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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Elegron picked up some ammo for his two guns. He saw a box labeled "10MM Armor Piercing" and took it as well, thinking it may come in handy. There wasn't much of the armor piercing ammo, but he figured it might get him out of a tight spot. "Darkeye minions? Well lead they way, and let's go kick some ass!" He pulled a scavenged 10mm pistol out along with the one he already had.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna inspected 2 mines she had gotten and 4 dynamites. "This looks good". She looked at Night. "You are a one grumpy big ghoul aren't you? You need to smile more. Smiling is the best thing in the world. It makes one happy" she started jumping around Night Torrent smiling and giggling. 

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"Thanks for the rad muffins," I said. Then I realized, she was just trying to annoy me! I timed her bouncing and punted her out a open window. "Stupid filly," I said. "Okay so let's get this thing started." I started following Elegron out the door towards whatever threat existed. I wondered if I would meet a future or past me at any point. What would I even say? Ah well, save that reaction for when it happens huh. We have a job to do. I walked outside to see the Dyna mite stuck head first in a large plant pot. The beautiful bouquet of flowers effectively ruined. I had to hold back a laughter evident on my face.

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Dashia heads out side and helps Dyna out of the pot. She then says to her, "Never think differentluly. That kind of trait is hard to come by here."


She then guides the group towards The Golden Oaks Library. She goes arround tI the back of the library. Bring her head near the back wall she begins to speak in a language only a Unicorn can understand.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Broken dons his emotionless warpony mask and lets his indocdrination take over. His wings spread slightly and the feather vibrate at a higher pitch. The Recharger rifle slides into his hooves easily and his senses shut down. He trades his abilities to see and hear normally for the technomagical senses of his wings. He hovers up and then sticks to the wall of the library above Dashia, spiderlike.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Elegron listens closely to the ancient language, understanding most of it. He trots up to dash, "so... What exactly are you doing?"

(Supposed he knows what she's saying, but I don't, so I can't really have him respond to it very well. Dash could you put it in the ooc or pm me on skype?)



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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When Dashia finishes the incantation, a door appears.


Shortly afterwards her scaled form ripples. Then the scales vanish and a horn appears.


Dashia looks at the now revealed form And says, "I guess another secret is out." Dashia looks very uneasy right now.

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"What?" Elegron is confused "so first you tell me your my wife from the future, then this crap happens? Can you please explain what's going on?" He walks towards the now open door "I just want an explanation. It doesn't have to be now, but I think you owe us that much at least"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Broken flattens himself against the ceiling and slinks along at point. He has no interest in the group's personal problems but he can't help but interject.


"We are in combat. Shut your mouth." He speaks monotonously and shortly. "Solve your personal problems later."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ebony finally catches up after spending so long choosing a gun, "Hi I was just getti-" Suddenly the pony from the apple stall earlier gagged her and dragged her down a secluded area, "You ruin'd me produce, naw I'm gon' ruin ya' face! Then I'll kill tha' freak you 'ang round with!" He spat at her. "Can't we be civil about this?" She asked while slowly wiping his spit off her. He lifted his hammer, "Naa." She used her magic to grab his hammer out of his hand and thump his forhead. He slowly got up, only to receive another swing of the hammer into his face. "Call us even." She said, dropping a few caps and the hammer onto the collapsed pony.

"Sorry about that, what's going on... And why do you have a horn?" She said looking at Dashia weirdly.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Not yet we are talking the back way in. The others had to go the other way. Now let's head inside before we're seen."


Dashia let's everypony else enter first.


She says to all, "I will explain about my alicorn form later. Your mission begins now."


As Elegron is about to enter she whispers to him, "This is one of your possibilities. Choose wisely when your trial comes."

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Dyna jumps around, smiling. She looks at Night. "I see you like playing pranks. You know I'm going to have to get you back for that flower pot. I guess something that will get you to smile. I'm going to make you smile. It makes me happy to see other ponies smile because m.. never mind. It's nothing" she kept on smiling and continued jumping forward giggling. 

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"One of my possibilities? What do you mean? As in, becoming an alicorn?" He whispers back. He doesn't know much about the alicorns other than them being more powerful and having wings. And apparently they could use dark magic, and special magic that only alicorns can use. "But I'm just a regular pony. Why me?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Yeah, yeah, go bother somepony else filly, I have a real job to do now." I suddenedly noticed Dash turn from a dragon half-ling into an alicorn after her mysterious spell. "By Celestia, how did you...nevermind." I just headed inside the library shaking my head in disbelief while the others entered with the same expression expecting the worse to happen. I had my rebar club within immediate reach of my hooves. "So what now?" I asked confused. So far everything was normal. For now.

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Ebony looked about for anyone else out there to mug her, "Can we go inside now? I'm not the most popular pony here and I owe some people a lot of caps." She looked about the streets again, "Like now please?" She timidly went to take a step inside then stopped, "Hostess first." She said to Dashia.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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F. Dashia says, "I can't enter because I am already inside. Go ahead. When my past self isn't with yall, I will join you again. Until then this is as far as I go. Good luck." F. Dashia motions for ebony to enter and steps back. She waits for ebony before making her next move.


There looks to be several ponies ebony recognizes that seem to be looking for somepony. She gets the feeling they are looking for her.

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(Am going to assume Ebony enters. Continuing story.)


When all have entered F. Dashia closes the door. "Say hi to my past self when you meet her."


Each pony finds themself in a pitch black room with two doors and a picture above each.



Your pictures are you holding a very old black spellbook or you covered in dragon scales. A voice that sounds like twilight's voice says, "Chose your path. The options of your fate are before you."



You hear the giggling of a mare and see two doors. Above one is a necklace of some kind in the Shape of a balloon. Above the other is you alone against a great shadow. It looks like you are fighting said shadow. The giggling voice says, "Te. He. Which do you pick? Either chooses your fate. Always remember to smile and keep optimistic, no matter the odds."



Your doors show, you vs Nightmare Cadence and losing alone or you vs a greater shadow with 5 others. A. Voice sounding like twilight's says, "even when faced with great odds be yourself and you will beat any odds. Remember in this version of your world, friendship is magic."


@Night Torrent

Your doors show you being slain by a great foe alone or you with others protecting them from a great shadow.

A voice like twilight's says, "Your path may be yours alone to walk but it becomes easier with friends. Choose the fate you may have. Nothing is for certain until it happens."



Your doors show you being attacked by many or you standing with a new necklace of some kind around your neck. A voice like Applejack's says, "Always be honest and follow your true self. Your fate is always in flux. But the path to your future begins here."

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"I don't have to fight alone. I know that I can rely on my friends... or at least I think they are my friends". She started to think heavily. "I have not known them for very long and I wish that we were friends. I wish I had parents. I wish I had a big sibling. No, they are my friends, they have tolerated me this far and I know that I can get them all to smile". She chose the one with the balloons as she had read in books that balloons made ponies happy. She wanted to make other ponies happy. She giggled as she opened the door and jumped inside. 

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"Of all the possible tricks...," I thought suddenly angry at the half-ling. I know I like being alone but should I really let my past get to me? Before this, I was a nicer pony. I actually used to protect others, well I still do but maybe that filly has a point. suddenly shaking my head, "Ugh, she is getting to me! I am not a regular pony anymore! I am not too stupid to know that I need others sometimes for greater problems but I just don't like the idea of friends too well. I know my path, but changing my ways to conform? Nah..." I walked through the door with all of us working together, and a thought seeded at the back of my mind. Maybe friends wouldn't be a bad thing after all? I paused for a moment thinking about it. Hah! in a million years!

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Broken snorts at the absurdity of the situation- him facing Nightmare Cadance. The Nightmare was purged long ago from the Sparkle Dynasty. He takes a moment to reflect on this Universe. It is so... child-like. Terrible for sure, if the violence and death are any indication, but... just childish. He is tempted to simply walk through the door with Nightmare Cadance but can't help but be curious about the second door. The pictogram is obviously associated with the Elements, of course it is, but are they the same artifacts as the ones in his home reality? If so... why is he here? To fight the shadow with them? To reverse the ritual that forged his wings? To corrupt the Elements into Reflections?


Broken sighs, "For the Deposed Throne... I'm going to regret this."


He takes a breathe and walks through the second door.

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Ebony looks towards the doorway of her with the necklace, then to the one of her being beaten,"This is such a difficult decision..." she quickly decides that the necklace and a few companions can't cause too much trouble to her, she quickly decided to head through to the vision of her and the necklace. As she's heading through she thinks to herself, 'That voice seemed familiar... But I don't remember how...'


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Elegron found himself staring down two doors. One had a picture of a book, and the other was him with dragon scales. His first thought was, "books are boring, dragons are cool, yay dragons lets go" but It occurred to him that this wasn't any ordinary book. This was a spellbook. He stepped closer to the door with the book, and felt a ton of magic radiating from the door. Light, dark, elemental, arcane, everything. He looked from one door to the next. He couldn't decide, so he focused his magic. "Aal dii lu suleyk aak zey wah viilt ven." The door with the book glowed, responding to his magics will, and so that was the path that Elegron chose.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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With all choices made each finds themselves in an odd location.


@Night and Broken

Night and Borken find themselves face to face with a transparent Twilight. She says, "Your hearts show friendship but the traits you have are stronger in others. However we still require your help. Save our friends Rarity and Fluttershy from a horrible fate. Only by saving them can you help restore harmony to the land. I hope this will be of help to you."


Before Night and Broken is a platform.


Only you two and a Pegasus mare are there. The mare has a slightly different but still identical mark to F. Dashia's mark. No scales and no horn though. She asks, "Did Grandpa Spike send you to take the trials too?"



You find yourself holding what looks to be twilight sparkles hooves. Your hooves are now orange and twilight is panicking. You see what looks to be Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash begin their descent. AJ's voice says, "If you were in my hooves, what would you say here?"


@Dyna Mite

You find yourself giggling at a scary tree and the mares from the childhood story you heard are scared to death but are asking, "Pinkie, what are you doing?" The scene freezes. An image of Pinkie appears, like she just broke The 4th wall. She says, "So your in my horse shoes. What would i do here?"



You find yourself, looking like Twilight, focusing your magic onto 5 orbs and a mass of blue smoke begins to teleport them away. You jump after them and find Nightmare moon.


You and her play chicken and you, as twilight, teleport to the orbs. You then spark magic into the orbs. After you spark magic into the orbs, Nightmare moon feigns your victory and destroys the spheres. She is laughing while you here voices coming to you. Twilight's voice says, "are those my friends?" The scene freezes for a moment and the voice asks, "If you where in my place, which you are, what would be my reaction here? Would it be the sorrow at failing that is already shown or something else involving those voices of the others? You chose how this ends."


The scene resumes. (What do you do and say?)

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Elegron thinks about it a moment. He doesn't know what twilight would do, but he knows that he would never give into sorrow or guilt. Those only weigh you down. Friends work better together. 2 friends are more powerful than 5 ponies on their own. then he remembersthe stories from his childhood. He turns around to see five other ponies entering the room. "You haven't destroyed the elements nightmare moon. They're right here! Fluttershy represents the element of kindness. Pinkie pie is the element of laughter, rainbowdash is loyalty, applejack is honesty, and rarity is generosity. When they combine, the spark reveals the sixth element. Magic!" The elements turned into amulets around each of the ponies necks, and a crown on Elegron/twilights. A giant rainbow laser shot out from all six of them, and struck nightmare moon, defeating her and returning her to normal. "I believe that's how the story went" Elegron thought to himself.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna just felt so happy that she answered Pinkie quite fast. "What would you do? I don't know" she giggled. "But I know that I would definitely laugh, my mother used to tell me that the best way to deal with fear was to laugh at them. That way they are not scary anymore" Dyna kept on laughing. 

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