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private Darkness over Equestria (RP)


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"Aye, I do!" Tyra squeaked, grinning widely, "Back home, we perform music all the time in the mead hall! Songs about great adventurers, mighty warriors, and of drinking!"


She wiped a foreleg across her brow and pulled up her hood. "My apologies, we do not get such intense heat in the North."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Little Red@@Reaver,


the pot was boiling, with the carrot slices and seasoning in it. caliber put a lid over it, to let it cook.


"so..." he said, sheathing his own sword, "whats your story? everyone has one." he grinned. "oh, and appetizers are up!" he tossed a couple of apples to red, and strider. 


he was looking forward to eating this meal made for three on his own, but common courtesy dictated that he shares. but if either of them acted hostile again, he'll attack.


cant be too cautious. this was the apocalypses, after all.


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@, @@Reaver,

Red caught the apple smoothly and stared at it. She hadn't processed the question, she was so absorbed by the apple.

"Where did you get your hooves on this?" she asked, rather wonderingly. She coughed slightly. "Ah, that is, thank you very much. This is most kind of you, especially considering I was threatening you a minute previously." She quickly bit into the apple. She closed her eyes. She felt, for a long, glorious moment, as though she were in heaven.

She opened her eyes again, chewing slowly, savoring it, then swallowed. His question finally processed. She glanced at Strider, nervous about giving out information about them, and considered demanding him to give more information first. She decided against it, as he had given her an apple.

She took another bite, considering her words before she spoke. "I'm from a place near Baltimare. I met Strider. We have been traveling together." She kept her answer short and quick, and basically not revealing anything. "What about you?"

Edited by Little Red
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"oh, you know, im from that one place, from that one thing, from that one time." caliber said, almost mockingly. "oh, no!" he pulled a fake surprised expression. "iv told you way too much! my tragic past has been revealed!" 


chuckling, he checked on the pot, and bit into his own apple.


"oh...and i got these apples from a pony that tried to kill me." he said cheerfully. "last mistake he ever made!"


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Strider stared at Caliber. The pony had a loose sort of attitude about him, almost laid-back. Well, until he had mentioned the pony who had tried to kill him. Strider wondered what had happened to that pony, but wisely decided not to think about it. He took a bite into his own apple.

"It's very good," he said, frowning slightly. It was difficult to come by good food, especially apples. There were few ponies strong enough to buck them off trees these days. "You certainly got lucky with these ones. I, personally, lived a majority of my life in Ponyville. Well, what is left of it. Studied in a ruined library. Eventually met Red here, and started traveling with her. Not much else to say." While not strictly true, as he had only spent part of his life in the library, he hoped it would satisfy the pony who had been gracious enough to give them some food. It would be stupid to give away any more information, until he had set in stone whether this pony was an enemy or not.

"This is some of the best food I've had in a long time, truly," he told Caliber. "So, care to go into any more detail about that one place? Maybe that one time? That one thing sounded pretty interesting." he said, a little drily.

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caliber sighed. "okay. ill be the first one to tell my full story. but first." he got out the bowls, and filled them with the soup. "here."


he sat down. and gulped down the soup.


"before tirek, i was known as the 4th strongest swordspony in the world. but...all that changed when tirek thought 'hey, i got an idea! im gonna f*ck up everything!' i was doing my own thing, just wandering. then discord and tirek appeared. they took my magic. my trump card. i made the mistake of fighting him."


"he still wasn't all that strong, yet, so i managed to actually hurt him quite a bit. then discord took my weapon, and Tirek proceeded to leave me on death's door." he paused. "they took my sword, as im pretty sure they thought id be a loose cannon with it. apparently, that wasn't enough, taking my sword. discord locked me up in a crystal. i missed a hundred years. and i didnt have my sword. what they didn't know." his eyes blazed. "is that they took something very valuable to me. my sword held emotional value, and there was something inside it that could never be replaced. but after all this, i managed to find another sword. its not as good as my last one, but hey. whatever works." he said that last bit bitterly. "iv been looking all over equestria for my sword. discord said 'it isnt somewhere impossible', so i just gotta find it. iv been looking all around for it. waiting for the day tirek would be slain. preferably by me." he looked at the other two ponies. "so, iv told you my story, you tell me yours." 


his face brightened up. but he was still in a bad mood. he tried to hide it, though.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Red stared at Caliber blankly. Is he... poking... fun at me? She thought about this. Yes, he seemed to be poking fun at her. He seemed very casual, which was surprising to find these days. She thought about what Caliber had said about how he had achieved the apple. She began wondering how the pony that had attempted to kill him had gotten the apple...

She watched Strider as he spoke, then turned back to Caliber and listened.

"I'm sorry about your sword," she said, quietly. She tried to imagine what it would be like if she lost her sword, the sword she'd gone through so much with. It would be like losing Strider....

Edited by Little Red
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"Aye, I do!" Tyra squeaked


"Trust me, I know. My nomad group lived in the north for some time. " Lunar said, grinning, " This world is one of many extremes, is it not ? Hot to cold, sand to snow, pony to dragon. There is so much here for such a small world" Lunar smiled and tucked away his flute in his bag. " Music has been my companion on my journies for many years across the globe. IT is a wonderful thing, and I am sure your clan had many wonderful songs to share" Lunar smiled.


He opened his bag, and offered Tyra a cup, shaking it a bit. " Would you like some tea ? I dont have much left, but sharing it with an interesting stranger is always an interesting expereince" He said, looking at tyra warmly. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Little Red, @,

Strider stared at Caliber, trying not to show visibly how impressed he was with the story. It was too ridiculous to be untrue, and just within the boundaries of being able to be believed. He examined Caliber more thoroughly now; he looked tough, and as though he'd been through a lot. He also didn't look too happy at the moment, which Strider was abruptly worried about. This pony would probably be dangerous if unhappy.

"You... dear Celestia," he said softly. "Fighting both Tirek and Discord, before all of... this?" he gestured vaguely at the ruined houses in a ruined landscape through the ruined windows.

A sudden thought struck him, that excited him to his core. He perked visibly. "You were in Equestria in it's golden age! Tellmeaboutit, tell me about it, please!" he practically squealed, sounding abruptly like an excited school filly. "With the Princesses! The Crystal Empire! No bandits, no changelings, no centaurs! Where time went on normally, and not... well, like that." he said, gesturing outside again, this time at the wobbling sun that appeared to be doing some kind of tango with the moon. It was unbearably bright.

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"huh? yeah, well, discord didnt do anything until i started winning." caliber explained. "when he took my sword, defeat was certain."


"and ill tell you about the golden age." he said, eyes glittering. "okay...so, as you know, there were three princesses, celestia, who was responsible for raising the sun, and luna, who was resbonsible for raising the moon, and cadence, who ruled the crystal empire..." caliber went on to explain everything about the golden age, the crystal empire, the small towns, 'jobs', ponies that didnt try to kill you, but instead helped whenever possible, he told them about his travels, and the tournament he competed in, he told them of the other races, and how the world was at peace. he told them how discord was once 'reformed', and he told them of the dangers equestria faced before tirek came along, which were the everfree forest, the changelings, sombra, nightmare moon, and discord, before he was reformed. he told them about the elements of harmony, and how they saved equestria time, and time again.


"then everything changed, when tirek attacked."


caliber dug around in his bag, and pulled out a tattered, old book, that had 'Caliber's Adventure Log' etched in the front. "anything else you wanna know should be in here." caliber said, as he handed it to him. "make absolutely sure nothing bad happens to it. besides my lost sword, thats my most prized possession." caliber warned them. "oh, and be sure to give it back when your done."


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Glancing around at her surroundings until she noticed the pony in the distance, it walk a few paces until stopping directly in front of where she was heading. The music she had heard earlier, stopped slowly as well, fading further beyond the pony in front of her. Eying their stance, it seemed the situation could go two ways... Hoping for the former, she stopped a few feet away from the stallion, her face obscured underneath her hood. "Is this your territory? Or are you simply another traveler?" She asked in a gruff voice. On the small possibility that this pony was hostile, she wanted to appear more masculine, since, from her experience, she noticed almost all hostiles underestimated females upon recognition. So, better to be safe than sorry.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@, @@Reaver,

Red had been totally lost in thought as she listened to Caliber, laughing occasionally at various ideas.

At his ending, the smile that had been on her face faded with a strange sorrow. She glanced at Strider, wondering what he was thinking.

This pony... Caliber... seemed like... a genuinely good soul. Someone with the same passions she and Strider had, even. She decided it was worth a short.

"Caliber, right?" she questioned. "Well, why are you traveling, if you don't mind me asking?"

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Strider had been listening in rapt attention to the (rather long) tale, completely unaware of any passing time. He would occasionally make small interjections, but for the most part, leaned forward with enough interest to rival a moose's in mating time.

He caught the book Caliber had tossed to him, and immediately opened it. "...thank... you..." he said, vaguely, already immersed, not really listening to anything outside of the log's descriptions anymore.

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"Trust me, I know. My nomad group lived in the north for some time. " Lunar said, grinning, " This world is one of many extremes, is it not ? Hot to cold, sand to snow, pony to dragon. There is so much here for such a small world" Lunar smiled and tucked away his flute in his bag. " Music has been my companion on my journies for many years across the globe. IT is a wonderful thing, and I am sure your clan had many wonderful songs to share" Lunar smiled.


He opened his bag, and offered Tyra a cup, shaking it a bit. " Would you like some tea ? I dont have much left, but sharing it with an interesting stranger is always an interesting expereince" He said, looking at tyra warmly. 


Tyra nodded, seeming to understand what Lunar was saying. The world was incredibly unbalanced, and whether it was possible or not, she wanted to help set it right.

"We do, aye," she grinned proudly, "very many, in fact! Yours are quite wonderful as well!"


She blinked at the cup and took it, sniffing at the contents before taking a drink.

"Wow, this is good!" She chirped, "What is in it?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Radiant looked closely at the canine that approached him, he felt they were female but wasn't fully sure. He straightened himself looking at the canine's hooded face. "merely a traveler who has been clearing patrols to help travelers." Radiant stated as he released his swords from his magic. "Seeing how you were willing to speak before attack can I assume you are not here with nefarious intentions?" 


Radiant held his ground just in case if this canine did end up being hostile.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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"It is simple Jasmine tea. Nothing is in it other than Jasmine and some good and dedicated love" Lunar said, releasing a slight chuckle, " Such blossoms are rare to come by, so I make the tea when I can. It is a rare pleasure to drink, and an even rarer one to drink with another person." Lunar gave a smile as she seemed to enjoy his tea. He always took pride in it and was happy to see others enjoyed it.


"So, my mysterious mare, may I ask who you are, and maybe a bit of your history ?" He asked with a smile. IT was rare to hear from others that were willing to share their stories, butnew perspectives and interesting ideas were always something Lunar loved to hear and listen too. IT was a good replacement for when he was younger, traveling with his friends away from the nomad group of his birth.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"well, red, in the golden age, i traveled simply because it made me happy." he smiled. "but now...im looking for my sword. discord hinted he hid it somewhere that wouldn't be too hard to reach."


"remember what i said about my book, strider. not a scratch." he said, "not. a. scratch."


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"well, red, in the golden age, i traveled simply because it made me happy." he smiled. "but now...im looking for my sword. discord hinted he hid it somewhere that wouldn't be too hard to reach."


"remember what i said about my book, strider. not a scratch." he said, "not. a. scratch."

Red nodded silently. She was a tad disappointed. She'd been hoping more for, 'bringing back Equestria to the beautiful land it once was and defeating Tirek once and for all!' but that was a little unfair of her. Every pony had to look out for themselves-- that was the way things were. And this sword was obviously very meaningful to Caliber. If Strider or her sword had been taken for her, getting them back would be her top priority.

"Do you have any ideas about where your sword may be?" Red questioned. If he didn't, then that could actually prove good for herself and Strider. He would probably have to go after Discord to find his sword, and Red and Strider had already decided that they needed to defeat Discord before trying for Tirek.

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"well, red, in the golden age, i traveled simply because it made me happy." he smiled. "but now...im looking for my sword. discord hinted he hid it somewhere that wouldn't be too hard to reach."


"remember what i said about my book, strider. not a scratch." he said, "not. a. scratch."

Strider jolted out of his reverie. "Hm? Oh, yes!" he said. "No, I would never harm this trove of knowledge. This is the most wonderful book I've seen in a long time. Actually," he said thoughtfully, "I haven't seen any books in a long time."

He paused for a moment, processing Red's statement. Red wasn't usually a particularly chatty pony, unless she was interested or there was something she wanted gained out of the conversation. He looked back at Caliber. "Red and I have traveled quite a bit of land. We haven't seen your sword--and I imagine, a sword that Discord took interest in would be very noticeable. If you'd like," he began, hesitating slightly, "you can join us. We're traveling around Equestria, and we plan... well, we plan to eventually confront Discord and Tirek, when we've gained enough power."

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"It is simple Jasmine tea. Nothing is in it other than Jasmine and some good and dedicated love" Lunar said, releasing a slight chuckle, " Such blossoms are rare to come by, so I make the tea when I can. It is a rare pleasure to drink, and an even rarer one to drink with another person." Lunar gave a smile as she seemed to enjoy his tea. He always took pride in it and was happy to see others enjoyed it.


"So, my mysterious mare, may I ask who you are, and maybe a bit of your history ?" He asked with a smile. IT was rare to hear from others that were willing to share their stories, butnew perspectives and interesting ideas were always something Lunar loved to hear and listen too. IT was a good replacement for when he was younger, traveling with his friends away from the nomad group of his birth.


"Wow, it is most delicious," Tyra complimented, smiling as warm as the tea filling her insides.


Upon hearing Lunar ask about her history, she put on a proud smirk.

"I am of the village of Trotstheim, in the Frozen North," she answered, putting a hoof to her chest, "We have managed to stay safe by keeping secluded and hidden in the harsh weather there, despite how many of us wish to leave and bring down Tirek."


"It was, in fact, a bold move for me to come here. I left in the dead of night, and travelled to the mainlands to help in an effort to help Equestria. But with my...'condition', I fear I may be little help alone."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"well..." caliber looked at the both of them. "...okay. i got a score to settle with discord, and i need my dar- i mean, magic back from tirek." he smiled sheepishly. "count me in. you got a legend on your team!" he put his hoof out. "lets kill these demons." his eyes developed a kind of bloodlust to them. "i cant wait."


"so, we're going to ponyville, yes? i think that might be where discord hid my sword, knowing him."


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"well..." caliber looked at the both of them. "...okay. i got a score to settle with discord, and i need my dar- i mean, magic back from tirek." he smiled sheepishly. "count me in. you got a legend on your team!" he put his hoof out. "lets kill these demons." his eyes developed a kind of bloodlust to them. "i cant wait."


"so, we're going to ponyville, yes? i think that might be where discord hid my sword, knowing him."

"No," Red said before Strider could say anything, "if you're coming with us, we were going to the badlands. We intend to explore the area for the rumors of a city of bandits. Ponyville is extremely dangerous as it so close to Tirek's throne." She finally sat down and took a sip of the soup. "As Strider and I have it figured, the bandits are the biggest problem. They're terrorizing innocent ponies more than Tirek these days. Tirek just sits there. Discord just makes cotton candy clouds. Meanwhile, more and more ponies are becoming thugs to try and protect themselves. If we can defeat this rumored army of bandits then we can rejuvenate the broken spirit of the Equestrian citizens. If we can manage that, then we can rally and defeat Tirek." She took another sip of soup, hoping Strider wouldn't mention that she had completely ripped off the explanation he'd given her long ago when she had attempted to go join the Baltimare Rebellion.

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@@Little Red, @,

Strider raised his eyebrows at Red, but said nothing, simply smiling slightly. He turned to Caliber. (He turned to Caliber, guys.) "We were planning on journeying into the badlands at some point soon, to get a feel for the place. Also, Ponyville is not the place you want to look. I did spend some time there, and I never saw your sword. It is, as Red says, very dangerous. So, are you with us? We're more of the 'saving ponies' type, rather than looking for your sword. But, I guarantee you, if you stick with us, we'll do our best to find your sword too. What do you say?" he asked.

Edited by Reaver
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Alex relaxed a bit internally at hearing the stallion state that he was simply a traveler like her. She waited until he was finished before speaking again. "First impressions are always the most important." She stated, pulling back her hood and flipping her hair behind her. "So I allow my opposition to state their intentions first. If it's hostile, then I return the intent." She paused a moment before shifting the conversation and smiled kindly at the pony, "Allow me to introduce myself." She said, placing a paw over her chest. "My name is Alex Van Gamer.. May I ask who you are?"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Radiant looked at the canine as they revealed their face indeed revealing they were female. Radiant adjusted his hooves on the ground to a more lax stance to show he was not hostile. "I am no hostile so long as those before me do not make such actions toward myself or allies." He stated when he notice she smiled at him setting a paw on her chest.


Radiant still had a stoic expression on his face when the canine introduced herself. Radiant owed his head at her introduction, "a good first impression I must say." He stated as he raised his hoof to his chest. "I am Radiant Sentinel, former member of the resistance. It's a pleasure Alex van Gamer." 

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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