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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Too Old To Be A Blank Flank


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Chain was speechless he didn't want to get cault by these ponys then he started to talk "I..uh was trying..to.." Chain was thinking of saying an excuss "I forgot to give...this pen to her" Chain picks up a pen that was on the ground next to him "she droped it and I was going to give it back you were there and I did not want to intrude on your conversation so I waited I could not hear anything if you were wondering" Chain says trying not to be found out as a nosey pony or tell them he made the out of nowhere breeze that sent there contract to him and out somewhere into Horseshoe bay because they would probably be mad to hear that since what was on the paper

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Snowflake looks away from Chain and then at his sister "*sigh* this is pointless we aren't going to get anything done here Ember" Snowflake stairs back at Chain "sorry for the scare" Snowflake then helps Chain up he then pulls out his contract and destroys it "come Ember we are leaving" Snowflake sets his pocket watch and teleports through time


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Chain see's time travel with his own eyes well he was not in it but the two ponys were gone and just before it that pony teleported his scroll and destroyed it he must have has some tracking spell on it but those are hard on fast moving non living things...he must be a quiet a magic pony and to time travel forget it he and that other pony are the most powerful unicorns he has seen but I am not counting twilight Chain thought. Chain just wanting this day to end then goes to his room in The Inn and colapses on the bed then goes to sleep

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The sun set off in the horizon as Dogboots enjoyed the view. The sound of the radio still playing in the background and the stallion covered in grime and dirt was a mark of a job well done. The earth pony packed up its tools and radio before heading inside to wash up. However, there was nothing more challenging for the earth pony to acknowledge than what he saw in the mirror. He'd always stare at the floor filled with shame and sadness. The scars that riddled Dogboots may have cut deep in his body, but they cut deeper into the colt's soul. Though more painful than that, was where his cutie mark used to be, is now burnt flesh covering his lower half. 


Dogboots stepped out of the shower and glanced at his reflection. The earth pony was filled with rage at that moment and let out a violent outburst. "FREAK!" He yelled, slamming his hoof against the wall in a fit of blind anger. Dogboots put on some pajama's to cover the vulgar sight of his injury and went to bed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chain woke up after his dream with Stormy in it she was just so bazare he could not forget about her like it was his destiny to be with her for some reason. Chain walked out of The Inn and cheaked the beach where Stormy was last and saw a pony just stareing at stormy covering his face from the sun that was right on the horizen "how could you be?" Chain said to himself "I don't have time for this right now I want my shipment" he also said trying to remind himself to not snoop. when Chain got to the dock he could see a light a bright on coming from a ship he got a little closer and it was on fire and of course it was the ship with his shipment. Chain held his anger as he watched the ship burn in front of him then he saw a pony go up to him as the ship sank "some one ordered a load of iron and celestias sun had the power to relect off of it and start a fire because someone left the iron in the open and that somepony is geting fired" "good he diserves it" chain answered the pony as he got up and headed to the beach agian because mabey just mabey he could talk his anger away and Stormy was the only one how was remotly his friend

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To get into Canterlot University, the most prestigious school in Equestria, one didn't have to be only intelligent. One had to give all that they could to stay on top of the class, or else they'd fall behind, lost on their own confusion about the subject they were studying. One had to love what they were doing, as they were going to spend countless hours studying about their subject, and suffer countless testing on their knowledge. The professors were there, indeed, to to help you, at all times, open heartedly and willingly, but, much is left up to each pony on their own, to show how much could they potentially shine. "Excellence came from the heart and the mind, as they join together, hoof in hoof," was the motto of this university.


And, amidst the student body of this University, Cosmic Star struggled to prove her worth, and uphold her love for the subject of Astronomy. Had the cause of her struggle only been external, the pressure to succeed in this extremely hard University, she'd have handled it better. But, also, she struggled with something else, deeper inside of her. Internally, she confronted herself about the worth of continuing her studies, and walking down the path she felt it was her destiny, or succumbing to her blues of her city, and her family, and leaving the University, to return to familiar faces and places. This internal struggle was already taking its toll on her performance, as she fell behind her class, which, in turn, led her to stay countless hours in the University's library, in her attempts at comprehending the material.


Which is the explanation of why, in that late afternoon, Cosmic Star had, once again, fallen asleep in the Library, not so gracefully faceplanted in a book about Celestial Mechanics, surrounded by her attempts at an organization of her homeworks and classworks.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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Shadow woke up early (For his standards of course). None of the questions he had about those ponies of the Inn were really answered, and he wasn't going to stay longer to find out. He had a quest, he had to find his family again after all those years. The weird situation irritated him more than he could bear. 

He packed his suplies and left only giving his regards to the innkeeper. He followed the road and opened a map to guide himself through the terrain references shown on the map and his memories. It was hard to keep focused on the road and his "mental map" at the same time, but he knew it would all be worth it at the end. "No more distractions." He repeated to himself while walking into the distance, not knowing what to expect to happen next.

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Chain was walking to the beach when he saw a mare crying at the side of the road. Chain with a urge to help walked over to her "whats wrong?" Chain asked when the mare spoke "having the worst day first I lost my job then my house and finnaly everything else I had, I just want to snap someponys neck!" "woah, thats a little extream" "sorry get way to angry sometimes" "you know you should have this" Chain gives his left over bits to the mare "my names Banner by the way" "ok hello Banner" Banner thought for a second then said "I need your help with something" "alright what is it?" "well I always wanted to get open a small bisuness but I don't know what to buy for it or even what to sell" "well I think I can help you there" Chain and Banner go throw a long process that goes untill 5:00 pm where we see Banner has a little mobile shop that sells flags and other things that has to do with the places in equestria as Chain says good by to Banner heading to ponyville almost forgeting about Stormy


(I don't know if this is the best route but I am going with it so I don't go directly to Stormy ok?)

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@@Cosmic Star,


Neutron had a checked out a few books in the library and soon packed them into his saddlebags. The earth pony soon stopped to see a pegasis plopped on top of her book, passed out. The young gray colt approached the dark pegasis and shook her gently to wake her up.


"Excuse me, are you okay?" He asked his fellow student.

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@@thor9356 Cosmic Star woke up, and rose from her book. She looked at Neutron, with the most clueless of faces. "Nngh, what did you say..? Sorry, I was too busy..." She proceeded to look around. "Do you know what's the time? I think I've lost track of it, while reading about... Uh...." She looked down at her book, and then at the title on the spine of the book. "Celestial Mechanics... Huh? I don't remember having started reading that yet?"

My OC - Cosmic Star

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@@Cosmic Star


"It's a little after 2pm. I was just on my way to grab myself something to drink and noticed that you were uhh nose deep into your book. W-would you like to join me in the cafe to grab a drink? He asked the mare. The young colt didn't really have any friends and his heart was already racing talking to this pegasus.

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@@thor9356 The invitation sobered up the pegasus in a split second. She inhaled sharply, at the same time as she widened her eyes. "M-me? Cafe?? Um..." She sputtered some nonsense, looking for something to say in response, which she couldn't figure out. She finally took a breath, and, on the exhale, said, "I-I, sure, what's the harm in that?" Which she then proceeded to shake her head in reprovation of herself, and stutter some more. "No- I- I mean, why not? Yeah." She looked away, disconcerted, and quite uncomfortable.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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@@Cosmic Star,


 The young earth pony was a little confused and concerned for this mare, but shrugged it off and led her to the cafe. His saddlebags were already filled with textbooks, but nothing like a nice cold cup of caffeine should get those senses moving.


"Is there something wrong? You seemed a little off, if you don't mind me saying." He asked the mare in a concerned tone.

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((Yay happy to see it going along))


Story woke up the next day yawning and stretching from up in the tree she went to sleep in as she started to get up and flew back down to the beach blew the light morning fog wouldn't make it to hard for her to fly threw but unfortunatly she was still to tired for that guessed she would just start with walking she was just glad she had that she kept that bread from the night before other wise she'd have another rather hungry long walk on her hooves and wasn't quiet up to dealing with that again.

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She was still reading the sign, trying to decide what she was going to order, when she heard the question. She looked at the earth pony, and reflexively replied with a "Hm?" before realizing what Neutron had said. "Oh, so sorry, it took me a while to understand you. I, um, what do you mean?" She seemed to realize something, and hints of fear and embarassment showed on her face. "Did I offend you? I-I didn't mean to, I was-"


"Your order?" The pony at the counter was still waiting for Cosmic Star's order, and they didn't seem to be the most patient pony around.


She turned to the other pony, apologizing over and over for keeping the pony waiting, and stuttered out her order.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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@@Cosmic Star,


 "There's no need to apologize. I'm Neutron." He said offering his hoof to the mare formally introducing himself. "I'm majoring in Physics here. You?" Neutron asked the mare before giving his order over the counter. He got his usual iced coffee and waited on the mare's response.


(OOC: Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Didn't see any notifications :( )

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"OH, so sorry." She said, before realizing she had just done otherwise, and facehoofing herself in consequence.  "Oh, I'm... I'm Cosmic Star, n-nice to meet you." She shook hooves with Neutron. "I'm failing Astronomy. UH, I-I meant... Studying Astronomy. Well, I guess it's the same thing." She picked up her cup of coffee, and sipped from it.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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@@Cosmic Star,


"Trouble with studies i'm guessing?" He asked the mare in a curious tone. Then again, it wasn't a very surprising sight here at Canterlot University. Plenty of students had trouble staying at the top of their game, but it was all they could do to stay here. A degree here could make anypony become big. It was the reason why Neutron tried so hard. 

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"Ahahahahahaha..." She laughed awkwardly, but her laugh died on a down note, as she lowered her head and ears. "Yeah... I'm at the brink of failing my classes, and losing my position..." She sighed, with a distant look on her eyes, and then sipped at her coffee, again.

My OC - Cosmic Star

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After about a day and a half of traveling Stormy had finally made her way from Horseshoe Bay to Filly Delphia past Baltimare. As Stormy flew down to the city she landed near the heart of the city to first find some place to buy more supplies she had to by pass her last stop due too a rather unusual pair of unicorns that woulnd't stop following her. Just putting the past behind her she really needed to focus on getting some food before she past out some of her stomach growls were loud enough that they made others notice which embarrased her and made her want to hurry along not liking to be looked at.

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One of the pedestrians that Stormy's nagging stomach caught the attention of was another pegasus. This one, coated in dark navy-blue, wearing a short, rust-red mane and tail and dressed in a fancy black shirt, gave the mare walking ahead of him a peculiar look. Specifically her flanks, or rather, what was missing from them. Surely she was well beyond the for getting a cutie mark? A late bloomer, perhaps?


Regardless, he saw no need to catch up to her and ask. She had her business, and he had his.


As he inadvertently followed Stormy up the street, he happened across a newspaper vendor, with each front page hosting the same words;



Cat Burglar "Ghost" Robs Suburban Estate; Police Baffled


The stallion smirked at the article, and took some bits out of his black leather saddlebag and purchased a copy to read later. Perhaps over some coffee. He glanced ahead to see if he'd missed that peculiar mare, out of curiosity.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Stormy goraned and walked into the first place with food she could find and went into a little Cafe finding a little back corner table and sat down begin able to see everyone in the Cafe and what they were doing. Stormy enjoyed pony watching soince others would some times do weird or funny things when they thought no one was looking but it also helped to keep her out of sight.


As stormy sat there a waitress came around and was talking orders and as she got to Stormy's table she smiled,"What can I get you I could hear you outside." she joked lightly and set a note pad down.


Stormy blushed feeling embarrassed,"Sorry I ran out of food while traveling...and I'll just have what ever you recommend." she said before he stomach growled loudly making her feel more embarrassed.


Hearing that the waitress laughed a bit,"I'll get you the lunch special than we'll see how you feel after that." she said taking her note pad and headed back behind the counter.

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The navy stallion, coincidentally, entered the same café, taking a small table by the window. He hadn't noticed Stormy sitting back in the corner, much to her probable relief.


As he pulled the newspaper out from his saddlebag and set it on the table, a waitress walked up to his table, offering a warm smile. "What can I get you, sir?"

"Just a coffee, please," the pegasus replied, a small smile on his face, "milk and two sugars."

"Right away, sir," the waitress nodded, scribbling on the notepad and walking off.


While he waited, he began reading through the headline article, about how a hooded and masked burglar going by the name of 'Ghost' had sneaked into a high-security estate in the Canterlot suburbs and made off with over ten thousand bits worth in jewellery, leaving nothing but a white wing-styled card. Police have no leads to go on, and no hoofprints were discovered.


A smug smirk crept onto the stallion's face. Another successful evening.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Ahahahahahaha..." She laughed awkwardly, but her laugh died on a down note, as she lowered her head and ears. "Yeah... I'm at the brink of failing my classes, and losing my position..." She sighed, with a distant look on her eyes, and then sipped at her coffee, again.


"I-I'm sorry. I know that feeling to be honest. You have so much on your plate you wonder how you'll pass. The thing I've realized though is that you can't let it get to you. You have to pass no matter what. Failure isn't an option. At least that's what my brother said." The young colt said before feeling a little down himself. 

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The pony was about to speak something, when she noticed the colt's mood dampening, which made her change her mind. She then spoke up. "Your older brother is very wise." She smiled weakly, and continued. "We shouldn't have things get to us, mainly such silly things."

My OC - Cosmic Star

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