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If you had the power to reboot the whole show


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Quite frankly, I'd rip Twilight's wings clean off and wait more than 2.5 seasons for good development before she became a princess.


I would also revamp Over a Barrel as it was poorly executed and an insult to indigenous people, Native American consultant or not. Season 3 would also actually be a whole season, not a half assed incomplete one.


I would also try to include more races in Equestria, even if just as background characters for the sake of harmony. Also I would cut back at least a handful of the bad Pinkie jokes and mule jokes. Oh and I would also revamp how A Friend in Deed was done. 


Finally Spike wouldn't be such a complete bitch and actually have meaningful episodes that respect his character.


Other than that though, the show is largely good as is. Just a few bad apples here and there.  :smug:

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I can write better than these guys, easily, and I'm not getting paid.


Talk is cheap. Write the next Fallout: Equestria, and maybe such a statement will get a bit more than just a snide chuckle out of most people.

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You do NOT want me to reboot the show.  I would make it darker and scarier and have the mane six be fillies.  Not to mention I would have the theme performed by Yui(Who did the FMA: Brotherhood theme "Again.")


And I would make it epic.


And as for the Twilight's Kingdom episode, I would make it where Rainbow Dash goes to find Discord to make sure he doesn't screw up, only to be put under Tirek's control and made evil.  Even worse, she back stabs Discord and Tirek for her own personal goal, only for Twilight to knock her down and Tirek to drain her magic.  And in the end, she ends up forgiving Discord more because she felt more like she betrayed Discord, not the other way around.

Edited by SaburoDaimando
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Every episode would be a Rainbow Dash episode.  Granted, I view much of the show that way anyhow, but I would make it truly so.


Rainbow Dash would sing the show intro.


I would eliminate all stallion characters.


Two words: Lesbian ponies.


Daring Do would be Rainbow's biggest fan.  Though I know in my heart that this is already true.


"Daring Don't" would have been a three-parter with THREE TIMES the smexy Dash faces.


I would purchase the rights to "Baby Got Back" and use it in every other episode.

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Every episode would be a Rainbow Dash episode.  Granted, I view much of the show that way anyhow, but I would make it truly so.


You really walked into that one.

Edited by Stellafera
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I would make Celestia a queen. Her being a princess always annoyed me because she looks and sounds way too mature for it.

Sunset Shimmer would make occasional appearances, having just as many episodes as Trixie.

Gilda would make more appearances.

Other than that, I would just replace all the bad episodes with better ones.

  • Brohoof 2
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If I could reboot the whole show, I would make Queen Celestia and King Sombra (now a married couple) the rulers and ancestors of all ponies. Sombra would be an alicorn, but Celestia, out of greed for power, would have removed his wings and horn and then locked him inside a cave. Since both of them would hold the power of life, when they were seperated, they couldn't perform the spell of life. Since this spell could not be performed, ponies started dying. The outer reaches of Equestria started becoming wastelands. One day, Celestia becomes aware of her own ticking clock.

The first episode would begin with Celestia sending the mane six into an adventure into the everfree forest. On their journey, they would see scary things. They would soon see King Sombra, with his stub of a horn. He would be brought back to Celestia, however, because of his lack of a horn, the spell would not work. His stub would only glow red for a few seconds, and then be put out. The only way the spell can be performed was if two new alicorns would be found. However, there are no other alicorns in Equestria. The mane six are tasked with solving this dillema. 

The season 1 finale would end with Celestia on her deathbed. Sombra would grind his decapitated horn found in a box in Celestia's closet and mix it with water. With Twilight, they would bathe Celestia in the temporarilly glowing water to give her a little longer to live. 

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A big theme seems to be rebooting this show to be more for the older viewers.  (Makes sense, as the older fans are the ones doing most of the posting).  Remember, this was started for girls age 2-11 so Hasbro could sell more toys.  It is important for them to keep their TVY rating & they are already pushing the envelope on that.


I keep saying "Spin Off", but nobody wants to hear it.  :(

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  • I'd have at least one song in every episode.  

I would axe "Over a Barrel" and "Feeling Pinkie Keen" but might keep the pinkie sense.  

I would have at least one Celestia episode.  

No Equestria Girls, or at the very least I would make them college students, get rid of Flash Sentry, and redo the character designs.

There would be openly gay and lesbian couples (including Lyra and BonBon).

I would find a way to rework the infamous cameo in "The Last Roundup" so that it didn't cause drama.

No doorknobs!  They make very little sense when you have no hands.

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