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private ✴Evil Celestia = Fall of Equestria↘ FINALLY OPEN!

Fangirl Fantasies

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≈The Day the Sun Turned≈

Equestria is a land of ruin and starvation in the center of dead heat. The Earth Ponies toil in the sun, the Pegasi and the Unicorns joining them, wings unable to fly and magic lost. The Supreme Ruler is cruel and heartless to her subjects, but she wasn't always that way, and Equestria was a much happier place. This is how the Sun turned


Princess Twilight Sparkle had been a princess for 5 years when it first started. Rumors as to why include that Celestia felt crowded by the other princesses, or that Twilight was growing too powerful for Celestia's liking. Anyways, it started after Princess Twilights 5th Coronation Celebration. At first, Celestia would snap at the royal guards, then eventually her staff, until she began snapping at her own sister, Princess Luna. Celestia began shutting herself in her room, away from all pony-contact, meaning her kingdom was faltering. Luna tried to confront her sister, but she only ended up being shouted at. Maybe Celestia just needed a break?


For a while, Luna ruled the Land of Equestria, and yet she feared for her sister all the time, who was growing ever distant. Luna had seen these signs before...in herself, some 1,000 years before. Thinking it over, she got an idea - maybe Twilight and her friends could help! Luna got straight to work, sending Twilight a message to come at once, and "P.S. Bring the Elements of Harmony."


Within a day, Twilight and her friends arrived at the Canterlot Castle. Taking all precautions, they entered Celestia's room to talk to her. Yet the Princess would not have them. The Mane Six tried everything in their natural power - encouragement, humoring, entertaining, chatting - anything to at least cheer Celestia up, for the Princess was completely reluctant to say what was truly wrong. Nothing seemed to work, and when the Princess stormed at Fluttershy, Twilight had no choice but to use the Elements of Harmony, hurt that one of her friends was hurt, and not wanting pain to come to any more of them. Together, the Six tried using their magic on Celestial, but she proved too powerful. She reflected the magic back on them, and banished the Six to the Moon. The Princess, feeling no guilt, fused the Elements into her crown, truly the most powerful pony in Equestria. This was the beginning of the dark days.


≈The Dream≈

For the first year of the Dark Sun (actually a metaphor, as Celestia had moved the sun much closer to the land, so close that the sky became white), Princess Luna stayed in the castle. She was banned from raising the moon and bringing the cool night. If she ever tried, her wings would be burned off. Luna was not allowed to speak unless addressed. She was nothing but an ignored advisor, anyway. And yet, she tried, especially in the month of July, when the Sun was at it's highest.


"Your majesty," she began to her sister, who didn't allow to be called anything else, except for "Highness." "I humbly ask you to move the sun to its original location, at least for the Summer." As usual, Celestia didn't listen, but Luna didn't give up. Celestia didn't give up either.


Then, in August, horrible news entered the Canterlot castle. Princess Luna had arrived in the throne room, spotting a guard knelt at Celestia's hooves. The guard was a golden orange pegasus with a dark blue mane, and when he spoke, Luna realized how young he was.


"Your majesty," he began. "I, General Flash Sentry of the Crystal Empire Guard, bring forth tragic...tragic news." The young guard (already a general, obviously a cruel thing Celestial arranged) sounded like even he couldn't bear the news. Luna kept her ears pricked as the guard continued. "Her Highness Princess Mi A more Cadenza - Princess Cadence - has...passed away."


Luna's heart dropped in her chest, and the only word in her mind was, "No!" She could hardly pay attention to what happened next, until Flash Sentry explained how the Crystal Princess died. "She died of heat stroke." Tears entered Luna's eyes as the guard was taken to the new Palace Dungeon for referring to another "lesser" princess as "Highness."


This had to stop, Luna knew. The sun had to be moved further away so that no more harm could come to the Equestrians, royal or commoner. Luna knew exactly how to do that, and she could care less about her wings. Yes, she raised the moon, but that wasn't the big part. Yes Celestia came, burning Luna's wings. It was more painful than anything Luna had felt before, and yet it was worth it. She got the opportunity to see what her sister's powers were like, absorbing a bit of helpful information. After Celestia raised the sun, Luna used her new power to set the sun further back, at least a few lightyears away. This took all of Luna's power, but like the burning of her wings, it was worth it.


Luna fled from the castle, fled from Canterlot. In fact, she got as far away as she could, hiding in the wonderful darkness. She had been severely weakened, having to sleep for days on end, though with a smile. Did she feel guilty? No. Did she pity her sister? Yes. Luna so badly wanted to bring Celestia into the light, but without her powers, that was impossible.


And yet, like a blessing, it wasn't impossible. A few months into her retreat, Luna discovered that she could walk through one more dream. Just one more dream. She would use this opportunity wisely, and she would use it on the 8 new heroes of Equestrian. But first, she had to find them.


≈The Eight≈

(ScreenName: Link to Form)


DJShy3: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/zamkin-r3877


Drago Ryder: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tempest-sol-r3432



Swinton: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595


~Pheonix~: (Pheonix has been genderswapped for this roleplay)



Peytonjay: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/caliber-r7887


Sriracha: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rain-r7923


Buzz: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/buzz-r7907


My characters are Celestia and Luna.


We'll begin with the dream, whenever y'all are ready! Also, sorry this took me so long.

Edited by Fangirl Fantasies

I just felt like having a signature ;)

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Tempest sat in the center of a cave system in a mountain a few miles from Ponyville. He came here when Celestia 'fell' and it gave him protection when the sun was brought closer to the planet. "Things will never be the same." He thought to himself. The bat pony then walked into s separate chamber to see a sleeping alicorn, Dawn. He had brought her here for fear that Celestial would kill her for being an alicorn. "Looks like we're in the same boat." He thought as he laid on a separate mat and dozed off.

  • Brohoof 1
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caliber put down his sword. "whew!" he said, clearly tired. "celestia really has it in for me..." a couple of maticores lay on the ground. "i didn't know she could control animals like that..." he felt dizzy. "woah...guess im rusty, this is the first time I've used my sword in a while." he gazed at the sun. "i wonder how violets holding up...I haven't seen her since the whole...'event'." he laid down. "ah, im sure she's fine. not a lot can get to her..." he dozed off. he immediaty knew he was dreaming. after all, it was a chocolate world. caliber sat down, and broke a chunk off the ground. 'huh. I wonder why im lucid dreaming...' he thought, as he munched on the candy.


(ok, just tell me if he needs to be toned down. derp.)

Edited by Peytonjay
  • Brohoof 1


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Peeking out the window, Starchase could see the land was a blaze as it has been for about five years or so. It seemed a lot longer though. But the sun looked a little further off the few times he dared to look at it. Perhaps it was the heat getting to him.


He had been moving around at first, trying to find somewhere cooler in Equestria, trying to beat the heat. It led him back home in Canterlot where he'd been staying since. It unnerved him that the crazy alicorn wasn't too far away in her castle. But it didn't bother him as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

  • Brohoof 1


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Sinusoid walks boredly through a field of long grass, engaged in his usual deep thought, while picking some of the grass with his magic. The grass was being grown by him in his field of Timothy grass and oats, on a large piece of land that he found, unclaimed, about two years ago. At that time, still living in Manehattan, he began noticing changes in the sun's intensity, as his white coat didn't prevent sunburn well. Knowing that it could become a serous threat, Sinusoid moved to the Arctic North, a place where the sun had melted all of the snow, and was left with a year around temperate climate. He planted his field of two simple crops as his nearly sole food source, on land that was never claimed before, due to the incredible cold. He had never become good at farming, but he was only concerned with safety, and almost never left the lonliness of the northern area. After harvesting a few large bunches and replanting, he goes inside of his house to sleep, so that he could wake in the middle of the night to write music, while wondering about what those that he knew were doing, with no recent contact.

  • Brohoof 1

I wrote this thing.

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Since the sun's ascendance into the "higher" aristocracy, Ponyville became a scorched wasteland of destroyed buildings and devoid of most known life that was common in the past. I tended to the flowers then when they could still bloom. Ponyville now mostly became a worker's camp for ponies who "displeased" her highness. I tended to the heat-stricken ponies as best I could. Despite daily water trips, it was still a scarcity as valuable as gold. The door burst open as another pony on a gurney arrived with two guards escorting the ponies along harshly. "Here's another for the pit", they said laughing now. I nodded and they unceremoniously had the bodies tossed into a hole in the ground. I waited until they left not daring to say a word, or even breath before they left. I sighed another moment, "At this rate, there will not be any ponies left to even treat. I have to plan my escape soon, If I want to evade being killed." I thought, I would leave tonight for the north. I heard rumors of a free settlements there beyond the influence of Celestia herself. I could only hope they were true. Tonight would be my last night in this light-forsaken camp. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Returning home, Buzz found himself in a situation. His room mate laied directly next to the bucket of ice that was used to cool the room at nights. He held it like a fole holding a stuffed bear. "Oh, not this again" moaned Buzz as he trotted over to the bucket. "Why do you feel that it is nesasary for you to get all the ice and for me to get nothing?" Buzz grabbed the buckets handle with his mouth and started to pull with all his force, even using his wings, but nothing worked. "Do you know how expencive that ice is now, do you pay for that ice? No you don't, so why should yo...." Buzz stoped as he was interupted by a loud snore" Buzz broke out into laugthter. "Oh man, i must look like a crazy pony talking to myself?" Buzz said out loud. "I'm still going on" Buzz yelled, still laugthing. "Fine, have it your way!" Buzz sat in the bucket, overflowing the ice cold water onto his room mates face, but having no affect on him. All Buzz cared about was getting one good nights sleep, without finding himself in a cacoon of his own sweat in the morning. With this he driffted off to sleep and into the world of his draems.

  • Brohoof 1


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Zamkin used to be a, more-or-less, carefree resident of Ponyville.But everything changed when the sun didn't set and the workers camp begun on his 13 birthday. Ever since that dreaded day he was up into the camp, "All because of those crooked ponies," he would tell himself. Then, on his 15th birthday he found a way. He managed to beat the earth ponies' brute strength, dodge the unicorns' magic, which was not easy mind you, and outfly the pegasi's wing power and ever since then he was a runaway, constantly trying to avoid being sent back to "that tartarus hole". He flew for what felt like days, until he crashed into 


Zamkin now spends his days in Zebrana (Zebra copy of Botswana). To this day, he still cannot stand the greater heat that comes from being in such a place that was hot before Celestia when loco, but he is still grateful of his Zebra blood to help him survive. He lives with his wife, Zenada, and their two wonderful kids who the writer is too lazy to come up with names for, but Zamkin would do anything for.


"Honey, I'm back!" Zamkin said as he came home form his job. It wasn't a good job, nor was it good pay, but it payed well in drinking water, which was still scarce, but for how scarce it was, the job paid well in it. He was exhausted, but he still chose to spend some time with his kids.


After the day ended he layed next to his wonderful wife. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't help but think about things. He missed the days when his mom was around. She couldn't join him in his escape. He died to heat stroke two days before he got outta there. He missed the days of plenty of water. He wished he could do better for his family. His last thought before he drifted to sleep was that, if given the choice, he would do anything for his family. He only wish there was something he could do...

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This RP has been locked for not having an OOC thread in the first post. If you wish to have it unlocked, please PM me with both a link to the OOC thread, and to the RP itself. Thanks!


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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