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private [closed] Adventures of the Equestrian Seas


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"aye, aye, captin'." violet said, as she began tying up the sails. after she was done with that, she flew back to deck. "sails are done." she reported as she went to get herself a drink. "come on, flare." she got a bottle of rum, and started drinking. the tell-tale 'drunk blush' appeared on her cheeks.


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Caramel was very happy with how Violet did her orders so she headed below deck with the rest. She walked next to Rave and playfully bumped him "What are ye so happy about." she asked with a smile, "We're not there yet, not all the fun has started yet." Caramel set down the kitchen table with a barrel of cider. "Cheers everypony" 

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Rave accepted some cider in a mug. "What am I happy about? Oh.. ehm.. nothing.... you know... just the usual" he offered a innocent smile, blushing a little bit. "Ehm, you know, maps.. yeah maps. I'm sticking to that". He drank a little bit of the cider. "I'm sure it will be more fun when we get there". 

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Tyra grabbed a mug and filled it with cider before sitting herself down, next to Violet. She had to admit that she liked her, in a friendly rival-kind of way.


"Cheers!" She yelled, leaning back and downing at least half the mug before slamming it down on the table, sending splashes of it here and there. She let out a loud burp, followed by a laugh.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave smiled as he watched Tyra with amusement. He downed a little bit of his own cider. "Ah, it is good to be free, free out in the open sea..... no I'm not going to be a poet" he told himself laughing. "So Tyra? How does it feel to be so far away from your clan? From your clan territory?". 

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"hahaha...more!" violet refilled her cup, and again, and again. she walked back to the table. "i just wanna say...hic...im really glad we're here. i mean...you all seem like friends. espacially THIS ONE!" she playfully punched tyras arm. "and THIS ONE!" she walked over to a wooden post and punched it, too.


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@@JonasDarkmane @@Pucksterv


Tyra looked over to Rave as he addressed her, and grinned at his question.

"So far, it has been very exciting," she explained, "it feels like Trotstheim is so far away, but my travels have led me to interesting places, and interesting ponies!"


She pauses to take another hearty swig of cider. "And it's normal for those in my village to set out and travel, to find new challenges and allies."


She blinked at the punch Violet gave her, and grinned as she returned it, resulting in accidentally knocking her to the floor. "Oh, apologies friend!"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel took another cup of cider. "Rave, if... if.... if I fall asleep on this table, ye know, today, can ye please *hic* carry me to me..uh.. my bed.'' she said with a drunk smile. Caramel snorted at the punch Tyra gave Violet. "Just one more cup of cider." Caramel said before she knocked out with her head laying on the table.

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"s'okay." violet said, as she got back up, "im just...its real hard to keep your balence, ya know?" she wobbled a bit. then drunk some more. "but...hic...i gotta say, will we be able to eat those crabs?" flare, who perched to the side, cocked his head. "i mean, we can eat those crabs, right?!"


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Rave's face was now fully red. He did as she asked though. He lifted her up with his magic and started heading for her room. He opened the door with his hooves and walked over to her bed. He levitated her to her bed. "There you go Captain" he smiled. He started walking away. 

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"Thank you, Rave" Caramel said as she crawled underneath her blanket, closing her eyes with a smile. She heard the door close. It is a cold night, Caramel noticed as she tried to warm herself with more blankets and her wings. "This isn't working" she thought. Shivering from cold, she eventually fell asleep.

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"Ooh, I have tried crab before," Tyra grinned to Violet, "my father would often bring some back after a trip. The crunchy shells are the best part!"


She peered over to Flare, and smiled as she offered a hoof to pet him. "Is this a phoenix? I have never seen one so close before!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave sighed as he stood outside of Caramel's door. He decided that he was tired and would go to sleep as well. He walked over to his own room. He looked at his saddlebag lying on the floor. He remembered his book. but quickly discarded all thoughts about it. He went to his own bed. There was a candle nearby. He blew at the flames and lied down with his head. 

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flare snapped at her. "flare! thats my friend!" violet said. "now, apologize!!" the phoenix shuffled near her, and cooed. "thats better." violet turned to tyra. "yeah. thats a phonix. his name is flare." she said happily. "i found him as an egg. i think dragons tried to steal him, and they dropped his egg. i found him, he hatched, and hes been with me ever since." she threw him a piece of candy. "he dosent really like other ponies, unless they offer him something. try it." she handed tyra a piece of candy


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Tyra flinched back from the snap, not expecting it from the calm-looking creature. "Oh, did I offend him?"


She listened to Violet's explanation, and nodded in understanding. She blinked as she was given a piece of candy, and experimentally sniffed at it before offering it to the phoenix.

"Hello Flare," she said, uncharacteristically softly, in hopes he would accept the treat. 


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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flare looked at her for a moment, before gingerly accepting the offering. "now he trusts you." violet said. flare cooed, and hopped closer to the table, looking at tyra with a look that said: you have any more candy? violet smiled. "now, pet him. dont worry, i think you were just a little fast. he should be cool now."


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Tyra grinned as Flare accepted the candy, and looked right into his curious gaze. She wondered what the creature could be thinking about her right now.


When Violet said it was safe, she slowly raised her hoof again to pet him, making sure to be careful this time; this phoenix obviously wasn't like her pet ice wolf back home.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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OOC: Damn, sorry about that random AFK. This might be happening more, and I probably will be really spacey tomorrow.




Wilhelm stayed away from the drinking and the rest of the people. He had no desire to socialize that night, and to be quite frank, he was sick of rum. Instead, he simply retired to his room, sipping Earl Hay tea and reading by candlelight until he fell asleep, glasses still on his face and candle burning.

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Caramel woke up from a lot of noise and movement from the ship. Thunder, she heard thunder. "Oh sweet Ninlil, goddess of the wind, please forgive me." Caramel yelled as she ran out her room. "Everypony wake up! Storm is coming!" Caramel shouted. She ran above deck. She could barely stand up straight as the ship was rocking with the wild seas. Waves crashed against the ship as Caramel flapped her wings so that she could fly to the ropes that hold the sails. Everywhere was wind, caramel had a lot trouble flying straight. She tried to untie the rope from the main mast but her hoof got stuck. "Great, this again." she thought. "Let's just hope everypony has woken up." she thought as she clung to the wooden post of the sail.

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Rave woke up as he heard Caramel shouting. He immediately went to action, running above deck. He saw the chaos the storm was wreaking. He saw Caramel by the main mast. "What orders do you have captain?". He saw her hoof stuck. He began untying it with his magic. "What would you have me do?". 

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Caramel was losing hope. "I guess it's my time then" Caramel said with tears rolling from her eyes. She closed her eyes, waiting for the storm to take her away until she heard Rave's voice. "Thank celestia" she shouted. "I'm so glad yer here Rave. For starters, can ye please get me down from here. I think I hurt my wings, I can't fly from here." she said with fear in her eyes.

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Rave could see the danger, his eyes widening a bit. He grabbed her with his levitation magic, pulling her closer to him. "Don't worry, I will get you down from there" he shouted to her as the storm seemed to get stronger. Everything will be alright, I promise" he said with an assuring smile. 

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As Rave was floating her down, she saw the storm getting worse. "Oh help me dear Celestia, dear Luna, dear Ninlil, goddes of the wind, please spare my life." she prayed. She landed with all hoofs on the ground, still shaking with fear she looked at Rave and hugged him tightly as if she would never let go. "I nearly died up there, thank you." she said still in shock, still hugging him.

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Assassin heard the storm. Her leg was fine now. She quickly went up and saw two ponies. She was worried, she went up to those ponies and spoke, "You ponies alright? My leg is totally fin..". She stopped when she saw the captain hugging another pony. She giggled and spoke, "I told you.. you two are a pf.... good match. Now anything I can help ca pf... tain?".

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Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

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