suddenly on top of a rocky cliff, in mountains that he didn't recognize. But he had been around Mount Fuji enough to recognize a volcano when he saw one. Even without the copious amounts of smoke cascading into the sky every second, the terrain was jagged glasslike rock with only very few smooth places to step. Forty to fifty feet ahead of Masun, towards the edge of the cliff, was the form of a person Masun instantly knew, even with their backs turned to him. Masun began running towards this feminine form that was standing on the edge of the cliff looking down into the volcano. Masun knew what was going to happen next, and he was running as fast as he could to prevent it, but it seemed that no matter how many steps he took, he never got any closer to the person. It felt as if Masun was stuck on a conveyor belt, and the harder he tried to get to the edge of the cliff, the further away he got from it. Finally he began to make progress, and was only ten feet from the cliff, but it was too late. The woman jumped off into the volcano. Masun used his vampire agility to get to the edge within a nanosecond of the female jumping. He reached out his hand and was able to grab the hand of the woman who jumped. He looked down to see Haruki's familiar smiling face looking up at him. She was mouthing something as if to speak, but the ambient noise of the volcano instantly rose to a large rumbling roar, snuffing out any sound. She continued to mouth something but it wasn't becoming any clearer. Masun should have been able to instantly pull Haruki up with his vampire strength, but for whatever reason he felt drained, it was the same feeling as when it was daylight out. Masun felt powerless, and to make matters worse, his grip on her hand was slipping. Haruki continued to mouth what she was mouthing, and Masun still could not hear what she was saying. Her hand was slipping centimeter by centimeter, from his grip until it was only his finger tips on her finger tips. "Tebanasu" All of the ambient noise stood still, and he finally could hear Haruki, even though it was her normal soft voice. She continued to look upwards at him with smile full of love and understanding. She repeated herself again "Tebanasu" She wasn't exclaiming it, she was saying it like she normally spoke, in a soft, endearing voice. I don't want to let you go, you are the only one I truly loved. I can never love another. Masun wanted to reply but his words stuck in his throat. All he could do is lay there with his moth agape, attempting to form a sentence but not even coming close to forming a single word. "Tebanasu" She said one more time locking eyes with Masun, before extending her fingers forward, releasing the grip she had on Masun's hand. Masun could do nothing but watch as she fell hundreds of feet into the glowing bottom of the volcano.

A knock sounded on Masun's door that opened his eyes which were streamed with tears. "Wake up, Masun. You have been asleep for 12 hours" Felicia's voice said from beyond the door. The first thing he noticed was that he had a wicked hangover, the second thing was the time 5:29, the third thing he noticed was that he had been crying. "Bullshit" Masun said, angrily, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "It has only been eight minutes" 

"That's P.M. on the clock not A.M. Your digital clocks in your rooms aren't military standard, they are A.M. P.M. clocks" Felicia replied. "if you don't wake up within the next 20 minutes, I am sending someone in your room to wake you up" And with that she was gone.

Masun flipped over onto his back and sat upright. His head feeling the sensitivity that only a hangover could induce. Every little movement, every little sound, sent waves of pain through Masun's head. Masun walked over to the bathroom and flipped the light on, which sent another wave of pain through his head. He opened the cabinet where he stored the blood packs, and retrieved a pack from it. Masun used his teeth to rip off the two small cap tubes that are on the pack so an IV needle could be inserted. Masun drained the pack within seconds, and instantly he felt reinvigorated. The hangover left him, his eyes glowed with more intensity, and he no longer felt hungry. Masun was surprised how much blood he had been drinking lately. He normally would only need a few pints of blood every two days, but he had just had two pints within a twenty-four hour period, on top of some blood he drank from a girl he brought back to his hotel room the night before that. Masun chalked it up to him not having had any blood for a few weeks before he drank the blood of that girl in his hotel room, and the fact that he was forced to regenerate due to the fight he had with Auria. 

Masun stripped off the clothes that he was still wearing (the Air Force Officer uniform) and tossed it into the hamper that was in the corner of the bathroom. He also stripped off his boxers and tossed them in as well.  He walked back into the main part of his room, nude, and retrieved another Air Force Officer uniform that was hanging in the closet. Masun went back to the bathroom, and hung the new uniform on the inside of the bathroom door which had clothes rack bar on the top of it. He closed the door, and stepped inside the shower and turned on the water. He stood at the edge of the shower not fully committing to the water until it reached a warm enough temperature, and then he stood completely inside the shower stream. 

It only took about 10 minutes for Masun to shower and get dressed. He was staring in the mirror, with a comb in his hand, attempting to brush his shaggy unruly hair. Nothing that he did looked natural to him, so he just ended up shaking his head back into its natural wild, shaggy state. Masun opened the refrigerator and filled up his flask with more rum, and then placed his flask on his inside pocket. He then opened a cabinet that had glassware inside, and grabbed a tall glass. He had all the ingredients to make a Long Island Iced Tea except the coca-cola. He made it anyway, without the coca-cola, and then exited his room. Masun made it out to the lounge area where he found a soda fountain. He placed his Long Island Iced Tea under the coca-cola tab, and pushed the glass into the cola fountain lever that promptly dispensed the sweet liquid. The glass was about three-fifths full of alcohol before he placed the glass under the fountain, which he topped the glass off with. Masun grabbed a straw next to the fountain, and stirred the drink up so all the liquids blended together. Masun made his way to the couches and sat down, picking up the remote to the TV and flipping to morning news. 

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Charles slept about ten hours in total, though he spent a bit of time audibly screwing around in his room with various things. After a while he decided to take a shower and start the day.


Once he was done he slipped into some black silk boxers and took the time to fix his hair. It seemed that the director and Masun chose dress-y uniforms, so he decided he might as well do the same while he still can. After all, it's not often he gets to wear something that isn't for fieldwork. 



 Black tuxedo style suit jacket with black satin notch lapels. The majority of the jacket besides the satin lapels have very thin feint pinstripes. It has a military flair with black matching shoulder boards with silver circle pins closest to his neck, and three silver star pins on each of them going outward. (Always worn unbuttoned)
White dress shirt with the collar popped over the suit lapels and with the first few buttons unbuttoned. The shirt cuffs are worn uncuffed/unbuttoned under his suit's sleeves.
Short 17 Inch silver chain necklace.
A silver chain necklace worn over his shirt that goes down to his middle chest in length. And a decently sized silver cross pendant attached to it. (Sometimes switches it out for other pendants)
Fair sized silver signet ring on his right pointer finger. The front of the ring is diamond encrusted.
All metal silver chronograph watch with a white dial on his left wrist
Black leather belt with a silver circle buckle.
Black matching suit pants without the pinstripes.
Black silk boxers.
Black dress socks.
Near black, brown leather dress shoes with white oak heels.

(Wears nearly black brown embossed holsters for his knife and gun) 



By the time he was done dressing, his hair had fully dried. He looked rather different without his hat and sunglasses, but it was a nice change in style for him. Just in case he wanted them, he put his silver aviators in his suit's breast pocket with one of the temples hanging outside of the pocket. Charles went over to the weapon rack and grabbed his knife and sheathed it. He didn't put on a pistol holster and left his rifle and handguns behind for now. 


Charles walked out of his room and made a bee line for the elevator. He got inside and took it up to the main floor. He hummed to himself before hearing the inevitable ding and the doors opening. Charles walked out and made his way to the cafeteria. He helped himself to the kitchen and started to make himself breakfast. He was a pretty good cook, and it didn't take long before he had a plate of bacon and egg whites. After grabbing a fork, Charles left the cafeteria and entered the main room. The best course of action to him would be to familiarize himself with the rest of the compound, so he went to the one of the areas he hadn't been yet: The Official's Offices.


Charles skewered with his fork and took a bite out of his eggs as he scanned the office wing. He noticed Davis' room after a few seconds. Not really wanting to stand anymore while eating, he decided to knock on the door to see if she would let him in. 

Edited by Chickey
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The serene scene of the sky changes before Franky. The scene changes to a familiar alley. Franky watches as a duplicate of him fights off the snake creature from before.


"Yeah! Ha ha, it didn't know who it messed with at the time. I lived for half a millennium, far too early for you to be fighting me." Franky cheers as the Lamia goes down. He runs over to talk to himself, when he starts noticing the cracks on his body. 'Hm, I wonder if my strength came from these cracks...' While Franky began making theories about his body, with these newly discovered clues, the double had taken notice of Franky.


And he was not friendly. The double quickly threw out a fist and Franky barely was able to evade. If it had not been for him looking at the body so intensely, he would have definitely been injured at a dangerous level. Without giving Franky any time to recover, it quickly closed the distance, and took a boxing stance. The boxing stance was one that was very reminiscent of a child who lived in Europe over five hundred years ago. Franky's memories may have been lost upon his death, but his body had never forgotten what was ingrained in him. 


It threw another quick punch straight at Franky's chest, and although Franky raised both his arms to block the punch, Franky was sent flying. 'Is this strength really mine?'. Franky had a lot of things to think about while he was flying through the air. As he started the come down to the ground, the moment he made contact Franky, Franky awoke in the stiff room he had fallen asleep within. In a cold sweat, he looked around quickly to confirm that a second him was not nearby ready to kill him. After confirming such, he noticed his clothes were soaked in sweat. Looking around, he noticed a dresser and opens up all the drawers until he finds some underwear. He lays out his underwear, socks, and a white t-shirt on his bed as he went to take a shower to cleanse himself. As Franky stood with the cold water battering down, he only had one realization: the power he had was not his. There was a monster inside of him, and he should never let it free.


Finishing a cold shower, to wake him up, he put on the underwear, t-shirt, and socks. He grabbed the bed sheet and wrapped it around himself as he left his room. He cautiously opened his door. Seeing no one in the men's hallway, he tiptoed out and headed to the lounge where he was earlier. If he remembered correctly, there should be a research facility on the main floor, and if he could there he could study his body more. He turned into the lounge in the basement without knowing where anyone, he saw last night, was. 

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Auria spent around thirty minutes unpacking all of her belongings to make herself more at home instead of treating it like a hotel room. Once she was done, she glanced at the clock. It was almost 6am. "I should go to bed.." Auria got changed into a pair of pajamas and snuggled in bed. It took her a little longer to fall asleep than usual since she wasn't used to it. She loved hunting for 'food' during the night before she was sent over to Area 51, but it did not enhance her abilities in any way. Even though she didn't like the sun, it doesn't weaken her, so she didn't really mind with going nocturnal. After that wave of thoughts, she fell asleep.

She woke up and glanced at the clock. It was 6pm. 'Twelve hours of sleep? It's been a while since I've slept for such a long time..' She thought to herself as she got up and headed into the bathroom to take a warm shower and to brush her teeth. Fifteen minutes has past, and she gets out of the bathroom. Auria opened her wardrobe which held all the clothing she unpacked this morning and started searching through it. After spending an entire minute staring into her endless collection of clothing, she decided to just wear her pajamas for now because she was simply too lazy to change in something else. "Maybe later." She told herself before heading out to the lounge where she saw Masun sitting on the couch. "Good morning, Masun!" Auria exclaimed before sitting down beside him.

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"Night," Sam corrected from her doorway, stretching. She had changed into her robes, as an unfortunate bed-time nightmare had caused her to spill her half-empty can of soda on most of her clothes. Naturally, she went and acquired more soda, before turning to the elephant in the room. Or what would be the elephant in the room, if people were in the mood for observation. She looked him over for a moment, before opening and sipping her soda. She grabbed another and walked calmly across the room, offered it to him, and leaned against the doorway he was next to.


"Greeting unidentified newcomer," she said in a fake, authoratative voice, before granting a well-mannered smile. "Name's Samantha, prefer Sam. You got quite the glowing lattice there. Kinda gives of an astrally vibe. Not my particular area of magical expertise,  but close enough to be mistakable. And identifiable. Got a name?"

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