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private Quarantine


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Twenty-three Haybale lane is an ideal location for young ponies to rent their first apartment and get a taste of living on their own. The night life is usually buzzing in down town Manehattan and the cost of living in the building is incredibly cheap. Despite the size of the building (11 floors; 2 apartments per floor) relations between the ponies are well known:

Let's take Old lady Eyespot from 11A; even though they never see her they know she is there. They hear her yelling at her dog all hours of the night, which especially bothers Ampyrion who loses hours of sleep because of it.

Speaking of Ampyrion, such a nice young man, who lives alone in apartment 9B. It's a shame he keeps to himself so much, especially after the accident with the pegasus brothers. I'm sure Lucas Shadowcaste and Dusk never meant for anything to happen.

The pegasus brothers? Lucas Shawdowcaste and Dusk, nineteen and seventeen, respectively; live together in apartment 7B. Ever since their parents were killed, Lucas hasn't been able to control his younger party-animal of a brother. It seems like every Sunday morning Lucas Shadowcaste awakes to hungover Croaks, Lion heart and Shawdow Chaser asleep on his living room floor.

Tensions run high in apartment 6A. Croaks and Lion heart have been inseparable since they were foals, until Lion heart met Shadow Chaser. Lion heart and Croaks never had many friends, since they were both shy, in fact Shadow Chaser was shy at first too (as Croaks recalls). But Shadow Chaser came out of his shell and brought Lion heart with him. Even though Croaks and Lion heart have grown apartment from many a druken nights partying together, Croaks longs for his old friend back and secretly resents his roommate that 'stole' him away.

Lab brag is one of the older ponies living in the building,(well, younger than Old Lady Eyespot of course) apartment 5A. Having moved from Fillydelphia only three months ago, Lab brag longs to join the partying young colts on the sixth floor, but spends most of his time trying to get a glance at the beautiful unicorn, Lovely, from the fourth floor.

Lovely isn't bothered by the attention she receives from the young colts in the building, she enjoys declining their offers to 'go out' and 'party'. Lovely spends most of her day sun-bathing on her balcony, where she can admire the beautiful flowers growing on the balcony below here.

Apartment 3B always has flowers in bloom, even in the winter. It's no surprise Greenery lives there, and another less shocking surprise that he lives alone. Greenery likes to keep to himself and would rather spend time with his plants then bother with the inner social circles of the building. The only outside relation Greenery has is his bi-weekly conversation with George Grey, about growing plants.

George Grey is an aspiring doctor that lives alone in apartment 2A. Being busy with school, George Grey doesn't spend a lot of time in his apartment, but tonight he decided to take a break and stay-in.


Staying-in, a mistake all these ponies would soon regret.

It's 8:43pm and unbeknownst to anypony, the QUARANTINE would be taking place in less than an hour.

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Greenery carefully watered his plants, looking at the setting sun with a sigh. He hadn't had much to do that day-his plants were fine, no weeding or pruning to be done-and he wished that something would happen.

Walking back into his apartment he made himself tea and sat down, staring out the window.


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Shadow Chaser was relaxing on a sofa, he had been reading something or another but dropped it and decided to take a nap instead. He stretches as he rubs the sleep from his eyes and yawns, he looks at the clock and realized he had not meant to nap for that long. "Oh well," he mutters under his breath. He stands up and walks towards the kicthen to grab a soda from the fridge.

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Lovely rushed out of the shower as she heard the phone ringing in the other room. She wrapped a towel around her wet body and soaking mane and quickly picked up the phone, "hello?" She asked slightly peeved. It was Stud Muffin, he was trying to convince her to go out and 'paint the town red', as he put it, once again. Lovely rolled her eyes and sighed, "I already told you I wanted to have a ME night tonight, Stud." Lovely put the phone away from her ear as Stud Muffin opposed her. Thankfully he eventually hung-up. Lovely laughed to herself and returned to the washroom to finish drying her mane.

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Lionheart didn't have much to do this day. It was quite a boring day to be more exact and he didn't feel like going outside at all. He waslked to the kitchen to make something to eat noticing Shadow was there too. "Hey Shadow, How was that hing you were reading or more llike the nap you were taking." He said in a sarcastic tone as he reached the place the had the bread to eat some.


"This is quite a boring day isn't it ? Anything to discuss to pass time ?" He asked while eating the bread he just grabbed.

~In construction~ 

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George stretched, he had just finished reading a book about growing Plants with Hydroponics. As it uses minimal space and he will be able to grow his own things instead of relying on others. He was so drawn into the book that he totally forgot time and so he hasn't eaten yet. His stomach complained, probably even his neighbor would be able to hear it growl. But that something he was able to change quickly as he went for his fridge and took out some lettuce, which he would then slap onto a slice of bread and then happily devour. He then went for the Balcony and looked outside, he didn't know that perhaps, this might be the last time he did so.

I love you! <3

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Ampyrion lazily paced around the room, just having got out of bed. He let out a loud yawn, rubbing his tired eyes. "Bloody old lady," he muttered to himself. "The third time this week my sleep has been cut in half cause of her bloody hounds barking up the place." Nonetheless, he put aside his grievances-for now, anyway. "One day I'll sue her," he sighed to himself. Striding to the kitchen, he calmly opened the fridge, wondering what he could make for breakfast today.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lab Brag, even in the morning, was busy working on what he thought would be the long-awaited cure for the common cold. "There seems to be a few things I'm missing...," said Lab Brag out loud to himself, with a tendency to do so. Lab Brag yawned, got up off his chair, and figured that he'd work on it later. Lab Brag looked up at the clock and realized that it was that time of the week. He went to his closet, grabbed his water can, left his apartment on the fifth floor, and took the elevator down to the third.

Edited by RhythmHooves
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Shadow grabs an orange soda from the fridge with his magic and begins to drink it in sips. His head was still sort of hurting from the nap, for some reason he always got headaches after napping. He tried to shrug it off as he drank, then he noticed Lionheart enter.


Shadow laughs at Lionheart's question "It was a good book, something about a government conspiracy, I just get so tired when I read! The nap wasn't quite as nice, but I'll get over it." He took a longer gulp from his drink and sighed.


"You can say that again, today is one of those slow days where nothing seems to be happening. I can't really think of anything to talk about either...." he thinks for a moment "wait I have an idea!" a devious grin crosses his face and he approaches the phone hanging on the wall nearby. "We can always prank call Old lady Eyespot, she still doesn't have caller ID, so she can't even tell it is us!" He places the soda down and picks up the phone with his magic.

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Lucas finishes Cleaning the Flat he and his brother live he sits down on the couch " Well at least the others arent passed out randomly around the house" Lucas was thinking of what he could do today could always go see shadow or that Unicorn Lovely See if they want to just hang out somewhere better then waiting here for Dusk to finally wake up.


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Lovely had finally finished making herself look 'perfect'. It's hard looking beautiful. Lovely picked up the phone and called apartment 4A. the phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. She must've went out tonight, I'm probably the only pony in the entire building that is to staying in tonight. Lovely sulked a bit, slightly regretting declining Stud's offer. Slightly. Lovely glanced at the clock.

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It's 9:23pm.


The night was silent. Too early for the night-life to begin, too late for the children to be playing outside.

A single call was made to Old Lady EyeSpot's apartment from Shadow.

Shadow eagerly waited on the phone for an answer,

on the fifth ring he heard the line pick-up.

Shadow tried to cover his laughter and quietly waited for the "hello?" but there was none,

he heard a bang and a faint scratching noise, followed by foot steps blanketed by blood curling screams.

Shadow had to pull the phone away from his hear as the line went dead.


Whilst Ampyrion was minding his own business, he also was able to hear the screams. Normally he'd shrug them off since it seems like Old Lady Eyespot is always screaming, but these screams were different, and they weren't stopping.

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Lionheart though for a moment and finally answered. "Sure why not. I am too bored anyway.'


He watched as Shadow picked the phone with a subtly laugh but then suddenly pulled the phone away from his ear. Lionheart was quite surprised by this. 'What wrong did she realised who we were ?" Lionheart asked his tone kinda showing his surprise. This wasn't very a normal reaction. It wasn't the first time they pulled this prank and most of the time the operation went smoothly. "Is there something wrong ?" He asked on last time.



(OOC: Man my post aren't very good sorry :/)

~In construction~ 

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At first Shadow was eagerly awaiting the quiet "Hello?" Old Lady Eyespot gave, it was by that point that he had the hardest time keeping his laughter in check. However this time it was different, it went longer than normal, and then there was no answer...


The scream sends a shiver down his spine. His eyes are big with fear and worry as he pulls away the phone then drops it, it bangs against the wall still attached to the wire. He looks towards Lionheart "Something is very wrong, there was screaming and scratching, we need to get over there right away!" He had never disliked Old Lady Eyespot, she was just easy to prank. The pranks were harmless, but he wasn't one to just ignore something like that scream.


He grabs a baseball bat from the closet with his magic hurriedly and yells to Lionheart "Call 911 and the apartment manager while I go to her apartment, meet me there after you make the calls! If somepony attacked her I want to stop them, but if she is hurt she needs the medical attention! And if the door is locked we will need the key, hurry start making those calls!" He opens the door and begins to rush over to her apartment.

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That time of the week had come--Lab Brag knew Greenery's flowers were starting to wither again, and he always used this opportunity to get a sneak peak at Lovely. Lab Brag admired Lovely--not only was she beautiful, smart, and worldly ,but she was also only 2 years younger than him. In fact, there weren't a lot of people in his age range in the apartment complex. It was full of frat-brony college kids like the pegasus brothers. His only friend was George Grey, as he could relate to the man since he also worked with medicine, even though he was administering it instead of inventing it. In fact, it was George Grey who tipped off Lab Brag about Greenery's balcony being directly below Lovely's. Lab Brag pulled up to Greenery's door, knocked on it, and prepared to be bored to death. He hoped George was there...

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Lucas hears the screa and he jumps up from his Seat "Wh-what the hell was that?" He walks over to front door and looks outside hmm nopony here. he closes the door and runs to His brothers Bedroom "Dusk! wake up! Come on get you lozy flank out of bed".


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Greenery heard a scream and spilled his tea all over himself. Cursing, he opked his hbead out ther door and looked up and down the hallway.

What on earth is going on?

He ran onto his balcony and looked at George. "What was that?" he called to him.


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Lab Brag stopped knocking on the door when he heard a noise coming up from upstairs. "What in Equestria...", he muttered to himself. Lab was temped to go upstairs to see if it was coming from Ampyrion's apartment ,but he didn't want to disturb the poor colt's nap. He decided to wait for Greenery to open his door to ask if they wanted to check it out together.

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Ampyrion lazily began flipping through a book. He was restless, but it was still too early to go to bed. Tossing aside the book, he reached for his photo album, flipping through the pages fondly. Someday I'd like to go back to the ocean and catch another one, he thought, finding a picture of him pruodly holding a freshly-harpooned fish. There weren't any oceans here, though. The largest body of water he had seen since he got here was the public swimming pool.


A loud screaming jolted him back to present day. "Wha-? Oh, buck it! Not again!" he sighed in exasperation. "Why can't the dumb old lady ever shut up?" He angrily tried blocking his ears, but the screaming continued. A long, high pitched, drawn-out wail. Shouldn't that demented old lady have stopped by now? He snarled in exasperation, too angry for words as he jumped up out of the chair and began pacing again.


A few minutes later the old lady was still screaming. Ampyrion was starting to worry. Maybe there's a...burglar or something. I KNOW she would've stopped by now. I've been listening to that loon keep me up at night for months! He blinked as he came to this conclusion. "I...I should go check it out," he muttered to himself, stopping his pacing an staring at the wall that seperated him from the old lady. He slowly walked toward the door. The screaming was awful-his head was beginning to hurt. Yep, something's wrong.


For safety, he grabbed the harpoon by the doorway before he headed out. Levitating it in front of him, he carefully trotted into the hallway, and turned right. Well, there was was. Right outside the old loon's door.


"Hey!" he bellowed over the screaming, trying to make himself heard. "What's going on in there!?"

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Dusk wakes up with a yawn. "Well..it's late. At least I got a good sleep.."

He looks for Lucas. While, on the way, he gets a snack, he hadn't eaten all day anyway.

Then he hears the screams.

"What the hell is going on...?"

  • Brohoof 1

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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Its 9:30 pm.

Shadow and Ampyrion meet outside apartment 11A. The door is locked and the screaming has ceased. Instead there are loud banging noises and the sound of crashing furniture. Suddenly the door of 11B slams open, Priest GoodPony emerges in a rush. He turns and sees a confused Ampyrion and Shawdow standing outside of Old Lady Eyespot's door. Priest GoodPony mutters something to himself as he wipes his dripping face clean. He gives the two ponies a horrified look before dashing down the stair case.


Its 9:32 pm.

George Gray and Greenery are admiring Greenery's plants on his balcony. Suddenly the two ponies notice Priest GoodPony (from the eleventh) floor run out into the street and into a cab waiting for him, the cab speeds off, leaving only dust behind. The two ponies hear a faint siren in the distance.

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Lovely heard hooves thundering in the stairwell. What could be so important that so much noise must be made? Lovely rolled her eyes and turned the page of the magazine she was reading, only to be interrupted by the sound of hooves running down the stairwell this time. Lovely growled, can't anypony read in peace here? Lovely left her apartment and went to the stairwell. It seemed the culprits had already left the area.

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Ampyrion was getting slightly worried. Very worried, in fact. The screaming-it was unlike any sound he ever heard the old lady make before. It was starting to scare him slightly. He grasped the harpoon tightly in his hooves, a reflexive action, as a single bead of sweat rolled down his face.


The screaming stopped abruptly, like a wall of noise coming to a sudden halt. That was more concerning to him than even the screaming had been. "H-hello? Are you alright in there?" he asked shakily. Not getting a response, he tried the doorknob. It was locked. He paused, wiping the sweat from his face. "Um...hello?" He wasn't sure what to do.


Hoofsteps from behind him caused him to turn. It was another pony runng up the stairs. Ampyrion was pretty sure his name was Shadow, he had seem hiim a few times. "What are you doing here?" he asked, immediately suspicious.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Ugg.." Dusk moaned, "what's that noise?"

He turns off the game he was playing.

"Oh well, it must be somewhat important," as he goes to meet up with the ponies investigating.

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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