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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Ebony fiddled around with the gun she'd been handed and instantly knew exactly what it was. She pressed one final button and the gun made a loud whirring noise with a quiet humming afterward, it looked like a rocket launcher, but had tiny little barrels inside of where a rocket would be produced. It also had a large box that glowed a slightly radioactive green bolted to the side of it. "This is the arc launcher but I like to call it judgement. It fires focused arcs of unicorn magic, like a lightning bolt." She looked the gun over, checking all the parts, "Basicly it fries it's target and very briefly shorts out electronic armor." She looked at the gun for a second, "But how in equestria did that ditzy girl hve this? I made one of these a while bAck but it broke... And kinda hit the nearby area with an EMP... But anyway enough about this." A few seconds later she noticed the silent arrival heading in, "Is it just me or did that pony look like the one from the library?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dashia had Been assembling her weapon and had just finished when everyone asked their questions about the mare from the library. "You know there is only one way to find out. Besides I have to know for certain if that Mare Doo Well was indeed my ancestor, Rainbow Dash. I remember the voice from my foalhood, but I can't place where and when."


Dashia places it in the Battlesaddle mount and they could hear a clear loading sound. "The box contained

ammo for all weapons. I hope y'all got that as well."


Dashia's father looked to the group and says, "I will gather my forces and meet you somewhere inside. Good luck. One more thing Elegron, Break my girl's heart and I will have that horn of yours for a back scratcher. Understood?"

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Elegron just looks at him. "if you think I'm going to betray her, then you can just throw away your horn removing device right now because that will never happen."

he is very sincere, and confident. it seems like he has been through this before.


'I've already lost one that I loved. I won't let that happen again' he thinks.


he grins at dash's dad. " don't worry, I'm not your typical buck"


'but what if It happens again?' he thinks to himself. 'what if I'm just as powerless as I was last time? what if I mess up? what if she gets hurt? what if she... no. I can't think about that. it won't happen. that was stable 42, where everything is practically scripted, and you have no individuality. off somepony tries to do that now, then I can kill them. and for celestias sake I most certainly will.'

Edited by Kirito



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna jumped in front of Dashia's father. "Don't worry Mr. Dashite. I will make sure that this one here" she pointed at Elegron "won't hurt her". She made a gesture of herself handling a dynamite. "I'm just kidding, I would never blow him up" she giggled "however, I will make sure they keep together. They look happy" she laughed. 

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Cunning smirks at the scene, cocking her head at Dashia's mentioning that she's descended from Rainbow Dash herself.


Interesting, would that make her a bit of a celebrity? Now I'm even more looking forward to work with her.


She walks past Elegron, giving him a playful nudge with a smirk. "You heard the man, greenbean."


She glides over to Dashia's side, grinning to her. "So, shall we make tracks, new best friends?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia's Father leaves to gather his forces.


Dashia begins to head inside telling Ebony, "There is one thing mother told me about the name Pinkie Pie. That is she is as random as it gets and usualy right with that pinkie sense of hers. If Pinkie gave it to Ditzy then Pinke somehow knew you would need it."

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Dyna followed Dashia. "Pinkie Pie sounds really funny" she giggled. "I'm guessing though that there will be a lot of enemies inside the factory. A lot of enemies to go POP" she giggled even more. "Oh, and congrats with Elly, Dashy. You two look cute together". 

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"so what are we waiting for? let go!" he starts to walk towards the entrance, but stops. "hang on, I wanna see if this thing really does its job." he takes out and activates the energy sword, and readies it. "alright somepony shoot me once, and not you dyna." (he will slice through the bullets and they vaporize in a shower of sparks)



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning perks up her ears at Elegron's request, and blinks as he activates his energy sword.


He wants somepony to shoot him? ...ah well, I should try out this new toy anyway!


"If I may do the honours?" She asks, raising a hoof, then reaching into her coat to pull out her new pistol, setting it up to aim right between the stallion's eyes. "Bear with me, I'm not the best shot."


She fires the pistol, which seems to shoot at pin-point accuracy.


Damn, I like you even more now! Thank you, crazy ol' Pinkie!


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Elegron reacts faster than expected. his new weapon seemed to enhance his reaction time.

he swings his energy blade, and the projectile vanishes with a pop and some sparks.

"next time don't aim for my head! that could have actually killed me." he glares at her. "then again, I guess I didn't specify." his glare turns into a grin "not like it could have hit me anyway, did you see how fast that was?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia grins as the group enters The factory. Inside is a room housing a few ponies in cages but it looks like there is no enemies here.


In the cages are two pegasi and an earth pony. The earth pony is male and the two pegasi are female and in wonderbolts uniforms.

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"Yeah, you should've," Cunning chuckles, putting her new toy away and smirking back at Elegron, "though, that was some damn fine swordwork, you'll be a full-fledged samurai in no time."


She follows the others into the factory, and glances over to the cages, and the ponies occupying them.


Well well, I believe those are Wonderbolt uniforms. Or so I assume, from mom's stories about them.


She floats over to the cage and busts out the lucky bobby pin to stick it into the lock. With no guards around, it'll be much easier this time.

"My fellow flyers, and fine wingless gentleman, can I interest you in a no-interest deal of freedom?" She smirks at them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna looked around with an unsure look. "I don't like this. Something is abound to go wrong. We should hurry up". She looked around her nervously. "Who has the map again? I have forgotten" she gave a nervous smile to her friends. Then she giggled a little bit. 

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Elegron trots over to another one of the cages and attempts to pick the lock, but his bobby pin snaps within seconds. "I... think I'll leave this to you cunning." he says slightly embarrassed. Elegron walks over to dash and nuzzles her. "we can handle most of the fighting and let her do the lockpicking."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Guys!" Ebony lowers her voice to a whisper, "I think I can hear a patrol." She adjusts a few settings on her gun and it turns off, she then gets a small journal out her saddlebags and begins to assemble a small device with scraps of metal in her saddlebags. When she's done she has a few devices that looks like a bear traps but has no pressure pad, instead a small spike. "Anyone whose dumb enough to set this off will lose a hoof. I'm sure you've all seen a bear trap before." She explains, placing it down by the main entrance in a fairly concealed position by moving a nearby body close to it. She heads back into the room with everyone else, "We can never be too safe, to be honest we're a bit more exposed that what's comfortable in here." She then gets to assembling a new contraption, humming softly as she does so.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Sand Storm Opens a single eye, raising his ear to listen to a unfamiliar voice, he would look up to notice a mare he did not recognise, fiddling with the lock.


"I suggest you leave me.... They will only come back and do you harm...." He lowers his head as he closes his eyes again.


   Unless they get the lock undone. Wait did they kill the guards?


 Sand bolts up rushing to the door, placing a single hoof up to the cell.


"If you can get us out, I suggest you hurry. They won't take kindly to unwanted visitors."

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Cunning smirks to Elegron, teeth bared as she fiddles with the lock to the earth pony's cell.


She listens to the prisoner's words, and nods.

"Oh we know, they ain't the most social of ponies," she mumbles with a roll of the eyes, "They especially won't like that we let ourselves in as well."


With a click, the lock opens, and the door budges ajar.

"And there you have it, one freed earth pony! No charge, no tax."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna jumped in the direction of the cell. She looked at Sand Storm. "Hello there and enjoy your freedom" she giggled. She then jumped back to Elegron and stood by his side. She held her breath as Elegron nuzzled with Dashia. She wanted to shout something cute about the two, but decided that it would not be a good idea to be loud...... yet. 

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Sand simply looked over the other two ponies.


   So this is my saviour... Egh... Hopefully they found my stuff...


  Sand gave a small sigh, looking around for his gear.  "Say you didn't happen to find some... *Ahem* Raider armour and a sledgehammer did you?"

He simply looked at them with a curious look about him.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Dashia says, "Over in the box by the door. Be careful Ebony set a surprise for any enemies stupid enough to come close. (Perception 7) Dashia looks to what seems to be a wall. After returning Elegron's nussle with one she goes over to it and looks it over.


"Oh nice a weather factory hidden door." Science 50 "It should take only a moment to open." She begins trying to open the door. (Will take 5 minutes to open.)

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Surprises? Oh god... Best keep my eye open. Wait... Get her to guide me over. Probably safer.


Sand turns to face who he thinks is Elegron, A dash of curiosity sweeping his face. "What kind of surprises? Actually, could one of you guide me? You know, don't want to die as soon as being set free." He gives a cheesy grin as he darts his eyes to the box and back to Elegron.


  Please don't say no. I don't want to lose my head.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Elegron walks towards the box, avoiding all the traps. "just don't step on anything spikes, it's not that difficult. honestly, I don't know why ebony thinks anypony would fall for this trap." he says. "oh, and we should change out that armor soon, it makes you look like a raider, and I can't imagine it protecting much." he tries to open the box but it's locked, and he starts to take out a bobby pin. "ah screw this, I can't pick a lock"

Bzzt. the new energy sword activated for the split second needed to slice through the simple lock. "I don't know why I didn't do that earlier."

he turns around "come on new guy, your stuffs over here and I'm not bringing it to you. what's your name anyway?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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As sand trots on over to the box, following the route of Elegron, he stops beside him. As he takes out his armour and sledgehammer he turns to face Elegron with a small smile on his face.


   "Sand Storm. Nice to meet you. And about the armour, I do mind keeping it, you know... History and such." He continues to dress himself in the armour before hoofing the sledge hammer onto his back. He finally takes out his rifle, looking to see if any ammo had been left.


   Darn. Wonder if these guys will share some... Maybe another time.



Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Dyna looked at the armor. She wore a face of suspicion as she looked at the raider armor. She recognized it. Her sister had been killed by raiders. She kept a close eye on Sand Storm. "I'm watching you" she thought to herself. She then walked over to Cunning to see what she was doing, instead of jumping as usual. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Cunning raises her eyebrow to the earth pony as he walks out of the cell. "You're welcome."


She glances over to Elegron, having trouble with the lock, and floats over.

"Oh, lemme get that for y-" she starts, but pauses as the unicorn cuts the lock off with his beam sword, "Alrighty then."


The mysterious stallion introduces himself as Sand Storm, and she waves a hoof at him.

"I'm Cunning Plan," she introduces, and adds in the most deadpan tone she can muster, "Y'know, your savour and all?"


She rolls her eyes and disregards it all, floating over to the next cell with the Wonderbolt in it. "Let's get you outta here, hopefully you'll be a bit more grateful, eh?" She whispers.


She glances down at Dyna, who walked over to her side. Where'd all the energy go, kid?

"Hey kid, any good at lockpicking?" She grins, and reaches into her pocket to pull out another bobby pin, "See if you can do anything about that other cell, eh?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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