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planning Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure (Updated) [Full]


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For anyone else, while I haven't been doing much if you would like some help or attention with your character please PM me as I would be happy to help. Also please reread my orginal post as I have updated it with new deities, the deer race, and new feats. Also reread rules, as that gives basic information on character creation.




@@Tricksters Pride

@@Snowy Storm,  

@@Spell Shock

@@The Jar

Calling all those who has shared interest in my campaign before, any of you still around and interested? Laughs, hopefully not all of you answer this call because I just realized the number of old commenters is 8, which would make a large group in and of itself not even going into new members interested. I would be willing to add 1, maybe 2 or 3 from the old group into my updated campaign though we already have 5 members recently showing interest. Counting Brosparkles, glad to seem them back.







I hope contacting all these members wont case any problem. Can I get a class call from all those currently involved, perhaps even a link to your OC and character sheet if you have one yet?

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Oh, I apologize I thought you would be joining... well that is fine actually. It makes you helping with the campaign as something of a co-GM more secure, with less risk of metagaming. 

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I mean I can totally make a character up; and I have quite a bit of experience with not-metagaming. I just hadn't given much thought into a character concept before. I mean I had one; but I'm not sure the concept would be very lore-friendly.

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Draconic Bloodline Bloodrager; essentially he would be a member of a tribe of ponies originating from the Dragon lands to the south of Equestria; and he and his people revere a benevolent dragon. The dragon grants him a portion of his power and sends the character to Equestria as it's herald.

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Sure, I don't see a problem with that. If by lore issues you are considering Dragonshy and Dragon Quest... in my campaign not all dragons will be the same. Also I will be using the chromatic and metallic dragons as offered in D&D and Pathfinder. 

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@@Midnight_Aurora, If you're having difficulties making your character sheet due to using the phone I can help fill in stuff for you. Can you at least view the character sheet template so you can check your stats during play?


@@EquestrianScholar, How cheeze-tastic would it be if I used the Advanced Horn Training feats to get a weapon attack in addition to my natural claw attacks? Not that I'm seriously considering it since I already committed to an earth pony for my bloodrager but think about it; 3 attacks at level 5. That's totally balanced right? To be fair the claw attacks would be considered secondary and take a -5 penalty and only get half str to damage.

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Okay I have made a new update, this time giving the campaign summary and offering a name for this roleplay Ponyfinder - Age of Adventure the focus officially being that of exploration and discovery.

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Hopefully my Druid can be of help XD since she has a lot of skills on basics of survival and can help purify water and such. I am very excited for this campaign!

Scholar- let your brother know I am working on his character draft today and tomorrow

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Also, I recently took the D&D character test here: http://easydamus.com/character.html

Results for Alignments and Classes

True Neutral ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (20)
Lawful Good ------ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Lawful Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Chaotic Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Lawful Evil ------ XXXXXXX (7)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXX (4)

Law & Chaos:
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Law ----- XXXXXXX (7)
Chaos --- XXXX (4)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Evil ---- (0)

Sorcerer -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Ranger ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Druid ----- XXXXXX (6)
Fighter --- XXXXXX (6)
Monk ------ XXXXXX (6)
Rogue ----- XXXXXX (6)


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I am unsurprisingly a true neutral human. and apparently a bard/wizard without the stats to support it- yay....



Ability Scores:

Strength- 8
Dexterity- 9
Constitution- 10
Intelligence- 11
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 12




Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXX (5)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXXX (9)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Evil ---- XXX (3)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Halfling - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Half-Orc - XX (2)

Barbarian - XXXXXXXX (8)
Cleric ---- XXXX (4)
Druid ----- XXXX (4)
Fighter --- XXXXXXXX (8)
Monk ------ XXXXXXXX (8)
Paladin --- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Ranger ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Rogue ----- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Sorcerer -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)

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I would recommending editting out the stats part of the test as I believe few of us would have the physical and mental stats to be adventurers in D&D or Pathfinder. Also while it is good to know for youself, in this situation races should be put aside.


My main curiosity was seeing peoples alignments and classes. I actually find it interesting that the class your choosing for your character, the Druid, is one of your weakest classes.



One thing that interests, yet also concerns me, is the fact for my test it seems I don't have the tiniest bit of evil in me, at least as far as the test goes... which could be a problem for when I want to play Evil NPCs

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Mine are interesting



Detailed Results:

Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXX (3)

Law & Chaos:
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Chaos --- XXX (3)

Good & Evil:
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Evil ---- (0)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Gnome ---- XXXX (4)
Halfling - XXXXXX (6)
Half-Orc - XXXX (4)

Barbarian - XXXXXXXX (8)
Bard ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Cleric ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Druid ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Fighter --- XXXXXX (6)
Monk ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Paladin --- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Ranger ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Rogue ----- XXXX (4)
Sorcerer -- XXXXXX (6)
Wizard ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)


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New PrC


Radiant Soul Monk

"Look within for the dawning light of Celestia's sun, the twinkling diamonds that fill Luna's night sky, and the shimmering joy of Cadance's love. Let it shine forth from your soul, and the Great Light shall be reborn through you."

Monks of the Radiant Soul Order believe that they each harbor a small fragment of the Great Light's divine essence found inside of the soul of each of us. Brothers and sisters of the Order of the Radiant Soul are trained to tap into the "spiritual light" within -- a tradition that developed early in Equestria's history -- and manifest it externally. The monks are loosely affiliated with the faiths of Celestia, Luna, and more recently, and they share many common concerns with those churches. Staunch opponents of darkness, evil, chaos, and tyranny, the Radiant Soul monks serve as crusaders against churches of evil deities, defenders of the common folk, and protectors of sites sacred to deities of light and good.


Becoming a Radiant Soul Monk

Monk and monk/paladins make the best Radiant Soul monks. They are uniquely suited to the asceticism and discipline of the order. Clerics, fighters, paladins, rogues, and multiclass combinations thereof occasionally join the order, but their total collective numbers are small.

As with any combat-oriented character, you will find that a high Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity will serve you well. You will also want a high Wisdom to maximize the use of your "inner fire"combat abilities.



Alignment: Lawful good or lawful neutral.

Base Save Bonuses: Will + 4.

Skills: Acrobatics 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks,Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.

Languages: Celestial, Draconic

Feats: Athletic, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.

Patron Deity: Celestia, Luna, Cadance.

Special: Member of the Order of the Radiant Soul.


Class Features: All of the following are class features of the Radiant Soul monk prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Radiant Soul monks are proficient with all simple weapons, but gain no new proficiency with any armor. You can treat a light mace as a special monk weapon for the purpose of your flurry of blows ability.

Monk Abilities: Radiant Soul monk levels stack with monk levels for purposes of determining flurry of blows, unarmed damage, AC bonus,unarmored speed bonus and ki pool.

Radiant Soul (Sp): You gain the ability to radiate magical light,equivalent in effect to a daylight spell by paying one ki point for the duration of 10 min./lvl. You and your clothing are the"object" from which the light emanates. Your caster level is equal to your combined monk, paladin, and Radiant Soul monk levels.

Low-Light Vision (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain low-light vision if you don't already have it. If you already have low-light vision it increases tox3 instead of x2.

Radiant Soul Ray (Sp): At 2nd level, you gain the ability to radiate and project a blast of light from an open palm, equivalent in effect to asearing light spell. Treat the caster level as equivalent to your combined monk, paladin, and Radiant Soul monk levels. This ability costs 2 ki points to use.

Flaming Fists (Su): At 3rd level and beyond, you can channel your inner light into your unarmed attacks as a swift action, giving them the flaming weapon special ability for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus (minimum 1) for 1 ki point. For 2 ki points you can bestow the flaming burst weapon special ability on your unarmed attacks. While for 3 ki points you may brilliant energy weapon special ability on your unarmed attacks.

Abundant Step (Su): At 5th level or higher, you can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door. Using this ability is a move action that consumes 2 points from his ki pool. His caster level for this effect is one-half his combined monk and Radiant Soul monk levels (rounded down). He cannot take other creatures with him when he uses this ability.

Greater Radiant Soul (Sp): At 7th level, you gain the ability to wreathe yourself in flames, equivalent in effect to a fire shield spell(warm version) for 4 ki points as an immediate action. Treat your caster level as equivalent to your combined monk, paladin, and Radiant Soul monk levels.

Eyes of Light (Ex): At 8th level, you can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell. In addition,you gain immunity to being dazzled, and immunity to light-based blindness effects

Radiant Soulbeam (Sp): At 10th level, you gain the ability to emit dazzling beams of light, equivalent in effect to a Radiantbeam spell at the cost of 4 ki points. Treat your caster level as equivalent to your combined monk, paladin, and Radiant Soul monk levels.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): At 10th level, you can speak with any living creature.


Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level):Acrobatic, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (arcana, history, and religion), Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Stealth, Swim.



A Radiant Soul monk who becomes non-lawful cannot gain new levels as a Radiant Soul monk, but retains all Radiant Soul monk abilities. Like a member of any other class, a Radiant Soul monk can be a multiclass character, but multiclass Radiant Soul monks face a special restriction. A Radiant Soul monk can gain levels in one other class (other than monk) and still progress as a monk or as a Radiant Soul monk, as long as long as his combined monk and Radiant Soul monk levels exceed all other class levels.

You are a dedicated servant of the common man, eschewing ostentatious consumptions of wealth, food, or libation. You almost never despair,no matter how dark things seem, for you have discovered your spiritual light within. You see yourself as a custodian of the Great Light's divinity and the inheritor of an ancient tradition, awaiting the day it returns to its proper glory and banishes the spiritual shadow from the world.



You relish unarmed combat, particularly against foes vulnerable to fire,for in such battles you can truly unleash your inner fire. Thanks to your training, you can also use spell-like abilities that burn your enemies, a potent combination unexpected by most foes.



Qualifying for the Radiant Soul monk class requires a significant commitment of skill points. As you gain levels, you probably want to catch up in some of the more physical skills, including Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim. Moreover, you might find you have missed out on some combat feats as well. The order is known for its employment of the Radiant School[CW] tactical feat; it is suggested that you acquire it as soon as you qualify.

If you want to multiclass as you advance, consider taking levels in monk or paladin. Many of your abilities stack with levels in these classes, so doing so maximizes your potential.



Mine are interesting

Hmm, yours are interesting. A very high score in Good and with this a very high score in Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral,True Neutral. Druid, Paladin, and Ranger seem be the classes you show strongest connection to.


Did the test say you would be a Lawful Good Human Paladin?

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Well here are my results.




Detailed Results:






Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)

True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)

Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXX (8)

Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXX (6)

Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXX (5)


Law & Chaos:

Law ----- XXXXXXXX (8)

Neutral - XXXXXX (6)

Chaos --- XXXXX (5)


Good & Evil:


Neutral - XXXXXXX (7)

Evil ---- (0)



Barbarian - XXXX (4)

Bard ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Cleric ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Druid ----- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Fighter --- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Monk ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Paladin --- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Ranger ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Rogue ----- XXXXXXXX (8)

Sorcerer -- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Wizard ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)



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