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A question for the gentlemen of the forums


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Well, generalizing all men is wrong.


It just depends whenever hormones start coming in, and the "cootie filled disgusting girls" become the beautiful creatures they truly are in our eyes.


In my experience, I hit puberty when I was 7. I have enjoyed woman from that time on.


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From my experience, I developed my first crush when I was... 8, I believe. Nothing sexual, though. Just thought one girl in particular was pretty. The sexual thoughts didn't kick in until I was 11 (summer of 2007, to be exact).


You have to be wary of the fact the everyone matures differently, though. For example, some people developed such feelings when they were 13 (Strafe) while I developed mine's at age 8.

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They're nothing compared to the silicon-photoshopped images you can find on the internet, I assure you. ~



Those are horrible!


For some reason, I don't like massive boobs. B-C, maybe D are my type.


On an unrelated, perverted side note, I have managed to correctly guess some girls bra size, and I don't look at all the naughty stuff that the internet has.

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember finding some girls from my class "cute" when I was in kindergarden and first grade. I'm not sure if I was really attracted to them though. Certainly not in the same way that I am attracted to girls now, but I suppose that it's a form of attraction.


I think I first started having crushs on girls when I was in grade 6 (so about 12)

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I can't remember not being attracted to females, usually those who looked like females. Its a societal concept, that we are bombarded with. Even many kid's cartoons equate feminine looks and attractiveness with breast size and other secondary sex characteristics. We are told from a certain age, a specific age group of girls to find attractive, or to emulate. Think about it, girls in Middle school wear makeup and such to look like they are older, women around 25-ish start to try to look younger. The ideal, is late teens to early 20's, large breasts and a trim figure.


That isn't to say I am still as shallow as I was when I was a child, I grew up and learned that intelligence and personality mean a lot more than any physical characteristics. I also know now, that they are all a societal construct as there is no reason for a pre-pubescant boy to find girls attractive, period. And last, that society changes what is attractive over the years, for example, women who were larger used to be considered incredibly sexy; it reflected that they had money, and could bare many children.


The attraction I felt when I was young, didn't reflect a sexual nature, as I wasn't interested in that at the time. I just knew society told me they were desirable. I grew up, and saw it had nothing to do with what I really liked and found attractive. Some men (and women, for that matter) never realize that.

  • Brohoof 1
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10? Phew. That's a bit young for that kind of talk. I know I was completely oblivious to girls for awhile when I was little. I had one hit on me all the time in 3rd grade but always ignored her. :|


But then once the internet came along, I grew to like girls a lot.

  • Brohoof 1


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I generally does vary as no human body is built the same. I do believe I too was in about 6th grade when I started developing attraction to women. But it really can be as early as he is currently experiencing it.

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I've been wondering when do young boys start becoming attracted to women.

My friend has a 10 year old brother, who I always viewed as innocent,

he'd run and hug me when I'd come over to visit and such.

One summer we all went to the beach together,

and I was building a castle with my friend's brother.

I asked him, "Tyler, are there any girls you like in your class?"

And he told me no, so I further inquired as to why and he responded:

"I don't like the girls in my class, I like girls with boobs, like you."

This answer shocked me.


In school I was taught boy don't start producing testosterone until the age of 13 (this is an average). But then I wondered well, do you need testosterone to fell attraction towards women? Or maybe it's just that he sees grown males lusting after women and he is just mimicking their behaviour.




You don't need 13 to have high hormones. Even children can have high testosterone/estrogen, even toxic levels.

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They're nothing compared to the silicon-photoshopped images you can find on the internet, I assure you. ~



Everyone is their own worst critic...


Those are horrible!


For some reason, I don't like massive boobs. B-C, maybe D are my type.


On an unrelated, perverted side note, I have managed to correctly guess some girls bra size, and I don't look at all the naughty stuff that the internet has.


Looks like someone doesn't know much about breast augmentation. B cups are actually the average (44%), so you prefer above average mass. C cups are more common than A cups (28% against 15%), but that might be due to augmentation. D cups round out at 10%, 2% are smaller than A cups. Only 1% are bigger than D cups. Granted, that is probably 25 million women, so in the more developed countries you'd see way to much of that nonsense.
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The mean age for a male producing testosterone is probably around 12. I can vaguely recall being attracted to girls around 5th or 6th grade. That seems to fall within the general assessment of most of the guys here.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I had a girlfriend in kindergarden. :3 Love moves as fast as you want it to.


Pfft. I had a girlfriend in Preschool.


But for a long part of my life, after I had moved to a different school, I thought of girls as demons.


Oh yeah, and in the Fifth grade, I found dudes pretty attractive. I've never actually been very attracted to women at a young age,.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Pfft. I had a girlfriend in Preschool.


But for a long part of my life, after I had moved to a different school, I thought of girls as demons.


Oh yeah, and in the Fifth grade, I found dudes pretty attractive. I've never actually been very attracted to women at a young age,.


I'm not bragging :x
  • Brohoof 1



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Freshmen year of high school. I like formal, not attempts at being "sexy". Its natural, although I am an asexual, no wait, A Narcissist in attracted to himself all his life!
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Pfft. I had a girlfriend in Preschool.

This comment reminded me of some kid I knew who claimed to have made out with a girl---in kindergarten.


The kid was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, though, so most of his claims were pretty dubious.

  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I was 5 years old when I literally took an interest in girls, particularly if they were naked ;). I'm not kiddin' :wacko:, I was a dirty, dirty child back then.


  • Brohoof 6

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I was 5 years old when I literally took an interest in girls, particularly if they were naked ;). I'm not kiddin' :wacko:, I was a dirty, dirty child back then.


This can't be considered as mature attraction to females, if you're at such young age, saw a naked women and was really enjoying watching her that's not an attraction it's just curiosity. Any kid is curious about everything no matter what it is. Girls are becoming mature earlier than boys at age like 11-12 which means boys do not really show any SERIOUS interest in women until they are 13-14 and on.
  • Brohoof 1


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Girls are becoming mature earlier than boys at age like 11-12 which means boys do not really show any SERIOUS interest in women until they are 13-14 and on.


They always have, actually. It's scientifically proven that girls start maturing (puberty, if you will) as early as 8, whereas boys can start at 10 or 11 at the earliest. There's a certain correlation between the start of puberty and attraction, but not everyone follows this pattern.

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Le me, being the 13 "disgruntled" teen, just started getting into the females. But, of course, I never thought ahead about stuff like this, so I'm the more *socially awkward* of my friends B)


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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It depends on the boy. I started getting horny pretty early on at around 9 or 10. And this is TMI, but even kids get boners... I know I did. :blink:

Edited by Jemboi


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