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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Rave woke up with a little noise. A nightmare, however, he was fine now. He got up and started looking around, he went to the kitchen to look for food, finding little. "I guess I'm not that hungry" he said to himself. He went to the captains room and was about to knock, when he decided against it and went rather out on the deck. 

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Spellbind woke up. Hoping that today would be good (such as she and Caramel being friends), she wandered the deck. Now, she didn't feel so apprehensive about her horn being revealed, as everypony seemed okay/indifferent to it. Who knows? Maybe they had quirks about them too.

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Rave saw Spellbind and walked over to her. "Good morning, I hope you slept well". He stopped when he stood next to her. "So, what do you think of becoming a pirate? Think things will improve, do you believe that things won't be the same, that perhaps our lives will have some kind of a...meaning?". Rave looked sad as he remembered being disowned by his own parents.

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Tyra, however, was still fast asleep in her quarters, her axe embedded into the wall with its harness, her saddlebags, helmet and tunic hanging off it while she laid in the hammock, rather unceremoniously with a leg hanging out over the side. The empty bottle of cider rolled around the floor as the ship was gently rocked by the waves.


If nopony was awoken too early by the small mare's surprisingly loud snoring, it'd be a miracle...

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel arrived at the marketplace where it got to her that she forgot her saddlebag. "Fine, now I have to figure out how to carry everything back to the ship. She bought some cookies, bread and some more rum.

Carrying one plastic bag with her mouth and another one on her back between her wings, she stumbled back to the ship, trying to keep her balance. Lets just hope that I don't fall over.''I gotta hurry to before everyone wakes up and tries to leave before breakfast.'


As she walked back to the ship, she saw that Rave and Spellblind were already above deck. 

"Can somepony please help me, this stuff is getting pretty heavy" she yelled at them.

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Rave saw Spellbind and walked over to her. "Good morning, I hope you slept well". He stopped when he stood next to her. "So, what do you think of becoming a pirate? Think things will improve, do you believe that things won't be the same, that perhaps our lives will have some kind of a...meaning?". Rave looked sad as he remembered being disowned by his own parents.

"Yeah, actually," said Spellbind. "I've always wanted a different life. I've learnt to live with this horn defect, but my life is pretty dull. I've always wished for something to whisk me away..."


Caramel arrived at the marketplace where it got to her that she forgot her saddlebag. "Fine, now I have to figure out how to carry everything back to the ship. She bought some cookies, bread and some more rum.

Carrying one plastic bag with her mouth and another one on her back between her wings, she stumbled back to the ship, trying to keep her balance. Lets just hope that I don't fall over.''I gotta hurry to before everyone wakes up and tries to leave before breakfast.'


As she walked back to the ship, she saw that Rave and Spellblind were already above deck. 

"Can somepony please help me, this stuff is getting pretty heavy" she yelled at them.

"Sure thing!" said Spellbind, and went over to Caramel, and grabbed all of the bags. She was prone to pushing herself with smaller tasks like this.

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"Thanks, I was starting to think I wasn't going to make it back" Caramel said with a smile. Rave was watching them, so she waved at him.

Spellblind and Caramel walked back to the ship with all the food. "I realize I already kinda set this last night but I want to apologize for my behavior, it won't happen again. I can just get really angry sometimes. I'm also sorry that I took yer hat, maybe had a bit too much to drink last night" Smiling with guilt, Caramel and Spellblind arrived on deck.

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Rave looked at the Captain returning. "Welcome back captain, I see you  went shopping. Food supplies, perhaps?". He was kinda glad that Spellbind and Caramel seemed to be working things out. He hoped that there wouldn't be any future conflict between the two of them. 

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"Thanks, I was starting to think I wasn't going to make it back" Caramel said with a smile. Rave was watching them, so she waved at him.

Spellblind and Caramel walked back to the ship with all the food. "I realize I already kinda set this last night but I want to apologize for my behavior, it won't happen again. I can just get really angry sometimes. I still got yer hat somewhere around the ship if ye still want in back" Smiling with guilt, Caramel and Spellblind arrived on deck.


Rave looked at the Captain returning. "Welcome back captain, I see you  went shopping. Food supplies, perhaps?". He was kinda glad that Spellbind and Caramel seemed to be working things out. He hoped that there wouldn't be any future conflict between the two of them. 

(Actually I was thinking Spellbind already has her hat, having taken it after the 'fight' between her and Caramel)


"I know why you got angry," replied Spellbind. "And it was justified. Punching you in the face wasn't necessary to get my hat back."


She got back in to see Rave. "You know," she said to them. "If we have enough food, I hope we're going to set sail away from civilization... otherwise it doesn't feel like a true escape."

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Tyra finally regained consciousness and sat up, yawning and stretching out her limbs. She hopped out of bed and smacked her lips while slowly dressing herself, wondering what her first day on the seas would bring.

Perhaps it was too soon to fight rival pirates or sea monsters? She had no idea, but the thought of it always got her excited!


Once dressed, she grabbed her axe in her teeth and pulled it out of the wall to set it back in its harness, and made her way up to the deck where Caramel, Rave and Spellbind were accompanied by the morning sunshine.


"Good morning, companions," She greeted them with a toothy grin, then eyed the bags the two mares were carrying, "I feel as if I could eat an Ursa Major this morn!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Not just food" Caramel winked at Rave and Spellblind. ''Goodmorning Tyra! Don't worry, its almost breakfast time''

She turned her attention to spellblind again "I don't think it's time to sail yet, we still need more ponies and supplies." Caramel walked below deck continuing with her story, hoping they would follow her: "Also if ye want to say goodbye to yer family and friends first and maybe grab some stuff of yer own, now is the time''


"Are the others still sleeping, they should have been up by now. If they're gonna travel with us they have to get up early from now on." Caramel asked Tyra. Still she has to give them credit, since they all went to bed pretty late, probably all with a hangover.

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"My family...". Rave followed her as he thought. "The only ones I would possibly send a letter to would be my half-sister. There is no way I'm contacting my parents and my brother is a maniac" he declared. He thought about what he should write, what would he tell Lemon?

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"Wonderful!" Tyra grinned, her braided tail swishing with joy, and she began snuffling at the bags, "what did you get? Fish, perhaps? I enjoy salmon myself!" She licked her lips at the thought of nicely smoked salmon, her favourite food.


She followed Caramel down below deck, in hopes of breakfast. Paying half-attention, she replied, "We have a sizeable number of ponies here, what other services do we require before setting sail?" Complete with a tilt of the head, like a dog.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet, last night, couldn't find anywhere to sleep, (she couldn't find the part of the ship where they sleep) so she slept in the crows nest. when the others started talking below her, it jolted her awake, and she fell down. right before she hit the ground, she said, "gooood morning!" and caught herself. wings come in handy. she landed, and looked around. "so." she said, "whats for breakfast?"


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Wilhelm woke up with a rather bad hangover. Still yawning, he trotted out of his cabin and into the galley, where he walked straight into the pantry and came out with a bag of coffee grounds, which he proceeded to attempt to make coffee with. Note the word "attempt". In the end, he simply sighed. "Can anyone *yawn* help me with this *yawn* coffeemaker?" Using one hoof, he tilted his glasses back on his face, where they perched precariously for a moment before slipping down again. In short, he looked like he was attacked by a monster made of bedsheets, and had the bedmane to match.

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"well everyone, I did get some fish, also a bit of bread. Some cookies of course but most of all, a lot of rum!" Caramel said with joy.

"So lets have breakfast every pony, follow me to the kitchen table and we will eat!"


"talking about the kitchen, we really need a cook or something. I also need one of you up the crowns nest, maybe you Violet?. I need a master of guns. I need someone with experience for repairing stuff, Wilhelm might be good. And most of all I need sailors for working the sails." She said as she got the food ready on the table.


"So what do ye all wanna do around here?" she asked with a smile

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"sounds good!" violet said, as she sat down, making her chair spin, "i have a keen eyesight! i can do the sail thing, too!" she looked at the meal before her. she tore into it, and drunk her rum. after her first cup, she was already woozy. "but...hic...dont we need alot of ponies to maintain a ship? hic. just us five dont seem like a lot..."


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Rave didn't really need to think about that. "If you don't mind, I could be your chartbuck, the keeper of the maps. I'm very good at navigating... as you can see on my cutiemark" he showed his flank. He looked at the cookies, his belly grumbled a little bit. "Ehehe" he laughed nervously. 

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"More rum? Ugh..." Wilhelm looked mock-disgusted. "Is that all you pirates drink? I wouldn't be surprised if you ate it, too!" He sat down at the table, bearing a steaming mug of black coffe, which he sipped from at intervals. "I'm good with being the gunner. I know my way around a cannon, and I could do some handyman jobs on the side, although I will admit that I'm better at thinking about ways to improve things than hauling masts around and such."

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Tyra tore into a fish rather voraciously, like she'd been starved for weeks, and took a hearty swig of rum before answering herself. And sending bits of fish and rum spitting this way and that.

"We of the Shatterhoof Clan have strength of no equal," she boasted, her messy face beaming with pride, "should you require something quite large to be moved, you needn't look further than I!" She punctuated her proposal with a hoof to her chest.


"My blade is not just for show either," she continued, after another chomp of fish, "should a battle begin, I will be there!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet looked at tyra, and took it as a personal challenge to eat more viking-like. "i, too, am ready for combat, should the need ever rise! in fact, i look forward to it!!" she was drinking more rum. "and...hic...not to brag, but i have only ever been defeated seven times! you can...hic...count on me!" she was on her third cup, now.


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Tyra tore into a fish rather voraciously, like she'd been starved for weeks, and took a hearty swig of rum before answering herself. And sending bits of fish and rum spitting this way and that.

"We of the Shatterhoof Clan have strength of no equal," she boasted, her messy face beaming with pride, "should you require something quite large to be moved, you needn't look further than I!" She punctuated her proposal with a hoof to her chest.


"My blade is not just for show either," she continued, after another chomp of fish, "should a battle begin, I will be there!"

"Uh, is there anything non-violent you guys would like me to do when it comes to battling? Like preparing stuff for you?" asked Spellbind. "I get in the mood to beat someone up when I'm really really angry with them, but I'm too much of a coward when it comes to weapons..."

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Rave looked at them with dully. He did not use weapons or fight in a physical way. No, Rave used dark magic, therefore he was uninterested in what the others had to say about fighting. He went and grabbed some cookies and then sat next to Wilhelm. "Would it be ok if I got some coffee from you?". 

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"What I sometimes do," said Spellbind, "is use my horn and see what happens. I'm not too good with magic because of this defect, but if I use a burst of magic anyway, it could have a variety of results. It hurts me in recoil too, though. The effects range from severe to humorous."

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Rave looked at them with dully. He did not use weapons or fight in a physical way. No, Rave used dark magic, therefore he was uninterested in what the others had to say about fighting. He went and grabbed some cookies and then sat next to Wilhelm. "Would it be ok if I got some coffee from you?".


"Sure!" Wilhelm went up to the coffeemaker and poured Rave a cup, and brought it over. He leaned in conspiratorially. "So, what do you think ofour new crewmates? The big ones, and especially the purple one, are kind of...." He did the universal sign for crazy next to his ear. "Who are you, anyway? You know, if I'm allowed to know...." His eyes twinkled with a sort of mirth.

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