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open Code Lyoko 2.0 v.3 (reboot, non pony, SoL, scifi, romance, action)

Drago Ryder

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Tempest groaned as he woke in the equivalent of an arctic tundra. He felt his chest tighten as his heart rate increased and his head began to spin. "Ok, just calm down and get your bearing Ryu." He thought as he looked around. The teen then looked at his own body saw that he was basically wearing the scales of a dragon with two swords at his waist, along with a pair of black wings on his back.


Xana felt stronger as the first new warrior materialized into Lyoko. The virus looked back to the days of Franz Hopper and his accursed daughter and then to Jeremy and his friends. These new warriors would be child's play and he would learn from his mistakes.


On the monitor, six red dots appeared and they were approaching Ryu at an alarming speed.

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@@The Dark Lord,@,@


(I guess I'll take over the computer part if that is ok with everyone)


"The machine says he was virtualized," amber called down to axiom as she sat down at the computer and quickly put on the headset that was in front of her, "If this is a game it is rather weird, however I should be able to talk into it through here." She looked up at the map and noticed the red dots on the projection and started talking into the mic, "ryu can you hear me, can anyone hear me?"

Edited by child of the night



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Clayton sighed as he thought over what had just happened. He didn't want to believe it, but Ryu was actually in a virtual world. "This is just crazy. People can't just be turned into data, can they?" He thought, before turning his attention to Amber. "Anything Axiom or I can do to help him?"

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@,@@child of the night, @,


"Well not help so much as cover my own ass." Came Axiom's voice from below. "If someone discovers that this guy is missing, they're gonna look right at the troublemaker of he bunch. That's me in case you didn't realize." He then approached one of the scanners. "I'm gonna go in after him." He said as he stepped inside and the doors closed on him. The same light from before now burst to life around him as the virtualization process started and materialized him on Lyoko. He appeared in the air near Ryu...and promptly fell on his ass. "Ow! god dammit."


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Ryu was brought out of the storm of emotions in his head when he heard Amber's voice. "Yeah. I hear you loud and clear. What about you?" He asked as Axiom entered Lyoko. "Welcome to the party, Loki." The teen then heard a irritating buzzing sound and felt the ground begin to rumble beneath his feet, before noticing a large, black sphere with two smaller figures running beside it and three oversized hornets converging on their position. They all had the same target that had appeared earlier on the computer.


Xana felt his power increase exponentially as Axiom entered the virtual world. An extracted strand of his character code provided the means of his full revival and they had no idea what they were even doing.Now the real fun could begin. In the real world, Xana was able to find a much better use of his power. The computer virus had basically turned into a physical manifestation of itself and drifted upwards towards the current party. It then implanted itself into a buzz saw and used the appliance to slowly cut away at the factory's main foundation, hoping to stop anyone from accessing the computer. At the same time, a tower not far from Ryu and Axiom held a red aura around it.

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As Axiom got up, he felt...like something was sucked out of him, like a LOT of something. He fell to a knee and held his head trying to get a grasp about what was happening to him. "What...The...Hell?!" He managed to growl out loud. The same symbol that was on the computer screen flashed in his eyes dangerously as a significant amount of data was taken straight from his head. As it did, he caught flashes of what seemed to be memories, but couldn't make sense of them. They were fragmented and made no sense. He did catch a few names though, but they meant nothing to him. Aeilita, Jeremy, Hopper, a few others, but one stood out from the rest, XANA. The symbol in his eyes then disappeared altogether as the pain stopped. Once he was sure he was okay, Axiom got up, still a little shaken as he held a hand to his head. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Oh." Yukie said, eyes widening in understanding. "It's okay, I'm... here for you." she said, smiling and patting her shoulder. "It'll be over soon, anyway." she said, and, almost exactly as she finished talking, the lift groaned to a halt, the sound of grating metal shrieking in the air. "Ow!" she gasped, rubbing her ears before watching as the doors slowly slid open. "Well... We're about to find out."

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Skye gave Yukie a small smile before covering her ears at the sound of the elevator stopping. "That .. is loud." Skye muttered before looking at the opening doors. Once they were fully opened, Skye stopped at the entrance to breathe a sigh of relief at not being enclosed before looking at some sort of large computer which took up the entire middle of the floor. "What's this?" Skye asked. It looked like some sort of giant supercomputer.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"From what I have figured out clayton the only way we can directly affect what is happeneing within the game is to go in there ourselves. Atleast I haven't figured out how to do anything from here yet." She started selecting windows and attempting to find information from anywhere possible. "However this at the moment lookes like a fighting thing but I don't know how to get them out yet, I still need some way to get control. If you are willing to take the risk you could go down into one of the machines but that puts you in trouble of getting stuck if we can't get you out." She opened the map back up and saw the red dots starting to close in on Ryu and Axiom, "Hey Ryu you have something coming inbound that I would suggest being careful about. If this is like any other games those things are enemies so be warry."


(btw I haven't noticed Skye and Yukie yet)

Edited by child of the night



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"It is, isn't it?" Yukie asked, touching her ear gingerly. She followed Skye through, glancing around like a somewhat scared puppy. "Oh." she breathed, her voice even quieter than usual and her eyes wide in awe. "It's... beautiful!" she said, walking forward a little and stopping in front of some large wires which tangled amongst themselves. "What do you think it's for?"

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Skye rubbed her ears as they still rang slightly after the doors had opened. She walked to the machine slowly, being careful not to trip over the wires. "I got no idea what its for but I'm just glad I'm out of that elevator." Skye said in relief and walked around slowly, circling the machine until she was back where Yukie was. "Seems like someone has already turned it on. See?" Skye said, pointing to a handle that appeared to be in the 'on' position.



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Tempest nodded slightly as the five of the six figures began firing what looked like lasers at the two teens, the sphere simply stayed where it was. "I see them." He muttered as his dual swords formed in his hands. "Axiom, take the ones on the ground. I'll see what I can do about the oversized locusts." Ryu's wings then expanded as he flew into the air. Something seemed different. He wasn't the calm, peaceful boy from Sweden, but rather a strategically minded warrior with a desire to destroy. He then noticed a red tower on a higher ice shelf. "I'll have to look at that after I deal with this." He thought to himself.

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"Yeah...got it." Axiom responded, still a bit shaken. As soon as he got his bearings, He ran off after Ryu. It was then that he realized something. "HEY! I don't have a weapon! You got two weapons Ryu. I call hax. HAX!" He yelled out. It was then that he came face to face with a cube-looking creature. "Um,nice...block...thing." The block almost seemed to hesitate for a moment before opening fire on Axiom, forcing him to dodge. "Yep, this is what I get for being a nice guy." He stated, dodging the laser blasts.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Amber started to search for player records or anything that could be used to give someone a weapon. After searching for a bit she opened a window that showed Ryu on it and a list of items such as life points and weapons. After a moment she opened Axiom's file and scrolled down to the weapons section, "Axiom it says you have something called an enerdy ball, I am not really sure how you would use it though. Can either of you see something to mark our bearing with, wether it is an odd landmark or a building I don't care."



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Clayton shrugged slightly and sighed. "For now, I think I'll stay here." He said, slightly hesitant. The teen didn't know how dangerous it was in whatever Ryu and Axiom had gone into. "Hopefully those two make it out of there." The teen then went back to investigating the hologram map.

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Ryu drove his swords into the head of a hornet and jumped away as the other two attempted to hit him with acid. "I saw a tower earlier." He said. "Can you see it on the map?" Unfortunately, this left him open for the second black to shot him, sending him to the ground due to pain.


The black sphere opened up and drew energy into its center, aiming for Axiom. After a few seconds, it fired a laser in every direction on a vertical plane.


Ryu noticed the blast and rolled out of the way and flew into the air, towards the red tower. Something seemed to draw him towards it. He looked back to see the two hornets following him.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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As the blast drew closer, Axiom raised his hands in defense. as he did, a ball of energy formed in his hands and blocked the blast, pushing him back a few feet. He then rolled to the side to allow the blast to go by him. "Well, that was interesting." He looked to his hands and another energy ball formed there."Interesting indeed." He then shot the ball at the tank, covering himself as he ran after Ryu. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Yukie nodded in agreement. "It wasn't... pleasant." she said, smiling a little. She didn't move beyond the elevator really, but her eyes still managed to pick out some of the details, including the five odd tubes that led to seemingly nowhere. "What are those...?" she wondered aloud, too quiet for most people to hear. She opened her mouth to say something, before pausing a little to think of how to word her next sentence. "If it's on... Who's using it?"

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Skye noticed about five different clumps of wires leading to nowhere. It looked like they disappeared into the floor but it was hard to tell for sure. "They must lead somewhere." Skye said quietly and looked at Yukie when she asked a question. "Who turned it on? No idea but the thing that this turns on must be somewhere else in the factory. Most likely below us because the wires look like they disappear into the floor." Skye answered. She moved back to Yukie and asked, "What do you think this powers?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Hm..." Yukie said, bending over and touching the wires as she thought, only to have them feel sort of rough yet waxy at the same time. "I... Can't say." she murmured, brow furrowing a little as she puzzled over the prospect of what they were for. "I don't think it powers anything. It seems to run itself." she said, straightening and walking forward a little at the sound of voices. "I think... Someone's there."

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"Hm?" Skye questioned as she watched Yukie head towards some sort of sound. "You think there are other people down here? That seems very likely." Skye said and fell into step beside Yukie. As they walked closer, she found that the voices got louder and louder. "Who do you think they are? Students from Kadic? That seems to be the best option." Skye commented as could make out a few words of what they were saying.



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The attack struck home and the monster exploded, throwing both cubes off the edge and into the digital sea below. The hornets pursing Tempest then opened fire on the teen, before eventually flying away


Ryu dodged the blasts. "Come on. Just a little more." The teen then phased through the wall of the tower as it sealed shut behind him, not allowing anyone else to enter.


Xana stopped trying to cut the beam as Ryu entered the tower. He needed to cut the power to trap the two teens in Lyoko. He then sent a surge of electricity through the factory, making light bulbs on the upper level burst and stopping the DJ booth. Any students still at the party left for Kadic.

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"I think there is... Something down here." she said, pausing pointedly as she tried to place the word she wanted to use. The voices got steadily louder, and she felt her own voice die away as theirs increased. Stopping, she opened her mouth to try to say something. Sadly, she failed rather drastically, and grabbed Skye's sleeve to get her attention before gesturing to herself, her voice, and the others. She gently pushed Skye towards the others, wanting her to go greet them first.

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"You-what-okay fine." Skye said in a jumble a s she realised that Yukie wanted her to greet the voices first. Smiling and holding Yukie's hand, she walked towards the voices. As they got closer, they emerged into a room that was mostly taken up by a hologram as well as a computer system.


@, @@child of the night

"Wow. This place just never ceases to amaze." Skye said as she looked around. She then noticed the voices coming from the two students standing around the computer. "Hi. I'm Skye. Do you know what this is?" Skye asked them as her and Yukie got a bit closer.



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Axiom followed behind him, wanting to get the hell out of dodge, but when he tried to run into the tower, he bounced right off and fell flat on his ass. "Well damn." He said, getting back up. He then pounded on the bottom of the tower. "Ryu you bastard! I swear to god this better be a joke!" He yelled out before sounds of approach came from behind him. He turned around to greet the tank he evaded earlier. "H-Hey guys." He said nervously before he was forced to roll away from a wall of light.  

Edited by The Dark Lord


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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