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*Weiss dodged the haymaker and grabbed Draco's arm.*

"Maybe if you hadn't blatantly insulted me I would have complied with that idea. But nah, you sunk so low as to think waving a gold bar in my face and trying to, what was that? Seduce me? It seemed like you were trying to seduce me. Didn't I tell you earlier today that I was asexual? Im not into you. And I most certainly will not be your 'partner in crime' or any of that shit."

*Weiss's grip on Draco's arm grew tighter and she then picked him up and tossed him across the arena causing him to impact on the wall of the dome.*

"And then after that you also seemed to imply that you though I killed the Rocketeer."

*She walked over to Draco and picked him up off the ground and held him against the wall of the dome.*

"Never fucking insult me like that you little fuck."

*She then sent a punch into Draco's gut, and a second, and a third, and then tossed him across the arena again.*

"Congrats you slimy turd, you have managed to royally piss me off. In fact, you are damn lucky that I decided you aren't even worth the use of Supernova."


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Sheroe stared at the helicopters and then looked down at the crater left from the fist of Neri ''That would be dangerous to be hit by...'' he said before noticing that Neri was flying towards him at a fast speed. He quickly dropped in height before hitting the unsuspectingly slow golem Neri in the back sending him flying towards a building which he quickly stopped before hitting.


Neri's slowly unstabilizing rage filled him with huge power as he felt like dying from the immense pain that the transformation had done to his body. Slowly he started to get used to the pain only to be met with even more pain as a part of his arm disapeared from his mental view of himself.


The giant golem of Neri moved really slowly before getting up in pace as Neri's instinct of survival started to control it better. He looked around and saw the helicopters before finding his red enemy flying infront of him just standing there, seeing the oppurtunity the golem split its body into four equally big smaller golems. Three of the smaller golems flied at max speed to Sheroe before all of them exploding sending Sheroe back into a building aswell as shattering most glass that Neri himself could shatter with a long ranged attack. After this the small scraps left over of the smaller golems grew the bigger golem to a 3/4th his original size which slowly became bigger with time as it absorbed sound waves into its body.


(Well, Skull. If you wonder anything about his abilities in this golem form of his... Just ask me in a pm. I'll just say that the bigger the golem... The bigger the blast. The smaller the golem, the deadlier he is. Unless he happen to explode the whole body of the smaller golem as he just did... That would just be bad for him.)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight looks back toward Shade, her eyes hidden by the shadow of her hood, "Wow, that Lady was uptight as hell... I wonder what was bothering her..." she shrugs, "How's this for a plan though, based on the schematics they gave us, our best bet is to go in a service entrance while they think there's an attack in the front. What we could do is rig a rifle or three to fire at the main gate while we sneak in, then you clear the path of guards and I'll hack the security system. From there we could just stroll into the elevator and take what we want. And the best part, we can pin it all on E-corp and fuck over two major corporations at the same time while simultaneously shifting the blame from ourselves. What do you think?" she asks curiously

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"That lady was definitely a bit uptight. I think she should get a little loosened up. Maybe we should get her a gift card to a bar with our newly required funds. She could get very loose there." Shade inspected the schematics to follow along with Silver's plan. "Sounds like a good plan to me, except the distraction part. I prefer getting a little... explosive with my distractions. Big booms made little Shade gleeful," Shade then clapped his hands a bit at the thought. 


Shade pulled out the schematics to show Silver. "If we put some explosives here," he points to a patch of land near the guard house. "And plant some here and here to shadow our escape, "  Shade points to some support beams near the item to be stolen. "We can have some nice fireworks to celebrate our completed mission! Just the thought makes me shudder in excitement."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight smiles, "I have just the stuff for the job... Well I don't have it per-say, but it's a nitrogen compound so it can be readily made from thin air if you have certain... Talents... That I happen to have... Anyway, we should get going to grab your gear so we can start the party, or else we're just talking about a firework show instead of putting on one! I can't imagine the look on their faces when they find out what happened... It'll be priceless!" she smirks and gets into the car, ready to retrieve Shade's tools.

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Emile returned to the safe house of the meta he had seen earlier, and decided he would attempt to enter. He noticed that there was a window open and decided to hop in through there. He saw a computer and inserted his gauntlet's USB into the hard-drive. He had to run through several programs before he had access to any of the information. 'Man, this girl must have something important on here if she has this much security.' He managed to finally download all of the information on to his gauntlet's hard drive and decided to do some more snooping around to see what he could find.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Paging @Jellal Fernandes

One of the monitors connected to the computer flickers for a fraction of a second as an alarm is sent to Silverlight when the unauthorized device connects, but the encrypted data is transferred nonetheless. As Emile pokes around in the hideout he doesn't find much of note, aside from what appears to be a high frequency radio frequency pulse weapon, a post it note with a phone number on it, and a few clean hoodies. In the corner of his eye, he sees a slight light shining from what appears to be a closet nailed to the wall.

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"A super special explosive compound? Count me in for that. I always love big explosions!" Shade joined Silver in their commandeered vehicle. Shade pulled out of the pier and headed off to his temporary base of operations. 


Shade then turned to Silver and asked, "Why do we have to imagine their faces? Can't you use your hacky powers and hijack their security feed? Then we could take pictures and upload them to the internet for all to see! Can't wait to see what the internet could come up with!"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight's expression suddenly becomes more serious, "We can see them live if you want, but I'm going to sound an evacuation alarm before everything explodes... This is about destroying corporate property and making it look like corporate espionage, not about killing civilians. The more people who die, the more likely it is that someone tries to investigate it rather than just taking the misdirection at face value." she smiles, "Either way though, with proper application and placement of the explosives, we could probably bring down the whole building with a minimum of casualties. Now that would be an effective blow against the corporate structure choking this town...."

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"You think I'm that psychotic? Psssh, you don't know me. I prefer to kill when I'm paid to, now I'm not hired to kill all those civilians in those labs, but if they get in the way, then they may get a little knock on the head," Shade replied in an equally serious tone. "I see it as extending business. If I kill for free, then if someone down the line pays me to kill that same person, lo and behold that is no contract for me because I killed them already. So killing random people equals less money for me. I do have some non lethal gear at my pad, if it makes you any happier."


The twon surroundings start looking more and more rundown as Shade drives closer to his destination.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle


Silverlight nods, "Yeah, I don't know you, but I'll take your word for it if you need me to." She chuckles, "From a purely economic sense that makes a lot of sense. I don't work with fixers often, but I've found that a lot of them are total sociopaths, so meeting one who isn't is a wonderful change of pace." She watches the area get more and more run-down, then nods, "You're probably going to want to set up a couple of safe-houses in town if you are planning on staying, there are traffic-analysis algorithms that they could use to trace down the location of your stash, and that's never good..."

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Emile walks over to the device he sees and starts making a program on his gauntlet that would allow for a sort of diagnostic to tell him what the device is made for, whether it's functional or not, and creates a 3D schematic of the device to learn how to make one of his own. The program determines it's a high frequency pulse transmitter. Emile saves the schematic the program made and then proceeds over to the suspicious looking closet.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Even from this realm, Abaddon felt the surge of a powerful aura from a familiar ally. He knew that if Weiss was using this level of power, she was either REALLY pissed off at some unfortunate individual, or she was doing battle with a foe of considerable power. Neither of these were things he considered good in the long run, the former especially because of the possibility of the emergence of that thing that had plagued her years back. Looks like it was time to head back to Earth...


How unfortunate, Drevenon said, So much of this realm is left unexplored and its secrets left hidden. No matter, we will be able to return here another time...


Abaddon looked out onto the vast and foreign landscape. Unfortunate indeed. His tendrils created a rift in the space before him, allowing him to instantly cross over back into his nightmarish realm of Sheol. It was here that he could create a nexus to other dimensions, and since Earth was his home realm, entering it would be a piece of cake. All he had to do was pinpoint where he needed to show up...


"You there, demon," Abaddon said as he pointed a claw to a demonic guard, "Bring me a prisoner."


The demon nodded before flying out into the darkness outside. He returned minutes later with a human Abaddon had imprisoned here to suffer. A depraved criminal that had killed and abused many... until Abaddon had gotten a hold of him of course. Now, he was going to put his life to good use. Abaddon levitated him with a painful vortex of red energy and placed him in the center of some kind of altar.


"Feel good, your useless life will be extinguished to buy me a quick ticket back into my world!"


Abaddon stretched out a tendril and opened up his bowels, the blood and gore causing a mystical reaction upon the altar that caused the man to be burned up in a dark energy that quickly grew into a large spiral. He would scry the earth now to look for her, and it wouldn't take long...


"Ah, here you are. Still at home I see..."


Having pinpointed Weiss's location, Abaddon allowed the energy to form into a doorway into Earth. Abaddon stepped through, and appeared right where he needed to be. Tendrils of magic and power sparked between Weiss and her opponent, and in a dark flash, Abaddon suddenly appeared before the two. Weiss would have recognized him and had nothing to fear, but it was highly probable that the mere sight of Abaddon's monstrous appearance would frighten or at least surprise the other person... who was... just some guy with fancy equipment....


"Hello Weiss, long time no see. I came here thinking you were in some sort of trouble, but I guess my other guess of you just being extremely pissed off at someone was the right answer."

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Blitz noticed the helicopters, but didn't really think much of it. He didn't become a hero for the press. He knew what evil looked like and he would make sure that it never came to power. "The dragon and I are two separate beings, yet we cooperate as one." He thought to himself. "I wonder if that part of me had any memories. What if it had a life before all of this." The man then smiled slightly. "I'm honored that it would chose me, though." With that, Blitz walked through the city.

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*Weiss looked over at Abaddon with a bit of surprise.*

"Abe! Jeez man, its been years. And this guy is just a pitiful excuse for a burglar who managed to piss me off."

*She said as she looked back at Draco who still had yet to get back up after her most recent attack.*

"He proposed a hand to hand, no powers fight. But since he doesn't have any honor, I figured he didn't deserve to have any shown to him."


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*Weiss looked over at Abaddon with a bit of surprise.*

"Abe! Jeez man, its been years. And this guy is just a pitiful excuse for a burglar who managed to piss me off."

*She said as she looked back at Draco who still had yet to get back up after her most recent attack.*

"He proposed a hand to hand, no powers fight. But since he doesn't have any honor, I figured he didn't deserve to have any shown to him."

"Ugh, I still hate that name," Abaddon said with a distorted chuckle. "Yes, what's it been, three or so years since we last saw each other? Sorry I missed your 21st birthday, I'm sure things were lively for you now that you could /legally/ get drinks!"


Abaddon turned his attention to the downed burglar. He seemed to further expose the length and number of his fangs, but this was actually him smiling mockingly. Poor bastard, he probably did not know whom he was messing with when he decided to get on Weiss's bad side.


"No honor huh? That's sad. I'd love to tear him apart for the fun of it, but he's your prey for now."

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Paging @Jellal Fernandes

The closet opens as he approaches it, obviously motion activated, and reveals a ladder down to something subterranean. The rest of the closet is lighted and has various tools hanging from its doors, but no indication of anything of particular value aside from the ladder, which looks like it may lead to something of interest.


Paging ,

In the corner of his eye Abaddon sees a flash of light from someone taking a picture, staring at him in uncomprehending confusion, not knowing what he could possibly be.

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*Weiss snickered.* "Why do you think I still use it? And drinking was fun for a little while, but it lost its luster pretty quick. Ill still have a light drink now and then though, maybe later on we could go out and get something. Tell stories about whats been going on and all that shit."

*Weiss looked back over at Draco.*

"Yeah, I was lecturing him for some reason, figured I would be able to get him to turn in his haul without a fight. Told him a story and he retaliated with what seemed to be an insinuation that I was the one that killed The Rocketeer. That pissed me off the most, reminded me of the guy that actually did it, that man, that....... cloud of shadows."

*Weiss flexed her fingers angrily.*


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*Weiss dodged the haymaker and grabbed Draco's arm.*

"Maybe if you hadn't blatantly insulted me I would have complied with that idea. But nah, you sunk so low as to think waving a gold bar in my face and trying to, what was that? Seduce me? It seemed like you were trying to seduce me. Didn't I tell you earlier today that I was asexual? Im not into you. And I most certainly will not be your 'partner in crime' or any of that shit."

*Weiss's grip on Draco's arm grew tighter and she then picked him up and tossed him across the arena causing him to impact on the wall of the dome.*

"And then after that you also seemed to imply that you though I killed the Rocketeer."

*She walked over to Draco and picked him up off the ground and held him against the wall of the dome.*

"Never fucking insult me like that you little fuck."

*She then sent a punch into Draco's gut, and a second, and a third, and then tossed him across the arena again.*

"Congrats you slimy turd, you have managed to royally piss me off. In fact, you are damn lucky that I decided you aren't even worth the use of Supernova."

Draco could feel his bones mending quickly. He got an idea as he smirked to himself as he pretended to pass out. Now it was time to see if the wretch will fall for this.He grinned to himself as he slowed his breathing to a minimum. Of course dealing with these heroes is seriously cutting into his profits.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Paging ,

In the corner of his eye Abaddon sees a flash of light from someone taking a picture, staring at him in uncomprehending confusion, not knowing what he could possibly be.


Abaddon slightly turned towards the flash, but otherwise did nothing to address it other than gaze directly into the camera and hold up a silly peace sign. He didn't really care about getting photographed and actually expected it any time he made appearances in cities.




*Weiss snickered.* "Why do you think I still use it? And drinking was fun for a little while, but it lost its luster pretty quick. Ill still have a light drink now and then though, maybe later on we could go out and get something. Tell stories about whats been going on and all that shit."

*Weiss looked back over at Draco.*

"Yeah, I was lecturing him for some reason, figured I would be able to get him to turn in his haul without a fight. Told him a story and he retaliated with what seemed to be an insinuation that I was the one that killed The Rocketeer. That pissed me off the most, reminded me of the guy that actually did it, that man, that....... cloud of shadows."

*Weiss flexed her fingers angrily.*


He turned his attention back to the conversation he was having with Weiss.


"Drinking stopped being fun huh? You're one of the few 23 year old I've ever heard say that, most of us young adults don't think that way until we're older."


Abaddon listened as she told him a little bit of the exchange she had had with Draco that sent her off the handle. He understood why she was so furious; The Rocketeer was one of her closest friends and mentor back when she was just a fledgling heroine. She seemed to become further agitated when she mentioned the "cloud of shadows", and Abaddon couldn't help but hiss at the mention. It brought back many unpleasant memories of rage filled battles and the deaths of hundreds of innocents. It was likely harder on Weiss, epsecially considering she once harbored feelings for him. Eventually, he, Weiss, and several other metas teamed up to fight the villain and his cohorts. No one really knew what became of him afterwards, though Abaddon and Drevenon suspected he had returned to his home dimension.


"Don't think of it," he told her.

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"Twenty-three? Abe, Im twenty-seven, you've been gone for seven years."

*Draco was still on the ground so Weiss decided to see if he was even still conscious. She went up to him and nudged him with her boot.*

"Hey, punk. You still up?"

*She crouched down and checked his pulse.*

"Still alive, his pulse seems a bit fast, but he appears to be out."

*She turned to Abe.*

"Hey Abe! That truck is full of the crap he stole, keep a hold of it, we are gonna take it back to the bank. I need to focus on taking down this barrier."

*Weiss walked towards the center of the arena and lifted her hand towards the roof of the dome, Draco was on the opposite end of the dome from the truck with the loot in it with both Weiss and Abe between them. Weiss dropped her buff and began lowering the shield, which started to disappear from the bottom up.*

Edited by Erperler


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Green woke up on the floor. "Wh...what the heck?" He looked up at the roof. "Did I fall? Oh crap! I did fall." He stood up. "Alright. I need to walk it off." Green sheathed his sword and felt his pocket. "Great. Just amazing." His wallet was missing. "Today is a really good day." He said sarcastically and walked down the street.

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Draco's eyes smirked as he saw the barrier dissolve. and went there was enough room. Draco crushed a capsule releasing smoke into the area. And he was off like a shot. His boots silent. Then he slid under the barrior. After that he quickly got into his truck and drove off quickly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Twenty-three? Abe, Im twenty-seven, you've been gone for seven years."

*Draco was still on the ground so Weiss decided to see if he was even still conscious. She went up to him and nudged him with her boot.*

"Hey, punk. You still up?"

*She crouched down and checked his pulse.*

"Still alive, his pulse seems a bit fast, but he appears to be out."

*She turned to Abe.*

"Hey Abe! That truck is full of the crap he stole, keep a hold of it, we are gonna take it back to the bank. I need to focus on taking down this barrier."

*Weiss walked towards the center of the arena and lifted her hand towards the roof of the dome, Draco was on the opposite end of the dome from the truck with the loot in it with both Weiss and Abe between them. Weiss dropped her buff and began lowering the shield, which disappeared from the bottom up.*


"What?!" Abaddon was genuinely surprised whe he heard that. Seven whole years? He could have sworn he'd only been gone for three...


Technically, we have been gone for only 3 years, Drevenon spoke up as he sensed his surprise. However, you seem to have forgotten that when traveling to different realms, time passes differently for us. While we may have spent 3 years outside of Earth, they were slow years, while the time here on Earth progressed more quickly than where we were.


"Hm... I see..."


Weiss told him to keep the contents of the van secured as she removed her arena trap. He complied, summoning two demons to haul off the items into Sheol for safekeeping. Draco soon awoke from his fake swoon, dashing to the van to escape. Abaddon allowed him, not really caring to deal with such a petty and pathetic criminal that didn't even know he was walking away from his robbery without the spoils.

Edited by Krein
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"What?!" Abaddon was genuinely surprised whe he heard that. Seven whole years? He could have sworn he'd only been gone for three...


Technically, we have been gone for only 3 years, Drevenon spoke up as he sensed his surprise. However, you seem to have forgotten that when traveling to different realms, time passes differently for us. While we may have spent 3 years outside of Earth, they were slow years, while the time here on Earth progressed more quickly than where we were.


"Hm... I see..."


Weiss told him to keep the contents of the van secured as she removed her arena trap. He complied, summoning two demons to haul off the items into Sheol for safekeeping. Draco soon awoke from his fake swoon, dashing to the van to escape. Abaddon allowed him, not really caring to deal with such a petty and pathetic criminal that didn't even know he was walking away from his robbery without the spoils.

Draco snorted slightly as he got away.  He pulled from his two pockets tw gold bars. "Got something atleast," Draco muttered. "Bloody heroes and their abilities," Draco said as he felt his jaw snap back into place. "Better," Draco said aloud. "I'll try again later for now," Draco said as he sighed to himself. "Time to see what I can get for these two gold bars,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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