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Do you agree with Starlight Glimmers philosophy?


Do you agree with Starlight Glimmers philosophy?  

29 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with Starlight Glimmers philosophy?

    • Yes, despite what the show conveyed SG had a good thing going.
    • No, it is all wrong and a horrible philosophy.

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Nope, I don't agree with her philosophy because I believe true friendship is possible without the need to make all cutie marks equal signs. If true friendship exists within the Mane 6 despite them having different cutie marks, then it's possible for everypony. I also dislike how she treats her townsponies.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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Now she isn't a villain by any means, you only want to see what you wish to. Everypony has their ways of getting what they want, Starlight just took the wrong approach; she could have just gone around Equestria and convince them of treating each other equally instead of of doing what she did.

I think you may have misunderstood my post; I was saying that it's never confirmed that Starlight Glimmer actually believes her philosophy of complete equality for all. It's possible that she made it up to be able to rule over a village, and if that is the case then she definitely IS a villain.


Of course, it's also possible that she does believe her words and truly believed that she was doing good. The episode left it ambiguous.


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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What philosophy?  It was more like a half-baked plan that wasn't even fully articulated and that may have tried to jump towards the revolution action without thinking it through OR, was just a not too-well articulated scheme.  There's not enough subsistence to know the exact details of why she was doing this in the first place, or what were the social and cultural circumstances that would enable it to work in the first place (but I think this was done on purpose). 


It depends on what we don't know about Starlight Glimmer's motives and intentions, of which the episode left out purposely (because I'm 99% sure she's going to make a grand return, which will explain her motives in the first place). 



No and that's my biggest problems with the Equalist town, we were always suppose to be against them. The towns ponies were naive and gullible into believing Starlight (ie stupid for buying into her ideas) and Starlight was evil and out for power (whatever her motivation are/were, she was still portrayed as evil).  The only way you could sympathize with her views is if you look outside of this episode and have a general discussion on the principle of egalitarianism which would be like discussing the impact of the cell phone in a Star Trek conversation. (Note I am more in favor of egalitarian/socialist ideas in general) 


Secondly there is no cause for Starlight's effect.  In both Harrison Bergeron and Legend of Korra, the idea of the equalist was as a counter to other things.  In Harrison, it was the real world, with racial divisions, gender pay difference, wealth gaps, and dozens of different things that could make equality look like a better alternative, or at least one people might come up with to help fix these problems. (Nevermind the fact Harrison was superhuman. Seriously he could fly in the story)  In Korra, the non-benders were being repressed, as the government, police and gangs were all controlled by benders, so it would make sense for a disenfranchised people to rally around a cause that would help end the oppression they have and give them a voice, even if that did lead to an extreme.  With Starlight why come up with the equality movement? Unless Equestria is secretly an absolute sh*thole there's no reason for it, nothing for which it's suppose to stand counter to. Like I said before, it's a cause without an effect and so doesn't have any merits by which to stand on. 


Pretty much your second point as well.  This is why I'm more interested in motivations and intentions of Starlight Glimmer that would help flesh out this character and explain the psychology and reasoning for why she committed to this village in the first place.  If she didn't really believe her own equalist rhetoric, she comes off as a possible power mongering unicorn who wants to create their own new social order through this village experiment (growing it ever so slowly).  But again, as you said, who's power/order is she even trying to challenge/counter in the first place?


If she does genuinely believe her own rhetoric, then she has a bit of a messiah complex (there's a much better term for this I'm sure this is) and seems to want to try to jump into a revolutionary process.  If she did believe her rhetoric, also still after she was exposed, then she might have the mentality where she believes she's the only one suited, capable and strong enough to lead her little revolution through its full processes.  If she were to falter, she believes it would be doomed without her and would fall apart all on its own.  This would be some of her reasoning to justify in still believing her rhetoric.  Believing in the base principles, but thinking they are not strong enough to stand on their own, and instead requires a very strong leader to mobilize the movement on the ground to get it going in the first place. 


Can't wait to hear the follow-up episode to explain her backstory (I'm almost positive it will be to explain her backstory). 


The other question as well is, what were the social factors and conditions that ponies were facing that caused them to be disenchanted with the current Equestrian society in the first place?  Where in Equestrian society were these ponies coming from, where they felt that Starlight Glimmer's rhetoric actually sounded like an attractive, reasonable and meaningful alternative life to pursue compared to their old conditions?  Where were they in Equestrian society to feel like they were on the fringes, or alienated, or disenchanted with the current systems, institutions and such in Equestria.  (Actually pursuing that question is also a lot more interesting as well considering, it would start to inquire that there are fringes in Equestrian society to begin with where ponies would feel isolated and/or disconnected from the mainstream).



Not for the most part. I'm pro-communism, and even I understand that individal talants are a vital part of society. Her philosophy is more exteme egalitarianism.


Also, your poll options are a bit (completely) black and white.



Also, this too in regards to poll OP, it's just left or right in terms of choices, no more complex choices.

Edited by pony.colin
  • Brohoof 1
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The only possible inequality I can see is the Social Classes. There are Cutie Marks solely for the upper-class. Some ponies would need to do the worst jobs.

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As many others have stated, her philosophy and vision wasn't completely bad, but what made it atrocious was how far it was taken. There is a difference between promoting equality and a sort of socialistic and communistic "We're all comrades!" community, and completely eradicating all traces of individuality. She also made the mistakes of being deceptive and attempting to convert people by force rather than being completely upfront and giving people the informed choice between the normal system and her extreme one. It seemed that she viewed the sort of egalitarian democratic system across Equestria as utter anarchy, rather than something about at the middle of the spectrum.


One thing I am sort of in agreement with her on is her role in the village and her retaining her cutie mark. Especially if a system is new and needs the original visionary to be implemented as it should be, it absolutely needs a leader. In this case, they also needed someone proficient in magic to remove the cutie marks (it is rather dismaying Twilight Sparkle was so easily overpowered despite being an Alicorn). While her system is frighteningly suppressive, she needed to be the leader AND retain her original talent to make it work. Even as she insisted she was an equal, it was clear she was their leader. Where she went wrong was lying to everybody about that and then excoriating the village when the deception was revealed (though I do think the villagers are 'fools' compared to her).


Also, as at least one has stated, the poll is erroneously configured. There needs to be middle-ground choices.

Edited by Roketsune
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While I agree with the idea that our talents/whatever don't (or shouldn't) make us better then anyone else,  it's obvious she went about it the wrong way..XD


Other then that I disagree entirely.


She tried, and she failed.

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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I support her idea of equality. It's true that if we all had no special talents and were all equal that way no one would have to be jealous of anyone for being better than them at something and we'd all have no different opinions and agree on everything. If we were all the same though it would be well...kinda boring...

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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I like Starlight a lot as a character, and she had some interesting ideas. Her methods were aggressive and manipulative, but effective. If you "liberate" everyone of their special talents, and nopony has more of anything than anypony else, equality becomes not just a convenient political idea, but a reality. The question is whether that reality is worth the price you have to pay for it. I'm sure Starlight thought so; after all, she retained her cutie mark and was the de facto leader. But the other ponies in town had to sacrifice their individual potential for a life that was dull, empty, and scary if they got on Starlight's bad side.


To me Starlight's philosophy had merit, and for a while she made it work. But it wasn't worth the price because it did not bring about true happiness. If there was a way to do that, Starlight didn't care to find it. The Mane Six's interference and her own negative, deceptive leadership ensured that the experiment would fail.

  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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her philosphy is bad and is alot like Amon form legend of korra, both used some sort of power to remove peoples abilites form the world and both were extremist to there cause, also they were being hypocrities about it as well.



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Nope, nope, nopity, no!  What is the fun in everyone being exactly the same?  What she didn't realize, is that just because we all have our unique talents, does not mean one person is better than the other.  For example, maybe I am good at drawing and horrible at cooking.  For someone else it might be vice versa, but the point is that we both benefit off of each other's talents.  In a way, we are all unique puzzle pieces, working together to make a beautiful picture.  No two puzzle pieces are alike, but in the end they all fit together harmoniously. :)

These days, the world has a tendency of taking itself much too seriously.

It is my intention to not follow suit.


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I think what happened in SG's town was similar to what happened in the Soviet Union, as in both had a beautiful, uplifting and definitely positive ideal, and image of a utopian world. I could understand how people/ponies found it good, something they'd follow. But by nature of humans (or ponies in case of the show), neither the communist ideals neither SG's ideals could be properly applied to the real world. SG tried what people try to accomplish with school uniforms: stopping what pain is originated from individuality. She was convinced, that without stronger and weaker no one would hurt the other. What she didn't notice, was the fact that while individuality is painful, it is necessary for fun times as well. I bet that at first SG wanted something better than the current world, but later, it seemed, her power has gotten to her, driving her crazy about becoming the most important pony. It was very easy for her to stand out among the talentless crowd of "equal" ponies. Everypony was "equal", but SG was "more equal", just like in the case of communism.

And while the episode might not have been about communism, it was most definitely modeled after the communist Soviet Union.


And as some others have already said, the answers in the poll are pretty black and white.

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Manipulative propaganda like in today's society and government. My words would sound kind of extremist, but have in mind we come from "utopian" societies, where there's no such thing as government, money, religions, countries, nor regulations. Where there's appreciation of life, where both genders are as much beautiful life as each other, where nature and animals are not butchered for resources. Places beyond your current knowledge of creation and current physical location. Which is why this place felt so wrong ever since our landing on earth. Being born human.


Seeing people subject to a system of boxes is quite disturbing. As it was with the first time I was introduced to "society" on my childhood. You just feel something is terribly wrong with all this, and you've to change it, somehow. To become an example... of freedom. Seeing humans being dependant on governments and monetary system is tragic and bizarre. Watching spiritual ignorance being developed and introduced under the name of religion. It's pretty chaotic for most of us, starseeds. This happen to most of us at very early age.


For most human beings, Earth seems to be pretty much of a fortunate coincidence for life to develop on. But things have been seeded with noble purposes, with love in heart and mind, not for this kind of life.


This is my sixth years on "vacations" after dropping my career, after leaving all behind. Earth is being very kind to me, allowing me to maintain myself without being subject to any system or government. And even more abundance is being promised to me daily. Still, each morning on my balcony, with my tea, I see the same people, dressed exactly the same, in repetitive endeavours, almost like a chain of products following the same dead end process. It's daunting, it truly is. The conformism many human beings are being taught day by day through "education" "society" and "propaganda"


Most of them barely know what's the nature beyond their current human experience. Most of them are afraid of death, without knowing what happens after. What's life, what's counsciousness? It's all a beautiful possibility to experience and freely discovers ourselves within others, without judgment, without fear. Acceptance, many negative behaviours are born from negative experiences.


I live the way I live, because I remember my home on Sirius, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would rather drop dead if it was otherwise, enough with being far away from my soul family.

I don't have obligation nor anyone to answer to. My time is always free, and I would like people to experience the same freedom of creation we experience daily on our star systems.

Now the craziest thing is being looked upon as the mad one here, it happened to me on school and with society. Always long hair and scruffy clothes, always free, always creative, always artistic, always feeling. Why  so different? Well, look into my eyes, and you'll see why.


As more people start to turn around, and realize they don't need any government, nor regulations. Being able to free and healthy, to be yourself without dependence of anything nor anyone, things will start to fall apart. Many great thing are about develop in our beloved earth  ^_^  That I assure you, otherwise we wouldn't be here!



So, yeah, this episode has become one of my all time favorites on the show. Someone within the team must be from outside this place!



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So, I do think she should be put in prison or be killed.

I was kind of wondering what Twilight would have done if starlight had not run away and was just cornered.


Imagine her directly executing Starlight on the spot, then telling her friends their duty was done and that they could go back to Ponyville. Would make for a grim but interesting twist.

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