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Drago Ryder

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Magitek is enchanted metal that mimics functions of electrical systems. I'm afraid the two are not compatible unless you want her limbs to be rebuilt with it.

Edited by bronislav84
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Her limbs use her energy like any other limb until someone gets too tired to lift it.


You're thinking about running on magic as a power source. That's not how I implement Magitek though. It's just an enchantment on metal that gives it extra functions, like the things Sparky can do. All magic.

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For her it works that way but even thT has limits. She has reached those limits.


Now she wants to work with somepony to beat a common foe.


As for the suit it can cover her completely. She just can also reveal herself as well.

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He has been withdrawing from some. He even rarely posts to World of Discord on Skype.

Yea about the magitek. Sparky could tell there was allot of unicorn magic involved with her neural systems And skeletal structure. As well as the sensory systems of her limbs. Sparky also saw that the nodes were starting to go offline. She didn't want to worry lektra About her going blind again. But sparky noticed it.

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Seems a little too much info right now. If Sparky had seen it then the diagram he projected would show it and Lektra would know. Let's just write if off as her not noticing it in the projection of the scan. Aurora needs serious repairs by the sound of it.

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I'd appreciate it if we didn't have another Alicorn in the RP. The GM having one is a right of the GM, but a player with one would be a bit bad.


Well we can get that taken care of, but doesn't she only have 2 mechanical limbs? I count 180 degrees unless you're including the wings.

Edited by bronislav84
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Wings included. She is panicking but made herself passout.

As for the Alicorn thing. Not happening with Aurora. She doesn't meet the requirements for it. And she won't.

She will become similar to Robocop or cytwex. Not unicorn type but Pegasus version.




Just a reference, not my work. Credit goes to cytwex's owner.


The exoframe's basic look. Outerlook is adapted to mach the machines of the RP.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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I was talking about the person asking to join when I was talking about another Alicorn, since his character sounds like one based on the avatar. Speaking of Dawn though, are we supposed to write her off or will you give us a chance to rescue her at some point?


Really you wanna get converted into something like Legion, Aurora? I'd rather you didn't, but it's your character.

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Not full machine. Cytwex is a pony under the armor.


My chara will be similar with her natural limbs. Think cyborg from teen titans with a optional helmet that makes her look like the machines with scan blockers to prevent internal scanning.

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