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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"That was the right choice!" Chaotic yelled to the ponies down below."now i will help you like my friend asked, but since i am a being of chaos i will give you three choices. I bring back Buzz, i give Scare her magic or i remove the innocent from manehatten. your choice Banner." Chaotic smiled "but with each choice  there is a consequence so chose wisely."

"i don't need my magic."Scare said to Banner."so don't even think about it alright."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"do you think this is some kind of game?" she asked Chaotic "pony lives are in danger and you can do one of these things normally? also your giving a catch to each? that's sick!" Banner thought for a second thinking of each catch that they had then got an idea one that others could say was wrong or not good but she thought it was good "you never said I had to make the decision now but I still will make one so why don't you follow us until I make up my mind?" she said hoping it would work

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"sorry but it must be made soon i have to find Rave before he gets himself killed and the reason i am giving the choice is that no one will learn if i fix everything as for the catches they are just a price for changing reality." Chaotic said then looked at Banner."now choose but keep in mind the price."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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About to join Fracture in finding things in the rubble, Sinusoid overhears Chaotic giving choices, and begins to calculate the consequences, thinking, "What would save more ponies? Most civillians are already leaving or have left the city, and the invincible Scare will obvoiusly regain her magic soon anyway..." He still remains slightly frustrated with her and Fear about defying physics. "So Buzz, being both trained for combat and apparently flawless, also being saved, should be the best choice." He nears Banner slightly and says, "Choosing Buzz should be statistically best."

Edited by Sinusoid

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Banner was getting a little stressed about both the choice and what Chaotic said about Rave then heard Fracture say that it would be better to revive Buzz and could not think of anything "fine bring Buzz back...I swear if he is a zombie or evil I will kill you" she says in a stern voice thinking more about death than ever mostly due to Rave

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"well are you one hundred percent sure, the price to bring back the dead is steep." Chaotic said grimly." the price for it will be the death of another, i tell you to reconsider your choice again because you all are not thinking about the costs. like a life for a life, now think through and i suggest you do what feels right not what is statistically better. also there is a total of six thousand still in the city."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"so does that mean its an eye for an eye? then would I be endangering six thousand other ponies with the other choice?" she thought a bit "why cant I just say to kill one of those ponies that are trying to take over or destroy equestria, I know that the one how killed Buzz was called Raindrop" she was trying to get as much information about this before she said anything else

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Sinusoid reconsiders, "That... that creates a problem... six thousand ponies is only a minor fraction of the city's population, though still a significant number, though they are not all endangered... How do you know this number? Also, who will die? Medical science permits resurrection without any of these consequences."

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"no the six thousand ponies in the city will be move the price is one of you will have to go with them. also mr i know everything that is not true they just don't realize it kills someone, as for how i know the number i know alot  of things." Chaotic said looking kinda like a maniac as for the price thing i hate to say you can't choose who dies."

Scare got a sudden memory surge, "Chaotic why are you telling them lies i know your gonna do all three anyway and i know the price thing was just to mess with them."

Chaotic laughed."man i was having fun too, should have known you would see through my lies."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Sinusoid sighs heavily; "That was definitely not nice. This is what I mean by things that are fragmenting the group, and I needed to do a sizable bit of thinking to choose the 'right' one. Scare, good job for... suddenly remembering this at a very convenient time... I guess..."

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"well she usually doesn't help, but from what i remember she is a trickster with a weird sense of humor." Scare said to sinusoid.

"i am a spirit of chaos what did you expect, but truth be told i can't bring back Buzz, or completely restore Scare's magic but i can save the six thousand ponies left in the city." Chaotic said


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I kind of knew something was up" she lied just a bit and stopped stressing as much "Fracture give her a break she kind of got a bunch of power taken away from her while falling asleep from it as well" she said defending Scare "well I guess...save the people, if you can send them to the most secure place on or in the world then do it" she paused "I also think you should help us what ever insane way you can" Chain how was just watching this started looking around and saw a black orb like thing on the tallest building in the city "I think I see Rave"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"My name is not Fracture; it's Sinusoid. He's Fracture." Sinusoid points to the pony mentioned. "And, Chaotic, are you saying that you can't actually save Buzz? Then I sincerely hope that Hits did not hear what you had said." He looks at Banner again; "I don't think that I should give her a break; that was mean, and I am moderately depressed now."

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"Juh... juh... just... a... few... muh... muh... more..."


Dax collapsed against the railing, wheezing.  He wondered just how far he'd come, so he glanced down the stairwell as he tried to catch his breath.


Bad idea.


The rail seemed to spiral down forever and out of sight.  The effect was dizzying, but he managed to hold his apples.


He pulled himself to his hooves and continued climbing.


"I... just... hope... I... get there... in... time..."


The rooftop access door loomed closer and closer...

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Hits just laid there next to Buzz, not moving a muscle. She didn't notice Rave, the only one she knew of these people, leave. She didn't notice everypony debate on whether or not to get revenge for Buzz or save the city. She didn't even hear the choice put forward by the yellow pegasus. All Hits could hear was static. Her body, like Buzz's, started to become lifeless as she started to fall down on top of the deceased. As she did this, she felt something cold and metallic on her hoof which was on Buzz's upper chest. Hits grabbed whatever it was and took it from Buzz's body. It was a pair of dog tags, his dog tags. There were also several other bits and pieces on the chain. Hits then looked up and noticed where about's in town they were. Hits then put on the dog tags. "Till next time Buzz" Hits said quietly as she kissed him on the forehead. She then put his head back on the ground , stood up and walked away from the group and into the guard post.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave had never felt so much pain in his life. "You thought it would be painless? Nothing is painless when it comes to dark magic. It hurts everybody. It doesn't matter who you are, what you are even if you are made out of darkness. Dark magic hurts EVERYBODY as it is corrupting and poisoned. You weakling will go through with this" he said to himself in a different voice. "I... can... do.... it" he laughed madly. His bacon like color of his hair seemed to be leaking out of his hair completely, forming pools of white and bacon red. The hair was being completely replaced with black color. Cracks seemed to appear on his body and black liquid seemed to leak. "When we are done, we will no longer be who we once were. We will be reborn". 

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The word was all but drowned out in the wake of the magical transformation.  Through the awful din & the high winds, it was extremely difficult to make out anything.


"Rave, I... I'm SORRY!  About earlier, about the world... about everything!  I'm sorry!"


Dax mustered up as much volume as he could, though the effort was still pitifully small compared to all that was going on.  He stepped out further onto the roof, bracing himself against the storm of power as best as he could, while at the same time trying, just trying, to to communicate.


"I said. I'M SORRY!  I apologize to you about what I said - I was stupid, scared, whatever you wanna call it... and I made a mistake!  Sometimes, ponies do dumb things... but I've seen how they treated you, Rave - and, if there's nothing more I can say to convince you that I'm your friend, then I'll at least be the pony who actually apologizes for being an idiot!  I DO accept you for who and what you are - even if what you truly are is THIS - and I'll stay here as long as you'll let me!  As long as I can!  Heck, that's what friends - REAL friends - do!  And even after all my stupidity, I'M STILL HERE, AREN'T i?"


Unsure if his apology can even be heard, he continued.


"I don't want you to do this to yourself - but if this is WHAT YOU WANT, then I'll be here for you!  You said you were always all alone?  Then I'LL stay here with you now, even in the face of all of this... so you don't have to be alone when you go!  You're NOT alone, Rave!"


He slowly crept further onto the rooftop until he was certain Rave could see him - or at least as much as Rave could still see, at any rate.  He squinted against the wind, making certain to make eye contact... or whatever counted for it... with Rave.


"If this is what you want, then I'll stay!  I'll stay so you don't have to leave this world alone, because we both have spent waaaaaay too much time alone, and it'll be good to, at the very least, have someone there for those last moments - you won't be alone..."


Dax came as close as he could, the corded muscles in his legs standing out as he fought against the currents.  Tendrils of dark magical energy licked at him, lashed at him... but he didn't falter.  Step by step, he came close enough to see the damage being done in all it's horrific glory.  Tears streamed from his eyes constantly, yet he wore a sad smile on his face as he stretched out a hoof to the mad pony.  In it was a single, smooth green apple.


"Here - would you like an apple before you go?  It might be your last chance to taste one before... before..."


Dax couldn't stop his mouth - it might be his last chance to ever speak to Rave, so he took it.  Closer now, his voice was a bit clearer.


"Rave, I've been following you ever since I last saw you.  It took me six months to track you down to Manehattan, and I've been trying to keep an eye on you since then as well... and I'm sorry for spying, too!  I just... I couldn't let the one pony who knew how I felt more than anyone else just disappear into the ether!  You said that ponies you meet tend to go their own way... well, I didn't.  I didn't because I couldn't just leave things be like that... even if I had to follow you all the way here, I wasn't about to do what every other pony had done to you... and I'm sorry for not just straight out telling you.  But you know what I'm NOT sorry for?"


He smiled.


"I'm NOT sorry that I met you.  I don't know if this power is what you want, and I don't want you to die... but if this is what you want, then I'll stay with you.  I'll stay with you while this... thing... does whatever it's gonna do.  I'll want you to stop, PLEASE stop - but I won't try to stop you from being yourself, Rave.  I hate to see you in so much pain... SO MUCH pain..."


Unbidden & undeterred, Dax reached out to Rave to put a single hoof on his shoulder, risking the pain himself.


"... but if this IS the end, I can think of no reason why you should go out alone.  Even if I'm a fool.  Even if I'm not worth your time.  Even if I never seem to take the hint that I'm not wanted.  Because even if I am just a powerless Earth Pony, I can always offer friendship... which is its own kind of magic.  Please, Rave - let me share the only kind of magic I'll ever have.  With you."


The hoof connected.

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Rave had been focused on the transformation. He had only heard vague voices, but he had decided to ignore them. They were non of his concerns. The other voices were louder and promised so much. So much to him. However, the outside voice only seemed to get louder and nearer. Rave was growing irritated. He then saw a vague figure in front of him, him seeing the world mostly purple. He figured out who it was, it was Dax. "That gnat does not want you to become powerful. He wants to deny you of your rightful place. He is helping the others, he is one of them. He deserves nothing but death. Listen not to him, for his words are poisoned and untruthful".


Rave turned his head away to ignore Dax, however, stopped as he felt something touch him. Something different than pain. It was soft, kinder, warmer, a lot more caring, then what the forces around him were doing to him. 






Red smoke formed in front of Dax. The smoke made itself look like a pony. The pony that stood in front of Dax was more than twice the size of Rave, probably the biggest pony to have ever lived. It was also muscular and the face.... it had scars everywhere. "You will not take him away from me. You will not take away my host. I am Blackforest Darkmane, the founder of the Darkmane family, the General of the Crystal Army during Sombra's rule and the most ruthless, cannibalistic and brutal pony you will ever get to meet. Rave belongs to me and he will fulfill his destiny". 


The red smoke Blackforest summoned forth a few dark crystals from the ground to attack Dax. 

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Dax's eyes went wide.  He looked at the terrifying red pony that had formed in front of him, and his knees knocked.  He shivered all over, the sensation of fear slithering up his spine.  He could feel his teeth chattering, his tail drooping, his blood turning to ice...


But he didn't take his hoof away from Rave's shoulder.


"You're the other one, aren't you?  The one he always talks about?  That 'other force' he does so much for?  If he's so important to you, then why do you torture him so?  Hasn't he earned your respect, even a little bit?  Heck, LOOK at him!  You're pulling him apart, and he's just letting you; doesn't that count for... something?"


Dax did his best to try to dodge the dark shards that sluiced around him, but he refused to let go of Rave.


"You... you scare the oats out of me... I'll admit it, you're the epitome of every nightmare I've ever had!  And I certainly don't mean any disrespect to you, Lord Darkmane... but... I won't just leave him to die alone, if that's what you want.  I'm nothing but an ant under your hoof, yeah - but you'll have to-AAAAGH!"


A dark shard slashed across Dax's flank, leaving a deep gash.  He cried out, but his face grew more resolved than before.


"... have to... kill me before I... abandon him."


The shards whizzed about, connecting more and more frequently as Dax's wounds began to add up.


"Besides... I never AAAGH- wanted to take RRRGH- him away from RRRRAGH- anypony... but we can HRRRF- all use friends...


He yelled out as each dark crystal tore him up, cut after cut, yet refused to take his hoof back.  He was in this all the way.


"Everypony... even you... Lord Darkmane..."


The words may have been foolish, but Dax was getting the idea that the phrase "killing them with kindness" might have more potential here than mere words...

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Sinusoid had been watching the rooftop from the ground, using his magic to listen to what Dax had been saying. He thinks, "That green, oddly stripey pony is great, and that is a great speech... I'd go and help, but I seem to have virtually no impact on others whatsoever." He continues watching, seeing what could be assumed to be the evil inside of Rave trying to hurt Dax. "This could be a problem, considering his apparently lower self-esteem... I should probably go up there now, at least to see the awsome magical power of Rave before he potentially dies." Dax begins to be attacked, and Sinusoid makes a quick, panicked decision. Knowing that it would take too long to get to the top with conventional methods, he decides to use his sonic air compression spell. Now directly adjacent to the building, he magically compresses the air below him, then releases it to propel him into the air in a somewhat stupid-looking manner. Going dangerously too far above the building, he fearfully says to himself, "That might have been a minor miscalculation," and aims to land on the large, obvoiusly evil pony, hoping that they are solid enough to break his fall.

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Rave reached out a hoof to touch Dax, however, his hoof got seared as Blackforest interfered. Then something landed on Blackforest, the smoke dispelling for a moment, although, slowing down Sinusoid's fall. "Sinu?" Rave asked surprised. The smoke rematerialized. 


"GAHHH. You worthless little gnats. This is family business. Everyone within the family are slaves to the dark forces. None can escape it. When I walk this very earth again, I will make sure that every pony captured will be given a slow and painful death". 


Rave felt really weak. Tendrils of dark mist seemed to be sucking out his life force and replacing it with a red mist. 

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Sinusoid quickly stands, not caring at the moment that he would only allow Fracture to call him "Sinu", saying to Rave, "I'm glad that you remember me; I've been meaning to talk to you for a while." He initiates his high-frequency sound magic, which is able to shatter the crystal shards, though it takes a longer than usual time because they were generated with dark magic.

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Dax struggled to stay upright, despite the growing pool of blood beneath him.  He was in the most pain he had ever experienced in his entire life.  There were stories he had heard back at his family's quarry about how horrible and painful a cave-in could be, especially if it fell in on you; the agony he felt now was begging for a simple cave-in.


His hoof remained on Rave's shoulder.


"Rave... you... have... friends... who... are... worried... about... YOU..."


Dax forced himself to look at Lord Blackwater again, swallowing down the terror and trying to look him in the face.


"... and... YOU... ARE... WORTH... THE... PAIN..."


He put his other foreleg around Rave, partially for support, but mostly because he felt like these were impossible odds - and he wasn't about to give this friend up for ANYPONY.


"Lord... Darkmane... I don't... care... if you... hate me... I'll be... your... RRRRGH!"


Another shard tore off a chunk of his flesh, but Dax still stood... but barely. 

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Rave started to focus. The shards started to break from Sinusoid's attempt. The red smoke started to be sucked in the direction of Rave. He was looking at Blackforest with murder in his eyes. Blackforest however, did not seem to be concerned. "Until next time". He was sucked again into Rave's body. Rave fell to the ground, despite Dax holding him. He crashed down and lay there unconscious, from all the pain and energy that he had spent. 

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Dax collapsed in a heap with Rave.  He lie there, quivering in pain and residual fear.  He opened an eye and looked at Rave, almost as if he were making certain he was still alive.


"... see?... I'm... still... here..."


He looked over at the other pony who had fallen from the sky.  It took a moment for his eyes to focus, but he eventually gave Sinusoid a small, weak grin.


"Thank... you... who... ever... you... are..."


Dax tried to get up, failed miserably, then just motioned to Rave with his bloody hoof.


"Please... help... him..."


He groaned, then just resigned himself to lie there.  He was hurting, he was weak, he was bleeding... but he was not alone.  

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