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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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Adventures of the Equestrian Seas:

The Lost City

(OOC Thread Here!)

Due to private issues in real life, this rp has come to an end





"So there I was, eye in eye with the great and fearsome monster of the sea, standing at the edge me ship. I pulled out me sword from me back, ready to attack this horrible creature. I jumped of me ship, flying towards it, stabbing me sword in its chest. I climbed up to its face when all of the sudde-'' Caramel felt a tap on her shoulder. "Miss Caramel, it is time to go.'' Caramel gave an angry look. "Can't ye see I'm in the middle of telling a story mate? I can't believe what kind of idiots they're hiring these days......So to pick up where I left of, all of the sudden the monster grabbed me between its teeth and dove underwater. I couldn't breath, I was going to die for su--'' Another tap on her shoulder. "Miss ye really gotta go, there is somepony waiting outside for you." the guard said nervous, not wanting to get punched in the face. ''Why didn't ye say so earlier?'' Caramel said cheering as she hopped of the table. She turned around for a second before she walked out. ´´Sorry Ladies, I´ll finish the story some other time. I promise, I´ll come visit. bye bye my lovely ladies.`´ Caramel said with a smile before running out the door. ´´Aye, Aye captain.´´ the inmates said as they waved her goodbye.


Caramel stepped outside the prison, wearing her scarf around her neck again with a smile. She took a deep breath. The air, the wind and the sunlight, five years since she was outside. Out of excitement she did a little dance, hopping, standing on two legs. ''I"M FREE!!" Caramel cheered. "Now where is that pony who's suppose to pick me up?'' Caramel looked around her when she Scarlett. ''There you are.'' Caramel yelled with laughter as she ran towards her, giving her a big hug. "I missed ye mate."

Edited by Pucksterv
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Scarlett was in her library, organising books. She had gathered an interest in writing books based on information contained in her memory from the future. Suddenly, there was a buzzing noise and a small piece of parchment landed in front of her. Upon opening it, she saw the words simply written on the page;


Reminder: Pick up Caramel


Scarlett let out an eep of joy before grabbing her stuff and teleporting to the prison. When she hears her name called by a calming familiar voice she turns around and says "Caramel!" before hugging back into the big hug. 


"Ohh it's been to long Cap. How have you been?"


(Sorry for the short post, I am otherwise pre-occupied :derp:)


Art by DoeKitty

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As the two ponies hugged, hoofbeats came thundering toward them. A mare, a few inches shorter than the two and wearing a familiar looking winged-helmet, was charging in their direction with a huge smile on her face. A small fur-lined fake-leather cloak flapped behind her along with her braided ginger mane and tail.


She tackled the two mares, holding them close and tight in a big group hug.

"My friends, how have you been!" She chirped, in a non-Equestrian accent, "I have missed you both so much!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett suddenly gets tackled from the side and yelps a little, and looks at the pony who just arrived. "Tyra!" she says "How have you been?!"


She looks at Caramel and points to Tyra beside her "Hey look Caramel! It's Tyra! Remember Tyra? I'm sure you do, it's Tyra!"


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@, @@Unicorncob,  


Before Caramel could answer Scarlett, she felt another tight grip around her. The amount of strength used could only mean one pony. "TYRA!" Caramel cheered happy as she hugged her back before she could feel her lungs crushed and broke herself free. "Of course I remember ye! How in the name of Ninlil did ye get here at the exact moment I got out of prison mate? That can't be a coincidence." she said her voice still full of happiness. 

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Wade was doing his rounds of the city, gathering new information on the cities activities. From the income and outcome of money, to the population of certain public locations at different times of the day, to frequency of use of doors into establishments such as bars and clubs. The Canterlot Ministry Of History and Information always had a task for him. And his uniform always got him funny looks from ponies who don't like the idea of being watched by a government industry. But the bandages around his eyes made people less cautious around him. "Almost done for the day. I should only have a few tasks left." He sat down on a bench opposite the city's police station and pulled out a paper covered in Braille text. 'Finally task; Observe the patterns and names of prisoners moving in and our of the prison. Research the backgrounds of those that have recently entered over the last 5 years and try and spot a pattern between them.' "Well this is going to be easy." Turning his ears to the Police station, he could hear voices coming from outside, yelling names he had briefly come across in his investigations. 'I'm in sight of then, but just pretend I don't know about their presence. I only hope they don't hate scholars. I'll do my work once they move.'

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Breaking away from the hug smiling Scarlett says "So, how have you two been? And when are we going to go and find the others! I tried to contact them before but they never responded, so now we can go and find them right?!"


She began to notice her hyperactivity after not speaking to almost anypony for the past few years and says "so, how are you?"


Waiting for a reply she looks around to see if anypony else from the old crew was coming to see Caramel`and noticed a pony looking at them. She stared for a moment and looked back at the two for a reply.


Art by DoeKitty

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violet was hanging out with caliber. they were both hanging out, just laying under a tree side-by-side, when suddenly caliber said


''hey, isnt today the day for your captain, or whatever?"


violet jolted awake, beaming. "holy crap, it is!!" she said, grinning. her grin quickly turned into a frown, as she punched the unsuspecting caliber in the stomach. "why didnt you tell me sooner?!"


caliber was rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach. 


"well, i hate to cut our little play-date short, but i gotta go!" violet said, as she flew off.


"...i didnt tell you cause i didn't want you to go..." caliber said softly, watching her fly off. he smiled to himself. "...oh, well. stay safe, violet."




violet soared through the air, and located caramel in a few minutes. she was inwardly thankful that she happened to be close by.

"CARAMEL!!!!!" she shouted, as she crashed into her, rolling on the ground, and ending with a tight, back-breaking hug. "i missed you!!!"


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Scarlett turns around just in time to see a violet pony flying towards her and Caramel. She steps back and thinks to herself "Classic Violet" as Caramel gets crushed in a hug. Thinking "what the hell" she hugs them both as well "Hey Violet! Nice of you to join us, how many of us are we still missing?"


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Again, Caramel was just about to answer Scarlett's question but was stopped as a purple Pegasus came crashing from the sky, crushing Caramel with a big hug. "auch! Nice to see you too, violet!" Caramel said with laughter eventhou she was in a bit of pain. She quickly got up, brushing of the dirt in her coat and smiled. "I'm good by the way.'' She said, finally answering Scarlett. "The only ones we're missing are Lordy, Wilhelm and of course...'' Caramel went silent and gave a sad face.

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"...kill the mood, why dont ya." violet said quietly. 


she quickly brightened up. "so, whats up everyone? i haven't seen y'all in a while!"


she grinned wider, as she added, "and hoo-boy, iv gotten stronger!" she laughed. "i could easily kick the me y'all knew into next week!"


of course, she was joking, but there was no denying that she did indeed seem stronger.


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"...kill the mood, why dont ya." violet said quietly. 


she quickly brightened up. "so, whats up everyone? i haven't seen y'all in a while!"


she grinned wider, as she added, "and hoo-boy, iv gotten stronger!" she laughed. "i could easily kick the me y'all knew into next week!"


of course, she was joking, but there was no denying that she did indeed seem stronger.

"Never try time travel." Scarlett says, completely missing the entire joke. After Caramels response she says with a smile "Good to hear, and don't worry. I'm sure he'll turn up soon enough, and if not we'll have to turn up for him"


"So" Scarlett says with a pause, "Now what."


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"Now, we drink of course! I haven't had a good drink in years!" Caramel said with a jump. "I know a place not far away from here. Great pub, bartender owes me a favor. Drinks on me!" she said as she started to walk towards the street where the pub was located. That pub was where guards and criminals got drunk together in harmony. It was one of her favourites. "Come on lads, hurry up!." Caramel cheered as she kept on walking.

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'They're moving. Finally. I have work to get on with.' Wade stood from the bench he had sat on and walked towards the police station. Walking past the members of the group he had been observing and headed inside. 'They've caught my attention. Maybe I should keep a keen eye on them once my work is done.'

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Rave was cursing himself as he was rather late. He had been exploring, but had just remembered that today was the day, and he was going to be damned if he would miss it. He had been teleporting around, having improved his magical abilities slightly. He was not going to use his shadowmorph. That would surely get him arrested, even if he would be faster that way. He stood on top of one of the buildings and saw the group. He smiled. "There you are" he said to himself. He saw they were going towards the pub. He decided that he would wait. He would get arrested at first sight by any officer there inside. He still had not payed for his own previous crimes.... and he had not exactly been in with the law after Caramel had been jailed either. 

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Scarlett agrees with Caramel; "I can't wait, and I have a little something for you that I've been working on".


She looks around again and notices the pony that was watching them was now gone, for the better. But on the building behind him, he saw a familiar pony. She nodded to Rave and turned to walk with Caramel.


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"I have been doing quite well, thank you!" Tyra chirped, then allowed the two mares to get free before answering Caramel's query, "I simply remembered how long you would be away, so I have been staying here for the last few days! I wanted to be here in time to greet you, you see!"


She hopped gleefully as Violet made her presence known, and like with the other two, she grabbed her in a tight squeeze.

"Violet, my old friend! How are you?" She squeaked.


She hadn't noticed Rave's presence, nor that of the mysterious pony watching them, but she was happy to get a drink.

"Aye, I would love to drink with you all again," She chirped.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rave kept on watching them, then backed away smiling. He was no longer in sight. However, he made sure that he was still able to see them. It was wonderful to see Caramel again, even from a distance, he felt as if he could feel her presence. He looked forward to being completely face to face with her again. 

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Caramel kicked the door open "Welcome back captain!'' The ponies inside cheered. Caramel's face turned full of joy as she ran in to hug everypony inside. After she hugged every single pony, she ran to the bar and order her drink. "One double cookie vanilla rum for me please!" Caramel said excited. "Look Scarlett, I made me own drink like you said would happen!''

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'No changes in the records. No new information is still information.' With a firm hoof shake with the officer in charge of the records, Wade's work was done for the day. Well, all his official business was over, but he had some personal tasks left. Mainly concerning the recently released Captain Caramel. "Listen man. You can decline this, but I want you to do me a favour. I want any and all documentation on the background of Captain Caramel and those that served with her in the events of 5 years ago. The information I want has to be dated prior to 5 years ago. Do you have anything?"


Officer: "We can give you some names, and a little of what they are capable off, but even our data is limited on them. Here on the profiles on a few of them. We don't have anything much else."


"Anything is better than nothing. Thanks for your cooperation." Wade left the location with papers In hoof and headed for a place he could drink and read in peace. He frequented a bar a few streets down, so that seemed like the best place to go. As he stepped outside, he could feel the presence of another, not sure who it was or the location, bit he would be keeping his ears up from now on. He started to walk to the bar.


(And I said I wouldn't do big posts. How wrong I was.)

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Rave noticed another pony walking towards the bar. He did not like the look on that pony. He crackled a bit with dark magic, but then let it go. He calmed himself and told himself that it was probably just some pony that wanted to go have a drink. He guessed he got angry since the pony was coming from the police building. 

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Tyra ooh'd with interest at Caramel's order.

"You have made your own drink!" She chirped, hopping in place with excitement, "I would like one too!"


She hopped into a booth and awaited the others. "I wish to hear what you all have been up to since we saw each other last!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Alright, bartender, just give a bottle of the rum. Put it on me tab." Caramel said with a wink. She sat down in the booth next to Tyra, putting down glasses and filling them up with the rum. She waited until everpony sat down at the table. "Cheers everypony!'' Caramel said as she raised her glass.

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As Wade stood outside, he could here the commotion coming from the inside. "Sounds like a celebration. Just don't drag me into it." He hid the papers within his cloak and quietly walked inside and made his way to his usual booth in the corner of the Bar. The bartender was quick in bringing him his regular drink. Double strength Griffin Vodka. He sat quietly enjoying his drink while also making sure he was listening to every conversation he possibly could, but focusing his ears on Caramel. He looked down at his drink to make it look like he was not paying much mind to them. 'Now, waiting.'

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Tyra grinned and took the glass, taking a shot's worth of rum to taste it.

Her eyes widened. "Wow, so this is what your 'cookies' taste like!"


She grinned widely and put a leg around Caramel's shoulders.

"How have you been, it is been far too long since we all saw each other!" She chirped.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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