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open A prison story rp

cybernote nyan

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"sir I'm here to give my report on a situation that occurred moments ago one of the inmates went on a frenzy and knocked out 4 guards but that isn't all" Snowflake removes his hood "please Warden hear me out... I'm here because I think we, the guard are in need of a Sergeant, someone high enough to give orders to the guards but not high enough to disobey you sir.... and I would love to take this position but being the facility's interrogator I can't... so I think we should give this promotion to Officer Floor Tom... with him in control of the guards we should be able to handle situations much more efficiently... what do you think sir?"

Edited by Chrome and Snowflake


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Welp. I never thought someone would talk... But they did and to all the wrong people.



Millions of bits seized, tons of arrests, evidence uncovered, everything I'd put together over the years gone... Well a good chunk. Parts of the network were able to cut connections before the paper trail found them but everything directly connected to me was gone... I sighed. So it goes. I would be fine... I've been in worse places.






I woke up my head popping off my pillow.


"Today's a great day to be incarcerated!" I grabbed my fez, the only thing I still had, and placed it on my head. "Mornin' officer!" I shouted out of my cell as a guard walked past.



I was in some of the higher security cells for my charges. Murder, piracy, theft of a LOT of expensive stuff, and um... hundreds of smaller charges? Oh, yeah and fraud. No biggy.






I walked around the cafeteria tray of... food? Yeah, I guess that's food. Tray of food in front of me. Where to sit? Hmm... "The hell?"


@@Eternal Night,

"Cosmo!" I shouted sitting next to him and giving him a good shake. "Long time no see? How long have you been in this joint and what'd ya do? You could probably guess what I'm in here for but you? I thought you'd learned your lesson after stowing away on that boat"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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I do a quick double take, there was no way that could be... It really was, I'd recognize that ridiculous fez anywhere.


"Ha, you think I would." I chuckled "I didn't think I'd see you again for awhile!!!"


I forced down a little of this awful food then looked back at Atlas.


"I've been doing alright, serving my time quietly. Its amazing just how much trouble you can get in for simply ripping a tag off a mattress." I joked.


Out all the ponies I've met in my travels, Atlas was certainly the oddest. Still, even with that and after that crazy adventure on that god forsaken rock I was glad to see him. A familiar face is always a good thing around here, plus it was starting to get rather boring being on my lonesome in here.


"How have you been, and more importantly how did YOU out of everyone end up here? Don't tell me that network of yours fell apart, I was kinda hoping of a job once I get out of here."

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Jay sighed and turned back to her meal. She wished that ponies would talk to her; she tried to talk to some of the ponies in the prison, but most didn't want to talk to her. She didn't know why, unless it was cuz of what Jinx had done. The last crime that Jinx, while controlling Jay's body, had done had been in the national newspapers. Jinx had taken several ponies hostage at a bank, and put them in the bank vault right after emptying it. She had gagged them and had set an elaborate trap so that when the police galloped inside to free the hostages, the door slammed shut. Laughing manically, Jinx had lifted the vault with her magic and hurled it out the window. It was only luck that ensured that nopony was seriously hurt. Jay has been too scared to admit that she had a destructive personality in her mind; she would rather go to prison than a mental institution.



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@@Eternal Night

"Now, Cosmo, you know better" I laughed.


"The network? Funny story that. No, it hasn't fall and yes, it's fallen apart... Let's just say things were said and some people were called and some arrest were made... Yes, the network is still alive, in pieces, but alive... I may have been charged with enough to get me life in prison because, apparently, I leave the world's biggest paper trail. Just piracy, robbery, a couple counts of murder (It was self defense, a LOT of fraud, the whole nine yards. Once I get out, well if I get out, I can easily put the pieces back. Probably" I laughed trying to eat some more muck.


Cosmo. He was an interesting one. I've got the strangest bunch of friends and the strangest acquaintances. Then again I was strange too.


"Don't worry too much. The Equestrian prison system is pretty easy to get by on. A roof, three meals a day (even if they are terrible), a place to sleep, pretty easy. Just gotta keep your head low" I munched on the muck some more not paying attention to the taste best I could.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The Warden takes a moment to consider this then answers."Hm, well I understand your concern, but while Floor Tom would be ideal he is often late to his post in the morning, I will put this into consideration, I need to think this over there will be a staff meeting when I have made my choice. Expect a meeting within the week."

Meanwhile in the cafeteria

Cybernote notices a green and black mained unicorn sitting a few seats down, she walked over to her and sat next to her and made herself known. "Hello there, your name's Jinx, right?" She said with a smile.

Edited by cybernote nyan
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@@cybernote nyan, Jay jumped nervously as a pony spoke to her. "No," she said, in a low voice. "My name's Jay. Jinx is the other personality, the one who does all the bad things." Jay suddenly felt that she wanted a friend, and didn't want other ponies to think that she was a bad pony.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@cybernote nyan @@Pripyat Pony


"thank you sir" Snowflake puts his hood back on and leaves the warden's office he then makes his way back to the dining hall when he opens the door he looks around and sees a group of ponies "you there you must be Jay, one of the more dangerous criminals here. Make your way to the interrogation room after breakfast...."


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"Yea you can that again, I've been subsistening off this slop for 3 months now," I say shuttering while trying to my meal down. "Its nice to see a friendly face around here though. Its been rather lonely keeping myself away from these brutes."


@@Pripyat Pony,


I point to a green and black mained mare.


"You see her? Her names Jinx or Jay or whatever, I don't know she seems to change her mind everyday. Rumor has it she took a whole bunch if hostages or what not during some crazy heist. My advice, stay away from her if you can."


I take another bite, my eyes tearing up as I tried not to gag.

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@@Eternal Night,


"Hey, it's food. Same here, I'm stuck in some of the higher security cells with the real bad guys for my insane amount of charges. You know, the ones who did the real bad stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if I found another friend or at least acquaintance 'round here. For all I know some of the other guys who got busted with me got thrown in this joint but probably not..."


I looked over at the mare.

*sigh* "Why did you tell me that, Cosmo? Now I'm going to be sitting here wondering what exactly she did... In fact, let's find out"


@@Pripyat Pony,

Throwing all caution to the wind...

"Hey! Jinx/Jay/whoever you are! Come over here!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@, Jay flinched as the officer spoke to her. She was afraid of what they wanted to talk to her about, and shivered. "Y-yes, sir," she replied in a shaky voice. Jay was always polite to the officers; however, Jinx was different. Whenever Jinx had control, she was rude and snarky.

@@Firehearted, Jay jumped again. This time, another prisoner was calling her. She got up and walked over to where the shout came from and stood in front of the pony who'd summoned her. "What is it?" she asked, politely. "I don't think I know you." Perhaps Jinx did, but at this moment, Jinx was sleeping so Jay couldn't ask.



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@@Pripyat Pony,

"No, no I don't know you" I munched on some of the stuff. "My good friend here" I shook Cosmo a bit ."Said you took a bunch of people hostage and are one of the most dangerous ponies in here. I just want to make sure the facts are straight before I make any assumptions. Just taking caution ma'am"


How in the name of Celestia could she have done that. She looks like the sweetest angel on the planet.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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He watched the two guards converse, having finished wiping off the food remains from his tattered body-suit, and placed the napkin down on a nearby table.   

"Thank you again," he said, his words slow and a bit strained, "ummm, Hermes.  I did not expect anypony here to bother caring about us..."





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@@Firehearted, "That was Jinx," Jay replied, shyly. She hid behind her mane as she spoke, thinking that the other ponies probably would not believe her. She was however fed up of other ponies thinking that she was a complete psycho; perhaps now was the time to try and convince others of the other personality in her head. "I have another pony in my mind and sometimes she takes over and I can't stop her."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Chow was going to wind down soon and the inmates would be instructed to go to the recreation yard for the hour. Tom scanned the room to see any pony doing anything suspicious.


There wasn't anything particular going on. He knew these veteran criminals were exceptional at deceit. He also knew that as benign as any situation appeared, somepony always had something in the works. In this prison, it seemed that no pony simply did their time.


Tom gestured with his nose to the black and grey pony whom Hermes had been speaking with and called, "Hey, you! Come back over here."


Tom trotted to Hermes and nudged him, "We should send these ponies to rec and keep this one behind for cleaning. Snowflake wants to question that other one, and he may need our help to get her into the interrogation room. What do you think?"

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@ @@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake walks back into the dining hall "On your hooves Jay I have a few questions I need to ask you, Officer Floor Tom I need somepony watching over us just in case something happens" Snowflake walks over to Jay and puts his hoof on her shoulder "this way Jay"

Edited by Chrome and Snowflake


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@@Pripyat Pony,


I believed every word of it. 

"I need to meet you as soon as possible, and I mean as soon as damn possible. Where are you going after breakfast? We need to get somewhere private so we can talk" Any form of amusement or really anything was gone in my voice. Just commands at this point. She was timid it seemed but the other pony in her head might not be.

"And tell that other on inside your head she'll be interested. Very interested" 


Sal was going to get a kick out of this... Well depend on the use of the world "kick" she might whack me upside the head a couple times. Where is she anyway?


@@Eternal Night

"I don't know if I'm letting you in on this Cosmo so don't get your hopes up, got it?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Ah come on Atlas," I jokingly whined. "I think you owe me one after saving you from becoming that raven's dinner."


Knowing Atlas he's got something good cooked up, I know that look in his eye all to well. Whatever he wanted from that pony would be interesting to find out to say the least. Besides he knows he couldn't stop me from finding out if I really wanted to know, he knows the full extent of my abilities a too well. Perhaps a little too well... Well time has shown that he's true to his word, and admittedly I would say I trusted him as much as I could. Still there was something off about him, something I could never fully understand about him. Though if I was going to survive in here I'd need his help, there was only so much I could do alone in here, it'd be nice to have a friend again.

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@@Pripyat Pony,

@@Eternal Night,




Tom simply nodded as a quiet and subtle assurance that she would be taken forcefully if necessary, but remained at Hermes side while keeping an eye on Snowflake.


He pointed to the two nearby ponies that were talking to Jay, "You two might as well clean up and go to rec, now. I'm not fuckin' around unless you want to spend the week in Seg."

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@@@Pripyat Pony@@Eternal Night,


"Shit..." I muttered. I wanted to keep talking but I didn't want to mess with the guard. "Just meet us at the excise yard when you can, alright?" 


I grabbed Cosmo and more-or-less manhandled him away. "Sorry, bud, but we're not getting thrown into solitary or anything just yet" I ditched our food and trays on the way out.


What's going on? Sal yawned. 

You're late to the party.

Really? What'd I miss?

Long story... You'll find out soon enough.

You're going to make me wait? Come onnnn... I wanna know!

Keep your mouth shut and you'll find out... Oh, just a reminder, the deal doesn't apply since we're in prison.

UGHHHH... I know, you've said it a million times, I know.

Good. And remember it.

*Huff* Fine. I'll be here then.

Good, Sal.

She went quiet doing whatever she did when it was like this.


Could I really tell this to Cosmo? He is to be trusted... And if he told anyone no one would believe him anyway... But I trust him.

"Say, Cosmo" I began. "Actually nevermind"


Shut up, Sal.


I'd been stuck with her ever since the... thing. I shivered visibly. Okay, done thinking about that now. 

"We're going to have to wait for later to talk to her I guess... But we NEED to talk to her"

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@, @, @@Firehearted, @@Eternal Night, "OK," Jay said softly to Atlas and Cosmo, before obediently trotting off with Floor Tom and Snowflake. She wondered nervously what they wanted to ask her about. If it was about the money taken from the vault, Jay had no idea where it was hidden as Jinx had been in control at the time and had hidden it in a secret place. Where it was, Jay didn't know as Jinx wouldn't tell her. Jay was happy enough to meet the others after the interrogation; she was surprised, but pleased, that Atlas had believed her story.



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Having left his tray on the service counter, he was moving to get in line to head outside, when he heard a voice,


 "Hey, you! Come back over here."


What does he want? he thought, moving over to the guard who called him.  "Yes?" he asked in his deep voice, "what have I done?"  More punishment, I assume....





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@ @@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake opens the door to the interrogation room waiting for Jay and Floor Tom to enter Snowflake then closes the door behind him "take a seat over there Jay...." Snowflake takes a seat on the opposite side of the table "Officer Floor Tom remove Jay's bindings"


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@, Jay obediently sat down on the chair indicated. As she did so, she felt stirrings within her mind and gasped inwardly. She knew what that meant. It meant that Jinx had awoken. Jay also knew that when Jinx felt like it, she would simply take over the body and Jay would not be able to stop her. Anypony watching her would see Jay's eyes change from soft blue to hard, vicious red.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


Snowflake begins to interrogate Jay as he waits for Tom to unbind her "hmm, there is something off about you I can just feel it" Snowflake take a bit out of his uniform's pocket "you don't seem like the greedy type so why you'd rob banks, by yourself.... and manage to escape is beyond me...." Snowflake flips the bit "though there is always a second side of the coin one that tells a different story....HAHAHAHA....... now tell me what is your motive?.... do you enjoy making people scared?.... I know I do.... now I can either be your bestfriend or your worst nightmare.... it all depends on your cooperation...." Snowflake scoots his chair in more "lets start with a simple question.... how was your foalhood?" 


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