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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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"fine then after we get to the guard outpost okay." Fear said as she continues to walk toward the out post with Scare on her back. just a little further then you will have to do it, Fear thought with a sad look in her eye as she looked down, this will be your last chance to keep that promise too, i will not hesitate to fulfill it. Fear continues to walk not stopping for anything.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Hits accepted Rave's hoof up. "Thanks for that" Hits said as she rubbed her now sore flank. "I never really got the stopping part of that right. So where do we go now?"




Buzz rolled his eyes as Fear accepted to the stupid plan that was put forward. He knew the guards at the guard tower, if there was any still there. It was where he got his bow from. He knew he could get everyone armoured up. Buzz, still looking behind the group, covering their back, noticed a new face in the group that he hadn't made a first impression of yet. "Your Chain, right" Buzz asked, hovering next to him, bow still in his hooves.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave looked around him. "I suggest we try finding Dax and Chaotic again and plan out things together. Also, I forgot to ask. Were you alone when you came into that building? Surely you must not have been wandering all alone before you came inside, hmmm?" he asked her. 

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"Yes, well when i entered at least." Hits responded, taking in her surroundings of the burning city she called home. "I was following a friend who told me to leave the city, but i didn't listen." hits put her head down, her eyes started to water a little bit. "He tried getting to the beam of light, but when i got there he hadn't showed up. I hope he's ok, he may be a guard but he's not invincible, like he thinks he is." Hits smiled a little at the last part of the sentence, however a single tear came from her eye and dropped to the cold floor below.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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A part of Rave managed to gain control. "Oh, I am terribly sorry". He put a hoof on her shoulder. "We will find your friend. I am sure of it. I will help you find him. Hm? I am sure that we can overcome any obstacle together and get to him" he said in a reassuring manner. "What is his name?" he asked with a friendly smile.

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Chain looked ay Buzz "yeah I'm Banners friend, she told me about you and the others" Chain started thinking about the equipment they might get at the guard outpost as well as how to get Scare walking "she did talk about me right?" he asked. Banner picked up Scare on her back "she's lighter that I thought, lets go" "well until she can walk you can carry her" both of them started to walk to the door

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"Erm, i cant say i ever heard her mention you." Buzz replied with a shrug to follow. "She really only talked to Scare. Although, the only interaction we really had with her was when she was either shouting at us or trying to kill us, sometimes both at the same time!"



Hits turned around an hugged Rave. "Thank you, thank you so much" she said, another tear dropping from her eye onto rave's shoulder. She then retracted from the hug and wiped her face. "His name is Buzz, Buzz Relic. He's a royal guard here to solve the recent murders. My guess is he'll be wherever the rest of the guards are. We should find the others first though, it will make it easier to find him with more of us looking for him." Hits then hugged Rave again. "Thank you again."


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave hugged her back, however, he was thinking now. "Buzz? That little swine? The one who left me to be bullied me entire youth? The one that tried blaming me for the burning of the school? Just great". He then let her go and gave her a warm smile. "Follow me, we will find him". Rave started walking towards where he had last seen the beam of light. 

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"hurry up slow pokes, Scare is moving faster than you two."Fear said to sinusoid and fracture as she led the way out onto the street the others followed.and they began walking to the guard post.when they got close they spotted several Guards fighting some demons,"well it's good to know there are still some guards left." Fear stated as they spotted the fighting.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Chain was a little mad at Banner from what Buzz said "you cant fight like that so I'm taking your chain" he says taking the magic chain that Banner had then cracked it like a wipe at the monsters "the best thing about this thing is that if I hit them theoretically it will sap there magic slightly" "what the hell are you doing!?" Banner said as Chain cracked the wipe "I'm making the first move, and a distraction"

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Sinusoid begins to leave at a hasteful speed, taking long strides at a fast pace, saying quietly to Fracture as he passes, "I feel very bad."

"Emotionally or physically?"

"Emotionally; I feel useless, unneeded, and plainly wrong, like you did a year ago... Why did you ask if I felt physically bad?"

"You're about ten percent red."

Sinusoid looks down at himself, surprised at how much blood had stained his coat, as his emotional pain would overpower his physical pain. "I will be useful, and I'll start by putting to practice some recently invented spells."

"Including the frictional one that you forgot to test because you met me?"


I wrote this thing.

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Inside the guard post, the pony in the holding cell paced back and forth, biding his time.


Not my finest moment, he thought, but I'm certain Lady Luck isn't through with me yet.


He moved to the doors of the cell, and clanged his hoof against the bars.


"EXCUSE ME!  A stallion gets QUITE thirsty after being held for a day - might it be of interest to anypony that I am VERY THIRSTY!?"


He waited for a response.  Nothing happened.


Do they all take their breaks together?  Curiouser and curiouser...


He listened, and eventually he could hear the sounds of fighting outside.  He moved to the small window and looked outside.  The guards were there, fighting against... well, he didn't know WHAT they were fighting, but that's what they were doing.


Wonderful.  Just wonderful.


Left stuck in the cell, he began waiting for help, wherever it may come from... and he hoped it would be soon...

=====  ( 0=====


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Rave and Hits were nearing a guard post. "I believe that he might be here" Rave told Hits. "We shall ha---" he could hear fighting. "Well, I guess this is not going to be easy. Might be hard spotting them if your pegasus is involved in all the fighting that is going on". 

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"Oh, yea. That might make it a little harder." Hits said. She then started to think about the last time she saw Buzz. "Last i saw of him, he had a bow. He might have changed his weapon, but he was always too good with a bow to stop using it altogether. That might make it easier if every other guard is using, not bow weapons."



"Well, that maybe the most stupid thing i will see all day" Buzz thought as a reaction to Chain giving away the element of surprise they held till that point. "It looks like we're in foe it now!" "Everypony, get ready to run!" With this, Buzz pulled out one of his specialist arrows. He fired it near the feet of the shadow ponies Chain had attacked. When the arrow tip hit the ground, a cloud of smoke covered the shadow ponies, obstructing their vision.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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He stood on his hind legs and braced against the wall forelegs first, watching the scene outside from the cell.  The stallion wasn't happy one whit about his situation, but at least he had some entertainment.  He made small wagers in his head, guessing at which guard would fall and which would keep on their hooves.


"That's the spirit, lads!  Give 'em the old right-left-right!"  He laughed.  Granted, he may not have been in an ideal situation, but he wasn't about to allow himself even a moment to regret his decision to go after the gemstone exhibit at the museum.  Okay, so he didn't expect it to be THAT well guarded, but it was the principle of the thing that mattered - he was a great thief, and that's how he wanted to be known.  Mistakes happen.


Like the mistake that's going to happen to that feeble-minded simpleton at the supply store when I catch up to him... 200 pound test line, my flank.


He noticed two other ponies on the sideline, but he paid them little mind; more locals fleeing from the wreckage, he assumed.  


He watched the skirmish, hoping that whomever was victorious wouldn't eat him alive.

=====  ( 0=====


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Chain kept on hitting the demons from as far as he could as soon as he saw the guard ponies go out of the smoke "I'm not running, there may be more ponies inside and if not that then there should be materials for making batter things, with enough I bet I could make great things" Chain said to Buzz trying to explain his actions "I bet he also wants to get a little of the anger you gave him on the monsters, I don't know what you said but it made him mad at somepony" she whispered to Buzz    

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Rave saw the smoke. "Hmmm, that looks strange. I don't remember any of the monsters being able to make that effect. Let's check it out". He started to approach it, he fired a series of dark bolts at a few demons, to clear the path for both him and Hits. "Perhaps your pegasus is over there" he said loud enough for Buzz to hear, as he and Hits had gotten right up to the Smoke. 

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"Hey, maybe next time you should mention your lover to ponies so they don't go on stupid, suicidal rage attacks!" Buzz replied whilst firing arrows towards the smoke. he heard a voice from the other side of the smoke screen. "There is some pony in the smoke, can anyone see them?"




Hits heard the voice from the other side of the smoke. "That's him, that's Buzz!" Hits said as she rushed over to the smoke. When she reached it, however, a shadow pony stood there, it's face only a few centimetres away from hers. "Rave, help!" Hits called back.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Rave acted immediately and shadowmorphed. He appeared in front of the shadow pony and his fangs grew a bit longer. He immediately fired some green fire at it, hoping to burn it badly. "Go. Go to Buzz now, I can keep them busy" he looked at the demons with a grin as he was going to enjoy himself. 

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Sinusoid makes a few basic calculations as he initiates his magic, saying to the group, "It would be a good idea to protect your ears."

He begins to sonically displace the air around some of the demons, propelling them to the ground at fatal speeds that would otherwise be nearly impossible to be created by a pony with equal magical power. Being looked at strangely by Fracture, he stops and says, "Am I not... allowed to do that?"

I wrote this thing.

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"he is not my lover!" Banner yelled a Buzz whilst stepping back from all the action "I have no idea what's going on but I think were winning!" Chain shouts seeing all the fire, some demons on the ground and arrows Buzz was firing "but I'm stopping because I heard voices, one calling for help" he backed away to Buzz's side  

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Fear complete stood by Banner to make sure demons couldn't even get close to her and Scare once they got inside they saw a White unicorn fighting ten demons with a sword.several demons were coming from inside they tried to attack Banner only to be pulverized by Fear.


else where, Chaotic saw smoke, "come on Dax i believe somepony might need our help." Chaotic said to Dax.


Spinner stood before her five Generals."this test was a success call the horde off we need to regroup to plan our next step." Spinner said to a light blue pegasus.

"Yes mistress." the pegasus replied with a bow. she spread her wings and took off to round up the troops.

"i will conquer yet another Equestria." Spinner said with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Ok then." Buzz said to Chain. He noticed that the smoke screen was beginning to lift. There were a dozen figure in the location of the smoke screen that could now be seen. Buzz saw a unicorn fighting a group of demon ponies on the other side. However, he was more distracted by a pony which was running towards them. Buzz pulled back his bow, but before he fired he saw several distinct features of the pony. He knew who it was. "Luna dammit, COVER ME!" Buzz yelled as he threw his bow and arrows to Chain and ran in the direction of the pony.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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the light blue pegasus saw the smoke and approached looking at the scene she saw a white pegasus flying toward a mare, a smile of malicious intent spread across her face, as she dove toward them intent on killing she drew her sword preparing to kill.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"good thing about unicorns, I can wield both of these at the same time" he said levitating the bow and giant Chain then stated making all the demons how even got close to Buzz or Banner "to bad it takes more magic and focus" Chain started sweating but would not stop. he saw a pony with a sword heading to Buzz "never will I let you do that!" he focused fire on the Pegasus hoping to tangle how ever it was going to kill Buzz

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