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open A Body Fit for Equestria: Human-to-Pony Transformation Roleplay


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Star had been trying to figure out how to walkwith four legs. He had tried transformation spells before, but rhis one was just too complicatedly complete. He awkwardly followed the others, focusing more on how to walk than the looks of the others,

"Always with the frikin tricks..." he muttered, thinking about the dragonlike creater. "Im beginning to get tired of these supernatural entities..." he finished to himself, awkwardly tring out his wings, which he had little problem moving.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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"If friendship is Magic, I would say mostly relaxing with a little trouble here and there. For me coming to a new world is an adventure in and of itself. I made games for a living. But after my fifth game made it started to get boring. Needed a change of pace to restart the creative juices flowing again."


Silverwing continues on towards the farm. "I hope they as friendly and willing to help as the show describes buy some can be very uneasy to approach."

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Thunder, was following the other pony turned  humans. I really need to introduce myself Thought Thunder. He eavesdropped a bit on the conversation My little pony huh? Didn't expect to be here of all places. He looked at the guy called Allan, and decided to try and interact. He slowly trotted up to him This is so awkward, how do i approach him? Thunder decided that he would run up to this farm instead. 

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Will didn't know much about this world of Eqeustria; If he and the others have landed in the animated world of Disney, he'd have been the one to turned to for answers. Still, Silverwing's explanation was enough to give a basic understanding and pique Will's natural curiosity. "Thanks for explaining," Will said to Silverwing. "I'll let you lead since you know more about this world than I do."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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As Star struggled with his syncronization, he began to think about what the others had been talking about. "My Little Pony, huh? Whats next, DC Universe?" He said to himself. "Hey guys, has anyone figured out any tips for this walking thing? I need help with syncing these legs..." he said, not comfortable talking even in these circumstances.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Silverwing stpps and says, "if you don't let instinct guide your steps you won't het the feel for it. Try moving each limb separately. Also, have you seen how a horse moves? Try to imagine yourself doing what they do. That's how I did it. Opposed positioning." Silvetwing moves each leg separately and then walks slowly to show the shifting pattern of his hoof steps more clearly. He then begins to head towards the farm again.

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Cherry Bloom nodded. " that's what that dragon told us to do and well... It's as good a plan as any under the circumstances. " she said to spell bind. " look there or l it is! " she said pointing a hoof at a farm in the distance. She picked up the pace hurrying towards the pretty farm.

Edited by Cherry_Bloom


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Thunder was waiting by the farm entrance. He read the sign "sweet apple acres?" read Thunder aloud "look there it is!" Heard Thunder coming from behind him. Must be the other humans Thought Thunder. He turned around and saw them in the distance. Looks like it's time to introduce me Thought Thunder

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Silverwing stretches his wings. He is now use to the base movements of his new body. He thinks desensitizing his wings would be a good start for what to do next. They feel to sensitive for use right now.


He continues with the others looking the farm over. "So we are near Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres, I hear they have the best Cider in Equestria."

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 "Ugh... that was a really weird dream. Why do I ache all over and why am I in the middle of a forest?" I groggily say to myself. I look around for any clues as to why I'm out here but none are found. "Maybe it's some kinda prank. If I find who did this..." I grumble as I rub my new hoof in my mane. "Welp. I'd better go ahead and find my way out I guess." I say as I got up... then fell flat on my face. I tried again and fell on my rear this time. I look down and see my hands are missing and my arms have been replaced with legs covered in yellow fur. "What the... was I drugged? I need a mirror." I say as I scanned for some water. I had to drag myself to the small pond I saw and sat on it's 'shore'.


 What I saw looking back at me was a cute horse-like face. I saw my hair (well now a mane) was a messy dark blue along with my eyes. I turned around to look at my rear and saw I had a tail now, which was the same dark blue as my mane and just as messy. I also checked my... *ahem*. "Okay what the hell happened to me? Why am I a multicolored horse?" I questioned to myself. "Okay. Okay. Just calm down. Is this a dream?" I slapped myself with my hoof. "Okay that hurt so I guess not. I suppose I should try to find someone else to make sure I'm not tripping."


 I practiced walking with four legs for ~1 hour. I got it down to a somewhat stable walk. I ate some berries I found, picked a random direction and started to walk.



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Cherry Bloom stopped short of the farm and looked over at silverwing. " wait... " she looked at the group of ponies following them. " we left one behind. I'll go collect her. But could you please maybe... Not leave the farm without us? I don't want to lose the group. " with that she ran as fast as she could back to the clearing in the forest. She hadn't quiet reached the clearing when she saw the pony they had accidentally left behind. She skidded to a halt and smiled. " oh good! You're awake! And I found you. My name is Cherry Bloom and I'm like you. I didn't use to be a pony. Now if you don't mind we need to catch up to the others so we don't get left behind. "


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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 I reach out and touch Cherry. "Huh. Guess I'm not tripping. Oh sorry I... uhm... don't really remember my name. I guess we can figure that out later." I say, retracting my hoof. "So we're 'ponies' and you also used to be a human? And that there's more peop- I mean ponies out there?" I ask as we begin trotting back to the farm. "Would you happen to know what the heck happened to us? And how did you know where I was? I thought I woke up alone."



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Silverwing is looking around. He waits for the others and does a few stretches. It seems his eings can also flex like his arms and hands once could. However he is mor restricted in his movements then.


All if his joints make poping sounds as he starts loosening up. He sighs when he is finished. He looks clam and collected.

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Cherry Bloom nodded. " yes I was a human too. To be honest I'm not really sure what happened other than a man... Or... I guess a dragon brought us here and said we should go to the farm. " she looked over at her. " I'm sorry dear we were all confused and in a hurry to figure or what was going on. I thought you had followed with the others but I saw that you hadn't and I just couldn't leave you in this new place alone. "


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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 "Well thank you for coming back for me. I do recall some guy in a grey hoodie giving me a drink at a party and the next thing I know I'm in the middle of nowhere, a pony, and aching all over. I assumed he drugged my drink but drugs don't bring people to other worlds." I told Cherry. "Well literally anyway." I added as we went over a hill. The others weren't far off. "Did they wake up in the same clearing as us? I'm assuming everyone in that group used to be people."



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Cherry Bloom nodded. " that's right they all were people like we were and now they are ponies like we are. That man... He said he could change my life and send me to a world where I would belong. I hope he was telling the truth... " she said softly then looked at her. " I'm sorry dear... So you don't remember your name at all? Funny.. Neither did I. But Cherry Bloom felt right so that's my name now. "


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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 "Well I guess I'll need to come up with one too. Lets see... I don't have any special bits like you or the hornheads, I'm yellow with a blue mane, I don't have a butt tattoo, I like exploring..." I went on like this for 5 minutes until I finally settled on a name. "So with all of that in mind I think I'll call myself... Shimmerlight. Whaddya think? I think it sounds pretty decent." I ask Cherry as we walk up to the group of ponies waiting by the farm.



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Star eventually gets used to the walkig pattern, and moves on to his wings. He wasnt used to them at all, and opened and closed them repeatedly. He had the weird thought that he was better with wings than his legs, but put that thought aside for now. "I have a feeling that this 'Sweet Apple Acres' is more of an orchard than a farm..." he said, glancing at the rows of trees streted before them.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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"This place in an Apple farm, from what I remember and so far it's the same as the show. Let's see if the Apple family is home."


Silverwing begins to move towards the gate he says to the pony there, "Hello, you were sent to the Farm as well?" He waits for the others.

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Will Guide followed the group to the farmhouse. The apples in the tree made him slightly nervous, given it was a strange apple that brought him here. But his curiosity was much stronger than his fear.


"Yeah, I want to know if there is anyone else in this world that can help us besides that dragon-like creature that brought us here."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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"Myself?" said Spellbind. She had listened to most people/ponies tell the story of how they had gotten here and now she wanted to share her story with them. "I was running from the police and ran into this guy who said he could help me. Of course, I was much too hasty, and here I am."

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