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planning Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure (Updated) [Full]


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Hey Scholar,


I have been looking to play a Ponyfinder game and have been playing DnD/Pathfinder for years.  For the first go at it, I was hoping to translate my OC into Ponyfinder format.  If you'd like (and are still open to new players) I can send you some character info/background.  Also, mechanically, I would be playing an earth-pony Rogue (Investigator). 


Thanks!  B)

Edit:  There's also the possibility I will grab a couple levels of something else (perhaps Monk: Martial Artist or Urban Barbarian [yeeeeah, underpowered as all get but such sweet flavor]) since my OC, Jar, is much more only a decent combatant by sharp instincts, natural size/strength and ability to make use of what's at hand (hence, not a perfect sneak attack oriented rogue, but still a primary rogue).  


tl;dr: I will not be optimized but I will bring fun, maturity and character... :comeatus:  to the game.

Ok, here is the character for your consideration/approval:


Note: I did not know if we were using action points/hero points.  Also, Rogue is Investigator Rogue and Barbarian is Urban and Invulnerable Rager (I was trying to demonstrate the raw durability of an exceptionally tough earth pony, but if you prefer me to only include one archetype, I will ditch the rage and keep the urban).  Let me know what you think, I will send you a back story when you get back to me.



Edited by Blueskies09
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By official rules you can only double up on archetypes if they don't replace the same ability(ies).

Urban Barbarian

Features Replaced: Class Skills, Armor Proficiency, Fast Movement, Rage

Valid Archetypes: Brutal Pugilist, Elemental Kin, Hateful Rager (Half-Orc), Invulnerable Rager, Savage Barbarian, Superstitious


... which from the above information says it is a valid combination.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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By official rules you can only double up on archetypes if they don't replace the same ability(ies).Urban Barbarian

Features Replaced: Class Skills, Armor Proficiency, Fast Movement, Rage

Valid Archetypes: Brutal Pugilist, Elemental Kin, Hateful Rager (Half-Orc), Invulnerable Rager, Savage Barbarian, Superstitious

Awesome, I knew they were valid (did not overlap) but didn't know if you had objections to using more than one per class.

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Sweet. What all chracters do we actually have committed at this point?

Ohai. I didn't expect anyone else to join. The more the merrier I suppose! I'm playing a magus, hope to see you in the group once it gets started.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I apologize but until I get a new computer and more reliable access to the interest I am going to have to put this campaign on hold until farther notice. Please forgive me for the wait to all those currently with characters made, I will see about finding a way to start this as soon as possible.

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  • 7 months later...

Update: I have just bought the Ponyfinder Campain Setting though before using this resource I must state that the creators of this 3rd party Pathfinder campaign had to make their own plane and not us any copyrighted terms or names.


My question is, should I use the book as is or are there those here willing to help me convert everything to be in line with MLP:FiM proper?


Examples: Gem Ponies instead of Crystal Ponies, Mark of Destiny instead of Cutiemark, Sun Queen instead of Princess Celestia, Moon Princess instead of Princess Luna, Doppelgangers instead of Changelings, exc.


Myself, I would rather convert fluff and terms but if players want I can use the Ponyfinder Campaign Setting as is.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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