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private Darkness over Equestria (RP)


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The guard considered Amore. "So, your home was destroyed by Tirek himself? It's been awhile since he came out of his throne, but I guess it's not impossible." He looked at her carefully, eying her sword. He smiled slightly to himself. Amore, with her aura-sensing, would be able to tell easily enough that he was impressed by her.


"What's your name, then?" He barked suddenly.

She stands firm showing a small amount of her noble like nature. "Amorè, Amorè Crystal Del Venus. I was the daughter of the village mayor and direct line to the unicorn Prince of the Crystal Empire."


She looks to him. She knows claiming noble blood won't do anything but increase interest in her.


She then says, "I think I will answer only to Tsunami or whoever will pay for my trust. If you don't have the coin my answers will remain within."

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She stands firm showing a small amount of her noble like nature. "Amorè, Amorè Crystal Del Venus. I was the daughter of the village mayor and direct line to the unicorn Prince of the Crystal Empire."


She looks to him. She knows claiming noble blood won't do anything but increase interest in her.


She then says, "I think I will answer only to Tsunami or whoever will pay for my trust. If you don't have the coin my answers will remain within."

Izumo and the unknown guard just stared at her for almost a full minute.


Finally, Izumo leaned towards The Guard.


"Think she's bluffing?" He muttered.


"Whether or not she's bluffing, I think she's in," The Guard muttered back. He then said loudly, as though the brief conversation with his ally had not happened, "Alright-- Amore-- come in. We'll introduce you to Tsunami."


He turned around and knocked on the door, straightening. Izumo did the same.



"I don't think she heard the knock," Izumo said at last, addressing the elephant in the room.


The Guard snorted, rolling his eyes at Izumo. "The Lord is just taking her time," he said.


"Yeah, for the past fifteen minutes," Izumo said wryly. "Just... just knock again, yeah?"


The Guard rolled his eyes again and knocked. It was immediately answered.


At the door was an older, but incredibly tall yellow mare wearing a bathrobe and with bags under green bloodshot eyes. Her mane was soaking wet.


There was a long silence, which she finally broke. "What the hell do you two want?" she said impassively. She looked at Amore and blinked. "Ah. Who the hell are you?"

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Amorè stood firm. Het stance still unwavering. "Amorè, It seems these two misunderstood my desire to join. I hadn't decided which of the five I would join. I only had an interest in joining one but one doesn't chose without first understanding who they will work for."


Amorè's words ring full honesty with the mare. Her stance still unwavering.


She points to Izumo. "To be honest bringing me to you was his idea. I only truely showed interest in joining one of the five. I learn about then decide. A true warrior of the sword never lays their sword before just any leader."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Izumo's face did not change as he glanced at his fellow guard, though inwardly he was cursing rapidly with obscenities that shouldn't in any case ever be used around foals. And she just goes on... and on... I'm so dead... "I mean, come on, nopony's even worth seeing compared to you," Izumo said in a small voice.


Tsunami, however, looked on at Amore, not even sparing Izumo a glance. For now. She would probably beat him up later in that deeply sexy manner that he adored, but it would still hurt a ton. "Mmph. Very well then, Amore. I'm sure after you see the sorry state of the others, you'll come around." She turned with a flick of her tail. "Izumo," she said sharply, "Take her to see Mister Love. Show her the other leaders." she said the word with a sneer on her face as she glanced back at her guards.


"Yes, ma'am! Of course, Miss Tsunami, ma'am. Please don't kill me," Izumo said weakly. Tsunami didn't seem to hear the last part as she glanced at her other guard.


"Featherbrain, go with the other moron," Tsunami told the other guard. "If this Amore gets hostile, teach her why we're the kings of the Badlands. Also, after you do that, come back and let me actually do it."


Featherbrain weakly said, "Yes ma'am," his gaze averted as though Tsunami's body was covered in a brilliant light that hurt his eyes.


"Also, I'm assuming you questioned her backstory, purposes, why I've never seen her before, why I've never heard of her before, tested her with that sword and made sure she's not an incompetent fool, and tortured her to make sure that she has both a strong mettle and that she's not in here just to spy on us." Tsunami said shortly, eying the two guards.


Featherbrain looked at Izumo. "...Yes! Yes! I did!" Izumo said, quickly. "Personally! She's, uh, definitely in. Uh, good swordsmare. Yeah, she's great! She's--"


"Then enough," Tsunami said, shortly. "Take her to the little one."


"Yes ma'am," Izumo said, and quickly beckoned Amore with his tail. He and Featherbrain quickly trotted out. "Well, then," Izumo said to Amore once they were out of earshot from the door which slammed shut when they left, "We're taking you to the shorty first."


"No, you're taking her to Love," Featherbrain snapped, "You and I both know you didn't test her, and now it's too late because they'll kill us if we try to catch up." The two glanced at her.


"It might be worth it--if they don't catch us while we're in the process, we can report it to Mediant, and he wouldn't care," Izumo said in an undertone. They eyed her again. "But, she seems authentic."


"You do whatever the buck you want," Featherbrain sighed, turning. "Get Kotetsu to help you if you do end up torturing her. I'm not." He trotted off. Izumo looked at her uncertainly.


"Er, say something to convince me not to stick you into the torture chamber and interrogate you," Izumo said, his tone rather hesitant. "I mean, I would've already done it, except, y'know, you're a pretty mare with a scary sword."

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Amorè chuckles, "Because I haven't been around the wastes much in two hundred years. We Vamponies can last a long time." She grins with fangs showing. Her eyes turn crimson for only a moment. Then back to their normal color.


"Our minds are nearly impossible to crack and skills are learned best in the thick of things. Plus, what reason do I have to spy on those I have nearly no knowledge of. I have no secrets to keep."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Red had been listening to everything the others were saying. So, Caliber hadn't been lying about being over a hundred years old. Not that she'd doubted... but the whole meeting-Discord-and-Tirek tale had just been too vivid. And Caliber didn't seem like a liar, anyway.


She stood up as Strider abruptly announced they were moving camps at something Ironeye said. She hadn't heard what was said, but could guess from Caliber and Tyra's reactions. She too wanted a fight if she was honest with herself, but she would also rather be the one initiating the attack and it seemed that whatever was chasing Ironeye was on the offensive.


"What's following you, Ironeye?" She asked, standing up.



"Ooookay that did not convince me at all but intimidated me plenty. I'll take you to Mr. Love now." Izumo turned away from Amore quickly and trotted off, again gesturing for Amore to follow.


They were heading towards more of the center of the city. They reached one of the largest buildings in the city-- a giant skyscraper of a building, but crumbling a little.


"Mr. Love works here," Izumo said, "so, vampony, if you want to live, what I suggest is a lot of bowing and try not to say his name at all. If you do, say 'Master Love.'" Izumo clicked a button and doors swung open, revealing a small mare with a giant sword glowering at them.


"Name?" The mare barked authoritatively.


"Oh, for Celestia's sake," Izumo grumbled, handing over a paper ID.


The mare looked it over and turned her glower on Amore. "Who are you?" She demanded.


"She wishes to join one of the factions," Izumo said quickly, "she only just arrived here, she doesn't have an ID."


"Oh yeah, sure. She'll have to hand over the weapons." The mare said, holding out a hoof to Amore.


Izumo glanced at her. "You should probably give her the sword," he advised.

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Amorè looks the mare over. She hesitates for a moment and then doesn't hand over the sword. She says, "I will let you hold my sword, only if you promise on the stars above that it will be returned."


Amorè holds herself firm and doesn't let the mare intimidate her.

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The mare put a hoof to her face. Izumo leaned towards Amore.


"Listen, ah, Amore," Izumo hissed, "if you want to meet Mr. Love, you really should do as she says. You're not in a position to make conditions."


"I promise on the stars above to give your bleedin' sword back if you don't do anything stupid," the mare said derisively, rolling her eyes. She probably didn't mean it. She held out her hoof again.

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@@Reaver, @@Little Red,

Ironeye Sungazer


"Centaurs," she'd reply to Red. "Powerful ones. I thought they'd given up when I got far enough into the desert, let the bandits chase me down instead. Guess they just went back for a bit to get something." She glanced over at Tyra, who was looking distinctly put upon. "No big secret why they'd be looking. All this unwarded magic flying around would be like ringing a big ole dinner bell." Stepping away from Strider, she hopped up on a boulder and turned to look north. She'd not be able to actually see them yet, they were still perhaps a day or more away. But that was for normal ponies travelling. She didn't trust that they might have some alternate way of travelling, and even if they didn't they'd been able to keep up with her for an astonishing amount of time.  "Need some way to tell the bandit actors," she mused. "Don't want to leave them hanging in the wind."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"Centaurs, that is perfect," Tyra snickered, not a hint of sarcasm in her delivery, but rather anticipation, as she began jogging in place, "Finally, a real challenge!"


She reached back and grabbed her axe off her back, gripping its handle tight in her jaw. "Bring them all on, I will fight every last one myself if I must!"


She was incredibly pumped up for a fight, and would need serious convincing not to dash into the fray.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"it wouldn't be necessary!" caliber said, getting up, looking just as pumped as tyra. "i could take them all myself!"


he grinned, and unsheathed his sword, giving it a few swipes in the air. "but iv often been told that i only think that i can beat them alone...so i guess ill accept some help."


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Red stood. "Right, centaurs." Well, that had gotten a lot more complicated very quickly. "If it is centaurs, there's no way we can hide from them. Perhaps if no pony uses magic for the next week or so. But that would be dangerous for us. And as far as we know, centaurs might be able to sense the magic in ponies, not just when it is used." So Ironeye and Radiant were basically a walking trap.


"I suggest we fight them," she said, glancing at Strider and Lunar, the two most leader-like of the group that was currently here (she reflected that she would probably speak to Radiant if he was here), as far as she was concerned.  "We can use Ironeye as bait. They don't know of our existence. If we want to terminate Tirek, we will have to fight them eventually. One should go find Radiant to let him know about the coming centaurs-- they may be after him, too."

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The mare put a hoof to her face. Izumo leaned towards Amore.


"Listen, ah, Amore," Izumo hissed, "if you want to meet Mr. Love, you really should do as she says. You're not in a position to make conditions."


"I promise on the stars above to give your bleedin' sword back if you don't do anything stupid," the mare said derisively, rolling her eyes. She probably didn't mean it. She held out her hoof again.

Amorè looks to Izumo and says, "Trust isn't given it's earned. If I don't trust and the other no trust, then I will take my sword and go elseware. Tsunami seems interested. But I give only one chance anyways. It's my sword oath."


She holds out her sword. "I will hold you to your promise. Break it and the blood is on your hooves. Also the sword is useless without me. Once an oath is made the blade serves the one till death. It so a Lunar Guard's weapon can't be used against them."


She then places the sword in the bandit's hooves. There is a clicking from the sword when placed but nothing bad happens. (Sword will only draw for Amorè, currently.)


"Let's go meet this Mr. Love. I don't feel calm without my blade. It keeps certain instincts at bay." Amorè then says.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Izumo and the unnamed mare both stared at her. The mare stepped to the side.


"Ah, uh, yeah. Follow me," Izumo said, leading Amore inside.


"Mr. Love can currently be found on floor four, office one-hundred-and-two." The mare said in a more bussiness like tone, edging Amore's sword behind her after looking at it oddly for several seconds.


"Thank you," Izumo said curtly. He pushed a button on the elevator door. The mare's eyes were hard upon the back of Amore's and Izumo's heads.


"Mr. Love is... well, never mind. I'll tell you later." Izumo murmured to Amore as the elevator opened. His eyes jerked in the direction of what appeared to be a video camera in the elevator. He stepped inside and held the elevator door open for Amore.

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Amorè steps in. "A little trust hoes along way. Earning more nets one a strong ally, izumo."


Amorè waits for the elevator to move and come to the floor needed. She then waits for Izumo and follows after him. She doesn't wish to cause trouble but she will defend herself if she has too.

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Strider stared at Caliber, then at Tyra, then gazed over the rest of the group. He sighed quietly.


The only centaur he had ever met personally was Tirek himself, who had been terrifying. But he had heard of smaller centaurs, doing his bidding and such. He didn't want to fight them, but he was with some powerful ponies who needed entertainment. Perhaps they could stand a chance. "Alright then," Strider said agreeably, "We'll wait for them here. Perhaps we can set up an ambush." He again turned to Lunar, setting down the teapot.


@@Commander Tangent,


"Lunar, Radiant needs to know what's happening. We don't want him to worry if he hears fighting. Can you go alert him to what's going on?" Strider asked the griffin.





"Alright, this way," Izumo said, trotting along the hallway. The pair passed many offices and several guardsponies (who looked after them suspiciously) until they at last reached office one hundred two. Izumo, who had been silent during the walking, quietly said to Amore, "Look, be careful with Mr. Love. He can be... unnerving." Izumo's normal green shade was blanching somewhat, and he looked nervous as he knocked on the door.


"Come in," came a gruff voice, and Izumo opened the door. A guard had been the one to speak--there were about four in the room. One was poured over paperwork. Two were lounging around, and appeared to have been talking quietly. The last was by the door, and had clearly been the one to speak as he eyed them suspiciously.


"Well, what's this?" a softer voice, contrasting deeply with the guard's, said, and a pony who had been seated in a seemingly vacant chair swiveled to face Izumo and Amore. Amber Love eyed them with an intense gaze, that was somewhat comical, putting into account his height. "What does one of Tsunami's guards want, with a stranger?" he asked icily to Izumo, who was carefully avoiding looking at the short pony.


"This is Amore, a stranger from the north," Izumo said, making a weak attempt at sounding business-like and not terrified.


"Everything's north from here, we're in the Badlands, nitwit," one guard snapped. Izumo wilted.


"Well, she's a swordspony whose taken an interest in us, and wants to join our ranks," Izumo muttered. Amber eyed Amore now.


"A swordspony, hm? Well, how would you feel about a test with that?" though he phrased it as a question, it was clearly a demand. "If you pass, I'll allow you to stay in the city. If you fail, you die."


"She's not sure who she wants to join," Izumo cut in, "She's just--"


"Well, you took her to me, so now I get to test her," Amber said shortly, sounding rather delighted at the prospect as he leapt off the chair and walked towards Amore, looking up at her. "Rift, go get your sword," he told one of the guards, who nodded and exited. "Now then. You go get your sword back from my secretary. Go to the arena, and we'll stick you and Rift in next. Unless you have any objections?" Amber looked intently at Amore. The guards, behind Amber's back, were shaking their heads at Amore, mouthing varieties of 'No, don't object'.

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"Alright, this way," Izumo said, trotting along the hallway. The pair passed many offices and several guardsponies (who looked after them suspiciously) until they at last reached office one hundred two. Izumo, who had been silent during the walking, quietly said to Amore, "Look, be careful with Mr. Love. He can be... unnerving." Izumo's normal green shade was blanching somewhat, and he looked nervous as he knocked on the door.


"Come in," came a gruff voice, and Izumo opened the door. A guard had been the one to speak--there were about four in the room. One was poured over paperwork. Two were lounging around, and appeared to have been talking quietly. The last was by the door, and had clearly been the one to speak as he eyed them suspiciously.


"Well, what's this?" a softer voice, contrasting deeply with the guard's, said, and a pony who had been seated in a seemingly vacant chair swiveled to face Izumo and Amore. Amber Love eyed them with an intense gaze, that was somewhat comical, putting into account his height. "What does one of Tsunami's guards want, with a stranger?" he asked icily to Izumo, who was carefully avoiding looking at the short pony.


"This is Amore, a stranger from the north," Izumo said, making a weak attempt at sounding business-like and not terrified.


"Everything's north from here, we're in the Badlands, nitwit," one guard snapped. Izumo wilted.


"Well, she's a swordspony whose taken an interest in us, and wants to join our ranks," Izumo muttered. Amber eyed Amore now.


"A swordspony, hm? Well, how would you feel about a test with that?" though he phrased it as a question, it was clearly a demand. "If you pass, I'll allow you to stay in the city. If you fail, you die."


"She's not sure who she wants to join," Izumo cut in, "She's just--"


"Well, you took her to me, so now I get to test her," Amber said shortly, sounding rather delighted at the prospect as he leapt off the chair and walked towards Amore, looking up at her. "Rift, go get your sword," he told one of the guards, who nodded and exited. "Now then. You go get your sword back from my secretary. Go to the arena, and we'll stick you and Rift in next. Unless you have any objections?" Amber looked intently at Amore. The guards, behind Amber's back, were shaking their heads at Amore, mouthing varieties of 'No, don't object'.

Amorè looked rift over analysing him. She then says, "I have none. Tsunami wanted me tortured for some odd reason. But a sword test will give me an opportunity to stretch my fighting muscles."


Amorè begins to head back down. Before she leaves she says to Love, "My name is Amorè Crystal. I hope it's a good fight." The whole time she carries herself as an experienced Swordsmare.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Lunar nodded to him. He had been quiet for some time, mulling over the situation. It was complicated, and it seemed like they all might be in some major trouble if things went south.Not the first time the nomad had been in a situation such as this one. He smiled. "I will inform him at once. Just dont break my tea pot" he said calmly, standing up," and beware, centaurs are likely to stampede if there is a large amount of them in reaction to aggression. We would be in big trouble if we were caught on the opposing end of that" Lunar said. He spread his wings and lept into the air, flying towards Radiant's last known position. As he flew, he cheked his halberd. The weapon would be his greatest ally if he ran into trouble. As he approached the city, he started to use the clouds as cover, careful not to tangle himself into them.


Radiant should be just outside the city, and soon enough, he located him. IT would be difficult to not draw attention from the bandits. Once he was over him, He dove backwards, going at the ground at an accelerating speed. This would hopefully make him hard to spot unless someone was VERY focused on the sky. At the last moment he opened his wings, slowing and landing near radiant.


"Radiant.... we have a situation. It seems we are going to ambush a patrol of centaurs out in the wastes. They have the ability to sense magic, and seem very aggressive.  Strider sent me to inform you" he said softly, checking himself to make sure nothing was damaged in the quick decent. " Keep your eyes open for them" he added.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Radiant quickly turned his head putting his teeth on one of his swords ready to draw it when he heard a commotion in the dirt nearby. As he was drawing his blade and turned to face the culprit he recognized the griffin "lunar?" He asked somewhat surprised to see him there with a feeling of disdain since his cover could be blown.


Lunar then explained to Radiant what was happening with the group, as the explanation was finished Radiant shook his head in understanding. "I see, you needn't worry about me. I should be able to handle myself, you should return to the group, your halved will be of great use to them." He insisted looking back to the bandit city. "I have to remain here so Amore has an ally who can quickly respond if something goes wrong."


Radiant returned to hiding in his bush to avoid being seen and laid back in the dirt. "By the way Lunar, when we aren't in such a dangerous situation I'd much appreciate to be able to sit down and have some tea with you." He said glancing over to Lunar still with his stoic expression.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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The only centaur he had ever met personally was Tirek himself, who had been terrifying. But he had heard of smaller centaurs, doing his bidding and such. He didn't want to fight them, but he was with some powerful ponies who needed entertainment. Perhaps they could stand a chance. "Alright then," Strider said agreeably, "We'll wait for them here. Perhaps we can set up an ambush." He again turned to Lunar, setting down the teapot.


"We need no ambushes," Tyra sneered cockily, jogging in place to psyche herself up, "Let them come! We will take them on and send them to Tartarus where they belong!"


She stretched and craned her neck, her joints clicking and popping, then began stretching her legs. "I hope they come soon, my axe is ready for battle!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Strider was both amused and aghast at Tyra's battle-readiness. "Remember what Lunar said," he reminded her, "about the centaurs stampeding. I was caught in the stampede of buffalo once, and that was horrendous--almost cost me my life--and I can't imagine how much worse a centaur stampede would be. We've got to be careful. We should wait out of sight for them, in cover. Unless you truly are confident in your ability to deal with a hostile group of unknown amount of centaurs," Strider added, carefully stowing Lunar's teapot in his saddlebag, cushioning it with his bandages.




Rift blinked once at Amore. A hint of pity and uncertainty entered his gaze, before he quickly left. Amber grinned wickedly at Amore once, then left as well.


"Alright, back to get your sword," Izumo sighed. He took Amore back to the elevator and to the pony at the front, who gave Amore a pitying look upon Izumo summarizing the situation, and then handed the sword back to Amore shortly.


"Be careful out there. I'll deal with telling everypony about the fight so they can come. There's currently a training session going on for Thorn's troops, so you'll have to wait fifteen minutes. Prepare well." The mare told Amore curtly, then began fiddling with her paperwork again. Izumo took Amore out of the building, and glanced at her.


"Well, if it counts, I'm rooting for you, even if you are a vampony," Izumo said drily, "Bucking Love." He sniggered suddenly. "He's so short, though," he added, then grew more solemn. "So, any questions?" he asked Amore.

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@@Chip Circuit


Lunar nodded and smiled. "Perhapse later then" he said, " A calm pony like you must have interesting things to say, and I would love to listen" he smiled and lept back up, flying low until he was away from Radiant's position and flew straight up, minimizing visibility time. Soon he was back up in the cloud layer, flying back towards the group. He hoped they would consider the best way to fight centaurs, it seemed like you would fight them like Calvary, attacking from the side and keep moving. His halberd would be useful as long as they didn't have a counter weapon on them. 


Soon the group was back in sight and he made another rapid decent, back towards the ground. With a whoosh he landed near them, standing tall and looking around. " So, what is our plan of attack ?" He asked, looking at Strider and the others.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Rift blinked once at Amore. A hint of pity and uncertainty entered his gaze, before he quickly left. Amber grinned wickedly at Amore once, then left as well.


"Alright, back to get your sword," Izumo sighed. He took Amore back to the elevator and to the pony at the front, who gave Amore a pitying look upon Izumo summarizing the situation, and then handed the sword back to Amore shortly.


"Be careful out there. I'll deal with telling everypony about the fight so they can come. There's currently a training session going on for Thorn's troops, so you'll have to wait fifteen minutes. Prepare well." The mare told Amore curtly, then began fiddling with her paperwork again. Izumo took Amore out of the building, and glanced at her.


"Well, if it counts, I'm rooting for you, even if you are a vampony," Izumo said drily, "Bucking Love." He sniggered suddenly. "He's so short, though," he added, then grew more solemn. "So, any questions?" he asked Amore.

"Yea one. Why all the pity looks? I won't die I promise you that. I will also do my best to win." Amorè showed only resolve and no fear. Facing an angry sister is more frightful then this challenge. She looks around her blade at the ready. She has yet to draw it, but when she got it back the click was heard again.
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 " So, what is our plan of attack ?" He asked, looking at Strider and the others.

"i have a plan!" caliber said, raising his sword. "attack."


he laughed. "is that plan not well-thought-out?" he asked the others. "i know at least tyra would agree!" he laughed. "but yeah, commonly, i dont need a plan. i just go in, and lay waste."


(i had to. and i posted. i got two birds with one stone!)

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"It will only throw your life away Caliber, think ! IT's what you master aught you is it not ? That your mind is your greatest weapon" Lunar scolded slightly, then looked at the others, " Treat this like a calvary charge, from the front it will be difficult to face them. They will be most vulnerable from the sides. If we flank them we can likely get them to break formation and avoid a stampede. If we cause enough damage quick enough we may even cause them to route" Lunar suggested to the group. 

  • Brohoof 2

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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