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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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Assassin barely reached her pillow and said, "I'm just a normal pony who's minding her own business and suddenly... fell. Even though I'm like this, I can move, I'm not weak!". She attempted to stand up and run and but fell again, she felt more pain than before, screamed in pain.


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Caramel helped her up. "Ye know, there is nothing wrong with showing yer weak side. It's okay to be taken care of when ye need help. Ye cant take on the world on yer own." she said. "But if ye wanna go just go. If ye dont wanna stay in this comfortable bed with all the food and drinks ye want, thats yer choice

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After Assassin heard what that pony said, she quickly laid down on the bed and attempted to go to sleep, she was shy, and she spoke, "I guess.. I'll just stay here." She tried to smile at the pony, hoping that she's not mad at her, and that she won't force her to leave. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Rave woke up from a bad dream. "Stupid past haunting me" he thought. He noticed he was lying in his bed. "Caramel?" he asked silently. He got no response. He guessed that she had left. He did not know what time it was, but he guessed it was still late, he usually awoke in the middle of the night when he got nightmares. He went over to his maps. He decided that he would rather stay up all night. He started to work, inspecting the maps. 

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"If ye need anything just let me know" caramel said smiling. Caramel walked back to Rave's quarters. *knock knock* Caramel walked into the room. "I see yer awake, I dindnt wake ye did I? She said smiling again. "Do ye have anything on that shipwreck it told ye about?"

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Rave looked up from his maps tired. "Yes, I have. The Cargo Wreck Isles are about 1 or 2 days journey away, depends if we have the wind with us. Most ships stay clear from them, taking at least a few miles swing around them. I've also been reading something about Giant Crabs... might just be stories though". 

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Tyra began pacing around the deck, boredom setting in. Caramel still hadn't ordered them to set sail yet, and the anticipation to get this voyage underway was killing her.

She'd returned to the dining room to finish her meal, but somepony, rather rudely, saved her a job.


If she at least had a training dummy or something she could give her axe a few swings, but it'd be rather inconvenient to have to drag a hay-stuffed pony figure from Trotstheim all away across the world.


She could go watch that prisoner for a bit...but that would just mean more sitting on her flank and doing nothing, so that was out.


With a small grunt of agitation, she hopped back down to the lower decks and had a look around for anypony else, to see if they had something for her to do.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet was board, too. the little amount of amusement she's had for a while was bouncing a ball in the sky. for 10 minutes. then, she noticed tyra sulking around, and flew over. "hey tyra." she said, "wanna hoof wrestle?" she looked at the shorter mare, knowing full well she was a earth pony from the shatterhoof clan.

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The pony awoke, much to Spellbind's surprise.


"Good to see you're okay," she said. "Look, I think the best thing to do now is to wait here until further notice. Will you be okay if I take a nap?" she asked, and yawned.


"Go for it," said the mare.


Spellbind nodded and went to sleep.




Spellbind awoke to discover she was on her own. "They must've let her out," she decided, and went out.


"What's going on?" she asked the crew.

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Tyra glanced up at Violet as she flew down to her, and her ears, and the wings of her helmet, perked up at the challenge. Hoof-wrestling was one of her favourite pastimes!


Finally she had something to do. She nodded with a confident smirk. "I accept! I should warn you, I am among the best hoof-wrestlers of Trotstheim." She boasted, proudly pushing out her chest.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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violet smiled. "and i can wrestle a manticore to the ground." she went and got a barrel, set it between them, and started. violet immediatly knew this was gonna be a tough one. she might not even win. they both uped their strength, and the barrel between them began to break.


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"Alright thanks for letting me know. Now we can finally set sail. Come on, I have an announcement for the crew." Caramel said. Caramel walked out of Rave's room and headed above deck. Seeing Violet and Tyra wrestling, she smiled. "Idiots" she thought again with a smile.


"Everypony please come over for a second. I have an announcement for you all.'' she said waiting for everypony to gather around her.

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Tyra's eyes glanced toward Caramel, acknowledging that she had something to say, but before she could react, the barrel had collapsed between the two mares, sending them toppling on top of each other.


The tiny warrior got herself onto her hooves and shook herself off like a dog before propping her helmet back on her head.

"It seems we have a draw, for now," she smirked to Violet, before sitting herself in front of Caramel and listening intently.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave came to listen to Caramel's announcement. He looked over to where Tyra and Violet lay, having broken the barrel they were hoofwrestling on. He shook his head slowly. He looked back to Caramel and awaited patiently, ready to listen to what she had to say. 

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Wilhelm, who was sitting on the top of the barrel he was using to secure the prisoner, put his hoof up to his chin in a attentive pose, and leaned forward slightly. I wonder....will we set sail? Where'll we be going? What kind of new things can I document and possibly shoot? He completely ignored the two mares, considering that they weren't all that entertaining. Don't pay attention to them, and they won't do stupid things.

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"Okay everypony listen carefully. I have decided that it's time to set sail. Rave and I have been discussing our destination, which will be The Cargo Wreck Isles" Caramel said with a loud voice so that everypony could hear her. "On this island there is a shipwreck. Legends say that this shipwreck contains a lot of gems and gold, but this legend also says that this ship is haunted. So if ye want out, please do it now."

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Tyra positively beamed at the news, pumping a hoof in the air with a "YES!". The crew was finally setting sail, and to find treasures on a shipwreck, like she'd always imagined!


And the place was apparently haunted? She was definitely joining this voyage.


As the captain finished her speech, she put a hoof to her chest and proudly announced, "I vow to see this journey through to its end, no matter what manner of spectre tries to challenge us!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well that is good to hear." Caramel said with a smile. Before we leave I have one last question "Is there anything you need on the ship? Training material? Some kind of special food? Tools? Maps? Clothes? Anything? I want to make sure everypony has everything they need before we take off."

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Wilhelm shrugged. "If we're fighting ghosts, I'd like to take a trip to the weaponsmith and the bookstore. Silver, iron, and holy water are good against malicious spirits, and I'd like to catch myself up on the correct banishment incantations and procedures. As for anything else...." He peered into the middle distance for a moment. "Giant crabs. Rave, doesn't Cargo Wreck have giant crabs? If so, I may want to also get some of the fancy new cannonballs with the pointed ends, so they punch through armor."

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The words 'training material', made Tyra remember how she wished he had a training dummy to practice on. That would be a good idea, considering Wilhelm mentioned something about giant crabs. As fun as it would be to fight them, she had to keep her skills sharp, as well as her axe blades.


"Would it be possible to find a training dummy to bring on board?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, "So I may keep myself prepared in case of battle."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave shook his head as he listened to Wilhelm. "Holy water? What in Equestria is he talking about. Must be non-Equestrian". "It might have Giant Crabs yes, but from what I have read, it might just be stories". He looked at Caramel. "Well, I might require more paper, maps and books, preferably history books and tales concerning the sea". 

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"Alright, I'll give each of ye a bag of gold. The amount depends on the stuff ye need. Go into town and get the stuff ye need and don't spend it on anything else. Come back midnight, we will be leaving then. I have some stuff to do myself as well so I'll be gone too."


Caramel told the injured pony that they would be gone for a while, after that Caramel left to take care off a view things, giving the others some time to get what they need.

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Rave went to various places to get what he needed. He was quick as he knew where to look for them. They were not the best, but they were the best that he could find in a location such as this. He looked into his saddlebag. "Let me see, I got some quills, ink, pages, history books and maps. That is all I need". He looked around for Caramel to give her the bag of gold back. 

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Tyra took the bag of gold between her teeth and trotted off the ship, looking around for where she might find a training dummy.


The blacksmith looked like the best idea, considering the one back home usually let her use his dummies, provided she didn't break them all. Again.


Sure enough, they had a few dummies for sale, and she purchased the toughest one they had. They even allowed her to sharpen her axe for free!

Such generous ponies in these parts, she thought to herself.


Carrying the empty sack in her mouth and the heavy hay-stuffed pony figure on her back, she happily returned to the ship and propped the dummy on the deck, where she had plenty of room to swing her blade without fear of breaking any walls or doors.


She'd have to mind the mast though; that might be a problem if she broke it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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