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open A Body Fit for Equestria: Human-to-Pony Transformation Roleplay


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  On 2015-08-06 at 1:15 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash gave a firm nod and grinned widely. "aww yeah! i'll hold you to it Star! one day we're gunna race so fast we blow all the clouds out of the sky!" she said excitedly.

Star laughed at her enthusiasm. "I actually somewhat expected you to make a cocky remark. So much for first impressions, huh?" He chuckled. "Now if only Discord would be so different the second time we speak. I really didnt like his remark on my magic." He said as he stretched a bit with a yawn.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-06 at 1:15 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:
Draco blinked. "I'm not trying to rush you, but I can tell you this ponies that don't learn to walk their first day often have problems, lets hope you can figure walking out." he said softly. He tilted his head looking somewhat confused. " say something else? like what?"


There it was again. She saw it. But could it be possible? Akane didn't reply. She instead looked at Draco for a moment, before slowly looking left and right, as if searching for something. She looked down to the ground, and stopped. She lifted her front right hoof, and started teetering over to the left. She hunched down and halted her fall with her left wing. She then turned her left hoof to the side. Then, she raised her right hoof, and gently tapped it to the edge of her left. Akane blinked, and cokced her head to the side, as if in surprise. She did it again, and looked a little to the left and the right, around the ground it appeared. She repeated the process, except harder. She backed her head away a bit. Once more, she clapped them together, twice now. She looked to her left and right. 


A gust blew by the tops of the trees, producing another soft roar from the branches and leaves. Akane's ears twitched. She looked up. Her ears splayed back a little and her eyes widened. She slowly rotated her head from side to side, looking above in rapt fascination. 


"Whoa. Kewl." 

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  On 2015-08-06 at 1:45 AM, Star Racer said:

Star laughed at her enthusiasm. "I actually somewhat expected you to make a cocky remark. So much for first impressions, huh?" He chuckled. "Now if only Discord would be so different the second time we speak. I really didnt like his remark on my magic." He said as he stretched a bit with a yawn.



  On 2015-08-06 at 2:10 AM, Denim&Venom said:



There it was again. She saw it. But could it be possible? Akane didn't reply. She instead looked at Draco for a moment, before slowly looking left and right, as if searching for something. She looked down to the ground, and stopped. She lifted her front right hoof, and started teetering over to the left. She hunched down and halted her fall with her left wing. She then turned her left hoof to the side. Then, she raised her right hoof, and gently tapped it to the edge of her left. Akane blinked, and cokced her head to the side, as if in surprise. She did it again, and looked a little to the left and the right, around the ground it appeared. She repeated the process, except harder. She backed her head away a bit. Once more, she clapped them together, twice now. She looked to her left and right. 


A gust blew by the tops of the trees, producing another soft roar from the branches and leaves. Akane's ears twitched. She looked up. Her ears splayed back a little and her eyes widened. She slowly rotated her head from side to side, looking above in rapt fascination. 


"Whoa. Kewl." 


Rainbow blushed and grinned rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah... i guess i can get a bit cocky sometimes. Maybe." she said with a laugh. She laid down on the branch looking down at the others. "Discord is discord. He isn't anything to worry about but he's also not exactly prince charming either. BUT he's not too aweful either." she added.


Draco meanwhile looked at Akane with all sorts of confusion on his face. "What are you doing?" he asked her curiously looking around not able to figure out what it was she was looking for. He looked back at her. "did you hit your head when you landed? you must have you're acting like you have drain bamage." he said only sort of joking.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-06 at 3:48 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow blushed and grinned rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah... i guess i can get a bit cocky sometimes. Maybe." she said with a laugh. She laid down on the branch looking down at the others. "Discord is discord. He isn't anything to worry about but he's also not exactly prince charming either. BUT he's not too aweful either." she added.


Draco meanwhile looked at Akane with all sorts of confusion on his face. "What are you doing?" he asked her curiously looking around not able to figure out what it was she was looking for. He looked back at her. "did you hit your head when you landed? you must have you're acting like you have drain bamage." he said only sort of joking.

Akane then looked back at Draco, then started looking left and right to the areas around him, blinking. "Hmmm. Huh." She then looked back down to her hooves. She knocked them together twice. "Wow. Dude.... Dude. I think... I think I'm able to see sound." She then outstretched her hoof to the ground, and started slowly bringing it back towards her, making a zig zagging side to side motion on the way, ruffling the blades of grass. Akane was turning her head side , a faint smile of amusement beginning to show itself. 

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  On 2015-08-06 at 4:04 AM, Denim&Venom said:

Akane then looked back at Draco, then started looking left and right to the areas around him, blinking. "Hmmm. Huh." She then looked back down to her hooves. She knocked them together twice. "Wow. Dude.... Dude. I think... I think I'm able to see sound." She then outstretched her hoof to the ground, and started slowly bringing it back towards her, making a zig zagging side to side motion on the way, ruffling the blades of grass. Akane was turning her head side , a faint smile of amusement beginning to show itself. 

Draco Watched her for a minute then chuckled softly. Nodding as he spoke. 


"You are a bat pony after all. The key word there being bat. You can utilize echolocation. I imagine you can see as well in the dark as you can now because of your natural sonar." He said softly. His tail swayed side to side in the grass behind him. He looked back over his shoulder in the direction of where the other ponies were. 


"Well, lets see. You have only a few hours of day light left. So we either need to find shelter or bed down here for tonight." he said looking back at her. 


"I don't care either way, nothing in this forest is likely to bother us as long as I stay beside you." he added. 


"Not very many animals care to tangle with dragons, aside from other dragons and a few others, but as it stands dragons prefer to keep to themselves and their hoard." he said laying down. 


"Are you hungry?" he asked suddenly looking around as if searching for something.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-06 at 3:48 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow blushed and grinned rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah... i guess i can get a bit cocky sometimes. Maybe." she said with a laugh. She laid down on the branch looking down at the others. "Discord is discord. He isn't anything to worry about but he's also not exactly prince charming either. BUT he's not too aweful either." she added.

Star shrugged. "As most beings of chaos are. I have dealt with things like him before where i come from. Only, they werent so nice." He felt the scars on his forelegs sting under his jacket, and was suddenly suprised that they had transfered to his new body. "They are also kinda how i can use chaos magic, but its rather tiresome if i use it too much. That, and i kinda blew up the last apartment i lived in. Thats why i lived on the streets. Not as bad as one might think, if you stay in a less populated area." He said.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Akane stopped stroking the rgass when she was asked. "Suprisingly no. I should be after going though an entire molecular change, but I'm not. Maybe my massive last meal carried on with me. Out of curiosity, what does this... species... eat anyways?


"Hold on, Wait, Few hours of daylight? It was dusk when I mutated! How the frick long was I asleep for? I mean I've done it on occasion, but still! "

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  On 2015-08-06 at 11:28 AM, Star Racer said:

Star shrugged. "As most beings of chaos are. I have dealt with things like him before where i come from. Only, they werent so nice." He felt the scars on his forelegs sting under his jacket, and was suddenly suprised that they had transfered to his new body. "They are also kinda how i can use chaos magic, but its rather tiresome if i use it too much. That, and i kinda blew up the last apartment i lived in. Thats why i lived on the streets. Not as bad as one might think, if you stay in a less populated area." He said.



  On 2015-08-06 at 11:37 PM, Denim&Venom said:



Akane stopped stroking the rgass when she was asked. "Suprisingly no. I should be after going though an entire molecular change, but I'm not. Maybe my massive last meal carried on with me. Out of curiosity, what does this... species... eat anyways?


"Hold on, Wait, Few hours of daylight? It was dusk when I mutated! How the frick long was I asleep for? I mean I've done it on occasion, but still! "

Rainbow Dash frowned deeply looking over at him. "homeless?" she looked at the group of ponies then looked back at him. "You said you were new in town right? Where are you guys gunna stay at?" she asked casually though there was worry in her usually cool voice.


Draco chuckled softly. "Well ponies are vegiterian. BAT ponies normally eat mainly fruit, or rather they suck the juices out of fruit but It all depends on taste too i suppose. However meat is out of the question, you don't have the teeth for it and no pony butchers animals for food in Equestria.


He looked at the sky. "Well you were asleep for a little while my little pony." he said looking back at her. "Bat ponies tend to be somewhat nocturnal though it's not impossible for them to be out during the day of course."


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-07 at 7:01 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash frowned deeply looking over at him. "homeless?" she looked at the group of ponies then looked back at him. "You said you were new in town right? Where are you guys gunna stay at?" she asked casually though there was worry in her usually cool voice.

"Yeah." Star said. "There is a bit of a...long story to that..." he said, thinking back to what had happened when he was younger. He looked at her when she asked her next question. "Yeah, we are all very new. As far as where we stay..." he shrugged. "This tree feels pretty comfortable."

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-07 at 7:01 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:
Draco chuckled softly. "Well ponies are vegiterian. BAT ponies normally eat mainly fruit, or rather they suck the juices out of fruit but It all depends on taste too i suppose. However meat is out of the question, you don't have the teeth for it and no pony butchers animals for food in Equestria. He looked at the sky. "Well you were asleep for a little while my little pony." he said looking back at her. "Bat ponies tend to be somewhat nocturnal though it's not impossible for them to be out during the day of course."


Akane stared at him for a bit. "No bacon? Ever? Boy aren't we off to a brilliant start. I'm starting to have reconsiderations of this whole situation." She deadpanned. She then looked over her large wings, then down to her hooves, looking herself over for the upteenth time that evening. "I thought horse- ponies ate hay and oats and those types of grains. Are those aprt of my diet too? Out of curiosity, what similarities are there between hroses and, ponies apperently?"

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  On 2015-08-07 at 12:13 PM, Star Racer said:

"Yeah." Star said. "There is a bit of a...long story to that..." he said, thinking back to what had happened when he was younger. He looked at her when she asked her next question. "Yeah, we are all very new. As far as where we stay..." he shrugged. "This tree feels pretty comfortable."

Rainbow Dash looked off in thought. " it's suppose to be cold tonight... You should stay with one of us." She said turning away hiding a blush. " so uh... You don't get sick. Can't practice flying if you're sick. " she added then flew down to help pack up the picnic stuff..


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-07 at 1:31 PM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash looked off in thought. " it's suppose to be cold tonight... You should stay with one of us." She said turning away hiding a blush. " so uh... You don't get sick. Can't practice flying if you're sick. " she added then flew down to help pack up the picnic stuff..


Will Guide looked over at Twilight. "Would it be alright if I stay in your castle, Twilight? I have noticed how large it is on the inside, so there has to be a room I could rent. I could also work for the bits to pay for the rent, assisting young Spike in keeping the castle clean and organized."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  On 2015-08-07 at 2:56 PM, WiiGuy2014 said:

Will Guide looked over at Twilight. "Would it be alright if I stay in your castle, Twilight? I have noticed how large it is on the inside, so there has to be a room I could rent. I could also work for the bits to pay for the rent, assisting young Spike in keeping the castle clean and organized."

Twilight smiled and nodded. " I'd be happy to let you stay in the castle. It had plenty of room. You can help around the castle and no need to worry about rent. You're welcome to start until you find your calling here and are able to get your own place." She said with a kind voice.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-07 at 1:31 PM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash looked off in thought. " it's suppose to be cold tonight... You should stay with one of us." She said turning away hiding a blush. " so uh... You don't get sick. Can't practice flying if you're sick. " she added then flew down to help pack up the picnic stuff..

Star let a smirk cross his lips as Rainbow flew off. He didnt really want to feel like a bother to somepony else by asking to stay with them a while. Besides, he apparently wore jackets as a pony too, and had a rather plush one on right now. He began to wonder exactly how cold it got around here. "Oh well." He muttered to himself as he lets himself glide to the ground, a little rough on the landing. After everyone got ready to leave, he walked up to Rainbow. "So, i thought about what you said, and.....you seem like you would be fun to hang out with. Mind if i crash at your place for a bit? Well, until i get my own place of course." He asked, feeling a tad bit awkward, not really every being the guy that asked for anything.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-07 at 8:29 PM, Star Racer said:

Star let a smirk cross his lips as Rainbow flew off. He didnt really want to feel like a bother to somepony else by asking to stay with them a while. Besides, he apparently wore jackets as a pony too, and had a rather plush one on right now. He began to wonder exactly how cold it got around here. "Oh well." He muttered to himself as he lets himself glide to the ground, a little rough on the landing. After everyone got ready to leave, he walked up to Rainbow. "So, i thought about what you said, and.....you seem like you would be fun to hang out with. Mind if i crash at your place for a bit? Well, until i get my own place of course." He asked, feeling a tad bit awkward, not really every being the guy that asked for anything.

Rainbow Dash looked blushed but then calmed herself and nodded. "yeah sure that's cool." she said casually. She picked up the picnic basket and turned around then grinned excitedly happy to have a new friend that she could hang out with. Pinkie Pie giggled and hopped around the group. 


"Lets all meet up at Twilights castle tomorrow morning for a big pancake breakfast! I'll cook!!." she said excitedly. Twilight nodded as did the others. "Thats a simply wonderful idea!" said rarity happily. Apple jack nodded. "sure would be nice ta eat breakfast i didn't have ta cook! Count me in!" 


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-08 at 3:59 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash looked blushed but then calmed herself and nodded. "yeah sure that's cool." she said casually. She picked up the picnic basket and turned around then grinned excitedly happy to have a new friend that she could hang out with. Pinkie Pie giggled and hopped around the group.


"Lets all meet up at Twilights castle tomorrow morning for a big pancake breakfast! I'll cook!!." she said excitedly. Twilight nodded as did the others. "Thats a simply wonderful idea!" said rarity happily. Apple jack nodded. "sure would be nice ta eat breakfast i didn't have ta cook! Count me in!"

That could have gone worse, Star thought. He watxhed the ADHD pony bounce around, barely catching what she said. "Havent had pancakes in....well....forever." Star said with a soft smile stuck on his face. He followed behind Rainbow Dash when everypony went their selerate ways.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-08 at 4:09 AM, Star Racer said:

That could have gone worse, Star thought. He watxhed the ADHD pony bounce around, barely catching what she said. "Havent had pancakes in....well....forever." Star said with a soft smile stuck on his face. He followed behind Rainbow Dash when everypony went their selerate ways.

Dash lead him out to a shady field then pointed up at the sky with her hoof. " I live up there. You know ponyville always needs more weather ponies if you're interested in that kind of job. " she said as she lifted off the ground. " think you can make it to those clouds up there? " she she'd looking at him.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-08 at 6:09 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Dash lead him out to a shady field then pointed up at the sky with her hoof. " I live up there. You know ponyville always needs more weather ponies if you're interested in that kind of job. " she said as she lifted off the ground. " think you can make it to those clouds up there? " she she'd looking at him.

Star looked up at what appeared as a small castle made of clouds. "Oh boy..." he said, thinking about how high it was. "Maybe, maybe not. Still going to try for to make it, though." He said. Looking at some tall trees around him, he got an idea. "It may take me a minute, but i think i can use the trees as steps so the final push to the clouds isnt as far." He said, flying into one of the trees with relative ease. He climbed up to the top and flew into the next tree, one that was a bit taller. When he reached the last tree he called out to Rainbow. "You sure you will be able to break my fall?" He asked.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-08 at 1:16 PM, Star Racer said:

Star looked up at what appeared as a small castle made of clouds. "Oh boy..." he said, thinking about how high it was. "Maybe, maybe not. Still going to try for to make it, though." He said. Looking at some tall trees around him, he got an idea. "It may take me a minute, but i think i can use the trees as steps so the final push to the clouds isnt as far." He said, flying into one of the trees with relative ease. He climbed up to the top and flew into the next tree, one that was a bit taller. When he reached the last tree he called out to Rainbow. "You sure you will be able to break my fall?" He asked.


Rainbow Dash nodded confident in her abilities. "IF you fall then yeah I'll catch ya ready peasey!" She said with confidence. She hovered below him just to be sure however not wanting him to get hurt if he did end up falling.


"You got this! Trust me you can do it I know a good flyer when I see one!"


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-08 at 10:11 PM, Cherry_Bloom said:

Rainbow Dash nodded confident in her abilities. "IF you fall then yeah I'll catch ya ready peasey!" She said with confidence. She hovered below him just to be sure however not wanting him to get hurt if he did end up falling.


"You got this! Trust me you can do it I know a good flyer when I see one!"

Star smiled. "We will see." He said to himself as he leaped from the tree, flapping wings as faster as he could manage. He watched as Rainbows house inched closer, as if he was swimming towards it. His breath shortened, panting as it got close. He felt his balance slip, but he shot his forehooves out and hung off the edge of the foundation clouds. Useing his wings, he pulled himself up and rolled onto his back, panting heavily. "I should have kspt up with my excersize..." he muttered as he laid on the fluffy cloud.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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Rainbow Dash flew up and landed next to him sitting down. " not bad. I think you need some wing strength training. " she said with a chuckle as she stood back up. "Come on let's go inside and get ready for bed we got an early day tomorrow filled with pancakes." She said trotting into her cloud house.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Star dragged himself to a standing position, following Rainbow inside. "So, do you have a guest room or something in here? Im just thinking it might be a bit awkward to share a bed, but thats just me..." he said, glancing around the rooms as they walked through her house.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-09 at 8:26 AM, Star Racer said:

Star dragged himself to a standing position, following Rainbow inside. "So, do you have a guest room or something in here? Im just thinking it might be a bit awkward to share a bed, but thats just me..." he said, glancing around the rooms as they walked through her house.

She nodded. "Yeah its over here." She said as she lead him up a set of stairs. She stopped in front of a closed fluffy clouds door. "This is my room if you need anything." She said then walked down the hall and pointed to a bed in a room with an open door. "Here ya go. The kitchen is down stairs easy to find make yourself at home star." She said smiling. " I'll let you settle in. " she said turning and leaving.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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  On 2015-08-09 at 8:39 AM, Cherry_Bloom said:

She nodded. "Yeah its over here." She said as she lead him up a set of stairs. She stopped in front of a closed fluffy clouds door. "This is my room if you need anything." She said then walked down the hall and pointed to a bed in a room with an open door. "Here ya go. The kitchen is down stairs easy to find make yourself at home star." She said smiling. " I'll let you settle in. " she said turning and leaving.

"Much appreciated." He said, before calling after her. "Hey, uh...if you hear me speaking in my sleep in a different language...thats normal." He said. "Dont worry too much about it if it happens." He said before entering the guest room and diving into the cloud shaped into a bed, almost passing out instantly.

Alright, WHO CHANGED MY SIGNATURE?! Oh wait.....it was me....lol, false alarm.



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  On 2015-08-09 at 8:48 AM, Star Racer said:

"Much appreciated." He said, before calling after her. "Hey, uh...if you hear me speaking in my sleep in a different language...thats normal." He said. "Dont worry too much about it if it happens." He said before entering the guest room and diving into the cloud shaped into a bed, almost passing out instantly.

Rainbow Dash nodded not really thinking anything of it. She shrugged then went to her room got in bed and very soon after she fell asleep with a copy of the newest Daring Do book open on her chest.


She falls asleep dreaming of the fun day they had had and slept soundly.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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