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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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"I grew up in stable 42. But... Stable 42 isn't kind. At 10 years old, a selected few are forced to be test subjects for various... Things. I'd rather not talk about what all they did to me, but I did get a lot of magic power out of it. I used that to my advantage and escaped. I really should have done it 5 ears ago when they started doing it to me, but I only recently got strong enough" He said, remembering the incident that had occurred earlier that day. "So what's up with those ponies? Why did they attack us?" Elegron said as he pulled a small bag of bottle caps out of a raiders pocket and gave it a questioning look, shrugged, and putting it back, not knowing what it was used for. "Anyway, what's your story? Your very unusual, did something happen?" He said, regarding the ghouls pony. He want judging, he was just curious. He had never seen a ghoul before.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Laughing as I stepped on a crushed skull of a raider. "They didn't last long enough, to even merely accomplish their goals here. My Rebar Club made damn sure of that." The made some ponies cringe while others had no emotion regarding it whatsoever. "I want to visit this stable 42 you speak of. I wonder what other secrets remain hidden within it's doors. Maybe i'll find a pony as freaky as me haha." 

Edited by Sriracha
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Elegron laughed "most of them are a lot freakier. Remember that creature thing that attacked? Yea. Say bellow to x45. Or goodbye seeing as he left. I almost became one of those." He looked at all the loot and had to ask "why does everypony here have these stupid bottle caps?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"It's used as currency in most markets and trade. I personally need no food or sleep so caps are essentially useless when I can usually intimidate most to get what I need. Most ponies revere me as common filth, I have no need for them and they me. So me using them for free goods is fine by me. I was exposed to extreme amounts of radiation and I became...this freak. My own family disowned me. If your a "freak", I would keep it to yourself. Although I highly doubt it, you have nothing to worry about. I am indifferent because most are to me. My own kind are mostly savages, and those smooth skins irritate me to no end, but that halfing thinks she can tell me what to do. I am doing this as a favor, maybe something useful will come of this. I have been known to be wrong before. I am only curious what her point of all this archaic searching is, surely she can't think to revive some fairy tail?"  

Edited by Sriracha
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Dyna was looting the bodies of the fallen raiders, taking the bottle caps. He left the guns as she was afraid of them. She found one frag grenade and two dynamites on one of the ponies. "Sweet, I hit the jackpot". She jumped happily over to Elegron and Night. "So, what you talking about? Huh huh huh huh?".

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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As the group starts to gather, a volley of shots rock the area. It seams not all of the enemies are dead. But because they all dropped their guard, they all get hit with serious wounds. (What do you do now? Current wounds prevent most offensive actions while out in the open.)

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Dyna shreeks as she gets hit by bullet. She starts bleeding badly. Tears stream, but she carries on towards a rock, limping. "I don't like guns" she says to herself. She sits down by a rock and looks at the wound. A bullet had torn at her hoof. She bites down a squeel. She tries to spot her companions but sees no one and grows scared.

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Elegron clutched the bleeding wound on his chest. It hurt like hell but It didn't matter. Not to him. "You hurt my friends.... You never learn do you." He let out a draconic shriek. Diving behind a rock, he pulled out a med-x and a healing potion and used both. He focused his magic and teleported behind one of the shooters, and let out another horrifying screech as he slammed the raiders gun down, thrusting his horn into the raiders throat.

Then the others took notice and started firing on Elegron again. With a cross between panic and confusion at what he had just done, he leapt behind another rock. But not before a pistol round hit him in the chest. "Guys... Help!"

The raiders were warily advancing on him.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Broken spreads his wings and hovers above the ground for few moments before starting to flank the group of attackers. His brown coat and mane are excellent camoflague though his metallic wings occasionally shine weakly in the overcast light. He quickly evaluates his situation. He has no wepons or armor but his wings and his environmental suit. Though he doesn't like his odds he decides that stealth and speed is his best option. His wings are silent while in flight due to their nature but the moment he strikes one they will know he is in their midst.


He stops behind a rock as the attackers move toward Elegron. He takes a breathe before shooting forward at ground level and accelrating to a quarter of his top speed. Even sub-sonic his left wings is strong and sharp enough to behead on of the attackers with a sickening crack. He quickly tries to compensate for the blow to his wings and tries to fly toward cover.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Right before the last two would hit elegron with sniper rifle rounds two green beams of energy pierced their heads. Dashia lands and says, "Sorry about that. Had an old foe to take care of."


She gathers more loot togrther.


(2 laser pistols, 2 regular pistols, 500 caps, 100 rounds of pistol ammo, 100 rounds of energy cells and 3 leather armor's.)

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Elegron looks up at dash "thanks for the save, got any ammo or meds? I could really use them right now" he limps out from behind the rock to reveal where he had been hit in the chest. The faintest hint of dragon scales vanish. "That was really weird. I felt like I was so much stronger. That bullet should have killed me... Again, thanks."

He hugs dash as best he can with his injuries.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna limped in the direction of the group, having found them after having worried for a while. Her right hoof was covered in blood. "Hey guys" she said with a trembling voice. "Nothing like a good fight huh?" she gave a hysterical laugh, shaking. "I see you are checking the loot". 

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Broken swerves around his cover after hearing the rapport of the primitive projectile weapons these ponies use and breaks into an evasive spiral. His senses tell him that neither weapon was aimed at him and he hovers for a moment before sedately landing to the side of the group. He watches Dashia collecting equipment frm the bodies. He decides to see how the obviously most powerful member of their group would like to equip them. He silently sends a prayer that he not be given one of the primitive weapons, they do not mesh well with his wings.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ebony gathers up the raider's weapon and ammo, she also takes a knife out and cuts off his cutiemark and stores it in her bag. She comes out from behind her cover, "Wow. Who died out here?" She looked about the area. "Oh... They died." She wandered around, pull scraps of leather off the raider's armor while humming to herself. When she was done she went over to Dyna. "Kid, here..." She slowly wraps a makeshift leather bandage around her wound, "Quit squirming kid, do you want to bleed out?" She looked at Dyna, "Perfect, bright as a button, what now?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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The shots hit my hoof that was still recovering but I can manage a walk still with some limp. My radiation spilling into my general area. "I can do a perimeter check. If there are more, we should take care of them before they can strike back. Fortunately, I have levels of radiation that would normally significantly make somepony sick. So my healing is okay if we don't get attacked with anything serious anytime soon." Looking to the group, some were looting the raiders, others were just healing their wounds. "If anyone needs help, I know basic medical procedures. If you don't fine by me. I'll be checking our perimeter to ensure no one else is watching us. Besides, If they come in contact with this stuff. Most ponies would get sick so watch it, or else. Haha." I continued to monitor our surroundings, while the other members of the group recovered.

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Dashia says to the ghoul, "Trust me if they wish to be seen they would have made themselves seen by now." (perception of a 7 or more too see their vibrations of camo fields.)


She then hugs Elegron. She says, "They are Darkeyes' Time Hunters. They usually only appear when they have found their mark. I guess it is Time to reveal a small secret of mine."


Dashia hesitates on saying her next words.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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(Perception Check - 6) "I am still looking, no one makes a fool of me and gets away with it," I told the half-ling. My instincts kept me on alert for the time being. I could take a hit and walk a bit longer than most. I just never had good communication with most ponies I have met. I watched the others care for each other while thinking, Hmmp, even if I was injured seriously, not sure I could take help from the others so easily. Maybe that Elegron character, he came from a place where other unique beings were being created. I continued to patrol the outskirts, I hated feeling vulnerable....   

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Broken interrupts Dashia. His feathers are spread and he is holding his mettalic wings aloft; his senses are on high alert. (Perception - 9) The feeling of ocean spray on his face and the sensation of little crawling insects on his tongue alerts him to their danger. He idly wishes he had taken the indoctrination for covert operations instead of advanced combat electronics.


"We are not in a secure location. We should move to the nearest defensible position." Broken subtly changes his stance to take off at a moment's notice.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Hmmm (perception 4) don't see anything." Elegron looks around a bit. He cant see anypony there. (Intelligence 9) his horn flares up, and dirt flies everywhere. It bounces off of the air around several equine shaped forms "there!" As soon as he says it, the marks appear on his pipbuck. Red.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia looks and says, "Tala and Neos, you know I would be watching for cloaked energies. Did grandfather send you two as well?"


Two halfbreeds decloak and the one called Tala says, "Insurance that the element of loyalty is kept safe. Do you still have it?"


Dashia pulls out a glowing amulet that looks like an alicorn amulet. "It's still with me. These 4 are resonating with it. They could be 4 of the other new bearers. I am still not sure."

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Broken blanks immediately to his warpony mask and folds his wings. His senses are screaming to run and hide. One half-breed was enough of a danger, three with cloaking technologies in the mix is more danger than he is willing to accept. He quietly steps back and to the side of the group.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Elegron laughs "well I'm glad I didn't shoot!" he slings his rifle back over his shoulder and reholsters his pistol. He pulls out a health potion and chugs down the strange tasting liquid as his wounds start to heal. He approaches the two new half breeds "hey, I'm Elegron, pleased ta meetcha" he says cheerfully.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Please Elegron, not to close. Right now time isn't on your side."


They look to Dashia, "She is in danger if she falls now you won't exist. That would be trouble for us. You know where she is. We suggest you get moving before he kills her."


Dashia looks pale, "That would create a time paradox and Darkeyes knows it. He won't risk it. I did bring about his creation after all."

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"Uhhhhh...... What? Sorry, you lost me at the.... Everything. Can somepony please explain what's going on?" He was seriously confused now. All this about time paradoxes, half breeds, ghouls. Was this what was outside of the stable? He didn't imagine it would be this complicated. "Well... All I know is that if dash's life is at risk, I'm willing to help with whatever you need. After all, I've got nothing else to do as it is."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia says, "We come from what your calender would say is 300 a.d. Or after destruction. It is roughly 100 years into your futures."


Dashia shifts uncomfortably. Tala says, "Soon in this time the Elements of Harmony will return and bring peace to this wasteland once again. Dashia here was sent to find the 6 chosen and guide them to the Elements."

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