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open The Outcasts RP

Emerald Heart

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 "I heard her Mom's gone insane." 


 "Really? I heard Chrisanthimum is some sort of escaped convict and the only reason she's here is to avoid being killed."

All Lies.

 "She's so creepy."

No one here knew the real me.

 "I wonder if she has any friends."

I was just a figure in the distance, barley visable. I was only known by rumors, nopony cared to talk to me directly.

"She's such a loner, I wonder if she'll ever make friends."

Oh yes, my horrid nickname. "The loner." I guess nopony realizes that it is partially their fault that I have faded into the shadows. For years it was like this, but suddenly up sprung others like me. I realized I was not alone. My name is Crysanthimum Cynara, and this is our story.

1. No alicorns. Please.
2. Love and Tolerate.
3. All OCss MUST BE outcasts
4. Please use READABLE grammar. Use quotations when speaking and captions when Out of Charecter.


OOC link: http://mlpforums.com/topic/120261-the-outcasts-ooc/?p=3453065

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Oh great... Time for another day of being pushed aside and ignored... I wonder if I could get away with not leaving my house today? Aria thought. It was the same thought she had been having every morning, and it didn't seem like that was going to change anytime soon.


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It was the middle of the year at my new school.I was undergoing a feeling of advanced pressure as it was exam week, and I was currently flunking three of my classes. Including AP biology-a class I used to get high grades in. I was disappointed in my grades but I knew I wouldn't be doing anything to fix them. My family had moved here near the end of the third semester. I knew evreypony would probably already be in their own little friend groups, so it would be harder to make friends. But what I didn't know that my mother had a developing sickness for reasons unknown, and died two days after the move. So when I first started school I acted cold towrdes my classmates, avoiding them. Because of this my peers now think of me as "A loner" and judge me for my actions of my first few days. 

 "Chrissie." I turned towred the sound of the voice, and saw another mare standing behind me. She seemed agitated. "I need to sharpen my pencil." I looked and saw that I was blocking her way, and moved aside. Three other mares giggled in the corner. I mumbled a quick apology and headed to my seat.

(sorry it's so long.)




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The colt sighed a breath of relief as he finally made it to the only place that where nopony could bother him. The Library. It was quiet and most ponies kept to themselves. It was an opportunity to escape this wicked place called school and focus on more productive means. 


Back Track opened up a textbook on agriculture which fascinated him as earth ponies were able to plant and grow food much better than a unicorn with magic, it was like magic for them. Unfortunately, the young colt was interrupted by a stack of books dropping onto his table.


"What do you think you're doing?" a booming voice said addressing Back Track. The young unicorn looked up to see that it was one of the jocks. 


"J-just working on my homework is all." He replied sheepishly to the towering pegasi.


"You can do that, AFTER you finish my homework!" He said pushing the colt's textbook off the table. Back Track was in complete shock and helpless in the situation. 


"You're supposed to be quiet in the library you kno-" The small unicorn replied before being grabbed by the collar.


"Are you telling me what to do?!" He questioned Back Track.


"N-no I was just telling you-"  The stallion tried to explain before being shoved to the ground.


"Tomorrow! or else!" He threatened before leaving. The unicorn could feel the eyes of the other students just watching him, seeing how helpless he was. Back Track grabbed his books and the jock's textbooks as well and retreated to a corner in the library. The small unicorn thought he'd be used to this, but every time it happened the urge to breakdown grew stronger was there and it took a lot of strength for the colt to refuse due to the common belief that nopony should ever breakdown.

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After thinking for a bit about staying away from school for the day, Aria realized what time it was. "Buck me! I'm late again." She exclaimed. She ran out the door and headed straight for school. Maybe I can just slip in undetected... She thought. She walked into the school, occasionally looking around to make sure nopony saw her. "I'll just hide out in the library until the next class starts." She said to herself, walking into the library.


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Once the mare finished sharpening her pencil she returned to her friends, and they just laughed louder. Trying to avoid the drama I buried my face in my book. But then the mares began making snark comments about me. I shrunk down in my chair pretending I couldn't hear their conversation. But it was hard not to ignore phrases like- "Look at her, how can she live like that?" And "She looks like such a filly with those pigtales." So, when I got to the point where I couldn't ignore it I got up and left the classroom. Tears streaked down my face as I went to the place in the school where I could be myself-the library. Imminently when I walked in, I headed to the science section. Ifound a book on botany then sat in a quiet corner, wiping my tears.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The young colt wasn't the only one hiding from something. Back Track saw an earth pony enter the library her eyes resembled what he was trying to hold back. He knew that pain all too well...and yet. For some reason the young stallion stood up from his corner and approached the mare. He wasn't nervous or anything, he just needed someone to sympathize with.


"E-excuse me, are you okay?" He asked the mare. It was more surprising to him that he was able to speak to a mare let alone approach one. 

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Jazz sighed, lifting a book gently off the shelf with her hooves. She didn't fully understand why she came to school anymore. No-one ever seemed to even notice that she arrived or left, so most of the day was free to her own devices. Opening the worn book, she let the musty smell of pages and wood wash over her as she leafed through the manuscript gently, silently scanning the notes for new ideas for her own melodies. "Hm." she murmured in thought, pausing at a page that caught her interest for some reason. Amber eyes flicking over it, she nodded slightly, eyes staying on the sheets as she walked slowly to a secluded area of the library, one which she knew the librarian had placed a sound dampening spell. "Time to hear how this sounds."

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I found myself meeting eyes with a earth pony stallion. But why was he here? Why was he talking to me? As I opened my mouth to ask, I was interrupted suddenly. "Christie," a voice said behind me making me inch down in my chair. It was the mare from class. I had forgotten my reading class was coming to the library today during first period. "Are you trying to make friends? " the mare laughed. "Redneck!" Another mare ininsuted. "I'm not a redneck... I'm just from Apeloosa.And my name is Chrissie. You got it wrong." When spoke I had a hint of country in my voice. I thought about running, but where to? I shed a few tears onto the pages of my book.

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The young colt witnessed the events unfold in front of him as a classroom came into the library. A few of the classmates were bullying her. The sigh of the mare's tears stirred something up in the unicorn. Being bullied by the jocks and now seeing this poor mare being insulted. It made him clench and grind his teeth.


"Leave her alone!" He said trying to defend Chrissie.

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I looked up at the stallion. Was he...defending me? Apparently my classmates thought this was odd as well, and shuffled off to sit down. I stared at the stallion now suddenly very puzzled. "Ex-excuse me?" My voice came out as a whisper even though I was not shy. "Why did you do that? Why did you defend me?" I hope it isn't just to get on my good side I thought as I played with one of my signature electric blue ball earrings.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"I...I don't know. I guess it's because I got sick of the sight. Seeing somepony get bullied by others. Usually when I see this I just...I hate myself for not doing anything to help them. When I saw you enter the library you had the same look I had earlier. You needed somewhere to escape. To get away from it." He explained to the mare. It wasn't long before he ended up reverting to his usual self again.


A-anyways, i'll leave you alone if you don't want to be bothered." Back Track said before returning to his previous spot. 

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(Chrissie is a unicorn, btdubs.)

Of course, the pony who defended me assumed I diddnt want to be bothered. I sighed and approached him. "My name's Chrisanthimum Cynara. Ponies here bully me because they think I'm a loner. But I just don't have any friends. .." Chrissie played with a strand of her hair. She hand never willingly talked to somepony without being fearful of them. "What's yours?"

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The young unicorn was taken aback when the mare he defended approached him. She seemed a little nervous to him because of the way she played with her hair.


"I'm Back Track and well, i'd like to be your friend. Though I don't think I could pronounce, let alone spell such a long name. heh" He said trying to make the mare smile.


"If it's all right, can I call you chrissie? You mentioned that was your name before." He asked the mare.

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(Switching to third person, sorry. First is to hard to handle.)

Chrissie smiled, or rather beamed. "Yeah, that's what I prefer to be called anyway." She sat down at the table with him. Keeping a watchful eye on her classmates who were just a few feet away. "So Back Track, what are you working on there? Is that our project for AP Biology?" She asked, noticing the piles of homework stacked up on his side f the table. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Yeah it is, I'm almost finished with it too. Just have to finish the conclusion and then i'll be done with it." He replied to Chrissie before remembering that he had to finish the jock's project as well. 


"Then do it again...for somepony else."  Back Track began to frown and dreaded having to work on the same project again, though he would just have to reword it in a way that it would come from that jock.

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"Your doing somepony else's homework? What are they, paralyzed or somethin'?" Chrissie rolled her eyes, and sighed. "Back Track, they are jerks. They don't deserve your help, or your time of day." Chrissie knew she was only giving out advice to him she herself failed to follow. 

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"You're right on that, but how many beatings can one take before it happens?" He sighed as he wrote out the last paragraph of his project. It would be good that he got his finished, but not so good if he ended up with a few broken bones the next day for not finishing somepony's homework.


"Strange, I can stand up for somepony...but I can't stand up for myself." The young unicorn said to himself. Back Track detested how he couldn't stand up for himself. 

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@@thor9356, @@MiniKirby123,

"I'll yell at them for you." She half-joked. The bell for second period rang before Chrissie could say anything else. She picked up her bags and on her way out, accidentaly bumped into another mare. "S-sorry." Chrissie apologized, cowering once again. "I-I diddn't mean to bump into you."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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An explosion was heard, and suddenly, the hallway was full of globs of sticky cotton candy floating around like clouds. A couple of fillies muttered among themselves. "It's that Dingo again," one said, rolling her eyes. "He'll do anything for attention." "Yeah," the other replied. "Plus, he doesn't have a father and his mother is a gambler."


Diego overheard and scowled. He didn't want to retaliate tho, as that would mean staying at the scene of the crime. He decided instead to get back at them later with an even zanier prank.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Rave was walking down the hallway. Ponies looked at him and started to whisper. "How can he show him self". "Bloody traitor" . "He should be ashamed of himself". Rave didn't care. He held his head high. He was not going to allow others to dictate his way of life. He bumped into the jock that had been forcing Back Track to be doing his homework. "Traitor. What are you doing here?". "Just looking around" Rave replied coldly. The jock grabbed Rave and threw him against one of the closets. Rave felt a lot of pain. "I would do more, but I have to go work my muscles. See you around... loser". A moment of rage overtook Rave and he used his magic to throw the jock with all his might against a locker. A terrible crash was heard. All the students watched with shock. However, the jock stood up again, a little bit shocked, but very angry. Rave realized what he had done wrong and started running with the jock following him with a lot of curses. 


Rave threw the library doors open and ran past Chrissie with the jock following him. "Out of the way, erhm.... emergency practice running for the school team". He jumped over tables while the jock threw them away. Rave levitated some books and threw at the jock but that only served to further anger him. Rave ran past Back Track. The jock was nearing Rave. "I'm in for a world of hurt if he catches me" Rave thought. 

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Chrissie's eyes diolated. She hovered for a second. Chrissie ran in front of the jock, and narrowed her eyes. "H-hey, um-stop that!" Although she was furious inside, she wasn't good under pressure. "Hurting people is mean!" She gained some confidence, and ran at the pony. Chrissie's horn flashed with light pink magic. She taunted the jock, maybe getting a little too cocky. "Do you happen to KNOW anything about the pony you are bullying? Or do you just punch him, cuz it's fun?" Chrissie flashed out and reappeared beside the jock. "I think that's disgusting," She reappeared beside his right. "Because NOPONY should be used for your own personal target!" Chrissie conjured a large, long vine with pointy thorns and hit the jock with it.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The jock was shocked that there was actually someone fighting him back. He recovered from the strike. "Get lost loser. This other loser is a traitor and he pissed me off. He deserves to get beat up. Now you are goi--" he was interrupted as Rave slammed the janitors bucket on the jocks face. He grabbed Chrissie's hooves. "He's going to be really pissed off now. Let's get out of here". 

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"Your OK!" Chrissie beamed, glad that the stallion hadn't been hurt. "That was the same jock that had been hurting one of my other friends. He's just after us because he thinks we are small, unimportant." Chrissie stopped running and hugged Rave. "I'm glad you are safe."

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Rave wasn't sure how to respond. He allowed the hug. "Well, he aint got no right to hurt anypony. No pony deserves to get hurt. He was after me because I fought back when he was hurting me before". He then smiled. "I'm Rave by the way, Rave Darkmane. What is your name?". 

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