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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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@@Pucksterv @


"Oh thank the gods you are okay," Tyra sighed with relief, grinning and standing to her full, small, height.


She looked to the stranger, Aqua Splash she called herself, and leapt over to give her a tight welcoming hug.

"Thank you, Aqua Splash!" She squeaked, hugging her close, "I am Tyra Shatterhoof of the Frozen North's Shatterhoof clan!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caramel got back on her hoofs with a bit of pain in her chest. "That indeed will take some time, but I'll manage. Oh and yes, my name is Captain Caramel. Oh and to my right here is Scarlett who should not be scaring you with a force field. right Scarlett?" Caramel said with a smile as she turned her head towards Scarlett.

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Caramel got back on her hoofs with a bit of pain in her chest. "That indeed will take some time, but I'll manage. Oh and yes, my name is Captain Caramel. Oh and to my right here is Scarlett who should not be scaring you with a force field. right Scarlett?" Caramel said with a smile as she turned her head towards Scarlett.

Scarlett put on her best fake sad face "But grandma!" before getting rid of the force field, laughing and turning invisible.


She reappeared a few seconds later next to Aqua "Sorry about that, I get carried away. Nice to meet you Aqua" she said holding a hoof out.

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@ and @@Pucksterv


As soon as Aqua was released from tight hug Tyra had given her. She giggled and smiled at both Tyra and Captain Caramel. "It's quite the pleasant twist in tides to me you all!" She chirped. Aqua already liked these mares. They all seemed so friendly! Aqua's smile widened while still blushing.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Rave approached Aqua, wearing a wide smile. "I thank you for saving our Captain, she means so much to us. You have done a great deed. My name is Rave Darkmane of the Darkmane family. It is a pleasure to meet you Aqua" having heard her name. He extended a hoof towards her to greet her. 

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'Tyra, please, learn some restraint. For the sake of everyone. And Scarlett, don't try and scare ponies with your strange tech and magic. What's wrong with people giving a simple hello and a hoof shake? Is that too much to ask? Pffft, These people are going to destroy my brain one day.'


"Caramel? Are you cold? Do you want to borrow my cloak for a while, until we can get you dried off?"

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Don't be such a grumpy pants Wade." Caramel said with a chuckle. "Oh and thanks for the offer but I'm good. I'm fine."


Caramel took a few steps back so that she wasn't standing in the middle of the circle, seeing that everypony was standing around her.

"Now lets get going shall we? Tall Tale is waiting for us mates!" 

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@@Child Of Darkness


"Aye, there is nothing wrong with greeting somepony with a hug," Tyra agreed, grinning widely, "We do it all the time in my homeland!"




She squeaked and pattered in her hooves in excitement!

"Aye, I am ready!" She chirped, bouncing in place, "I cannot wait for our new adventure together!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Aqua gently took his hoof and shook it, smiling. "It was my pleasure to rescue your captain." She said with a friendly smile. Aqua had saved a captain? She blushed more at the thought of that. "It is splashing to meet you Rave Darkmane." Aqua's violet eyes twinkled as she said that. Her blush soon died down. She watched the others reunite with their captain, still smiling.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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The entire thing happened a biit way to fast for Lordy to have time to react. By the time he had managed to stand up, everyone was congratulating the newcommer which... mind you... had a fish tale... was she one of those creatures that lured ships and their crews to their doom. If she was... what was she doing so close to shore... and why save somebody. Nevertheless, he was a bit suspicious. 


"Ready to follow orders" Lordy stood up and saluted when the captain informed of the leaving.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Scarlett said "Well, I'm ready to go. Does anyone else need help carrying what they've got?"


But before anyone could answer, Scarlett's eyes widened as she remembered something. She says quietly to herself "I knew I recognised that name, this needs to stop happening..."


She turns to Caramel and says quietly to her "I think we should have Aqua on our crew."


Art by DoeKitty

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"You bet there isn't!" said Ace when Tyra said that there was nothing wrong with greeting somepony with a hug. He picked her up and hugged her.




"Aye aye, cappy!" said Ace and saluted to Caramel.




HAHA! Get it?! SPLASHING! Because we're at sea!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed Ace.

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"Yes Ace...very funny." Caramel said with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes before turning towards Scarlett that had just whispered something. "Uh..well I think we still have a spot open, I don't see why not." She said with a smile.


"So uh..Aqua, before we go, I have a question for you. Would ye like to join me and me crew? I know it's a big question and I would understand if ye did not want to but still. Whatta ye think?

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"You bet there isn't!" said Ace when Tyra said that there was nothing wrong with greeting somepony with a hug. He picked her up and hugged her.


Tyra practically squeed as Ace lifted her up into a hug, and she returned a tight, near bone-crushing one with gusto.

She couldn't help but snicker at his overreaction to the joke.


@@Pucksterv @


When she was released, she bounded over to Caramel and Aqua and began pattering her forehooves excitedly.

"We would love to have you aboard!" She added, hoping to have the new mare join the crew, "You seem like a very good swimmer!"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Pucksterv and @Unicorncob


As soon as Aqua's blush had died down, it came back but this time a bit pinker. "Are you kidding me, of course I'd love to! You silly merl!" Aqua gushed, her pupils dilating in happiness. She blushed again at how jumpy as a dolphin she seemed. Her tail was now fading, starting to form legs instead.


She chuckled nervously and played with a seashell that was in a strand of her mane. She blushed even more at Tyra's complimenting. "O-oh thanks a bunch!" Aqua beamed.

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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Tyra practically squeed as Ace lifted her up into a hug, and she returned a tight, near bone-crushing one with gusto.

She couldn't help but snicker at his overreaction to the joke.



When she was released, she bounded over to Caramel and Aqua and began pattering her forehooves excitedly.

"We would love to have you aboard!" She added, hoping to have the new mare join the crew, "You seem like a very good swimmer!"

When Tyra hugged Ace, squeezing him rather hard, and it came with tightness, this made Ace's body squeak like a rubber duck. He giggled.


He gasped at Aqua. "OH MY GOSH!!!" he had never seen a seapony before. "Hi! Pleased to make your acquaintance! I'm Ace!" He shook her hoof... right before the tail became legs.

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Being close to Aqua, Tyra noticed how the tail behind her began to slowly form a pair of hind legs. She gasped.

"A seapony!" She squeaked, hopping in place for a moment, "I have read stories about your kind, but I never thought you would exist!"


She circled the mare, inspecting her closely.

"Aye, that would explain how you are such a good swimmer...!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett turned to Aqua and says "I suppose you'd like to keep this a secret? I don't think the whole world knowing about your kind actually existing."


She faces away from the dock "Well, off we go then. To tall tale." Speaking a little more quietly she says "Not that I remember where it is"


Art by DoeKitty

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'And that's another 1 to the weirdo crew. This is turning out to be that strangest segment of my life. I'm getting too old for this.'


Wade sighed and took a few steps away from the group and was paying extremely close attention to Aqua with his sight ability. She had a fish tail and it turned into legs. How very peculiar, he had to make a mental note to document this and report it to the ministry when he returned to Canterlot. Or maybe he shouldn't. "Well come on everyone. We don't have time to be wasting. I have no idea which way to go, but let's hurry up and get going. We've wasted plenty of time loitering about anyway."

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Aqua giggled at her fascinated expression. "It is quite a long story when it comes to us my friend." Aqua noted while blushing. "Aww thank you!" She chirped, replying to Tyra's comment on her swimming. She stayed still while the mare circled her. Aqua understood how this must be pretty unique and shocking. After all, her kind did well at keeping themselves a secret.



"Yes I would prefer that this stay secret please." Aqua informed Scarlett. She got up on her hooves and stood behind her. Aqua nodded once.

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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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"Alright, if everyone is ready then I think it's time to go!" Caramel cheered. "Welcome to me crew Aqua!" Caramel said happily. She started walking, assuming the others would follow.


"Now lets see...the map.. ah yes..Rave, do ye know which way to go? I'm afraid I forgot which way to go the last time ye told me." She said with a chuckle.

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Aqua now wore a huge smile with excitement and pleasure. Aqua couldn't believe what her gills were hearing. Aqua trotted up behind Caramel, the shells and seastars bouncing in her mane. She kept a steady pace, now walking beside Caramel. "We are heading to Tall Tale?" Aqua asked her curiously.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Rave looked over to Caramel, after having greeted his old friend Aqua. It was good to see her again, however, he would be keeping that a secret for some time at least. He had already promised her not to reveal her secret some time before. 


He approached Caramel. "Yes, we will be heading West after we set sail, then we will turn South. After that, I will have to work closely with Wade, whom, if I am not mistaken, knows a fair deal about the history of Atlantis. Together, we should be able to find the lost city". 

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"Indeed, Tall Tale Mountains. Beautiful, only a few miles from Vanhoover."


Caramel turned her head at Rave's answer to her previous question "Uh...why would we sail to Tall Tale? We're just gonna walk as I said before. I mean..the ship is still at Scarlett's house....... Are ye okay Rave? No offence but ye seem to be a little off today.." Caramel said a bit worried.

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"At Scarlett's house? A ship? A whole ship? I was not informed of that. I had assumed, since we were traveling all the way to Vanhoover, that is in the west, that we would be sailing from there. West is the only direction that can be gone. I guess I have been focusing a lot on my maps today to pay any notice to what was going on around". 

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