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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Wait this is the past Dash. Okay, I am starting to understand now. Finally answering her question, "Yeah, although I am quite lost at the moment. Do you even know where we are? I couldn't imagine this place being here unless we are in an alternate dimension. Why are we here?"

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Ebony looked at the scenario before her and quickly decided to be as up front with it as possible, "O.K. here's the situation, I'm going to drop you in a few moments but you're going to be 100% fine. Those two pegasai will catch you when I do let you go. Got it?" She waited for a response but got nothing but panicky gibberish, "Um... I didn't get any of that but am assuming you're good to go, three. Two. One. Go!" She dropped the vision as the pegasai arrived to catch her. Ebony thought to herself, 'Where am I... And what am I doing here..?' As the scene played out before her.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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When you reassure Twilight and let her go, the scene vanishes and you find yourself in a room with a transparent AJ. She says, "You did exactly the honest thing. For that, I pass on to you my Element of honesty. However it still sleeps. Only when all elements are gathered will it awaken."


The transparent AJ vanishes and where she was in a pedistol With an amulet similar to F. Dashia's but with an orange Apple instead of a lightning bolt.



Pinkie laughs and says, "That is what I thought when I sang my song giggle at the ghosties. You pass. The element of laughter is now yours. It will still sleep until all other elements are gathered. Claim it and return to your friends. Loyalty is already with them."


She vanishes and a pedistol, with the element of laughter on it, is in her place.



The scene vanishes and the transparent Twilight says, "I would expect nothing less from my descendant. You have carried on my legacy. Magic is yours. However, until the other 5 come together the elements will remain asleep. The others await you."


She then vanishes and a pedistol containing the amulet of magic and a black book missing some of its pages replaces her.


The last thing he hears is, "Find the missing pages. Spike your turn."


A baby dragon now stands next to the pedistol. He says, "I am Dashia's Grandfather. However within you is a power I can awaken now. Please come before me."

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Elegron steps forward, looking at the two objects. He picks them both up with his magic, and feels power radiating off of the book. He then looks down at the baby dragon, trying not to laugh. He expected someone a little more.... Aged. Especially considering he was dash's grandfather.

"Alright, everything else since I left the stable has been just as weird, so I'm really not too surprised." He thinks to himself.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna looks at the element. She jumps towards it. When she reached it, she inspected it carefully. She then picked it up and started to snigger. "Element of laughter? Well, I do like laughing and I love to make others smile". She then returned to where her 'friends' were. 

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Broken blinks slowly to adjust for the quick changes in scenery, "We are here for the trials but we were sent by another. The others were separated from us. We should find them."


He folds his wings against his sides and let's their incessant vibration trail off. The magical nature of the rooms they were in severely crippled their ability to sense his surroundings.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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When you claim the element, you black out for a moment and then find yourself in a room with a Pegasus mare that looks oddly like F. Dashia but younger and without both a horn or scales. Night Torrent and Broken are with her. She looks to you and says. "Laughter? I guess grandpa didn't lie after all. Are more in the trials?"




The book looks to be mission the last few pages. The element pulses with a calm light.


Spike says, "This is my smaller form. If I were to take my full form I would crush you without even trying. And yes my soul fragment can hear your thoughts. So can Twilight. Now that which I sense is not normally appart of you but something that has been added. Use this spell to unleash it." Spike hands him a spell scroll. It contains the spell he needs to unleash his draconic blood. "If you need anything talk to Dashia. She knows how to get a hold of me. Also whatever you do don't use that scroll on her. Bad things will happen."


He vanishes and a door appears behind where he was. You can hear a voice behind the door. It sounds friendly.

Wait this is the past Dash. Okay, I am starting to understand now. Finally answering her question, "Yeah, although I am quite lost at the moment. Do you even know where we are? I couldn't imagine this place being here unless we are in an alternate dimension. Why are we here?"

Dashia says, "It seams that this place was originally designed as a stable. I think to restore these would be our reason for being here or that's what Grandpa said. I got to see my ancestor Rainbow Dash though so that's a plus. I do really look like her. This machine seems to have temporal properties to it. I have determined it is activateable and it is preset with some kind of temporal cordinants. When the others get here, we can see where it leads."


Dashia holds up the element of loyalty and points to the platform.

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E not walks up to the pedestal gingerly, taps it to checks the legitimacy of it then picks it up and puts it on, she then completely blacks out onto the floor. She slowly woke up feeling slightly woozy and disentorited, she then gets up and looks about spotting the Filly talking to Dashia present. "Hello? Oh you guys... Wait a second..." She looked carefully at present Dashia then looks down at herself noticing the necklace, "Ah... It's you..." She sat down and looked about, still feeling woozy. "So where are we..?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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@all remaining trial characters


When your perspective trials end and you have the necklaces, you find yourselves in the same room as the others. You come to disoriented but otherwise unharmed.




When the 4 elements come into close proximity to each other, same room, they begin to resonate with each other and all members find they have been granted some kind of power boost. Twilight's image appears and says, "All current trials are complete. Please make sure to use my temporal Telepad and help save the remaining elements. By doing this you should be able to restore harmony to the land. Sorry in advance but this pad and all others like it are only able to send you to one point in time and space. Good luck and blessings to all."


((All characters are now level 5. Please level up and prepare for an incoming fight.))


Dashia says, "I don't know everthing about what Grandpa asked of us but..."

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Broken shakes his head again. This mass teleportation is physically irritatin his implants but he hides his discomfort. He shifts his wing a little to bring his rifle into view and fidgets with it. It seems like nopony really knows what is going on and they just received the most powerful magical artifacts known to ponydom. He cannot see how this could possibly end well.


"Then we should visit your Grandfather. Now. Before you ponies jump to the next problem."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Dyna starts jumping around Dashia. "Hey you kinda look like Elly's ma----- haha never mind. It is nothing. So who's your grandpa? Huh huh huh?". Dyna giggles as she is jumping around. She stops as she starts inspecting her necklace. "It is so pretty... and it also looks a little funny". She started laughing. 

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"Laughter to the T. Even Grandpa Spike's story had a pink mare like you. Always too hyper for her own good, he says." Says Dashia. "My grandfather is also in a far away location."


Dashia looks to t he door expectantly. Within moments it bursts open. "About time they got here. My power armor's been dieing to be unleashed. Defend Enclave 1Alpha!"


The collar around her neck encases her in a field of magical energy. Shortly after the field fads she is covered in a strange highly advanced power armor.


Broken recognizes it as an advanced series battle armor from his world. However it holds one big difference to the advanced series. It looks far more mobile and stronger defensively.


All pipbucks lights up with 15 red tags and one blue tag for each ally.


First through the door is what appears to be 3 dragoon class power armors and two hunter type snipers.

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Elegron sees red marks behind him and whirls around as the enemies in their power armor deactivate their stealthbucks. "Hmmm too many and too far outgreared. Time to get creative" he thinks. His eye sparks and his horn lights up. "I am one with fear! You shall suffer that which nopony has suffered before!" He yells as his illusion spell works its magic, changing him into a twisted version of himself. His fear spell was creating their worst nightmare that they could never even imagine. He gives his enemies a sadistic smile.

"Now my pets... Are you ready to play?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna realized the threat and immediately went to action. She started jumping around, in case someone would start shooting at her so that it would be harder to hit her. She grabbed a frag grenade and tossed it in the direction of the incoming enemies. 

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"Finally, out of this crazy madness and back to reality!" As Dyna Mite threw the frag grenade, I took point running into the chaos fighting with the two ponies with dragoon-class power armor. I managed to immobilize one of them but the other took a hit at me that I just managed to dodge. At that point the frag exploded finishing the hurt pony, and slightly wounding the two of us still fighting as sniper fire came my direction getting some success. My armor minimized most of the damage but I managed to dodge the fire as best I could while continuing to fight the second pony.   

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The frag grenade only stuns all dragoons as their armor takes most of the damage.


One of the snipers take aim but because of your jumping arround and the small area, he fire and misses you only to hit a wall near you.



Your attacks have moderate effects as their armor takes some of the damage.


The dragoons are stunned by the grenade So there is an opening for an attack on all three.


One of the snipers fire at you. The attack hits and deals moderate damage, but doesn't take you out. The other sniper fired and missed Dyna.



All are affected by your fear spell but it seems that the center one shrugs it off.



There looks to be more coming in and at least half of the 15 are heavily armored.


Aurora says, "This is bad. Most of them are heavily armored. We need a way out. Give me a moment. Stall them."


Aurora begins working the council. In a few moments the gate opens. "Everypony, into the gate. We can't defeat this many."


A blur of silver empact with the enemies from behind. A mare in a black power armor bumrushes threw them and into the room. "Do as she says. I will hold them off. Go now!"


This mare looks like the infamous mare doo well. She engages the enemy and seems to be doing far better then the group so far.

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Dyna's heart starts to beat faster as the sniper round nearly hits her. She doesn't want to leave anypony behind but realizes that she might be right. So she does as commanded. She starts heading for the gate. "Elly come on, we got to move" she yells at Elegron. 

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Ebony follows on behind Dashia, completely confused on what's happening, but keeping it to herself. She just kept on running, confused and disentoriated on the speed of the events that unfolded. She looks towards Dashia, "Where are we going? And who the hay were they?" She thought for a second in a moment of deleriousness, 'Hmm that rhymed...' She looked behind her, seeing all the commotion in the once peaceful town, then looked back to Dashia waiting for the next plan of escape.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Well, this was fun gents, but I think I have to go!" I said tripping all three of them and joining the others in the evacuations as the pain of the direct hit got me a little fazed. "I really have got to stop being so reckless...," laughing now as I joined them through the gate. "So what next Dash, the rush is great but why do I feel like we're in over our heads in horse manure?" I joked.  

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Elegron rushes to follow the group, and puts a distortion field behind him making it much harder for enemies to aim. As he is running he takes cover behind a desk and fired a few rounds before catching up with the group. He dives through the gate just in time as a medium caliber rifle round hits him in the shoulder.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Mare doo well engages all enemies using her speed as a way of dealing with multiple foes.


Dashia is watching and is thinking back to the old stories. She steps into the gate as mare do well hits the deactivation button. She says her voice box malfunctioning for a bit "good luck and safe trip to the past, chosen ones."


(perception check) Dashia and anypony with a perception of 5 or more notices that the voice belongs to a pony by the name of rainbow dash.


Dashia says as the gate closes, "Ancestor Dash?"


The gate closes behind Dashia.


There is blackness all arround before a scene appears all around every pony. Yall are on a purple platform of pure magic. Ehat is going on all around you can be considered pure war and chaos.


Canterlot is being covered in a pink cloud of gas.


Ponyville is being desimated by Darkeyes, a demon of what seams to be near god like power.


Cloudsdayle is raising up into the sky as clouds cover everything in the sky.


A gigantic purple and green dragon is currently engaging Darkeyes.


Another black and red dragon is blasting at anything trying to hurt the equines who are running for their lives. The black and red dragon fires a blast of black flames into canterlot stalling the pink gas from hitting rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight. Rarity teleports twilight and Fluttershy right before the pink cloud would cover her. A flash of rainbow light happens there.


Suddenly everything and everypony is covered in the flames of bale fire.


You all then find yourself back where you jumped through the gate. There is the bodies of all 15 enemies on the ground dead. There is no sign of this Mare Doo Well character either.


Dashia looks to everyone and says confused, "Was that the past we just saw? The day of the great Calamity?"

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Dyna was not sure what to make of the images. "I don't know, probably. It sure looked like it from the stories I've been told.... scratch that, it looked worse than from the stories I've been told". She looked at the dead bodies. "That voice was a little bit strange, how did one pony take out so many dangerous ponies?". 

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Elegron groans and looks around before falling back down from his injuries. "I'm hit. Armor piercer, went right through my armor."

His saddlebags are lying two feet away from him. "I can't get to my health potions. I underestimated that sniper." He says, coughing.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Upon seeing the image of some horrible past event with the main six with Rainbow Dash herself wishing me luck, as well as the ponies who threatened to kill us all dead now. I was at a loss for words for a moment before my adrenaline levels finally subsided and my injuries finally caught up to me. I sat down and groaned quietly to myself, "Damn snipers, you'd think they learn their lesson at some point." It would be a little bit until my wounds healed but at least I had that automatic healing factor that healed faster than most others did. It almost made me want to break a hoof one of these days to test my healing rate. Hell who knows, with the action that has been happening the past few days, I just might get that opportunity. 

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Dashia goes over to Elegron's bag and hoofs him a potion.


She asks him, "I want to confirm what Dyna said, We saw the day of the great calamity, didn't we? I know I heard that mare's voice from somewhere. It couldn't be my ancestor Dash's voice, could it?"


Dashia looks as confused as a chaos bug.

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