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Still frightened by the gym coach, Sigma felt like he was being chased by rabid dogs when he sprinted around the track the second time. When he galloped across the finish line, all of his adrenaline dissipated, and having no energy left to spare, he fell forward and began breathing heavily, also shaking a bit.

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Mr. H watched as Sigma frantically sprinted around the track once again. As he crossed the finishline looking extremely tired, Mr. H looked at the stopwatch "1:34" he said "well done."



@@Little Red



Sketchy nodded at Lighning's comment "agreed" he said. He watched as Sigma stumbled after crossing the finish line "dude, nice job pushing through dat track." He said patting him on the back then helping him get on his feet. "You did good, man, you did good."

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Sigma continued to lay on the ground. Four hundred yards in a minute and thirty four seconds? Let's see, that was...


400.yds/(1min+34s)=400.yds/94s4.255yds/s15319.148yds/hr8.704mi/hr Significant digits considering... 8.7mi/hr


The white unicorn let out a sigh. That wasn't a speed to boast about; it's obvious that the two ponies who complimented him were just trying to be reassuring after he got yelled at.


Sigma, in an attempt to be polite, let out an empty "Thanks."

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Skylar was grinning broadly as she moved to Sketchy and Sigma, looking at Mr. H. She held out her hoof to Sigma to help him up. "You look tired!" She said cheerfully. She suddenly reflected that it was a little unfair that Mr. H had made him run again-- it was obviously an accident. And she wasn't hurt at all. She decided to be mad at Mr. H for the sake of being mad at him.

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Sigma saw that the mare he collided in to offered to help him up, and in response, the stallion gave her a legitimate "Thanks." before taking the offer.


"Well... now what do we do?" he then asked. Sigma was back on his hooves, and it seems that everypony had finished galloping the track.

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@@Little Red





Mr. H looked at his agenda "well I was planning on having you guys do pullups, but you all look really tired out, so I may think otherwise..." He said scratching his chin, he looked at his watch and the bell was about to ring "yeah, I'll postpone pullups for tomorrow" he said "WELL! Nice job everypony! You worked really hard for the first day!"


@@Little Red

"AWWWWWWW MAN!" Sketchy blurted out when Mr. H said that pullups would be postponed "I was looking forward to that..." He grumbled to Skylar making a pouty face.



Mr. H trotted over to Sigma and said more quietly "no hard feelings if I was too hard on you, but just remember to pay attention, so you don't make another mistake. you know what I'm saying?" He had looked more calm at this point "I was very impressed by how you went and ran the track again, that's good on you. I just made you run half a mile today, I'm truly impressed that you did it, and completed it strong." Mr. H explained as he stood up, and patted him on the back.

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Sigma thought about the coach's words. The reason why he galloped the track again had less to do with character and more to do with frightened impulse, so that part of what he was saying didn't resonate well. However, it's obvious that he was trying his best to not be a villain, and that was reassurance enough for Sigma.


"I'll be sure to clear my head before doing anything again in this class." The white unicorn said while remembering why he wasn't paying attention. He then turned to the others. "Do we have any other classes today?"

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@@Pelate, @@Sigma, @,


Skylar nodded at Sketchy sympathetically. "Yeah! I have so much energy right now! Mr. H is pretty cool, though!" she said to Sketchy cheerfully. She was standing in between him, Sigma and Lightning again.


She shrugged at Sigma's question and turned to Sketchy. "Hey, Sketch, we got more classes today?" She asked.

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I giggled and hugged her back. She would do good in the class, I was sure of it. And we could do side projects together too. "Would you be interested in seeing what my Lab really looks like? The inside of the office is actually under an illusion. Now that we're alone here it's safe to show." I headed inside the Lab-Office and willed the suit to go back to it's rack on a wall. The rack was actually behind the illusion generator, so it looked like the pieces went through a wall.


I flipped the off switch on the illusion generator machine to reveal my Lab. There were unfinished pieces of projects littered on the floor, as well as crumpled up pieces of paper, blueprints tacked to the walls, and scrap just laying around. There was also a network of mana cables around, with the mana visible as if water flowing in tubes. The atmosphere was supercharged with mana, and combined with my Magic Booster which lowered mana costs, it was an ideal place to work.


Sparky started to clean up the crumpled papers into my wastebin.

Aurora walks in and says, "I saw you sleeping before. It was how I knew who the teacher was. Being the first in the classroom helped as well. So what are we going to be doing in here?"


She 'looks' around and takes in all the grid sight details as she can. She then stands next to her and waits.

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Serian had ignored the comebacks earlier and yawned at their stupidity to respond ''if you respond to negative stuff about yourself you are an idiot'' he said while not being in a crowd while walking away from class to sit on a bench all alone while messing around with plates on another bracelet near identical to the other one which he got from somewhere... Like if he had a storage device on him that could transport stuff in and out of pocket dimensions.


(...and now we know.)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@@Little Red




"Yeah, he's pretty for real." He said "I'll bet next time we'll do more hopefully. P.E. Is probably one of the classes I actually enjoy a lot"

Sketchy looked at the schedule next was lunch "looks like it's lunchtime now" he said "sweet! Do you guys wanna sit together?" He asked.

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Sunset started to enter the school area after a small hike from the last place he had camped, his dark orange mane blew around like a mess just as usually, while the saddle bag remained firmly on his back, as he entered the front of the school he started to get very lost. Sunset started to walk around aimlessly, yet ponies seemed to appear around him, which he quickly dismissed, entering the school building itself, as he walked in he looked around at the organisation, mixed with the chaos, which he seemed to find very nice, until it was a form of chaos he could not control, being lost, but atleast this gave him some time to rest his legs, he quickly found a wall in the school ground and slid back against it for a moment. Sunset took his saddle bag off "sweet solitude" he said to himself as he listened in to the silence slowly fading as ponies were starting to move around and talk to each other more, he started to place the saddle bag upon his back again and walked off outside in hope of finding somepony who could help him... though Sunset never was good with the pony folk... specifically unicorns, at least older unicorns, he took a few steps around the site until he saw a bunch of ponies walking and he overheard the word lunch, so he sort of followed them, though tried his best to not make it look creepy, he ended up in the same place as everypony else who was having lunch as he took a few steps back at the place... it was almost like he had imagined. Sunset did some aimless walking around hoping to bump into another pony, that was until around 30 coins dropped out of his bag... he quickly scrambled to the floor to try and shove as many in his bag as he could, all the coins had a value of around 300 bits, which was a tad excessive from somepony else's view, but somepony else wasn't Sunset.

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"Yeah, su--" He flipped ariund at the sound of coins hitting the floor. His brain instantly had the reaction..


'Steal it! Grab it and run!'


But he restrained himself, he simply leant down and help the pony get their coins back. He sighed once all the coins were safely back with the pony, he looked up to see it was a stallion. "Hey."


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Sunset looked at the pony, his face was... disturbed...the words "thanks" could be heard quiety under his breath as he placed the saddle bag back on his back, he saw the other stallion's face for a moment and paused himself "...hey" he said as his brain started to remember how to act in such a time, he attempted to smile at the first stallion he had met here "hey... I sort of just arrived... could you explain just what the hay is going on?" he asked, remembering his main task

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"Sure." Sigma said with a smile. He always sat by himself at his old school, so he liked the idea of having friends to sit with for a change, even if he was going to spend most of his time continuing to read his book rather than talking, but still, at least he won't be alone.

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@@Sigma, @@madjack2001, @, @@Pelate,


Skylar was busy scowling at the back of the grumpy pony's head. Had he really called them idiots? Again? What a grouch, she grouched.


She brightened at Sketchy's suggestion. "Yeah! Lunch! Whoo!" She said, bumping Sketchy's shoulder cheerfully. Her ear twitched as Lightning spoke to another pony. She turned as he was asking Lightning what was going on.


She shrugged at him. "Lunch time! Wanna eat with us?" She invited cheerfully. She registered vaguely that he hadn't been in any of the classes she'd been in earlier. Perhaps he'd been late.

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@@Little Red

Sunset quickly turned to this new pony, and once he realised what she was saying he started to take a step back and rub his left front leg with his hoof as he looked down "Lunch...us..." Sunset said to himself, letting the word us echo on in his mind, though when he looked up and imagined a unicorn for a moment, but quickly dismissed the idea, Sunset started to smile more, feeling accepted by at least one pony already "uh, yes! i'd love to eat lunch withyou guys... rather than just sit around on my own like I..." Sunset's voice started to drown out to point where it was unable to be heard, once he heard it come back to him he laughed nervously at him talking to himself, and wished it to be dismissed before smiling like nothing had happened.

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@@Sigma, @@madjack2001, @, @@Pelate,

Skylar glanced around a little nervously at the others as the pony backed up. What was up with this guy?


The pony began smiling again, and she immediately brightened. "Yeah! Lunch! Celestia, I'm hungry! I bet the food here is way better than the stuff at my old school! All Manehatten schools have bad food," Skylar explained to the four others cheerfully as she strolled towards the cafeteria.

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@@Little Red


Sketchy smiled "yay! More friends!" He cheered. Sketchy suddenly had the rude pony again "man, dat rude guy though, I swear to celestia, man, he keeps talkin like dat, imma knock his teeth out." He said shaking his head disapprovingly "I can't stand ponies like dat..." he said

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@@Little Red


"I have to say, the food back where I lived was pretty good." Sigma claimed. "Ponies who live at the countryside take pride in their cooking, and the schools are no exception. The ladies who work in the cafeterias there are usually old mares who were born and raised in the area, so they've been cooking for decades. If my old school's education was anywhere near as good as its food, I probably wouldn't have transferred."

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@@Sigma, @@Pelate, @@Little Red, @@madjack2001,

Lightning stayed silent as he followed the rest of the group towards the cafeteria. The talk about food was making his hunger worse. He was in deep thought about this new pony, he'd been acting weird since the group had met him. Why did he have so many bits just in his pocket walking around? He sighed.


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@ @@Sigma @@Pelate @@Little Red

Sunset trailed behind the group slightly, he looked down and listened to all the words that were spoken and realised the diversity of the ponies yet they had things in common, he smiled to himself. Sunset and the group were soon approaching the cafeteria, then he heard the words countryside, and had to come into this conversation, he moved just ahead of Lighting to approach Sigma, tapping them on the back, though I think you would've noticed a fly more, but he continued "you say you're from the countryside... Oh, I haven't even got your name yet... Haven't got any of your names..." Sunset said and him realising made him look down for a moment and laugh to himself at these ideas of what friendship was and such.

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Sigma turned to the pony who tapped him on the back and and smiled. In terms of social awkwardness, Sigma felt the exact same way on the inside.


"My name's Sigma." he then told the pony. "Yea, I was born and raised in the countryside, but I always stuck out like a sore hoof over there. I was never interested in rodeos and farming; I'm more in to mathematics and technology." Sigma then asked "What's your name?"

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Sunset smiled at his new friend's story, it was actually like his "Sunset... my name is Sunset Hooves" Sunset explained and started to think about his name as he paused but quickly returned to his friend "I guess my story is like that... that probably explains th..." Sunset stopped mid sentance and tried to go back before that "I was too... stubborn to try and be like everypony else... and I come from down south" Sunset's accent was kicking in, as it did from time to time, though he wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying as he had used those words to other ponies about where he came from, he was instead concentrating on moving his saddle bag around to do something, though it was unknown to the group "that wasn't my home really... maybe a bit futher up north from that place... but I digress" Sunset paused and the looked back at his saddle bag, he moved it futher back than normal on a pony, just covering his flank.

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"Yea, I already have more friends here than I ever did back home." Sigma stated. "It was pretty hard living over there, but one day, I used my skills in mathematics to optimize my town's irrigation systems, and it caught the attention of a smart stallion in Ponyville called Dr. Hooves. We were pen pals for a while before we eventually met for the first time. Once we met, we worked on several projects together such as carts that move and can be steered without having to be pulled. Usually, how it works is that he describes the idea, I fiddle around with mathematics to see whether or not the idea will work, and if so, how efficiently, and once that's determined, he starts building the actual project."


Sigma took a breath of air, and then moved on to what led him to move to Canterlot. "While reading one of Hooves's books, I discovered a concept originally created by a mathematician named Turing called a 'Turning machine'. I tested the concept with some mathematics, and it turns out that it has enormous potential. I told Hooves about the idea of possibly mechanizing the process, effectively making the hypothetical machine a reality, and he agreed that the project was worth working on. It didn't take long for us to build a jukebox sized machine from the concept capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing huge quantities in a matter of seconds with absolutely no magic involved. However, the resources needed to make such a machine were expensive, and we needed investors if we wanted to keep working on the idea. We found two married business owners in Canterlot, Upper Crust and Jet Set, who were willing to give us funding in return for allowing them to manufacture and sell anything we manage to create. Seeing the opportunity, I asked them if they could increase our funding slightly so that I could rent an apartment and go to school in Canterlot. They agreed that it would be easier to get a hold of me if I lived nearby, they gave me what I asked for, and now... here I am." Sigma stated.


"I have an apartment all to myself and my pet jackalope, and I'm continuing to write papers for state machines and travelling to Hooves's place on weekends so I can give them to him as well as talk before he implements what's written on the papers in to actual, physical machines."


The group then approached the cafeteria door. "Huh, time flies when you're telling stories." Sigma remarked before turning to Sunset. "So, why did you transfer over here?"


(For a more detailed explanation of Turing machines, click here.)

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