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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Aknor watched as Trixie got up and left him, completely disregarding him. Then, just afterwards, the waiter came with their meals, "Thanks." He grumbled at the waiter in acknoledgement. He watched her walk up to Celestia (as far as he could tell) and just stand there, barely interacting. He decided to start without her. Aknor looked about and pulled out a flask and opened the cap. The nearest waiter turned around and stopped him as he was about to pour out a glass.

"You're not allowed your own food and bevrages here, sir." And then attempted to take the flask. Aknor shot him a dirty look and pulled the flask away. The waiter repeated himself, "You're not allow--" Aknor got up and stared at the waiter. They looked at each other for a moment before Aknor pocketed the flask and the waiter left with a 'hmf'. Aknor sat back down and waited patiently for the mare to return. He looked across the room noticing the pony Celestia was with leaving her to talk to someone else. If he had to wait much longer for her to interact with him properly he'd just walk out and leave her to be involved with someone else who was clearly worth more time to her than the pony she'd spent the evening setting up for.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Failing to send Tyra back to the ground, the great stone Ursa stopped shaking, and stood still while growling. Tyra was a feisty little fighter, that was definitely certain. If he could not force Tyra off... Then prehaps he could smash her between himself and the ground!


Slowly bending his knees as if to lunge for unsuspecting prey, it was then that the stone Ursa started to run forwards, away from the crevice and in the opposite direction, towards the river that surrounded the valley. then, when he had achieved enough distance from the crevice, the bear would then bend it's knees, as if poised to leap....


Tyra gripped on tight as the Ursa began galloping. Steeling her nerve, she decided that she wouldn't win the fight by hanging on for dear life.


Taking a deep breath, she began slowly, and carefully, climbing up the running limb.


She watched as its legs poised into a leaping position. The limb became less of a steep climb, and she hopped onto it in an attempt to dash the rest of the way...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra gripped on tight as the Ursa began galloping. Steeling her nerve, she decided that she wouldn't win the fight by hanging on for dear life.


Taking a deep breath, she began slowly, and carefully, climbing up the running limb.


She watched as its legs poised into a leaping position. The limb became less of a steep climb, and she hopped onto it in an attempt to dash the rest of the way...

After getting into position, a moment of stillness dominated the Ursa, as if it were gathering all of its might for the next action that it would perform.


And, after what seemed like 15 seconds, the Ursa, roaring and causing an echo throughout the desolate plains, lept high into the air, ascending in a straight line, and causing a tremor along the ground! It was almost impossible to measure how far off the ground that the Ursa had jumped, but one thing was for certain... At the apex of the jump, one could probably guess that they were at most, 600ft off of the ground. As the Ursa reached it's maximum potential for the jump, it spread out it's limbs. It was very clear what the bear was trying to do. It was trying to pancake Tyra between itself and the ground, and velocity was increasing, fast! The only way Tyra would come out unharmed, was if she could make her way onto his backside, or maybe even just the back of the paw....

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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After getting into position, a moment of stillness dominated the Ursa, as if it were gathering all of its might for the next action that it would perform.


And, after what seemed like 15 seconds, the Ursa, roaring and causing an echo throughout the desolate plains, lept high into the air, ascending in a straight line, and causing a tremor along the ground! It was almost impossible to measure how far off the ground that the Ursa had jumped, but one thing was for certain... At the apex of the jump, one could probably guess that they were at most, 600ft off of the ground. As the Ursa reached it's maximum potential for the jump, it spread out it's limbs. It was very clear what the bear was trying to do. It was trying to pancake Tyra between itself and the ground, and velocity was increasing, fast! The only way Tyra would come out unharmed, was if she could make her way onto his backside, or maybe even just the back of the paw....


Tyra held onto the Ursa and her helmet for dear life as the two soared through the air. It was obvious it was trying to crush her between itself and the ground.


She had to act fast, and now.


With the wind against her, she tried her best to climb the rest of the way to the creature's back, though there was no telling if she would make it for sure.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Little Red


Caliber grinned sheepishly. "yeah. im nineteen years old, and i started when i was nine. honestly, i can say that for a long time, i was just traveling, and not fighting. then i met ruk, ronin, and the others, and i slowly got stronger." he laughed a bit. "oh, man...back then, i thought that the mere fact that i had a sword made me some kind of warrior...i couldn't have been more wrong."




rune laughed, seemingly content that he had figured it out.  "well, your not gonna have to worry about me using it against you. thats for sure." he reassured her. 


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Red nodded once again. She couldn't help but begin to relax. This pony seemed to radiate friendliness, in a way not many did, and she liked and enjoyed his company without really realizing it. That in itself was beginning to make her slightly nervous.


She looked at the stage for something to do. "When do you think the music will start?" She asked, then remembered Rune was playing. "When will you play?" she asked, glancing at him.

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Rain Shadow floated down next to the mare. She waited by her while she ate, though she wasn't interested in the cobs in the slightest.


"Actually, yeah, i'm here without a date. Apparently, i'm just not pretty enough for some lucky stallion. Or mare, I don't judge," she said off-handedly, mostly talking to herself at that point. She decided to turn the conversation back to Lektra, before she ended up losing a potential friend. It wouldn't be the first time.


"Anyway, i'm Rain Shadow, the pegasus. It's nice to meet you," she finished as held out what she hoped was a confident hoof.

"Mare huh? Do you prefer girls as well?" I was just consuming the open bar as quickly as they refilled it. My face was starting to get a bit dirty but at that point I didn't care too much. Caliber was eating a lot as well. Half this open bar was mine though.


"I'm Lektra Bolt of Bolt Solutions. We haven't met before, have we?" I usually didn't forget a client, or friends for that matter.

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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@@Little Red


rune's eyes twinkled. "yeah, im gonna play." he said, "and iv got the perfect song. you can nyan dance to it, too."


ruby grinned. "hear that red? everything is falling into place..."


rune chuckled, again. "now, i wanna ask...why are to mares, yet you two are dressed like stallions? you two even have the fake mustaches..."


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Red just nodded awkwardly at Ruby's enthusiasm, beginning to be even more concerned despite herself.


These two are good ponies. They wouldn't do anything to hurt or publicly humiliate me with this "nyan-nyan dance." Red comforted herself.


"I don't like dresses." She said stoically. She glanced at Ruby. "And Ruby is adorable in a suit," she added, a small smile on her face.

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rune liked these mares. they seemed like they were fun, and thought however they pleased. and DID however they pleased.


"well, you'd be right. it IS cute~" he said, booping ruby. 


ruby merely tried to boop him back, but he was making sure that didnt happen. he was ducking and dodging that.


"tell me, red, why dont you like dresses?" he asked, still dodging.


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Okay, she had to admit, that was really cute. She watched the cuteness for several seconds before registering his question.


"Ah." She said, starting slightly. "Well... I don't know. They can be pretty. But--" I trip over them because they're always too big for me for some reason. "--they lack mobility. If a fight breaks out I would tear out the dress. You can never be too careful." Red finished. She saw a waiter and asked for some water politely.

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@Little Red


Zenru heard the movement, and he was intrigued, to say the least. what kind of pony would be this far out in the forest? well, besides him. he took off in soft pursuit, flying semi-fast.


'i wonder...' he thought.




"aw, c'mon. i personally think its because your a bit small for most dresses." rune joked. 

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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Red made a convulsive twitch at him saying the word "small."


She stood up. "I'm going to check where that water is," she said coldly. She turned around and bumped into a waiter, holding a water.


"Sorry," she said, not registering the water he was holding, walking past him towards the chefs station.


"Excuse me," she said to a cook, "do you know where I can get a water?"


The cook replied that he would get it for her. "No rush," she said, refusing to turn around to look at the table.

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"oh, you've barely given him like, a minute to get the wate-"


he stopped, seeing her leave, and by her body language, being called small was something she hated. 


well, now, time to change that. after saying a quick 'see ya later' to ruby, he ran around red, into the kitchen. he saw a pony taking a glass of water, and he said 'dont worry, i got this' and took the glass of water from him.


then, he put on a waiter's shirt, and a chef's hat. for almost no reason at all. 


he walked up to red, exiting the kitchen. "your water, madam~" he said, presenting it to her. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Red jumped slightly as she saw Rune come out with a chef's hat. She scowled.


She quickly calmed herself. Had he noticed that something was wrong with her? Had he noticed she didn't like being called small? But she had been more discreet than usual... oh, but she had been obvious, hadn't she? She was slightly distressed at this realization.


"Thank you," she said, taking the water and going on one of the spinny-chairs beside the bar and spinning away from him, sipping from the water coolly.

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@@Little Red


rune let her walk off, with a bow. and with one smooth action, teleported out of that shirt and hat, and back into his seat. 


he seemed to be waiting for red, when she got there. "ah, i see you have the water." he said, "i trust that it'll cool you off? or your mind, to be more exact...?"


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Red blinked at him.


Holy Celestia. He is so fast. She thought.


Wait, was he insinuating that she was anything but fine? She felt fine. She calmed her mind, slowed her thoughts. Breathe in, breathe out.


"Why would I need to calm my mind?" She said coolly. "I'm fine." She drank some water. "I was just thirsty. So, how did you like the food?" She said conversationally, changing the subject quickly. "I haven't had a meal that large or that good in a while."

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As the mare ran, she heard crashing behind her, which meant that the swordspony, whoever he was, was following her. Growing more desperate to escape, she began to use magic, tossing clods of earth and small rocks behind her as she ran. She cut a path through the forest, moving closer to the city, but not caring. Anything, as long as she could escape.




"Ruk, Ronin... So there's a whole lot of you, huh? I would've thought the Wanderer spent all his time alone."


She paused, eyes sparkling as she grinned at him.


"Maybe there's room for someone else, then?"


As if on cue, the waiter came back, balancing a tray with a single bottle and glass on it. He placed the tray on the table before walking off.


"Oh, it's here?" she said, feigning surprise. She held up the glass using telekinesis. "Ever heard of the Zombie?"

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@@Little Red, @


rune smiled. "iv had better." he replied causally. glad that he apparently got her into a better mood. "now, why dont we all relax...im sure the musics starting soon..."




zenru frowned. why was he/she so afraid?


putting on an extra burst of speed, along with adding agility to the mix, he zipped by the debris, catching up. "wait~!" he called out.




"well...i could make an exception..." caliber replied, slyly. "for one more..."


he blinked as the drink was presented. "zombie? cant say i have...well, a bets a bet." he started pouring a cup. "i gotta drink two bottles of this stuff, right?"


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Tyra held onto the Ursa and her helmet for dear life as the two soared through the air. It was obvious it was trying to crush her between itself and the ground.


She had to act fast, and now.


With the wind against her, she tried her best to climb the rest of the way to the creature's back, though there was no telling if she would make it for sure.

Falling at a fast past, the Ursa was seemingly speaking to Tyra as he was attempting to crush her.


" Krigare Tyra! Are you so helpless as to let yourself be crushed in such a dishonorable manner?!?"







Kazas, almost by instinct, reached for Vera's hoof, almost having a knowing grin upon his face. He spoke... Seemingly not surprised by the events that had taken place.


" Amazing... Is it not Vera? As you are my beloved, the others will warm to you as well, and you will have more companions who genuinely care about you. Of course.... That is, depending on how much time we spend with them, versus how much time we spend alone. They might get jealous..."


He said, with a slight chuckle.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Rarity took another shot.


"Thanks, but it's not really big as you make it out to be. Really, I just do what I have to. We all do."


She looked up at him then, eyes surprisingly clear despite the amount of alcohol she'd already subjected herself to. She spoke honestly.


"Ice Blizzard, I don't deserve praise. The things I do I do because I want to help others, and no other reason. We're the same." she finished, laying a hoof on his arm.




As soon as Night Tracer left, Trixie turned on Celestia, an accusing look in her eyes.


"Celestia, I want to know what's going on. There's something you're not telling me, isn't there?"


Celestia looked over at Trixie, eyes 


"Trixie, rest assured there is nothing going on that you should be worried about."


Trixie held the gaze, not unnerved in the slightest.


"Celestia, you know i'm not stupid. You're telling me you met this stallion when the tournament began, and by that time, he just magically became important enough to have dinner with you? And the gazes, and the whispering? You have got to be kidding me."


Celestia's voice changed then, matching her expression in intensity. In an instant, she assumed the stature of a ruler, her voice becoming soft, but commanding.


"Trixie, you forget yourself. You may have been my student, and we may be close, but you do not order me. I am the ruler of Equestria, and your princess; please remember that."


Trixie's eyes narrowed, but she did as she was told. She didn't push it further.


"Fine...princess. It's nice to know after all of these years, you're still keeping secrets from me." she pushed off from the table then, heading back towards her own.


"Sorry, I had to catch up with an old friend that I haven't seen in a while." she muttered to Aknor as she returned and took a seat. "It won't happen again." she said distantly. Apparently, some things never changed.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Tyra held onto the Ursa and her helmet for dear life as the two soared through the air. It was obvious it was trying to crush her between itself and the ground.


She had to act fast, and now.


With the wind against her, she tried her best to climb the rest of the way to the creature's back, though there was no telling if she would make it for sure.

Falling at a fast past, the Ursa was seemingly speaking to Tyra as he was attempting to crush her.


" Krigare Tyra! Are you so helpless as to let yourself be crushed in such a dishonorable manner?!?"







Kazas, almost by instinct, reached for Vera's hoof, almost having a knowing grin upon his face. He spoke... Seemingly not surprised by the events that had taken place.


" Amazing... Is it not Vera? As you are my beloved, the others will warm to you as well, and you will have more companions who genuinely care about you. Of course.... That is, depending on how much time we spend with them, versus how much time we spend alone. They might get jealous..."


He said, with a slight chuckle.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"That was the deal." Sleight Mist responded. She watched the drink fill up the glass, eyes curious. Even she had never tried this drink before, but it was said to be legendary. Just one shot could put a pony on his flank for a few hours.


"Just try not to drink it all in one go. It won't end well..."




The mare could now see the swordspony getting closer to her, but looking back had its cost. She tripped rolling on the grassy forest floor before coming to a stop at the base of a nearby tree.


"Stop! Don't come any closer!" she shouted, cowering in a tiny ball where she lay.

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in that moment, while caliber was filling up the glass, planning to drink it slowly, safely, he heard sleight say 'just dont drink it all in one go. it wont end well.'


caliber could've heeded her words, or even actually make that decision on his own. he could've done anything else. 


but instead, he took it as the worst possible thing he could've taken it as.


he took it as a challenge.


"please. im sure i can handle it." he said, forgetting to glass, and tipping the bottle back into his mouth. he could drink surprisingly fast, and he was half-way through the bottle before his body realized something was wrong.


he stopped for a moment, wobbling. and with what little will he had left, drunk the rest. his vision was blurry, and he almost face-planted onto the table. but he managed to grab the full glass, and down that, too.


tales will be forever told on how caliber drunk an entire bottle of 'Zombie' in less then ten seconds. 




zenru stopped, looking at the little creature bundled up. "are you okay?" he asked softly, bending down low. "are you hurt?"

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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Sleight Mist couldn't help but crack at laugh at Caliber's antics, but her voice held the slightest touch of concern in it as she looked at him. It died down, and she cocked her head curiously.


"Caliber, are you alright? Because I really wasn't joking about that drink. Don't make me take you to the hospital if you can't handle this."




The mare was shivering, but stopped when she realized she wasn't being attacked. She looked up at him, eyes wandering around as if she couldn't decide between guessing his intentions or bolting again.


"No, i'm not hurt. But, I thought you were going to hurt me."


She paused, before re-affirming her thought.


"You're not...are you?"

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