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open Survival Isle


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The beach, hot dry and no signs of the yacht for miles other than the passengers that land with you. The Island itself small, to small to stay for years waiting for help to arrive, , crabs roam the beach you are laying on, the 4 trees of the island sway in the wind, along the tree grow vines, at the top fresh coconuts probably more fresher than the ones served to you on the yacht. The ocean, a dark blue and as you look farther out the water gets darker and darker, hiding its mystery under it blueish black, in the distance are 3 islands, you can't tell if one is bigger than the others because the are so far apart and so far away, now you start you adventure, and this is your story of survival. 

OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/126118-stranded-isles-remake-anthro-survival/?view=findpost&p=3662672

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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She comes too on the island with a head ache. "Next time no drinking before bed. This headache is killer."


She looks around and goes from groaning hangover to pure confusion in less then 10 seconds. "what in Tarderus?! Where the buck are we? How did we get here? All I remember is the ship was sinking. After that it's all fuzzy." She tries to get up but the migraine returns with a vengeance. She decides to lay there with her eyes closed groaning.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Snowflake is inside his mercenary fort with his other friends they were discussing important events when all the sudden Snowflake couldn't breath... the air around him was turning to water... his friends seemed unfazed.... Snowflake then woke up but in an instant he realized what the problem was... he was on the sea floor drowning he quickly swam to surface nearly blacking out but he made it... Snowflake coughed up a lot of water then took in a deep breath... he used his magic to create a little pad of ice to lay on to catch his breath "where in tartarus is the boat.... better question.... where am I?" Snowflake looks around and sees a near by island so he swims to it.... by the time he arrives he is nearly out of energy and collapses near the shore....


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Caramel slowly opened her eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight, waking up with the sound of the sea. She felt sand laying underneath her. "that's not right." she thought. Last thing she remembered she was laying in bed. She looked around, only seeing sand and sea. "Where am I?"

Edited by Pucksterv
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Alamo wakes up, laying on the beach, sand in his hair, covered in the sand and his shoes wet from the ocean water, "Where, am I?", he looks around to see the other passengers who had ended up in the same place, just they were not on the yacht but a beach, with no other sign of life beside his fellow passengers landing and waking up on the beach, then he got up and walk towards the trees, "Shade, good something worthwhile."

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"My head, it hurts so much." Caramel got up, removing the sand out of her mane, seeing another person. She walked up to him "You there, were you a passenger too? Do ye know what happened?" Caramel asked. She looked around, still confused. "Where the hell are we." she wondered.

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Those who where awake could hear the groaning coming from her. She looks to be unable to get up right now with her head held by her hands. She strains against her head ache when she hears one close to her say, "Shade, good something worth while."


Another not far away had a look of confusion just like her.


She says to Alamo, "Excuse me, would you mind lending a helping hand? This hangover is killer." He can see she is very much hungover. She doesn't look like she can move fully of her own accord yet.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Argh. Fffuck." I said, clutching my wing as I crawled to shore. My left wing had been injured when the yacht sank. How bad it was injured I didn't know but I do know that it hurts like hell. When I got to completely up the shoreline and away from the tide I rolled over and tried to catch my breath. "Where the hell am I?" I wondered. "What is this place?"

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@@Pucksterv @@Midnight_Aurora

"I was a passenger on the ship but I don't know how it sank because I remember seeing the water rushing into the ship, but in the meantime would you mind helping me with her?" pointing at the hungover girl "We need to get everybody to the shade, and we need to see who else is here."

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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Snowflake regains his strength and is able to stand "stranded on an island... maybe even alone... well at least I got my good suit with me" Snowflake attempts to teleport to mainland but nothing happens "what the why can't I teleport out of here?" Snowflake tries teleporting a few feet in front of him and he is able to "something ain't right" Snowflake begins walking down the shore then he sees the military pony from the boat "Storm Line!"

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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Snowflake regains his strength and is able to stand "stranded on an island... maybe even alone... well at least I got my good suit with me" Snowflake attempts to teleport to mainland but nothing happens "what the why can't I teleport out of here?" Snowflake tries teleporting a few feet in front of him and he is able to "something ain't right" Snowflake begins walking down the shore then he sees the military pony from the boat "Storm Line!"

I heard someone yell my name. I looked around to see who it was and sure enough it was Snowflake. "Snowflake!" I yelled back. "Thank Celestia someone else is here!" I got up, grimacing at the pain still alive in my wing and stumbled towards Snowflake. "Snowflake. Is there anyone else here besides us?" I asked. "Cause I wasn't hoping I would be stranded on a deserted island with another guy."
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@ Everyone


Snowflake grabs hold of Storm line "I got you friend..." Snowflake answers Stormline "your guess is about as good as mine... though at least your trapped here with a friend rather than some stuck up ass hole, I just arrived here a few moments ago.... man what the tartarus happened last night? one moment I leave to go to bed the next I'm at the bottom of the sea eating Krabby Patties with Spongebob...." Snowflake joked "wait look there are others just over there.... quickly my friend we must move" with Storm line holding on to Snowflake, Snowflake walks towards the others "hey! who's got Applejack on them?" (if you didn't know Applejack is an American made alcohol)


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Nightlight says, "Anyone see my pack? There might be some inside it. If not then not I says the hungover lady in the sand still needing help right now." She seems to be having a migraine of a hangover as she lays there. It doesn't look like she can move on her own right now.


Her pack is right at her side and she doesn't seem aware of it.

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@@Snowflake Frostflame @@Midnight_Aurora @


"You guys are alive good help me pick her up and move her to the shade over there she is hungover, who know it may have been, your applejack, anyways help me move her to the shade, you seen anyone else or is he it pointing at Storm Line, while you answer that help me move her." Picking her up by the sholders "Someone else grab her pack."

Edited by El Presidente Castle
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"My friend is injured he needs a few days to heal his wing... or at least get on his feet let me set him down first" Snowflake sets his friend down "now then I will help you but if you vomit on my suit I will shoot you" Snowflake jokingly says as Snowflake helps Alamo lift the hungover girl by Storm Line he feels his side and notices his gun is missing he then grabs a rock and runs towards the ocean "Motherfucking ocean!" Snowflake throws the rock into the water "I want my gun back!"


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As she is helped up she says, "Thanks I didn't want to roast my feathers in this sun. Too much sun is bad for the fur." She staggers as they hold her up but other then that she is standing fine. She lets them guide her to the shade.


When she gets there she says, "In my pack is a thurmus. I can use it to cure a hangover. I learned the tea from my time as a ranger actress."

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"Well they always say, or at least I do that tea is close to the best medicine, for sleep and waking up from sleep, anyways I'll be back with your pack and you might want let the shade and dry air, warm you, its gonna be a common thing, for right now." Alamo says putting her down then running off to get the pack

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Nightlight relaxes and does as Alamo says. She sits there and waits for the pack. The blocked sun still trying to agitate her hangover. She does however feel better being in the shade. She flexes her wing and winches when she feels pain. "Buck me, I need a wing preening." She pulls her wings in front of her and begins preening them.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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(Sorry for the late postage)


Drakk walked through the beautiful flower field, where there were rainbows shining down and faeries floating around. There was even the occasional Candy cane! He smiled warmly to his surroundings. "This is amazing!" He quietly said, which thereafter one of the faeries floated up to him. This one looked like a child in body, but had a big, bald head, with even the hint of a beard. Flying with a pair of small, glittery wings, It licked the lollipop in one of its hands before laughing childishly. Drakk smiled even more at the sight, but suddenly, the faery flew up to his head, and hit him in the face with the lollipop as if it were using a sledgehammer. Just as the lollipop hit, he opened his eyes, which he immediately closed again due to a sun glare. He groaned, as he reached for his face with his hands. After a few seconds of complaining to life, he slowly opened his eyes, as to not feel the suns wrath. Once they were fully open, he took a glance to his surroundings. It was like a beach, if he was going to be honest. There was hot sands everywhere, and there was an ocean to the side. But once he fully looked around everywhere he realized where he was. A few coconut trees where around, one which was just beside him, aswell as a coconut next to his head. Drakk groaned again. "Dammit, what the hell happened?" He thought as he got up, rubbing his head all the while. He shot a glare to the coconut which used to be next to his head, and looked around him, hoping to find his backpack. After a minute of looking, he groaned again, out of annoyance this time. "Of course it wouldnt be that easy..." he muttered under his breath. He then tried searching his pockets, to see if he had something, anything useful on him. One minute of pocket searching later, he frowned at the items he found. A couple bits, a lighter, and finally a minature statue of a question mark. He glared at them, especially the statue, for being completely useless in his situation. He but them back in his pockets, grumbling all the while, then decided to look around. Some of the other passengers could be here, and he sincerely hoped they were, cause there wasnt a chance in tartarus that Drakk could survive on an island, Alone.

Edited by Lord Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Alamo picked up the bag from the snag, blew some of the sand off of it and processed to walk back to the hungover passenger, he had yet to figure out anyone on the ship since he had been mostly quiet to everyone, unlike his usual self, probably because he got very sea sick very fast, but he did know who were passengers and who were crew memebers because the passengers arrived last, and so far he seen almost everyone expect one.

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"Argh!" My wing was getting worse. I needed something to hold it so it might heal a little or least take the pain away. "Anyone got anything for my wing?" I asked. "Splints, drift wood and some wire, anything will do. If you got it just give it to me." I clutched my wing. I was pretty sure at this point it was broken.

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@ @


Snowflake snaps out of his depression in losing his gun he checks his pocket and sees he still has his knife "well at least it ain't all bad news... hey Storm Line I can turn you to an Earth Pony that might ease the pain hehehehe" Snowflake notices a medical crate "hey Cowboy get over here I need your help"


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Nightlight smiles as her pack is brought to her. She claims it with a thank you before getting a thurmas and taking a swig of the contents. She says, "Bitter but much better. It does well without the sugar."


Her hangover is starting to fade. The more she sipped now the more it went away. She drank about one fouth of it before her hangover was gone.

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Alamo walks to the trees and trys climbing them to reach the top, to get a coconut but falls flat on his back, "Alright I ain't making it up there, but we might be able to bring it down to us." Alamo says after getting up from the ground, he then looks around for scrap wood and rocks, "Alright I could make a rock axe, wood wouldn't be as straight but wood is wood anyone have anything thing to hold this together?"

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