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I'm new here and in all honestly i need help


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How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: not 100% a fan just yet it's why i need everyone's help.

To anyone who will listen:


Let me start off by saying i don't hate MLP but i don't fully like it either the reason being my introduction to this series was a fan made video by the name of cupcakes.... and i'm sure as many of you here know it is a very messed up video. Because of said video i grew to hate and fear this show damming anything brony related because of how horrible it was but a good friend of mine the one who told me about this place said to give it one more shot and pointed me here for pointers on where i should start and maybe even try to make my own OC  as i tend to do that with alot of shows i watch. So i ask you to any who would listen give me a hand or... hoof and help me get into this show instead of judging it because of one messed up video

  • Brohoof 9
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That video was purely shock-material (the only reason it exists and the story itself is to get attention). It's not representative of the brony fandom in any way, shape or form and shouldn't be treated as such. Just because a few people in the brony fandom created such a video does not mean every brony is like that nor is MLP like that.


If it's really disturbed you, judge the creator, not his fandom.



As for your welcome:

Welcome to the MLP Forums, I hope you'll learn that not all bronies think alike and that most of this fandom is full of very friendly and caring people. 

Edited by Flitter
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i know i should view it like that, its just the image's kinda plasted themselfs into my brain of the pink one doing those things to the blue one (yes i don't know their names) its why i asked for help i want to stop thinking like that about bronies hell i've seen some good things as well like Fallout equestira (sorry if the spelling's wrong) and Death battle between Starscream and the blue one but every time i see the pink one i think about cupcakes 

  • Brohoof 4
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i know i should view it like that, its just the image's kinda plasted themselfs into my brain of the pink one doing those things to the blue one (yes i don't know their names) its why i asked for help i want to stop thinking like that about bronies hell i've seen some good things as well like Fallout equestira (sorry if the spelling's wrong) and Death battle between Starscream and the blue one but every time i see the pink one i think about cupcakes 


Well first of all, the pink one is Pinkie Pie and the blue one is Rainbow Dash.


Secondly, I'm kind of confused as to how an animated cartoon short can be so impacting psychologically. But, I guess some people are more sensitive to cartoonified gore.


My suggestion would be to simply forget about it. I know, that sounds stupid of me to say but time is the best healer. You'll forget about it over time. Watch the actual show and maybe you'll see the more innocent side of the ponies as opposed to their non-canon violent sides written by writers and artists.

  • Brohoof 7
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Well first of all, the pink one is Pinkie Pie and the blue one is Rainbow Dash.


Secondly, I'm kind of confused as to how an animated cartoon short can be so impacting psychologically. But, I guess some people are more sensitive to cartoonified gore.


My suggestion would be to simply forget about it. I know, that sounds stupid of me to say but time is the best healer. You'll forget about it over time. Watch the actual show and maybe you'll see the more innocent side of the ponies as opposed to their non-canon violent sides written by writers and artists.



its just how it was so detailed from the cutting of the tattoo to the removal of the wings that's why it got to me so bad i just didn't expect something so horrible to be shown in great detail and sure i'll watch the show to get a better understanding, i really appricate the help i'm sorry if this is a problem but one last question what's an Alicorn?

  • Brohoof 5
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In traditional mythology, the word "alicorn" is used to describe the horn of a unicorn. In the middle ages, alicorn was traded for up to ten times its weight in gold. Of course, unicorns are fictional, so all the alicorns traded were fake — usually narwhal horns.


In My Little Pony, it means something different though. An alicorn is a winged unicorn. Or a horned pegasus, depending on how you look at it. More accurately there are three main breeds/races/tribes of ponies: unicorn ponies, pegasus ponies, and earth ponies. Alicorns are a very rare fourth variety that is a blend of all three, and have the characteristics of all three.

Edited by VitalTwilightSparkle
  • Brohoof 7

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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A combination of unicorn, pegasi and earth pony. They're the ones with the horn and wings. There are currently 4 alicorns in the show: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence.

oh cool thanks i've begun watching episode 1 so so far so good 

In traditional mythology, the word "alicorn" is used to describe the horn of a unicorn. In the middle ages, alicorn was traded for up to ten times its weight in gold. Of course, unicorns are fictional, so all the alicorns traded were fake — usually narwhal horns.


In My Little Pony, it means something different though. An alicorn is a winged unicorn. Or a horned pegasus, depending on how you look at it. More accurately there are three main breeds/races/tribes of ponies: unicorn ponies, pegasus ponies, and earth ponies. Alicorns are a very rare fourth variety that is a blend of all three, and have the characteristics of all three.

thank you to you both for answering my question's i apologize if this is a hassel 

  • Brohoof 6
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Let me say that a lot of bronies do not like cupcakes, it was made purely for shock material and to just get a reaction out of others. I recommend trying to forget as best as you can by watching the show, seeing the actual Pinkie Pie helps people totally forget of the cupcakes version.  :adorkable:


And welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!  :fluttershy:

  • Brohoof 7


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I recommend trying to forget as best as you can by watching the show, seeing the actual Pinkie Pie helps people totally forget of the cupcakes version.


Yes. If you want something to improve your perception of "the pink one", watch A Friend in Deed.


That episode makes my cry. It's so beautiful, and it's so Pinkie.

  • Brohoof 7

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Let me say that a lot of bronies do not like cupcakes, it was made purely for shock material and to just get a reaction out of others. I recommend trying to forget as best as you can by watching the show, seeing the actual Pinkie Pie helps people totally forget of the cupcakes version.  :adorkable:


And welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!  :fluttershy:

i am trying i find her a bit odd now she just seem's so hyper and to the point that she could just pop outta the tv.

  • Brohoof 6
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Frst welcome to the forum :)
Wach some of good and funy fan made videos  :lol: it will make you forget about that creepypasta in no time 

wach on youtube    Alushy-Nigtmare Night(SFM)    it make  smail on my face evry time

Edited by Primordus
  • Brohoof 7

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Frst welcome to the forum :)


Wach some of good and funy fan made videos  :lol: it will make you forget about that creepypasta in no time 



wach on youtube    Alushy-Nigtmare Night(SFM)    it make  smail on my face evry time

thank you will do and to everyone here i appricate the help kinda angrey over how much i hated pinkie pie now god she's a spaz yea but dam is she funny

Hi my friend =)=)=) and welcome here on MLP Forums =)=)=) I hope that you can have great time here on this forum and meet many new pony friends =)=)=) If you have any questions feel free to ask =)=)=)!

thank you i really appreciate the help on so many level's i enjoy pinkie now she's less scary just odd very very odd

  • Brohoof 6
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Hello and welcome to MLP Forums! I am the one and only Flash Brush!

i know where you are coming from since I saw Cupcakes as well, but the thing was I was already into the MLP fandom when I saw it. So what I think would be best is that you go on MLP binge and forget about cupcakes because Pinkie Pie is the the funniest pony in all of Equestria! (P.S. there are MLP fan music on youtube and in Octavia's Hall/Pony Artwork/Music) If you were disturbed of Cupcakes it is just best if you refrain from watching the other creepy pasta stories.....


But still welcome to MLP Forums we will take good care of you!



~Flash Brush~





  • Brohoof 6


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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Hello and welcome to MLP Forums! I am the one and only Flash Brush!

i know where you are coming from since I saw Cupcakes as well, but the thing was I was already into the MLP fandom when I saw it. So what I think would be best is that you go on MLP binge and forget about cupcakes because Pinkie Pie is the the funniest pony in all of Equestria! (P.S. there are MLP fan music on youtube and in Octavia's Hall/Pony Artwork/Music) If you were disturbed of Cupcakes it is just best if you refrain from watching the other creepy pasta stories.....


But still welcome to MLP Forums we will take good care of you!



~Flash Brush~




attachicon.gifWelcome to the herd.jpg

thank you i have been watching the episdoes since many people have been helping me yourself included and so far i i not only don't hate pinkie i would if by some miricale meet her i would hug her and say i'm sorry for everything i ever said about you you are the best kind of ramdom

  • Brohoof 5
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Hey there, welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony- myself included, if that's okay :blush:- would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish ;) I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to send a PM my way if you wish! :squee:


And a sweet little Tumblr blog too  :wub: It isn't canon, but it shows what Pinkie is like very well ^^

  • Brohoof 5


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Welcome! Have a super duper time enjoy community and his friendly population! Please, take a cupcake muffin, some cider and join the party! :pinkie:
 Don't worry about those freakin' videos, youtube is full of them but also has beautiful ones which contains tons of fun! Where to start from? Well, how about from the first episode on the first season, and so on until you get a clearly idea of what MLP is for all of us. ;)



P.s= Your nick is awesome. Can i suggest an OC image with a japanese painting style?

Edited by Dingo_Dash
  • Brohoof 4

Also member of Cutie Mark Crusaders - http://www.mylittlepony.it/forum/index.php   -  http://i.imgur.com/1pVyHyu.jpg



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Hello friend, here you'll find an spetacular forum, where everyone are friends, we share content, talk and most important, we have lots of fun here, so come with us, it'll be fun i promise            :D


Everyone on the forum is very kind with each other, if you have any question or problem, just ask any other member or staffer so we can help you        :squee:



And remember, together "We've got hearts as strong as horses"



And as other people said, pinkie pie is just awesome, don't blame anypony/ the fandom just because there are some grimdark content there, because there's grimdark in EVERY fandom :D

  • Brohoof 3

i'm Sorry if i've made mistakes, english isn't my main Language, but i'm trying to get better at it (if you see an error and wants to tell me, i'll correct and learn from it :yay: )

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Welcome to the Forums......it's a strange & "magical" place. Full of wonder & excite...........uhhhhhhhhhhhh...nevermind...it's a site on the internet were people come to talk that just so happen to like MLP:FIM. Some are Fanatical, but most are not. Most of the people here are friendly beyond reason sometimes, so enjoy make some online pals and watch some MLP (there's a reason so many people like it)



Edited by The Professor
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Welcome to the forum! YAY!

I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:

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Welcome to the forum! YAY!


I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:


Two question's who is the Pink fluff ball and second who is derpy i swear i've seen her in the show's background



Hey there, welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony- myself included, if that's okay :blush:- would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish ;) I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to send a PM my way if you wish! :squee:



And a sweet little Tumblr blog too  :wub: It isn't canon, but it shows what Pinkie is like very well ^^


thanks XD i no longer hate pinkie i just find her extremely odd

  • Brohoof 4
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Two question's who is the Pink fluff ball and second who is derpy i swear i've seen her in the show's background

thanks XD i no longer hate pinkie i just find her extremely odd


her name is Fluffle puff, and derpy is awesomeness and best background pone a background character, that sometimes make funny appearances  :D

  • Brohoof 3

i'm Sorry if i've made mistakes, english isn't my main Language, but i'm trying to get better at it (if you see an error and wants to tell me, i'll correct and learn from it :yay: )

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