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open A Body Fit for Equestria: Human-to-Pony Transformation Roleplay


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Cherry Bloom looked over at Silver Wing and then shrugged and looked back at the three Apple family members. "Um... we are kind of new around here and some pony sent us your way to... well... I'm not entirely sure why he sent us here but he suggested that we come here I suppose to try and figure out where to go from here."


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She then helped apple jack with her car even though the tough earth pony didn't really need the help. Once she finished helping she went over and say down in front of them. " so um... Hello again. Um... So do you have any idea why that dragon sent us here to you? " she asked them hoping they might have a clue.


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(Imma step up hee for a moment)

"Nnope." Big Mac said simply.

"Ah haven't heard uh no dragon telling ponies to come 'round here, but we don't mind the company either way. Name's Applejack, pleasure to meet ya." She said, shaking Cherry Blooms hoof. "This here is Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny-.....where in tarnation has she ran off to?"

"Ah think she must'uh fell behind on the way back. Imma go and check on her." The young filly said, walking down the road back to town with Big Mac following close behind.

"Ya'll hurry back now!" Applejack called after then and turned towards her guests. "So, what would ya'lls names be?"

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Cherry Bloom smile happily. " I'm Cherry Bloom it's so nice to meet you and your family Applejack!" She said excitedly. " you have such a beautiful farm and orchard! And it smells divine here like fresh apple pie! Do you make? I bet yall do! You'd have to with such lovely apples!


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(Imma step up hee for a moment)

"Nnope." Big Mac said simply.

"Ah haven't heard uh no dragon telling ponies to come 'round here, but we don't mind the company either way. Name's Applejack, pleasure to meet ya." She said, shaking Cherry Blooms hoof. "This here is Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny-.....where in tarnation has she ran off to?"

"Ah think she must'uh fell behind on the way back. Imma go and check on her." The young filly said, walking down the road back to town with Big Mac following close behind.

"Ya'll hurry back now!" Applejack called after then and turned towards her guests. "So, what would ya'lls names be?"

"My name is Silverwing, Miss AppleJack. It's a rather complicated story, as for what my friend here said."


Silverwing nods to the farm pony. He holds a posture of respect. He steps aside so she may pass. Who is he to stop her from going to her farm. He waits for the right time before asking, "Just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to know a good flight Instructor, would you? I am kinda new to the wings thing." He flexes his wings to punctuate.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@@Star Racer,


Spellbind smiled at the family. "Nice to meet all of you," she said, not adding "Especially you, adorable little Apple Bloom..."


"I am Spellbind," she said. "Well, I know for a fact that's not the name I had before, I just decided to give it to myself since I can't remember my real name. Spellbind is better though."

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"You can call me Will Guide," Will said to the Apple family. "I sure hope those apples in your orchard are much better than the last apple I've accepted from a stranger. I am curious about this place, though. Being a farmer, Applejack, do you know any other kinds of food that can be grown here in Eqeustria?"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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(Taking initiative here) AppleJack gave a friendly nod as she listened to the new comers. " well y'all I can't say I know what's going on. But I can say we'll be happy to help y'all out if we can! " she said. " now... Silver wing was it?" She said looking at the pegasi. " I don't reckon I personally know any good flight instructors. But I do happen to be friends with the best flyer in all of equestria! I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be happier 'en a chicken in a corn crib to help ya out!" She said with a smile. She looked at Will Guide. " why I don't know where you got your apples from before but I can darn sure guarantee these here are the best apples this side of Appalachia! " she said proudly. She then looked at the pony who had asked about crops. " well shoot! We grow all sorts of things here in equestria. Apples, carrots, celery, flowers and corn. You name it! "


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Silverwing says, "Mighty close, It's one word not two. Really? The only pony currently known to be able to perform, even if not at will, the Sonic Rainboom? What she up to now a days?"


Silverwing looks really happy to know there is a chance that he would learn to fly from one of the best fliers he knows. Next to the wonderbolts that is.

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Applejack smiled softly as she unhooked herself from the cart. "Well same as usual I'd reckon. How about I take y'all over to her so y'all can meet her." She said happily as she turned back to the group.


Big Mac Granny Smith and Applebloom walked up the path and headed into the farmhouse.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Applejack reared up and hollered excitedly. " well?! Come on every pony! Let's get y'all to ponyville! Yeehaw!!!" With that she turned and started trotting down the dirt path forward towards the little town she called ponyville. Applebloom giggled and looked at the group. " let's get to it!" She said running after her big sister. Big Mac looked at them then nodded. " Eeyup." He said then trotted back to the barn to do chores.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Star was taken aback by her enthusiasm, but followed anyways. He lingered at the back of the group, managing to keep up with his awkward trotting. "It does get a bit easier." He said to himself, not really payig attention to anything they passed by on their way to this 'Ponyville' place.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Thunerstreak still just sitting in the back listened to how the ponies talked and smiled. They looked like they had a good time in this mess. Thunder shook his head and sighed, he decided to go out and get some fresh air, and maybe practice flying a bit. Blaze turned around and exited the barn

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Thunerstreak still just sitting in the back listened to how the ponies talked and smiled. They looked like they had a good time in this mess. Thunder shook his head and sighed, he decided to go out and get some fresh air, and maybe practice flying a bit. Blaze turned around and exited the barn

Granny Smith saw him. " if'n you're wanting To learn to fly young'en you best be followin AJ.. She's gunna show ya where to find a good flyin teacher!" She said with a smile. Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup! " Apple jack slowed down waiting for everyone else to catch up to her.

Star was taken aback by her enthusiasm, but followed anyways. He lingered at the back of the group, managing to keep up with his awkward trotting. "It does get a bit easier." He said to himself, not really payig attention to anything they passed by on their way to this 'Ponyville' place.

Applebloom looked over at him. " ah still remember learnin to trot. It gets better. And funner !" She said smiling as she tried after him and the rest of the group. There was suddenly a loud swooshing sound as a bright rainbow zoomed right over the group of travelers. Aj laughed. "That a girl! That's who were lookin for!"


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Thunderstreak sighed. He turned around and headed towards the others. Still wearing a frown under his hoodie. He didn't excactly like company, but he wanted to fly. So with a slow trot, he got up to the others, still staying in the back. "Alright, lead the way applejack" Said Thunder with an emotionless tone

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Thunderstreak sighed. He turned around and headed towards the others. Still wearing a frown under his hoodie. He didn't excactly like company, but he wanted to fly. So with a slow trot, he got up to the others, still staying in the back. "Alright, lead the way applejack" Said Thunder with an emotionless tone

Applejack smiled happily and pointed with her hoof up to the sky. There was a bright rainbow colored blur buzzing around up high clearing away the clouds. After a few seconds a blue Pegasus with bright rainbow colored mane and tail landed in front of aj with a smug look on her face. " 10 seconds flat! Awww yeah!" She said excitedly then looked at the group. " who are these guys?" She asked. Aj explained what they had told her but rainbow cut her off at the mention of flying. " so you wanna learn to fly huh?" She held her head up high. " well you came to the right pony!!" She said proudly taking off flying around them and landing just as quick as a flash.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Thunder looked at the rainbowmaned pegasus before him. Her apperance oozed with pride. But Thunder just wanted to know how to fly, and get a pegasus related job. So he stepped up to the said mare. "Alright, i'm ready for a flight lesson. Were is it going to be?" Asked Thunder

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Thunder looked at the rainbowmaned pegasus before him. Her apperance oozed with pride. But Thunder just wanted to know how to fly, and get a pegasus related job. So he stepped up to the said mare. "Alright, i'm ready for a flight lesson. Were is it going to be?" Asked Thunder

Rainbow Dash looked over at Thunder seeming slightly annoyed by the fact that he didn't seem impressed by her awesomness. She turned facing him and held her hoof up motioning at herself. "Do you know who I am? I'm the best flyer in all of ponyville. In all of EQUESTRIA!" she said proudly then squinted looking him over. "and You are?" she asked wanting to know this new stallions name.


AppleJack rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Don't pay her any mind sugar cube. She means no harm that's just her way. Now, Rainbow if Yall need me I'll be back at Sweet Apple Acres apple buckin. So don't hesitate to get me if ya need me." She started to leave. Apple Bloom was watching Rainbow and the other curiously but sighed and turned to leave when Apple Jack called. "Come on now Apple Bloom you got chores to do yer self!" she said then the pair trotted off. Rainbow watched them leave then looked back at the group. "OK! Pegasi to one side, Earth Ponies in the Middle and Unicorns on the other side!" she instructed.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Star never really limed to be bossed, but after seeing the stunts that this cyan coated and rainbow maned pegasus could do, he set his mind on being 20% better....eventually, he thought to himself while stretching his wings out to get a better look at them. The were intriguing, but he closed them to his side as he got in line to hear what the pegasus had to say.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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As Will Guide was watching Rainbow Dash fly through the sky, he couldn't help but think, *This Rainbow Dash fellow reminds me of Peter Pan; able to fly; cocky and brash; I wonder if she's as loyal to her friends as Peter Pan is to the Lost Boys of Neverland.* 


When Rainbow grouped up the ponies visitors by race, Will noticed how there were at least 4 pegasi: Star Racer, Thunderstreak, Cherry Bloom, and Silverwing; There were 2 unicorns: Spellbind and himself. 


Will still had the recreated dress of Esmeralda from the animated world of Disney and it still wasn't fit for ponies. An idea struck his head. "Miss Rainbow Dash, I know most of us are pegasi looking for flying lessons. But for us unicorns, do you know any unicorns that might help us?" He asked as he held up the dress with his magic. "Especially anypony who could help redesign this dress for ponies?"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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As Will Guide was watching Rainbow Dash fly through the sky, he couldn't help but think, *This Rainbow Dash fellow reminds me of Peter Pan; able to fly; cocky and brash; I wonder if she's as loyal to her friends as Peter Pan is to the Lost Boys of Neverland.* 


When Rainbow grouped up the ponies visitors by race, Will noticed how there were at least 4 pegasi: Star Racer, Thunderstreak, Cherry Bloom, and Silverwing; There were 2 unicorns: Spellbind and himself. 


Will still had the recreated dress of Esmeralda from the animated world of Disney and it still wasn't fit for ponies. An idea struck his head. "Miss Rainbow Dash, I know most of us are pegasi looking for flying lessons. But for us unicorns, do you know any unicorns that might help us?" He asked as he held up the dress with his magic. "Especially anypony who could help redesign this dress for ponies?"


Star never really limed to be bossed, but after seeing the stunts that this cyan coated and rainbow maned pegasus could do, he set his mind on being 20% better....eventually, he thought to himself while stretching his wings out to get a better look at them. The were intriguing, but he closed them to his side as he got in line to hear what the pegasus had to say.

Rainbow Dash pointed at the poines counting them then rubbed her chin looking up in thought. She looked over at Will Guide when he asked about unicorns and dresses. She looked at the dress and shrugged rolling her eyes. "Yeah I guess so. I mean... Rarity is WAY into the whole dress making thing. And she's a unicorn. " she said boredly. "actually now that you mention it. Wait here!" she spread her wings and took off like a bolt of lightning.


After a few minutes she returned and landed in front of the group. "OK! Pegasi, you will stay with me. Unicorns or Earth Ponies you can go with Rarity cuz I got nothin to teach ya." she said. She sat down looking up at the sky then looking at her forleg as if looking at a watch before gazing back towards where she had come from. "Oh come on!!!" she snorted.


After a little while a lovely white unicorn with a purple mane and tail gracefully pranced over to the group. She looked at them with a sweet smile and flipped her mane as she greeted them. "why hello darlings! My dear Rainbow dash tells me some of you need help learning magic. Specifically the magic of fashion!" she said softly. She turned. "My name is Rarity! follow moi!" she said turning and prancing towards town.


Rainbow dash nodded. "you heard her! Good luck. you'll need it!" she said then looked at the Pegasi. "Ok lets get to flyin!" she stretched her wings and lifted into the air. "You gotta flap realy hard! But make sure both are flapping at the same time! Or you'll face plant!"


Rarity lead the other ponies to her boutique then turned looking the group over. "now, how many of you wish to learn the ART of fashion?" she asked.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Rainbow Dash pointed at the poines counting them then rubbed her chin looking up in thought. She looked over at Will Guide when he asked about unicorns and dresses. She looked at the dress and shrugged rolling her eyes. "Yeah I guess so. I mean... Rarity is WAY into the whole dress making thing. And she's a unicorn. " she said boredly. "actually now that you mention it. Wait here!" she spread her wings and took off like a bolt of lightning.


After a few minutes she returned and landed in front of the group. "OK! Pegasi, you will stay with me. Unicorns or Earth Ponies you can go with Rarity cuz I got nothin to teach ya." she said. She sat down looking up at the sky then looking at her forleg as if looking at a watch before gazing back towards where she had come from. "Oh come on!!!" she snorted.


After a little while a lovely white unicorn with a purple mane and tail gracefully pranced over to the group. She looked at them with a sweet smile and flipped her mane as she greeted them. "why hello darlings! My dear Rainbow dash tells me some of you need help learning magic. Specifically the magic of fashion!" she said softly. She turned. "My name is Rarity! follow moi!" she said turning and prancing towards town.


Rainbow dash nodded. "you heard her! Good luck. you'll need it!" she said then looked at the Pegasi. "Ok lets get to flyin!" she stretched her wings and lifted into the air. "You gotta flap realy hard! But make sure both are flapping at the same time! Or you'll face plant!"


Rarity lead the other ponies to her boutique then turned looking the group over. "now, how many of you wish to learn the ART of fashion?" she asked.



Will found himself admiring the dresses on display in the boutique. They remind him of the outfits and dresses worn by the Disney characters from Snow White's yellow and blue princess dress to Aladdin's Arabian street urchin clothes. Snapped back to reality by Rarity's question, he answered, "Oh, I'm not a good candidate for learning fashion, Miss Rarity. But I know several dresses that I've... " *I can't exactly tell her about the Disney world without complicating matters; maybe later* "read about from a book of fairy tales."


He went on by saying he tried to make his own dress based off of one worn by a friend named Esmeralda from a faraway land. "Well, as you can see, Miss Rarity. She wasn't exactly an pony, so this dress I made doesn't exactly fit." He said, holding up Esmeralda's signature white and purple dress. "Do you think you might be able to redesign this outfit for ponies?"


He looked over at Spellbind. "Are you okay, Spellbind?" She seemed quiet, so Will asked a new question. "Speaking of Fairy Tales, Miss Rarity? Do you know where I can find good books around here to read? I could go for a good story involving a dragon hero."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Star nodded as Rainbow Dash spoke. "Shouldnt be that hard, right?" He asked to himself, working on his cordination. Once he got them pretty much working together, he began to focus on moving them fast. He was able to get a few inches off the ground before his left wing slowed down a bit, causing him to fall straight on his back with a thud. "....Great..." he mumbled to himself as he stood up and tried again.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Star nodded as Rainbow Dash spoke. "Shouldnt be that hard, right?" He asked to himself, working on his cordination. Once he got them pretty much working together, he began to focus on moving them fast. He was able to get a few inches off the ground before his left wing slowed down a bit, causing him to fall straight on his back with a thud. "....Great..." he mumbled to himself as he stood up and tried again.



Will found himself admiring the dresses on display in the boutique. They remind him of the outfits and dresses worn by the Disney characters from Snow White's yellow and blue princess dress to Aladdin's Arabian street urchin clothes. Snapped back to reality by Rarity's question, he answered, "Oh, I'm not a good candidate for learning fashion, Miss Rarity. But I know several dresses that I've... " *I can't exactly tell her about the Disney world without complicating matters; maybe later* "read about from a book of fairy tales."


He went on by saying he tried to make his own dress based off of one worn by a friend named Esmeralda from a faraway land. "Well, as you can see, Miss Rarity. She wasn't exactly an pony, so this dress I made doesn't exactly fit." He said, holding up Esmeralda's signature white and purple dress. "Do you think you might be able to redesign this outfit for ponies?"


He looked over at Spellbind. "Are you okay, Spellbind?" She seemed quiet, so Will asked a new question. "Speaking of Fairy Tales, Miss Rarity? Do you know where I can find good books around here to read? I could go for a good story involving a dragon hero."

Rarity smiled politely. "Oh darling! I can have that fitting for a pony in no time at all!" she said confident of her abilities. She used her magic to lift the dress and place it on a table. She went over placing on some red glasses and began to work. "hmm? Oh books dear? Why there was a library in ponyville, My dear friend Twilight Sparkle lived above it. It was her home you see. I'm sure she would just LOVE to talk with you all day about books." she said before looking up at him. "oh yes. hmm... I suppose I can show you the way." she took her glasses off. "will you be there later? I can come get you when the dress is finished. Or you can check in if you like." she added leading him back outside and towards twilights Castle. However an intelligent looking purple Alicorn with a baby dragon on her back just happened to come out of the quill and sofa shop. 


"oh my! Twilight darling over here!" Rarity Called. Twilight turned and smiled when she saw her then troted over to them. "Hello Rarity. and hello Raritys friends! I'm Twilight Sparkle." she said happily. The baby dragon stood. "and I'm her number one assistant Spike!" he said proudly. Rarity Giggled and patted his head. "Spikey Wikey is just a doll!" she said making the dragon blush brightly. "Twilight dear I'm so glad to have bumped into you. This gentlecolt would like to talk with you about books." she said. 


Twilights eyes lit up as she looked at Will Guide and the others. "That's wonderful! If you want to come with me we can go back to my castle and we can talk over tea?" she suggested excitedly.




Rainbow Dash watched the group doing their best attempts at lifting off. She held back a snicker as they each flopped and fell some doing worse than others. She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes then shook her head. "Not quite." she said landing in front of them. "like this." she said as she slowly flapped her wings in rythem at the same time. She beat them harder and lifted off the ground with ease. "Try again."


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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"Wait! What do you mean you're going to disappear?"



*Bzzzzkt!* Good evening Kyoto! How have you been today? It's me! It's me! It's not DDP! No, it's the one and only artist formerly known as Classy Vermillion here! But hopefully you all know me as Tsujimori Akane by now. Listen. I'm here to tell you all... That I'm going away. Where? Away. Disappearing! Vanishing! Ceasing to exist on this material plane! I'm going to a place where you can't reach me!"


"Aww, but don't fret! I've heard that quite a few of you have some form of investment in me and my services. Whether you want my looks, my skills, my voice, my lyrics (pfft! yeah right), my money, my fame, another interview, another song, another EP, another LP or another show! All fo you want me! It's like that song Cheap Trick did at good ol Budokan hall. "I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I like you to like me." and all that jazz. I actually like that one better than the original.  


Anyways! You all want me, and don't want to loose me! So... I'm giving you a chance to catch me. Whomever can snatch these dog tags from my neck, will get to direct me to do... whatever and keep me from departing this world! However! There's a catch! You've only got one hour. Starting in...


3. 2.1 .0


Game on!" *Bzzzkt*



*ding ding* A hooded girl walked briskly out of a cyber cafe. She quickly unzipped her, yet slowly pulled back her hood, letting the messy red hair flow free. She let the hoodie slip off her arms to the ground. And proceeded to walk out there...


Out into the battlefield. 


"Can't think of a more fun way to go out that this."

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