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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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Rave appeared from the shadows near Hits. "Something very very dangerous. If only that fool Fracture was here to say something smart about those things" he limped past her, his features deformed and dark. His teeth were longer and sharper than usual and his mane was completely black. "Light, darnkess, light, darkness... constantly fighting for superiority" he mumbled to himself with a raspy voice. 

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"do you think that we could get scare now?" she asked looking as how the beam in the sky was gone "I bet there's going to be troops or monsters now" she looks around more to see a dragon "I'm going with monsters...wait can you guys show me your equipment room? I have to have some of it so I can survive out there" she paused for a second "I know you have those magic canceling chains, if I can remember one order Chain had its this one"  

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Hits jumped a little at the presence of a new voice. As the new pony walked past her, she thought she recognised him, even if he didn't look the same as he did when they had met before. "What do you think it does,...erm" Hits taped her head with her hoof, trying to remember his name. "Im sorry, i recognise you from somewhere but i can't remember your name for the life of me." 


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Hmmm?" Rave mumbled loudly. "Yes. Machine. Name. You. Me. Name. Recognize. Name. Remember. Name" he mumbled to himself. He then shook his head as he tried to get back to senses. He was a bit slow, as if waking from a deep sleep. "Urghm" he held a hoof to his head as if hurt. "My name is Rave Darkmane. I did see you at the club last night...., otherwise I don't remember you, sorry. For the machine, I think it has something to do with the beaming light". 

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Hits followed Rave towards the machine, but kept her distance as she was a little creped out by how he was talking under his breath. "​Rave, Rave. Where have i heard that name before. It wasn't last night at the club, i know him from somewhere." Hits said in her head to herself. "Why do you think it stopped?" 


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave inspected the machine. "I am not sure, I thi---AGHHHH" pain shot through his entire body and he tried to stretch a bit out, painfully. He lied down for a bit and took a moment to get better, he then stood up again. "Nothing to worry about. I feel like I have seen you before as well, before the club. But my memory is unfortunately not working really.... properly right now. I seem to be a bit lost, a bit pained... a bit... not myself" he looked at the machine again. 

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"Did he just read my mind?" Hits eyes staying on the unicorn as he got back up. "This is getting a little creepy. Where is Buzz when you need him, oh right." Hits then gave her full attention to the unicorn who was now standing by the machine. "Is there anything we can do?" she asked aloud.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"We can try figuring out what the machine does. Perhaps tinker with it... however, I think you should get to safety. This is not a place for you. I can hoofle this on my own. No need for you to place yourself in danger. I can do this" Rave goes to the machine and starts hitting it with his hooves, trying to figure out what it does. "I wouldn't want you to get hurt. No one should get hurt because of me". 

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"I think ill stay" Hits replied. "In your, 'condition', you could use all the help you can get." Hits walked next to Rave and watched what he was doing, trying to see if there was anything she could do. "That, and my friend should be here soon. Is there anything i can do to help?"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Scare looked at the arrow pointed at her "my name is Scare Effect and please stop pointing that arrow at me i am a detective." Scare said weakly barely able to keep her eyes open.


"what do we have here? two nosy ponies that doesn't belong here." Dimensional Spinner said from behind the Hits and Rave. "please leave or do you want me to make you leave? your choice."


"sure thing Banner lets go get Scare so she can call Everest before some monster kills her."Fear said as she began walking toward the river that lead directly to where the beam light once was.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Zipping around a corner, Dax came to a halt & looked at the warehouse.  With all the time he'd spent in Manehattan, he had been able to figure out the source of the beam of light.  He looked back at Chaotic, a worried look crossing his features.


"Okay, we found the source of this... whatever it is; are you sure we should see to this instead of finding-"


The sound of clanging & banging issued from inside the building.  Dax swiveled his head.  He gave an exasperated sigh, then nodded to himself, making up his mind.


"Okay, then... this first.  I guess I should try to find my way in, right?  I'll take a look around the outside; would you check the roof, Chaotic?"


Without further ado, he galloped over to the warehouse.  He found the open door almost instantly, and slowly snuck inside...

=====  ( 0=====


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one of the guards tossed her a large chain that acted almost like a wipe when she swung it, then Banner started walking with Fear as both of them avoided conflict with any monster that came there way. "ok we made it to this river...why is Buzz hovering over a boat?" she pointed to it

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"Do you want to know something, I don't believe you" replied Buzz to the weak 'Scare'. "You see, I had to watch Scare sacrifse herself to save Equestria, a land that wasn't even her own from an evil psychopath. I watched her blow up with a mountain on top of her. So please, by all means, tell me why i should believe you!"




Hits, like before, was startled by the new voice. But, again, she did not want to leave. Hits began to back up and hide behind Rave.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Banner saw how violent Buzz was with how ever it was in the boat, she tried to get a better look at the pony in the boat and saw a grey earth pony with a red streak in her main "wait that's Scare... Buzz hey! stop being aggressive that's Scare!" she yelled to him "I can explain everything!" she added

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Buzz turned around, bow still in his hooves, and saw another familiar face. "Banner?" Buzz then turned back to Scare, then back to Banner, then Scare, then Banner until he was just to confused to keep going. Buzz put down the bow and started to row the boat back towards Banner.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"hey Buzz, its sad that we cant meet in a more peaceful environment but all this happened" she pointed to a few monsters "also you should know that this is Fear" she pulled Fear out from hiding "we have bigger fish to fry right now other than getting to know about all of this...I do hope sometime that could happen" the boat was right next to the side walk now

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"Scare are you all right?" Fear asked as she lifted Scare out of the boat.

"I feel like dirt other than that i am alive." Scare answered in a sarcastic groan. "and i see you survived the explosion too Fear." Scare then looked at Banner "thank you for stopping this guy from running me through with an arrow."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave looked at Spinner with hatred. "How about we get to the bottom of this and don't leave?". His mouth started to foam and then drool as he started to approach Spinner, baring his sharp teeth. His horn started to glow black and green as he was readying his dark magic. "What is going on here, I know you hold answers..... and I am going to get them. I am rather good at making ponies.... talk" he smiled. 

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Spinner looked at Rave and laughed."are you seriously threatening me with dark magic? you seriously can't be that stupid," Spinner look said with a smile before her eyes turned pure white and an unseen force knocked Rave against the wall."as you can see the power you wield is worthless compared to mine."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Rave only stood up again. "I wasn't threatening you with dark magic in particular. I was just threatening you. However, I have had enough of ponies saying that my magic is worthless, that my dark magic is useless. Let me tell you a little secret. Dark magic is the least useless magic in all of the world. You wanna know why it is so much better than any other kind of magic? Because it is not cheap. You have to pay a prize to be able to use it. And you are the one who is worthless, not wanting to give anything of yourself, staying safe, coward". Rave struck with his dark magic, with an expression of hatred. 

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Raves magic fades before even getting close to spinner, "you really believe that lie dark magic isn't fair it is just something weak minded ponies use because they believe it will make them invincible." Spinner said with a laugh "real strength is something that is within ponies not some stupid dark force."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Of course. That is why I am willing to sacrifice myself for the magic that is rightfully mine. I won't bother with your stupid taunts. You don't know anything about dark magic". Rave shadow formed, turning into smoke. A new thing he had learned from his master, the voice within his mind. He flew around Spinner and then morphed back to normal and jumped to bite Spinner.

(You decide if Rave manages to bite Spinner, he is using a normal attack here, however, a bit more brutal honestly, especially regarding his sharp teeth)

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Hits saw what was going on, and instantly regreted staying. She took shelter behind the nachine, poking her head up to see what was going on.




"What the hell is going on." Buzz asked himself in the sanctity of his mind. "Scare is still alive, Fear is alive AND HELPING US. and why do I fear somthing really bad is about to happen." "Can somepony please tell me what is going on here" Buzz screamed aloud, aiming his bow on Fear now, still confused on her intentions.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Psssst... hey.  Hey you,"  Hits heard a voice whisper behind her.  She turned to see a black & green stallion hiding in the shadows, his emerald eyes locked on the combat going on.  He put a hoof to his mouth to shush her, then waved the same hoof towards the open door.


"Head for the door... there's a pony out there by the name of Chaotic who'll help you, just call for her - tell her Dax sent you.  Go on; it's gonna get uglier in here, but I can't leave yet."


As Hits watches, the pony slowly pulls a sword from the satchel on his back.  He has a look of grim determination on his muzzle as he does so, but there's almost a touch of roguish fire to him.  He motions towards the door again, and begins to move closer into the shadow of the machine.  


While Hits heads towards the door, Dax lies the sword down for just a moment and reaches into the pack again.  This time, he pulls out a smooth green apple and, finding a panel that apparently popped open from the earlier blows it took, drops the apple into the machine.  Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't - but I tried, he thought.


Dax then takes up the sword again, and moves into position to strike at Rave's opponent from the shade of the machine, all the while worried about Rave, seeing the damage that has already been done & being somewhat certain that not all of it was from this battle.  He waited until Rave had made his move, morphing into a wisp of smoke & coming around the opponent's form.  


Let's hope this works... NOW!


As Rave attacked from behind, Dax lunged forward from the shadows and swung the sword at their side-flank, going for the ribs.

=====  ( 0=====


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Spinner vanished before either Dax or Rave touched her and both of them collided in the air, "looks like you have a friend who wants to help you but i grow tired of you begone!" Spinner says as she fires a spell that would kill Rave and Dax. Suddenly Chaotic appears and stops the blast. Spinner had a look of hatred as she witnessed Chaotic enter the warehouse."You!"Spinner growled.

"Hello spinner long time no see." Chaotic says "but now it is time for us to make our leave." Chaotic's necklace shined then Rave, Dax, Hits, and Chaotic teleported to the other side of town.


Fear looked at Buzz. "i don't have time to explain now. we need to get Scare somewhere she can rest, so she can regain her magical energy." Fear said to Buzz. But you know it wont work, she needs the machine to reach full strength so you know what you must do when the time comes. Fear thought to herself.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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