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private Darkness over Equestria (RP)


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@@Chip Circuit,

Strider peered in and did a double take. "Well, when you said a mess, I had no idea you meant... well, a mess caused by a tornado or something," he said. "Looks like you've got a sleep-walker or something. Be careful in the night," he advised, though he was certain Radiant was already taking steps to be cautious. "Anyway, sleep well. Don't stay up all night keeping watch--if we do end up at the bandits' hide-out tomorrow, we'll want everypony in top shape." He turned, waving with his hoof, and trotted down the hallway into his room, eleventy-one as the innkeeper had put it.


He opened the door, yawning, and entered the room. It wasn't bad. A little dusty, but there were no ticks crawling the floor. He closed the door and trotted over to the bed. He would have to stay awake   to   wait for    Red     because    he      should           share a room...


Strider promptly fell asleep as the last two days' exhaustion hit him.

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As Strider made his leave down the hallway Radiant shut the door once again, locking it as it shut. As he turned he took another look at the room, the sheets and pillows were thrown from the bed, drawers were pull out of the night stands. Even some of the amenities from the bathroom were strewn across the room. Using his magic he begun tidying the room returning everything to it's place, he put the drawers back in the night stands along with their respective contents. As he took the sheets to the bed, he lowered them on top of the mare so she was comfy as well as brought the pillows back to the bed, carefully placing one under the mare's head.


Radiant looked over the room after he finished and looked at the window. He could see night had fallen already, although with Discord controlling the lunar and solar positioning it was always rather random when night or day would be upon them. "Alright let's try and keep the room like this." He muttered to himself as he returned to the door.


 He returned to laying on the dust covered floor which was also rather rough from much wear and tear, he would be surprised if he woke up in the morning without a splinter in his side. 

Edited by Chip Circuit

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Red glanced out. They had spent the entire day in the town, it seemed. The moon was beginning to bounce around on the horizon.


"It's been a long day of travel. I am going to head back to the inn." She said to the others, turning away from the swords. She had enjoyed seeing them, but she needed to get some rest after the trying  day. "I encourage you all to share rooms." She was going to sleep in a room with Strider, because she only really felt comfortable around Strider thus far.


She trotted back to the inn. Some weak lamps were lighted, and the mare inn-keeper glowered as Red entered, sweeping the floor with a broom. Red ignored her and trotted up the stairs. She sniffed out Strider's scent and entered the room.


He was already asleep. She felt some fondness for him. He was half-collapsed on the bed. She closed the door and settled on the floor. She did not sleep for a long time, her mind racing between Amore and strangely designed swords. When she finally fell asleep, she had bizarre dreams of evil changelings that turned into swords...

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@@Chip Circuit,

Ironeye Sungazer


Late in the night, there was a giggle.


The room was pitch black.


All the light coming in from under the door and through the window was blocked out.


A single faint light flickered in the darkness.


It hung around the ceiling, back in the corner furthest from Radiant.


It glowed red, like luminescent blood.


Wakey wakey... Ironeye snapped awake, looking around the darkness frantically. She couldn't see to her own hooves. Her heart was racing in her chest. The sheets and her mane were soaked with sweat. She desperately wanted a bath. It felt like she'd been dunked in slime and rolled in two week old dead fish. Her flesh felt like it was trying to crawl off of her bones. Looking up, she caught sight of the red light, the only thing providing any visibility. As soon as her eyes landed on it, it zipped from one side of the the room to the other. When her head followed it, it moved again, zig-zagging as if it were bouncing off the walls.


Turning her head away, she could see Radiant lying on the floor, with no sheets or pillows. So gallant... He'd not needed to do that... The bed wasn't that good anyways. It reeked and felt like somepony had been stashing the remains of dead mice under the matress. Wearily, she tried to move. Though she was still sore, her muscles no longer screamed and wailed when she tried to use them. Shakily, she managed to slide off the bed. But it seemed her legs were still unprepared to carry her weight, so she collapsed to the floor. The blood light zipped to the corner of the floor nearest Radiant, hovering over him maliciously.


"Go away..." she muttered. "I don't need you." The light bobbed twice and bounced around a circuit of the room before returning to its hover. Need me? You need me like I need a pair of lungs. But we're still stuck with each other, so stuff it. It whizzed right up to her, getting in her face. The aura off it felt like entrails were wrapping around her body. You're here screwing around while -I- have to sit back and watch. Well I'm DONE watching. This pretty boy is going to- "You don't know anything!" I know EVERYTHING! Did you forget? I can see straight into that little pea-picking ice queen heart of yours, and it doesn't take an arcanist to divine that- "I said I -don't- need you." There was a pause, then the light snapped out of existence. The regular light from the window and door began to seep back in.


Fine. But -I'm- the one whose going to have to cut you out when it all goes to hell... She gritted her teeth and looked at the floor. There was a few minutes of silence, during which the moon crept up to visibility over the window sill. When she tried to stand again, she found that her legs permitted her, albeit wobbily. Her horn was similarly compliant, and she gently levitated Radiant on the foot of the bed, throwing some of the meager sheets over him. She curled up near the head board, pressing against it for the solidity it provided. Even as she closed her eyes again, she knew that while she might sleep...


She was going to have bad dreams.

Edited by HigurSan
  • Brohoof 1


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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caliber froze. 


"alex...tyra...the guy who made these was laying a game, as a matter of fact." he looked at the two with stars in his eyes. "we can actually show tyra the joy of pounding bad guys in the face!!"


he laughed when he was called the hero of time. "no, no, no...im kirito, pre-dual weild, obviously." he said, as he unsheathed the elucidator, and gave it a few swings. "i gotta tell ya, alex, you seem to fit the bill of hero of time better." he handed the master sword to her.


"now, here it is!!" they had arrived at the place, "now, downstairs is where the swords are at. theres a kid thats knocked out on the floor. trust me when i say i did it... ... ...when i handed him mah money." he grinned, and started looking through the kid's games he had been playing. 



(you can identify the swords as made with a passion, and deep respect for the design, made with the full intent to make sure it's combat ready. so, yeah, a real sword.)

"score! he has kingdom hearts!! and zelda?! alex, he's got almost all the classics!!!!"

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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Tyra followed Caliber to see these 'video games' he and Alex were fussing over so much. She glanced at every one pointed out to her.


"I was not aware these hearts of kingdoms were so popular without us back home knowing about them," She muttered, tilting her head, "and I wonder what makes this Zelda so legendary?"


And she didn't even want to ask who this 'Kirito' was.


She turned and saw that Red had already departed, presumably back to the inn. She decided to do the same, waving her allies off before returning.


She entered, gave a greeting smile to the rather agitated inn-keeper, and proceeded to find a room.

She recalled Red encouraged sharing rooms with each other, but she did not know who to bunk with. She presumed that, with Radiant and the new mare sharing one room and Red and Strider another, it was two to a room. And no doubt Caliber and Alex would share a room to gush over this interest of 'video games'. She hadn't seen hide or feather of Lunar either.


It seemed she'd be on her own.


Feeling slightly downhearted, she entered a spare room and hopped onto a bed, removing her cloak, tunic, bags and axe harness before curling up on top of the mattress. She hoped she'd be able to bond with somepony tomorrow...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Amorè finishes looking over the sword, "I doesn't have the abilities of its game version but still a good blade."


She had payed for a room. She heads up and sees that tyra is on the bed. "Tyra? You ok?" Amorè sets herself away from Tyra to give her space. She seems antsy though.

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Tyra perked up upon hearing the familiar voice, and saw Amore walking inside the room.


"Oh, Amore," She greeted, sitting up on the bed with her regular goofy smile, "I am feeling much better with some company, I must say. I was fearing I would have to spend another night sleeping alone."


She smile faded a little for a few moments, then it returned as she looked her ally in the face.

"I hope you do not mind sharing a room with me!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Alex’s ears shot up and she turned to look over at Caliber. "For real!? Yes!" She exclaimed excitedly, wondering which kind of games the kid would have.


The canine was surprised when Caliber said that she could fit the role of the Hero of Time. "Oh, r-really?" She asked as she took the master sword in her paws, looking the handle over a moment before giving it a few swings, grinning as she held the sword skywards in front of her to look at the blade.


She looked up when Caliber announced their arrival at the shop. Stepping inside, she gazed around the room a moment, chuckling a bit when he mentioned that he had caused the filly to faint. She was about to head down to see the swords when Caliber suddenly mentioned the kid had ownership of some fairly classic games. "Really?! Yes!" She hurried over to fangirl over the games. "Aaaaah, this is so cool!"


Her ears twitched as she turned to see that Trya decided to leave. "Aawww, we didn’t even get to show her the gameplay." Alex sighed. "Oh well, maybe another time then... I’m gunna look over some of the swords before it gets any later. I’m sure the kid’s gunna close up shop soon." She said as she went to drool over the swords.


She gazed around at all the swords, muttering the names of each one she could remember. There were still a few that she didn't know about, but she wanted to. "...The Energy Sword... The HF Blade... Ah! Yes, The Buster Sword and The Keyblade! Soo cooool~" Alex cooed "Agh sweet Celestia I want these all soo baaadddly!!!"


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Amorè says, "I don't mind. I actually wanting to talk."


She gets up and goes over to the bed. She then reaches out wirh her heart sense ro make sure no one was within Listening range.


To be safe, She whispers, "I got something I want to show you." She shows Tyra the six pointed star gem she has. "Do you know what this is?"

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Tyra grinned, tail swishing happily. "I would be happy to talk!"

She tilted her head as Amore watched her reach out for something.


Her ear twitched as her ally whispered into it, and she revealed a star-shaped gem. She tapped her temple with her hoof, trying to think if she'd seen it before.


She shook her head. "Nay, I have never seen such a thing. What is it?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Amorè whispers, "I don't trust this place. So please keep your voice down. This is the star gem of the Element of Magic. My caretaker said that mother got this from my father. Mom also said that it once belonged to his sister." Amorè puts the gem away and makes sure nopony was near to see the gem.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tyra's eyes widened as Amore explained what her gem really was.

"Really?!" She yelped, then put a hoof over her mouth as she remembered to be quiet, "...really?"


"I have heard of this 'Element' in my travels," She explained, "Six of them, I believe. I was told that the one you have the most powerful one!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"these are almost all mine!" caliber declared proudly, "use any of 'em ya like!"


he once again looked them over, looking for one that might replace his current elucidator.


"got 'em all in a package deal, for a hundred-and-fifty bits, in case i didnt tell ya. which im sure i did."


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Tyra's eyes widened as Amore explained what her gem really was.

"Really?!" She yelped, then put a hoof over her mouth as she remembered to be quiet, "...really?"


"I have heard of this 'Element' in my travels," She explained, "Six of them, I believe. I was told that the one you have the most powerful one!"

Amorè smiles, "To tell you the truth I am over 100 years old. I watched helplessly as Tirek and Discord defeated the elements of harmony and sealed away Twilight. Somehow that which Tirek doesn't know is something Tirek will fall to. The tree of harmony still lives. It's magic can't be consumed by Tirek because he can't find its source. this gem means that the elements have found a way to fight back and the new chosen are coming. I can't wield these. I am a queen to be. I have to hold all six traits equally."

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Amorè smiles, "To tell you the truth I am over 100 years old. I watched helplessly as Tirek and Discord defeated the elements of harmony and sealed away Twilight. Somehow that which Tirek doesn't know is something Tirek will fall to. The tree of harmony still lives. It's magic can't be consumed by Tirek because he can't find its source. this gem means that the elements have found a way to fight back and the new chosen are coming. I can't wield these. I am a queen to be. I have to hold all six traits equally."


Tyra listened, with widened eyes, to Amore's story. It seemed too amazing to be true, but yet, with her being Changeling, anything seemed possible!

"Tree of Harmony?" She repeated, tilting her head, "New chosen? Who are these ponies? And how do mere gems know that they are coming, or who they are?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Chrysteel says, "the elements of harmony are six traits. Integrity, compassion, optimism, charity, devition and leadership. A queen must have all six. If one being hold a friendship with the other chosen and one if the six traits. The elements will know by a greater will. The Elements chose the master not the other way around. But friendship and the six traits are our clues. Lets get some sleep and i have morw news but I want to show yall because it better to. It is somwthing about my kind that no other has done for more then several thousand years."


Amorè lays down with Tyra. "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed with me. I feel better sleeping with others next to me."

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Tyra nodded slowly, seeming to understand. "So those of us who hold the best of these traits will be chosen, and they will band together to defeat the menaces plaguing this land."


She grinned widely at Amore's proposal, and set her gear on the floor, popping her helmet on top.

"Not at all," She chirped, laying next to the changeling, "I would really enjoy the company!"


She let out a yawn and nestled down again, feeling much better with somepony to share a room with. Somepony who didn't hate her.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The canine, looked back at Caliber as he spoke. "Yeah, I believe you mentioned that you made some kid faint by giving them your bits." Alex replied with a nod, gazing back down at the swords. "I don’t remember if you said an exact amount or not though." (He did, she was just derped-out when he said it).

"A hundred and fifty bits sounds a bit cheap for all these swords though..." She noted. "But then again, if you bought them from a filly, he probably just doesn’t know how much to charge for such beautiful weapons..." The diamond dog paused for a moment, thinking over his offer of her the ability to use any weapon she wanted, since they were already 'paid' for. "Are you sure I can use any of these swords?" She asked hopefully, looking back at the stallion. Part of her was a bit uncertain as well, due to the fact that she felt as if taking one... or even two of these swords felt like she was cheating the foal of money he could have earned if he knew how to make better deals.

  • Brohoof 1


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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"nah, go ahead. the kid got money, and he could always just make more." caliber grinned at her. "and he'll learn to charge more, but for the time being, these are mine and yours, since you obviously like games as much as i."


he still wandered around. looking for the soul eater.


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"Mmh... Yeah, I guess..." Alex replied, but internally she thought to herself, 'But if he doesn't learn soon the profit he gets won't be enough to gain for food and the materials he needs to make those swords....'


Having come to a decision, she took the Buster Sword and the keyblade since those were her ideal weapons in mind since before she even arrived at the shop. The canine also found a long belt that she could attach to her current one that were cross diagonally over her chest and back in order to hold her Buster sword when she didn't need it.


Smiling is satisfaction, she pulled out her collection of gems, looking each over. A lot of them were fairly small, and she didn't feel those were enough to make up for what she was taking. So, she put those back in her pocket and looked inside her satchel. Inside was a small-ish chest with her more valuable gems inside. Her greedy Diamond Dog side hated giving away such valuables, but her morals wouldn't allow her greed to win this situation. She pulled out a strawberry-sized gem and placed it on the table, noticing a small pad of paper and pencil on the side, deciding to leave a note for the kid since it didn't appear as if he were here.


She wrote:



I'm a friend of the stallion who bought a few of your swords earlier today.

And I was fairly interested in getting a couple for myself as well.


I took one of the shoulder belts so that I could hold one of my swords in too. Hopefully that's alright with you.

I left a gem for you as payment.

I didn't feel that my companion left enough for you the first time.

Keep up the fantastic work.




~Alex Van Gamer


She left the note under the gem, sliding her buster sword behind her back and sheathing her keyblade against her belt. After a slightly sad look at the gem, Alex turned towards Caliber, hoping he was done searching for what he wanted. "Alright, well I'm ready to go!" She said with a smile, "What about you?"

Edited by Alex VanGamer


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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"one more moment..."


he was fawning over the soul eater. "i think we can all agree riku was an original gangsta, huh?" he asked, "but ill be honest, games didnt have this high quality graphics back in my day...oh, im over a hundred years old, by the way. all the way back to the golden age. but lets not talk about that boring stuff, lets talk about games!"


he saw her leave the 'payment' and he felt a little bad, himself. he wished he hadn't left his lucky golden apple at his house right before he was put in crystal, but hey. he'll come back later, and credit this kid when they beat tirek. he could see it now...


'i nominate this kid to be my personal blacksmith!' he grinned. he liked it.

  • Brohoof 1


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EDIT: Caliber and Alex went back to the inn, discussing video games (probably), and attempted to rent a room. They then realized Caliber no longer had any money. Alex was not willing to part with another gem. After much consideration, they decided to sleep on the roof. Good job, guys.


Time skip!




Red stirred. It was dawn, the sun just peeking its head over the horizon. She looked out the grimy window. The sun withdrew its head for a moment before peeking back up shyly.


She turned away and shook Strider. "I think it's time to head out," she said.

Edited by Little Red
  • Brohoof 2
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As the sun arose on the horizon, the light found it's way to the window of Radiant's room peering in. He awoke as the light met his eyelids, slowly opening his eyes he realized it was morning. 


Radiant stretched his limbs outward, his hooves pushing the fabric of the sheets forward. His eyes instantly snapped open when he realized he was on the bed. Radiant felt despicable that he some how found his way onto the bed in the middle of the night, he had always prided himself on being a gentlecolt and gave mares space so they didn't feel threatened by his presence. His expression had a look of faint panic appear as he quickly, yet carefully left the bed as to not wake the mare so she could finish resting.


One hoof after the next, Radiant set himself on the floor and walked backwards to the door where he sat himself to overlook the room. "How did I get in the bed last night? As far as I know I've never sleep walked before and if some pony carried me I would of woken up..." He pondered to himself still feeling distressed from settling in a bed with a mare, especially one he didn't know.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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@@Chip Circuit,

Ironeye Sungazer


She woke just before the sun rose. It'd always been her custom, and merely being near death recently wasn't going to change that. However, the bed that she was sleeping on was unfamiliar. It felt too lumpy, not warm but hard like the bed she'd made for herself in her forest den. The air smelled wrong as well. It was too dry, almost stale. Then it all came rushing back to her, along with the pain both in her body and in her heart. All that she'd known since she was born was gone now, burned away because of what she was, because of the 'gifts' she'd been born with.


That was when she noticed that she was sprawled over the stallion which had been carrying her the previous day. Though her muscles complained to her when she did it, she extracted herself as quietly and with as little movement as she could. Settling up against the headboard, she sighed in relief. That could have been bad... Though she regretted having to move... He was- No. None of that. Not now. Not... well it wasn't a good time of that. She watched silently as he got up, not giving a hint that she was awake. She listened as he berated himself, thinking she couldn't hear him.

Ugh. She'd not meant to make him uncomfortable. But- "There were snakes." She blinked. She'd spoken before she realized her lips were beginning to move. It was the first time that she'd said anything for... nearly a week, now that she thought of it. There'd been no time for it, nor anypony to talk to while she'd fled. Then she'd been too worn out and in pain to make an attempt yesterday. Well, now was a good a time as any. Her voice sounded both deep and quiet, like the aeon long movement of mountains. But it was scarred by lack of water and the sand in the air. "And roaches." She nodded her head to one of the room's corners, where there was a piled up snake's skin. Rattlesnake, if you knew such things. "And splinters. You need to be at your best. So-" A fit of coughing overtook her. It felt like there was fire spilling out of her chest through her throat.

Okay then. Maybe talking still wasn't the best idea. Her horn flared instinctively, and the pain eased. Damn. Now she'd used her magic without intending to as well. It really wasn't her day. Her magic looked... different than that of other unicorns, she'd once been told. It danced through the air like streams of colored silk, an aurora of yellows, oranges, and reds. When she was younger, she'd played with it, making it dances swirls and waves in the air. Then she'd been told the consequences of using her magic too much, how it would bring doom upon them. She hated using it. Each time brought the chance that more destruction would find her. It'd cause nothing but trouble for her new companion.


She laid her head back down wearily on the pillow. Though she could feel the deep resonant flow of magic waiting for her to just reach out and grab it, promising to solve her problems, she pushed it away. Her horn itched, not like a crawling feeling across the skin, but as if there were cracks and scratches on a gem. She looked over at Radiant with her hooded eye, the hint of a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Don't worry... about it."

  • Brohoof 2


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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