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@@FractalMoon,@@Jellal Fernandes


"She could have pulled an alarm and defeated the purpose of our distraction upstairs. Nonetheless, she should be an easy carry." Shade watched as Silver worked her hacking magic and the elevator soon dropped to the proper level. He exited the elevator as Silver closed it.


Shade listened to her plan and nodded. "You security, me package. Got it. Just make sure you keep those alarms off. I don't feel like engaging cops on the way out." Shade headed off toward the objective at a decent pace, making sure nobody was in his way.

Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes

Silver sighs when she sees the clerk slump over, "You do know we're going to have to pull her out before we blow the building right? Should have just left her there." As they walk into the elevator she examines the panel and chuckles, "Class 5 biometric and passcoded lock. These guys aren't messing around... They say these are uncrackable..." She cracks her knuckles and places a hand against the panel, which flashes for a moment before showing that the password was accepted, "They obviously haven't met me." She taps floor 6 and the elevator slowly drops.


They reach sub-floor 6 and Silver looks at Shade, "I'm going to take their security system, you go find the package. Feel free to grab anything else you see that's interesting, you never know what you'll find when you dig around these places..." She walks off, commanding the elevator to return to the top floor and open so anyone else here may be able to enter.


Sub-floor 6 is a twisting maze of labs after labs, each labelled with a number. The security room is to the right, and their objective to the left.

Emile saw the two enter the elevator, and after the door closed, he entered the other one and headed to sub floor 6. He'd had his eyes on the place for a while, he heard that there were some scientists with "questionable" ethics experimenting in this lab. When he reached his floor he saw the two metas he had been stalking earlier that day. He put his hands behind his head and said "Hey guys. Don't mind me, I assume we're all here for something, I'll be sure not to get in your way. Do either of you know where wing 7 is? I've a few scientists I need to "talk" to." Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes

Silver sees a strange man come down from the other elevator and shrugs, "Third door on the right, take the hall down and you'll be fine. Tell anyone you see to run and make your business quick." She says, as if she didn't notice anything strange about the man who just showed up.


She heads into the security office and sees a single bored-looking guard watching the monitors. She sneaks up behind him and chokes the man out, substituting the enhanced power of her nanite-laced muscles in order to make the man pass out quickly. With a smile she begins to access the computers in the security system, intentionally using brute force rather than finesse in order to create the appearance of this being a corporate attack. At the same time she sends an evacuation order to everyone in the facility, telling them that due to the explosion outside everyone is requested to leave for their own safety.


Shade notices the few researchers here today filing out of the lab, not really giving him a second thought. Eventually he reaches the chamber where the target object is, behind a blackened glass wall that just begs to be opened.


(Paging @The Dark Lord, alright, what's in the mystery room?)

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 Before him stood a caped figure in a suit and tie, he had a silver featureless mask "What have you to report?" he was the villian Rollen the Sorcerer


@@Drago Ryder


The figure continued following tempest through the park, not even attempting to hide it now

The game clerk looked around "Ah here you go" he hands her the game
It is 2:50pm 



Inferno looked up at his emlpoyee "A woman, who looked like she was from the authorities possessed a power, to see visions" Inferno looked at his boss "She saw what will happen, so we might need a change of plans" Said Inferno now standing up "Do you want me to seek her out, and eliminate her?"

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Lilith looked at the other chalklines. Inside the chalklines she saw two people, though blurry compared to the first victim. One looked to be a young woman while the other was a man. They had a been a couple. The victim had been waiting for them to finish making out in the bathroom. She remembered that she had wanted to go somewhere that was really important but forgot where exactly. No it was clear now, the three of them were going to originally rob an atm machine. Sarah, that was the name of the woman had wanted to celebrate with the other one...Dave. She was remembering everything. Her and Dave had been best friends forever. They were street kids that grew up together. She had been impatiently waiting for them to finish up their fun so they could maybe strike it rich and finally get out of this crappy city, maybe move to some beautiful tropical island. That's when the mysterious figure had appeared. Then the thoughts stopped. "The other two victims, one was named Sarah...the other was Dave." Lilith still felt the close connection to Dave, as if they had been siblings their whole lives, though she knew she didn't have a brother. "Please take me to the other chalklines. I need to see if I can connect to the other victims, maybe I can get a facial read."  



signature by Pucksterv

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@FractalMoon


Looks like we aren't the only ones that want to get in here. He doesn't look like he has any powers like any supes, I guess we can just let him pass. Better pick up his scent just in case. Shade walked a bit closer so his enhanced senses can pick up the mysterious man's scent. He didn't have to get too close but he picked up his scent and cataloged it for the future. "What she said, and I wouldn't stick around that much if I were you."


Shade headed further into the labs, with the techs and other scientists seemed to ignore him even though he brimmed with weapons. "Guess you guys are used to this.."


Shade then heard an alarm that sprung most of the to their feet and they began to run. I hope that is just an evacuation alarm, not the one that gets unwanted attention... He soon reached the blackened glass wall that held their objective. "Ohhhh shiny. I just so want to blow this to smithereens, but I will give Silver some time to open it. In the mean time, let's set up an explosive surprise of our own." Shade began to set C4 on support beams around and inside the chamber, waiting for the glass to open.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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((Sorry, I haven't been posting much. Hopefully I'll be able to post a little more often now.))


While Pat had been sitting in their room, he suddenly heard loud noises, and knew something was going on. He told River to be ready at the comm for him, and he set out to the roof. There, he activated his suit and created four giant spider-like legs with which he used to traverse the rooftops, and search for what made the loud noise. He was looking around for quite a while, when River, speaking through the comm, told him that there seemed to be some activity at the Mercury Labs. He then made glider wings and flew over to the lab.

He talked to the people standing outside the lab, who said that there had been an explosion, and they were told to evacuate. They pointed out where the explosion happened, and one of the people remarked that there's no way an explosion could have just happened in that area. It didn't take much to figure that he should probably go inside and look around. Then he heard an alarm, and he rushed in.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@FractalMoon,@@Derplight Sperkle,


Inside the room was a large refrigeration unit with several different circular canisters neatly placed inside of It. They were simply labeled B1-B20 and were about the size of someone's forearm in length and about half a foot in diameter. The room itself was spotless, as if not even dust came in often.


(They're here for B17)

Edited by The Dark Lord


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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@@Drago Ryder,


The figure stopped "I am Borrimear.." he said then pulled out a pole and pushed a button in it, extending the pole to the size of a spear, at the end, 3 blades folded out "The dragon slayer, and you can help me by falling to my blade"





"No, simply observe her, she could potentially unknowingly lead us to the FEAR killer, so that I may drain him of his power"





Jane thought for a moment "There are 3 other crime scenes I can take you to, there is no disernable pattern yet, the closest one is about 10 minutes away"


It is 2:55pm

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Blitz rolled his eyes and simply sighed. "And another yahoo comes out of the woodwork. Look kid, I don't know what you're thinking, but this isn't really going to end well for you if you threaten me." He said. "Personally, I am sick and tired of everyone thinking I'm evil just because I can turn into a dragon, then again, Ignorance is bliss after all." With that, the bones within the hero began to shift and contort in ways that would kill a regular human. Wings sprouted from his back and black metallic spikes grew between them and along the back of his head, almost like a crown. His body itself elongated and skin and hair were replaced by dark grey scales. He had no arms, instead relying on his wings and back legs to move. His pupils turned to slits as his teeth became serrated. As the transformation finished, the dragon let out a deafening roar as lighting arced around him. The dragon then flew into the air and glared down at the would be dragon slayer.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Well I know the other two victims here were named Dave and Sarah. Apparently they were planning to rob an ATM before the killer got to them. I don't know if these victims got to see the killer's face. You say there are more victims? How many people has this man killed?



signature by Pucksterv

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Erperler, on 14 Jul 2015 - 12:30 AM, said:



"Same. Using those power boosts really takes a toll. Remember the first time I went Supernova when The Rocketeer was training me and then once all the dust had settled and I was conscious again I just completely cleared out all the food in his hideout? That was ridiculous."

*She picked her cell phone up off the counter and dialed the number of a local family pizza place. Upon getting an answer she ordered four pizzas. Two for herself and two for Cas. When the order was completed she put her phone down and took money out of her wallet and set it on the counter for when the food was delivered.*

"Even if we don't finish it all, we can have leftovers later. Which also I'll add, since its been seven years since you've been around you probably don't have your own place, thus you are formally invited to crash on that couch for as long as you need."




*A deep dark dungeon with a single prisoner tied up inside. A high up window shining a thin light on the prisoner's face. He grunted as the light broke him out of his beaten sleep. He heaved as he tried to get into a seated position, only causing him to crash back to the ground, slamming his head against the stone flooring, knocking him back into unconsciousness.*

(So with this posted, I am going to start work on King's character bio.)

"Oh yeah, that," Casimir said with a chuckle. "I remember that in particular because I was also hungry then, but by the time I tried to go and get something you were already at the table wolfing everything down!"


Casimir waited until Sasha finished her call, then thanked her gratefully as she stated he was allowed to stay at her place for as long as he needed. Normally he would just cross back over into Sheol whenever he needed rest and housing, but seeing as he'd been gone from Earth for seven years he thought it would be nice to get away from all the gloom and doom of the foreign realms.




There it is again...


"Yeah... that presence..."


It feels faint and faraway as it did before, but each time it resurfaces it seems to get just a little bit stronger. I am not liking this, it definitely isn't an ally of ours...




"The Murk" was a secluded and guarded area near Tollopolis with an ever present haze of danger and shadows. This wasn't your typical rundown branch of the city, it was a truly wretched place filled with lone villains, criminal organizations, gatherings of dark magic practioners, and even monsters and demons that had chosen the place as their home. It was already huge on the surface, but it was even bigger underground with its vast network of dungeons, caves, even technological complexes. The basic things everyone who's ever looked into the place knows that it was an early part of development when Tollopolis was first coming into being. It was intended to become a haven for heroes, heroic guilds, and as a place of shelter in times of dire threats, but it's obvious that the reverse happened instead. Corruption, internal struggles between the guilds, and the misuse of the underground areas to conduct forbidden experiments or rituals led to its twisting into a haven of evil.


In that twisted haven, a foreboding presence could be felt making its way towards the surface. A figure clad in Egyptian garments and relics was seen by the underground denizens, but they all knew better than to approach. Mostly everyone... one arrogant metahuman decided they would try to steal the golden artifacts from the wanderer. The meta tried to act intimidating with a display of fire and other spells, only to find his act cut short with a burst of power from the golden, serpentine staff his would be opponent was holding.




The wanderer kicked the body aside and continued upwards, seeing light at the end of the tunnel. A sinister smile crept along their face.


"Ah... it feels nice to be back in this world. If Tollopolis thought they had seen the last of me since those days... well, they were wrong...."

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@@Drago Ryder,


The figure stopped "I am Borrimear.." he said then pulled out a pole and pushed a button in it, extending the pole to the size of a spear, at the end, 3 blades folded out "The dragon slayer, and you can help me by falling to my blade"





"No, simply observe her, she could potentially unknowingly lead us to the FEAR killer, so that I may drain him of his power"





Jane thought for a moment "There are 3 other crime scenes I can take you to, there is no disernable pattern yet, the closest one is about 10 minutes away"


It is 2:55pm


Slashing inferno listened intently, while his boss told him what to do Alright, observe, and gather info on her. Sounds easy Thought Inferno. "If that's what you wish, my lord" Said Inferno, and created a fire portal "You will hear from me, when i have enough intel." Said Inferno and walked through

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@@Derplight Sperkle@@FractalMoon,


"Thanks," Emile said to the girl he had met before, and then walked down the hall. Amidst the chaos of scientists running for their lives, he recognized some of them. He had gone to school with a few of them, and some of them worked at the company he used to work at before the incident. He found the one he had been looking for though. The lead scientist on the project that he destroyed, Dr. Goldblum. He grabbed him by the throat and threw him through a glass window, loud enough for Shade to hear with his enhanced hearing. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" he yelled, jumping through the window and landing on the man's rib cage, breaking 3 of his ribs. "NO! AGGGGH! WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Emile removed his mask, and the scientist gasped. Emile lifted the man into a chokehold. "Where are they," he said. "Where are who?" "My girlfriend and her son. You knew the most about the project, and even lead the hunt for me. Where are they?" Dr. Goldblum began to laugh. "They've been dead for years. We won." All of a sudden, everything seemed to stop. Emile lost his mind. He opened a rift and stuck Goldblum's head through it, and opened another on the wall in the hallway. He then closed the rift, decapitating him. He proceeded to shoot anything that looked like it could explode, and started slowly walking out of the building, holding the man's head in his hand. He got lost and found his way to where Silver and Shade were. He looked at Silver again. "Thank you, I got what I needed," he said, holding up the man's head to the window of the room she was in. He then saw what they were looking at. "You guys want help?"


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Aurora recieved her game and leaves the store. She looks around before putting it in her backpack. "The new Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Equestria Edition). I am so going to own online. They introduce a new PvP area."


She Sqwees and begins to head for home. She also looks around for any bad guys needing dealing with.


(I am good for a Time Skip at any time. Can't wait for the pier thing to happen.)

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Paging @Jellal Fernandes, @Derplight Sperkle


Silver finishes up her cyberattack on the facility by placing a few hints that the attack was on behalf of e-corp while removing her own signatures from the logs, smirking to herself as she prepares to shift the blame from her herself to the megacorporation. After completing her security breach she opens the doors and walks back out to meet Shade, seeing Emile at the same place, "We're here for 17, but we might as well just take everything since we're here. Never know what this stuff might sell for or help us out with..." She smiles and notices that Shade has prepped the charges, "Alright, once you get the stuff we should scram. I have some old city police uniforms we can put on once we get out if we run into trouble, but..." She hears the elevator begin to go up as if someone called it, "Oh dear, we may have an uninvited guest..." She looks back at Shade, "Work quickly, I'll try to talk us out of this..."

Paging @Pat.Rio.T.,

Pat sees the tranquilized clerk slumped next to her desk in the lobby, and as he approaches the elevator he sees a sign that informs him, "Evacuation complete sub-basement 1-5, 3 life signs sub-floor 6", and prompts him to lower to that floor.

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Pat examines the display at the elevator and thinks to himself,


'Three? Oh boy, what am I getting myself into?'


He was about to step into the elevator, when he thought that he should probably take the stairs instead. He finds the stairway and makes his way down as fast as he can. When he gets to the bottom he slowly opens the door, then puts up his shield and gets his staff ready.


"Hello? Anyone trapped down here, maybe? Or possibly trying to steal tech..."


He said, hoping it was just the former.


@FractalMoon, @Derplight Sperkle@Jellal Fernandes


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Jellal Fernandes,@@FractalMoon, @@Pat.Rio.T.


"Take everything you say? Alright I will get right on it." Shade prepared to materialize majority of the canisters into the HAMSPACE. He kept the one they needed out in case something went wrong with the HAMSPACE, they will still get paid for it. While placing the B17 on his belt and all the others into the HAMSPACE, he overheard their compatriot manhandle a scientist. And all of the shots hitting various spots he didn't want to be exploding while he was here. 


The stranger appeared at the window with a decapitated head. "Damn, that's brutal. Looks like you have some kind of vendetta there buddy. I also had a vendetta against some scientists," he pauses before speaking in a very serious tone. "They are all dead now."


"Alright, objective secure, I say we hightail out of here!" Shade called out.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes

As Shade finishes up Silver shakes her head, "There's someone else here... They came down and I don't know who they are... You guys lay low, I'll try to talk to them. If things go bad, run for your lives and don't blow the charges till I send you a message. I'd rather not die, but if we get caught we can kiss the paycheck goodbye." She walks out of the lab and toward the elevator just in time to see Pat advance from the stairwell.


Paging @Pat.Rio.T.,

Silver sees the shield first and panics, 'Meta incoming... Not good... How should I play this?' she asks herself before opting for the role of confusion rather than malice, hoping that the fact that her hoodie is obviously not lab attire isn't picked up, "Um... Hello there, can I help you?" She asks, trying to feign calm.

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Draco watched the drama with a scowl on his face behind his mask. How many lives did these so called heroes ruin? He shook his head. what did they lose? he clicked his tongue as he looked at the suit case. It was full of his loot from his more recent heists. 2.9 million today was special for him. A sad day but important none the less. He walked past the two women not recognizing them.

@Erperler, @Midnight_Aurora

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Aurora notices draco. She steps up to him and asks, "Have we seen you before?" She has a silver eye and a blue eye looking at him. She is definitely not a normal girl but she looks like a near college age student. She is also wearing one of those high priced custom outfits for metas.


(She is actually 21.)

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Aurora notices draco. She steps up to him and asks, "Have we seen you before?" She has a silver eye and a blue eye looking at him. She is definitely not a normal girl but she looks like a near college age student. She is also wearing one of those high priced custom outfits for metas.


(She is actually 21.)

"Probably," Draco said as he sighed to himself. He took his mask off revealing his face. Though one of his eyes was milky white. That punch from that other woman blinded his right eye it would take about maybe a day to heal. But for now no heists he had to do something.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Probably," Draco said as he sighed to himself. He took his mask off revealing his face. Though one of his eyes was milky white. That punch from that other woman blinded his right eye it would take about maybe a day to heal. But for now no heists he had to do something.

Aurora shake her head, "I guess not. I wouldn't forget a being like you."


Aurora begins to walk towards her home. She says, "You might wanna get a Doctor to look at that eye. Well gotta go. Mom wants me home for dinner."


She turns a corner and unless Draco follows she disappeared from sight.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Paging @Pat.Rio.T.

Silver nods, "I work IT here, my team heard the alarm, but we were facing an attack at the same time so we decided to finish up here before we got going..." she looks Pat over, "Who are you exactly? This is supposed to be a restricted area, and I don't think I've ever seen a shield like that before..."

Edited by FractalMoon
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"I'm here to make sure everything's okay, and everyone is safe. But what attack? By who? If there was any danger, I'm sure it would be more important that you get yourselves out, than to finish your work. And by the way, what caused the explosion? From what I've heard, that section didn't have anything that... volatile."


He asked, testing her.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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