Pastel 7,630 July 14, 2015 Share July 14, 2015 In primary school, I almost broke my noise after someone pushed me on a window. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricebug 555 July 14, 2015 Share July 14, 2015 I had rusty barbed wire go almost all the way through my ankle...Still got the scar ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 15, 2015 Share July 15, 2015 Hard to say really, I stabbed myself in the hand and had to get 4 stitches once, also fell off a rope and broke my wrist, and also took a dive on my scooter and skidded into a bunch of rocks. Those are the big ones. Oh, and also about a year ago I crashed my bike pretty bad, hit my head, my knee, and scraped up my thumb, hurt pretty bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SquipyCheetah 449 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I've never had anything major injured to me. The worst was I got a tree branch whacked to the face and one time when I was trying to play my violin in my 'lunch' period where a bunch of us just hang around the music wing. So, I was getting really irritated at the stupid band kids coming in to mess with us so in my both concentration on my instrument and my annoyance, I guess I was using my left hand too roughly and I sprained it, bad. I had never thought I could get hurt from my wooden instrument but... I guess I was wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not Yellow Diamond 925 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 People have probably had worse but you know that throbbing pain you get when a scooter hits your shin. Well that... but it happened so hard. That it split my entire shin in half... And, true story, I swear to you. My aunt was SO pregnant that she made me walk 3/4 miles to the car in order to get back home... Thanks Aunt Misty... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lacerna 1,302 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 This one. I fractured my left knee by tripping over a trailer hitch on a truck and then landing on both knees on the concrete. It was literally the scariest thing because it happened at night (11 pm) and I went into shock. My art topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klopp 2,050 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 It was early August, 2008, when my siblings and I decided we would all get together and go Ice Skating. I had never done it before, but my brother and sister had a few times. At the time I was a mere 17 years old and, like all teenagers, I was overconfident and stupid. At first I fumbled around, just trying to find a way to balance. I discovered that I got better balance by moving forward. Quickly I got the hang of two different abilities, accelerating, and turning. Unfortunately, I still didn't know how to stop without either falling on my face, or slamming into the walls. I didn't want to fall on my face, so I decided slamming into the wall was best. Besides, no wall can ever hurt me. (That remains true to this day) Anyways, I was focusing on the two things I could do, and kept going faster and faster. I started going a bit too fast, and my brother was directly ahead of me going less than half my speed. There was not enough time to turn, and no walls for me to slam against, so I had to take the only possible route. Attempt to stop without destroying my face in the ice beneath me. Stop I did, and while I did fall, my face remained intact. However... my arm got flung backwards, my leg was deflected upwards, and the two decided to meet each other halfway. The blade of the skate immediately pierced into my wrist, went through my artery like a knife through butter, and within seconds it appeared that there were buckets of blood on the ice rink. The staff helped me to stop the bleeding, and gave me an ice pack to keep on the wound. Next stop was the hospital. However, what was normally a 15 minute drive became a 2 hour drive, due to a traffic jam that clogged up not only the highway, but every single detour that led to the clinic. Anyways, I got there, then had to wait another hour, and finally I had stitches put in. It was all a very unpleasant experience, but I learned that some things I'm just better off not trying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invincible 2,092 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I was in a fight in the 9th grade. I don't even remember what we fought over, but me and that other kid were at it pretty hard. Anyway, a punch i threw at him kind of missed and i ended up landing on my hand, breaking my pinkie, weird as it sounds. It naturally healed since then, but i never was able to completely straighten my pinkie since then. My OCs for Roleplay purposes: o Lit Fuse ( o Dust Devil ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raito 28 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 My arm was broken during a junior kung fu class when I was around 9-10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Note 2,750 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I'd say my collarbone being broken from a game of tag was my worst injury. Despite it had healed, many years later, I still haven't recovered from it much. (coming soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunwalker 981 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 When I was 2 years old I fell down in the bathroom and I hit my head. Next thing I remember was being in the hospital getting two stitches. I don't remember if it was because I got unconscious after hitting my head, or if it is just that I was very young so I don't remember well things from that time. Or maybe it was short-term memory loss. Anyways, I still have a mark on my forehead. It is barely noticeable, though. "Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist; but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." ~ G. K. Chesterton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ridley Wolf 291 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I think my worst injury was probaby a skiing accident when I was in middle school. I was going pretty fast, and the tip of my ski snagged on a tree root that was hidden by fresh snow. I ended up doing a 30mph faceplant and going ass over teakettle for about two hundred feet. I ended up with pretty severe concussion that messed me up for almost a week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_Moon 14 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 the concussion that I had when I fell from the stairs when I was four (had to stay home (instead of going to school) for two weeks) or maybe that time when I fell into a cactus in the zoo. You believe that the strong exist to cull the weak. To use them as food. But you are mistaken. The strong exist not to feed of the weak, but to protect them.- Dark Moon I came to deliver BAD LUCK...- Black Pony of Misfortune Friendship is not just BLACK and WHITE. It's not just NIGHT and DAY. It binds together those who are complete opposites.- Kuro Neko Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TopQuark 409 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 My single most painful physical injurey would probably be the time I slammed knees together with another kid in 7th grade phys. ed. I pulled the short straw of the collision, as his knee cap hit a less armoured part of my knee. It was badly sprained for about a week. I've also badly sprained my right ankle a couple time, leading to minor chronic pain. That's not including my infection-related ailments; I've had some doozies. The most inconveniencing injury I've ever received was a few months ago when I was opening a can of soup with a pull-tab. The lid was bending off wrong, but I kept pulling with my index finger. When it popped off, it gashed my outstretched thumb. After about fourty five minutes of living with my own haphazard first aid skills, I finally got to the hospital to get six stitches. The whole experience was actually not all that painful; the nerves were apperantly severed, so the cut itself wasn't that painful, and the local anesthetic for the stitches did its job. The worst part was the dull ache it gave me for a month and the pain from whenever I forgot not to use my right hand. I couldn't do much writing in classes, and had to get a techer to scribe for me for a major examination. One of the best parts of being Canadian, if you get sick, you don't have to be scared for your wallet to get yourself sorted out. Signature by Me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SixShooterOutlaw 237 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 About ten years ago, I was playing with my dogs and I tripped over one of them, fell and bit through my lower lip. You can still see the scar from it. Sig by: Wheatley Come ask me stuff!:Ask The Outlaw . The Quantum Leap Fans Thread CheesePie FanClub The Baymax Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Light Rain 64 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 I had my heart broken. *rimshot* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~SadisticFluttershy~ 779 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 It was early August, 2008, when my siblings and I decided we would all get together and go Ice Skating. I had never done it before, but my brother and sister had a few times. At the time I was a mere 17 years old and, like all teenagers, I was overconfident and stupid. At first I fumbled around, just trying to find a way to balance. I discovered that I got better balance by moving forward. Quickly I got the hang of two different abilities, accelerating, and turning. Unfortunately, I still didn't know how to stop without either falling on my face, or slamming into the walls. I didn't want to fall on my face, so I decided slamming into the wall was best. Besides, no wall can ever hurt me. (That remains true to this day) Anyways, I was focusing on the two things I could do, and kept going faster and faster. I started going a bit too fast, and my brother was directly ahead of me going less than half my speed. There was not enough time to turn, and no walls for me to slam against, so I had to take the only possible route. Attempt to stop without destroying my face in the ice beneath me. Stop I did, and while I did fall, my face remained intact. However... my arm got flung backwards, my leg was deflected upwards, and the two decided to meet each other halfway. The blade of the skate immediately pierced into my wrist, went through my artery like a knife through butter, and within seconds it appeared that there were buckets of blood on the ice rink. The staff helped me to stop the bleeding, and gave me an ice pack to keep on the wound. Next stop was the hospital. However, what was normally a 15 minute drive became a 2 hour drive, due to a traffic jam that clogged up not only the highway, but every single detour that led to the clinic. Anyways, I got there, then had to wait another hour, and finally I had stitches put in. It was all a very unpleasant experience, but I learned that some things I'm just better off not trying. WOW.... You're lucky to be alive then if that sharp blade cut open your artery and lose that much blood and STILL live? It's a miracle that you're alive today. Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! "Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie. "Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klopp 2,050 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 You're lucky to be alive then if that sharp blade cut open your artery and lose that much blood and STILL live? It's a miracle that you're alive today. I didn't lose nearly enough blood for that to happen. The staff got it plugged up quickly enough with some strange sandy substance that I called, "Instant Scab". They just kinda pored it over the hole, and when mixed with the blood it just clotted right up. The bleeding was completely stopped not even a minute after the injury occurred. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~SadisticFluttershy~ 779 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 Hmmm... I've had a few semi bad injuries but nothing serious. -When I was little I would always ride bikes with my sister. The neighborhood had a somewhat steep hill that went down and at the time, next door was a construction site for a retirement home suites. Anyway, We were going down the hill and I was going pretty fast and then my bike didn't have brakes so I ended up slamming into the construction fence after hitting the curb. Luckily, only both of my legs were bleeding and nothing serious. It hurt like hell though. -Another bike injury, was riding up the same hill and then (Don't you just hate when there's a gap in the sidewall of the concrete? ) I fell off my bike cause it got caught in a gap between the concrete and the grass giving me 4 cuts on my left elbow, one of them nearing a penny edge deep. A few days later I'm riding down my favorite alley and then I hit head on collision with another kid throwing me off (I was doing a trick, my legs were on my handlebars) and re opening the wound after the blood dried up. -I've twisted my ankles plenty of times but never sprained them luckily. -This isn't considered an injury but my neck has had a history of getting knots. When I was in elementary my head was stuck to the right with the left side of my neck facing up (Head on right shoulder) (Literately) and I could not move it at all. 6th grade- I had a knot that you could feel on the left side of my neck and boy did it hurt like hell. It was a huge relief when I finally popped my neck and took out most of the pain, I still had to get 2 shots in my legs (Which made me walk all awkwardly) to rid of the knot. -I've landed on my balls when I slid on a playground(I was like maybe 12?) cause it was moist and I tried to be careful but I hit them hard. Not really an injury. -Not really an injury but I was in like 2nd, 3rd grade. I was an idiot for messing with these girls just trying to make friends and then the next thing I knew I was kicked in the stomach pretty hard. Ofc being a kid you're a tattle tale. I told the principal but nothing happened cause A. I could barely talk and breathe, B. I couldn't really identify them either. SO... Lesson learned.... even if I wear size 12 shoes at my age. -I've stubbed my toe on the edge of my door. The amount of pain I felt immediately afterwards.. ohmfg I was cursing so much under my breath. I had a dent in my big toe but very little blood. I've had plenty but I've never had any serious injuries. Lucky me I guess. Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! "Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie. "Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katie Fire 158 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 When I was 4 years old a spider bit me in my sleep and I ended up in hospital for two weeks and almost died. Here I am 12 years later and still don't know the type of spider it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biggybrony 244 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 I had my right wrist broken in a football (soccer) accident. We were playing in PE in school and I was in goal. I wasn't given goalkeeping gloves. I was ready to catch a strike but the ball hit my hand in the fleshy thumb part causing a fracture. I didn't think it was to bad until a week later when I realized that hand was strong enough to cut my dinner so we went to the hospital. The sound of a kicked football still makes me flinch. I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah? I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mars Orbit 729 July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 I split open my head at a friend's house. We were out by the pool and I slipped and bashed my head on the Jacuzzi and started bleeding everywhere. My OCs. Mars: Green: And a song I really like! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 My leg was broken when I was two years old. That's all I'm saying. I don't remember it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boyevyye De 244 July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 I got bucked by a horse once. It did not hurt a first, only later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virgo.Dawn 15 July 20, 2015 Share July 20, 2015 The worst injury I've ever had? Sticks and stones might break my bones, but bones heal. Bruises fade. Cuts scar over. The greatest wound will be all the bluntforce emotional trauma that culminated together to form the PTSD I have today. The 2nd worst was a broken left hand that left me with no knuckles on my middle and index finger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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