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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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"That voice?" He thinks back, drinking the potion and watching the wound close and the pain stop. "Now that you mention it, that most definitely was. Nopony else has a voice like that, I've heard it before on a pre-war video back in the stable. But I thought rainbow dash was dead. How is she still here?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Upon the realization of rainbow dash being alive, Dashia faints.


Future Dashia enters and says, "About time she fainted. I was waiting to speak to yall again. Before you ask, as long as she doesn't know I am here, the space time qontinuem will not collaps. That is why she had to faint. I fainted before my self."


She looks around. She then says, "I am surprised Mare Doo Well showed up. You guys can have the loot. She left it all for you. Also sorry about the power armors they can only be used to repair power armors."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna had a look around the dead bodies. She found 3 frag grenades and 2 frag mines. "Sweet, I can definitely use those". She jumped back to the rest. "I left the bottle caps in case we are going to split them, if not, I'm not really interested in them" she giggled. 

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Elegron looks around and starts picking up ammo, and sees a nice shiny double barreled shotgun on the ground, sitting in a pool of blood.

"This will work" he cleans as much off as he can and finds that it is in relatively good condition. He loots the body for ammo, and finds a good stash of 20 gauge shells that seem to match it perfectly.

"Dyna, how about I hold on to those. Or somepony else maybe. Whoever is the best at trading." Elegron says, looking over his new weapon.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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F. Dashia clears her throat and says, "I can't stay long so I will make this brief. That pad is now no Longer able to send you back. It was a one time deal. The plus side is I cleared this place out for you. You can use it as a base of operations and nopony will find you. I have programmed that TelePad to take you to 5 new locations. These are areas of importance for your mission. It will also cut down travel time. Soon the system will activate and be able to help you. It will have, as you complete tasks in th past and gain allies, available to you a very nifty and convenient set of areas. Your choices affect what that is here and how your future unfolds. Good luck and best speed. May the elements guide and keep you."


With that she turns and quickly exits. Soon after Dashia wakes and groans. "Did I just faint?" She asks confused.

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Elegron trots over to dash and helps her up "yea something like that. Don't worry, you didn't miss much." He looks around at the other ponies. "Alright, I guess once everyone is ready we should go to the first location, no sense in wasting time." He picks up dash's saddlebags that she dropped and handed them back to her before getting his own on. "All in favor?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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As elegron speaks the lights arounds them become fully active. This place looks to be a central hub for the base.


A transparent version of an Alicorn Twilight appears before the group again. She says, "My name is Twilit. Mistress Twilight said you would eventually come here Bearers of Harmony. How may I be of assistance?"

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Elegron approaches the strange pony "we need to know what we have to do once we reach where we are supposed to go, and which one is the least dangerous. I don't want to be outgeared by bandits or torn apart by deathclaws." He gives the pony a look of confidence, but one that is friendly as well. "That is of course, assuming you have that information."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna starts touching the image of Twilit. "Oooh, look, my hoof goes right through" she giggled. She jumped behind Elegron giggling there as well. She then looked at the horns and wings. "She looks like a princess, a princess from the stories my mother used to tell me". 

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Twilit looks to Dyna and says, "My physical look is based on Mitress Twilight's."


She then faded for a moment before returning. She answers Elegron's Question. "The cordnants for canterlot are locked. Requires proper preparation and the Six elements of harmony in their activated state. Mother Twilight said she hid a page to the spellbook she used to become an alicorn there. I also have records that state that is also the last known location of the original Element of Loyalty. As for the next possible location I checked the radio waves from the Grand Pegasus Enclave and they are having some kind of trouble in the Dashite City of Cloudsdayle, namely their weather Factory."


Dashia perks up and says, "What is the status of the city? My parents live there."


Twilit says, "Cloudsdayle is currently under attack for an advanced unknown enemy."

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Elegron looks at dash, understanding what she is going through. "Than that is our primary objective. To stop this unknown enemy. We have to do something. We can't just stand here and watch, we can't let the city fall. Besides, I know what it's like to lose family, and I won't let that happen." He gets his shotgun and pistol ready. "Any objections?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"No objections from me. Not saying that it will be smart, but it is the right thing to do. Plus, I'm betting that these dashites need to smile more" she giggled and jumped around. She stopped thinking. "I don't remember any ground ponies ever walking on clouds, considering that the name of the city is 'Cloudsdayle'. I guess we might be the first" she said with a rather excited voice. 

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"Lets get going then shall we?" Ebony says as she loads a few rounds into the shotgun she found among the dead, it was in horrid condition but would do the job. She then put any spare shells into her bags and looked towards Dashia, "So whats the fastest way to Cloudsdayle? And how are us non pegasai getting up there?" She asks.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Twilit says, "I can help on both accounts. The telepad can take you straight there. I have also programed it with mother's cloudwalking spell. All non pegasi will have it."


The telepad opened a gate as twilit just looks to it. "Destination set and locked in. I would suggest that you visit miss Ditzy Doo before you leave though. Her shop is now in room 1 of this facility."

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"Let's go everypony, I have a feeling we will need some better supplies for this fight." Elegron says as he starts to head down to the first floor but stops and walks back to dash. "Um.... Dash I.... Nevermind. I'll tell you later" he hides his blush (perception 7 or higher to notice due to his high charisma)

He starts thinking to himself again "this is crazy. I can't believe she is my wife in the future. Do I really feel this way? Or is it just because she said that? I don't know...." He looks somewhat lost in thought, but nopony else knows what he is thinking.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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[Perception 9] Dyna walked besides Elegron. She found it weird that the one that didn't know anything was giving commands. He was a Stablepony after all and newly out of his stable. Perhaps he was trying to look reassuring. However, Dyna noticed him blushing. She came closer to him. "Ooh, Elly has a little crush" she whispered, giggling. "Why don't you say anything to her? Talk to her or something? Don't need to tell her about her future, but perhaps get to know her or something?". 

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Dashia looks away when she sees his blush.(PERCEPTION 7.) She says, "Are you sick? You look Flushed." Dashia doesn't seem to know why he is but she gets the feeling he isn't like others she has meet. She thinks, 'So 'S he has been nice and he isn't bad looking. Papa married a unicorn so I think he would be ok. Nah, he would probably want me to keep the pegasi line strong. I am already a half unicorn. Bless my mom.'


She then looks to him a sincere smile on her face, "Thanks. All of you. Let's get set and go help my parents."

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Elegrons eyes go wide at dynas comment "what!? N-no it's not like that!" He stops, seeing the strange looks from everypony "uhhh... Anyway, I'm fine dash, really, you don't need to worry about me." His flustered expression changes just like that to a smile "it's more important that we make sure your parents are safe" he says as he goes down to the first floor to talk to derpy

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna kept on giggling. She sang silently. "Elly loves Dashie, Elly loves Dashie". She then dashes ahead of Elegron to where Ditzy Doo was. She really wanted to meet Ditzy since she had heard stories about the friendly ghoul . "Yay, we are about to meet Ditzy" she giggled. 

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I walked beside them now observing Elegron (Perception 7). "Hah, now that is hillarious. Let lover boy do his thing and let's move on shall we? Oh wait, where's the wedding? Am I invited too?" I said laughing now. "Anywho, what's next half-ling?" I asked calm now. "Finally some relaxing to do hopefully," I thought.

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Elegron gave night torrent an odd look "oh hah hah very funny. I told you, im not into her. What is it with you guys? I agree to help somepony and you automatically assume I'm in love with her. Maybe I'm just a nice pony. The future doesn't decide my... Future.... You know what I mean"

Elegron doesn't know whether it's the truth or not.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Yeah, you have agreed to help a pony with defending her family from possibly a really dangerous foe that could kill us all. Very normal indeed, everypony would do that" Dyna giggled. She jumped onward. She stopped and looked at the ghoul (Night Torrent) and smiled at her. 

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Dashia says, "Can somepony tell me what this half-ling business is and who Night is talking about? I am confused. I going to Ditzy's I need a few special vials just incase they start getting smart."


Dashia heads on to Ditzy Doo's General Shop. She begins looking for her item and Ditzy pulls her to the side. After a moment of the two whispering, ditzy heads off and comes back with a bag and smiles saying, "Anything else. Hope those do the trick. Nopony wants to see a friend turned ghoul by the taint."


"They will Ditzy. I always trust your work."


When the others get there Ditzy says, "Welcome, how may I help you?" She still has that bubblely voice but one can tell, she is looking to hit something big.

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Dyna ran where Dashia and Ditzy were talking together. She stopped and watched Ditzy silently with a giant smile on her face. She just stared happily. Then said: "You are Ditzy? Yayy. I'm Dyna, Dyna Mite, I've heard a lot about you. What is your favorite color? Your favorite food. Do you have a special somepony? What do you like doing?" she went on and on asking questions. She was quite hyperactive, jumping around.

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Elegron laughs "sorry about that ditzy, she's kinda crazy. Anyway, got anything more accurate than pistol or shotgun? And maybe not as slow as this hunting rifle. Something more for mid-range."

He digs through his saddlebag and finds his caps, setting 100 on the counter. "That's all I have, I don't know if that will get me anything useful."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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