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private AES: The Lost City (ended)


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Aqua was giggling as she happened to be walking into the dining room. "Oh is lunch being moved somewhere else?" She asked with a rather excited grin. She had noticed that Scarlett used her magic to reveal a door, her smile grew wider as she saw Caramel was really back.


Aqua would've ran up and gave her a huge hug but she was rather too shy. "Hey Caramel!" She greeted her instead shyly.

"Hi!" Caramel said excited. "Ye haven't seen the ship yet have ye? No of course not, yer new. Ye wanna see?" She said, holding the door open for Aqua. Nothing could make her happy than seeing the reactions of other ponies when she showed them her ship. "Come on then!" Caramel said with smile.

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"Hi!" Caramel said excited. "Ye haven't seen the ship yet have ye? No of course not, yer new. Ye wanna see?" She said, holding the door open for Aqua. Nothing could make her happy than seeing the reactions of other ponies when she showed them her ship. "Come on then!" Caramel said with smile.

Aqua squee with delight and trotted over. "I'd love to see your ship!" She beamed gleefully. Aqua grew more excited as she got the feeling that this meant that they were soon to be at sea! "The sea, it surely welcomes me.." A small tune played in Aqua's thoughts.


Aqua gave Caramel a polite smile before she entered through the door.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Aqua squee with delight and trotted over. "I'd love to see your ship!" She beamed gleefully. Aqua grew more excited as she got the feeling that this meant that they were soon to be at sea! "The sea, it surely welcomes me.." A small tune played in Aqua's thoughts.


Aqua gave Caramel a polite smile before she entered through the door.

Caramel walked after Aqua. She looked at her ship with admiration. "Here she is, me pride! Caramel made a big gesture with her hoof toward the ship. She smiled and if you looked into her eyes, you could see small sparkles inside them. As they walked towards the ship, Caramel started to wonder about all kinds of stuff. "Say.. since you are a merpony, where would you be sleeping? Cause me ship doesn't have a large pool like Scarlett does."

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With his mind clear and a smile set upon his face, Wade too made his way towards the docks. Entering the open space, his spotted the group and made his way to walking alongside Caramel.


@@Pucksterv "Captain? Pardon my intrusion. But would you be so kind as to allow me to dine with you and your friends?"

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"Captain? Pardon my intrusion. But would you be so kind as to allow me to dine with you and your friends?"


"Hehehe, you and yer silly questions. Of course ye can mate!" Caramel said as she put a hoof around Wade's shoulder even though she knew he wasn't really comfortable with her being this close. "I suppose ye already know we're going to eat on the ship? That will give ye a change to look around as well!" She said happy.

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@@Child Of Darkness @@Pucksterv @


Tyra beamed as Aqua made her presence known to the group, and she happily gave the merpony a welcoming glomp.

"Hello, friend!" She squeaked, happy to see her as usual.


Within minutes, Wade had also walked in, and he received the same greeting from the diminutive warrior. "And greetings to you too, Wade!"


She heard Caramel's query, and offered a suggestion. "May we not simply build one on the ship?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She heard Caramel's query, and offered a suggestion. "May we not simply build one on the ship?"


Caramel chuckled at Tyra's suggestion. "I don't think it's wise to build something that holds that amount of water. Me ship isn't build for those kinda things. She would sink. She's not a fancy ship like the ones they have in Manehatten. Still, she is good enough for me." She said with pride. "Stupid fancy Manehatten Ships." She mumbled to herself.

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"Hehehe, you and yer silly questions. Of course ye can mate!" Caramel said as she put a hoof around Wade's shoulder even though she knew he wasn't really comfortable with her being this close. "I suppose ye already know we're going to eat on the ship? That will give ye a change to look around as well!" She said happy.

'This violates my rules about personal space. No, it destroys them. Just ignore it Wade. Ignore it. Just let her get away with it this once.'


"I suppose I could use an opportunity to have a look around your ship. If this is what we will be sailing on, best to familiarise myself with it. And hello Tyra, Aqua, Scarlett. One more thing Caramel. If you would not mind, please remove your hoof from my shoulder."

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'This violates my rules about personal space. No, it destroys them. Just ignore it Wade. Ignore it. Just let her get away with it this once.'


"I suppose I could use an opportunity to have a look around your ship. If this is what we will be sailing on, best to familiarise myself with it. And hello Tyra, Aqua, Scarlett. One more thing Caramel. If you would not mind, please remove your hoof from my shoulder."

"Oh sorry Wade. I find myself to be comfortable around ponies fast while I always tend to forgot they might not feel the same way." Caramel said as she removed her hoof from his shoulder. She walked onto the deck of the ship. "Since ye will be joining us as well, ye should also search for a room below deck that suites ye. "She's got rooms with normal beds and also rooms with hammocks. Whatever ye prefer." She said as she gestured towards the stairs that lead below deck. 


She waited for everypony to come on deck before she continued. "I also got something to tell the rest of ye. I've moved me stuff towards the captain quarters. This is where I'll be staying from now on. That room is a private room. Meaning ye shall not enter without my permission. If anyone sees Rave or what's his name.. the other one. Please tell them this. That is all. Of ye go mates, search for ye room. I'll be in the kitchen, dinner is in 10 minutes!"

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Rave returned to his and Caramel's room, however, he discovered that all of Caramel's stuff was gone. He started to look around, trying to spot her, but he could not find her. "Caramel? Where are you?". 


Rave had no idea what was going on, where the others were, so he started looking around. 

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Scarlett simply stated to anypony who could hear here "I've got the room next to the medical room, as I am the medical pony, or officer, or whatever you want to call it. If you need anything medical related from painkillers to a limb sewn back on I'm the pony you need."


Caramel chuckled at Tyra's suggestion. "I don't think it's wise to build something that holds that amount of water. Me ship isn't build for those kinda things. She would sink. She's not a fancy ship like the ones they have in Manehatten. Still, she is good enough for me." She said with pride. "Stupid fancy Manehatten Ships." She mumbled to herself.

She heard Caramel's mumble and went over to her, standing beside her facing the other way and said quietly "I may be from the future and have a bunch of fancy technology, but to be honest the good old way is quite often better. And about Aqua, I'll figure something out about that. I'm sure there's some spell in my memory that could help her."

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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"Very well. I'll see myself to a room of my liking." Wade went below deck to look for a place he would be calling home for the near future. He did not have many requirements. Just that it have a desk, somewhere to sleep and preferably with dim or no lighting. He simply didn't need it.


'So, I'm on a ship in the middle of somewhere, about to eat dinner with ponies I hardly know and soon to be sailing to a place that may or may not even exist. Not to mention these are pirates, time travellers, warriors/ Soldiers mythological creatures and a wielder of the dark forms of Magic. I'm certain I shook hooves with death the moment I agreed to come on this expedition. Do I regret it? Not at all. For science.'


A room near the lower levels of the ship, around the storage area suited his needs perfectly. Small, dimly lit, a bed, a desk and out of the way. "Guess this is home for the foreseeable future. I like it."

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"Yeah, ye do whatever ye want Doc, as long as ye don't ruin me ship." Caramel said with a smile before she trotted of back to the house. She walked back upstairs towards her room. "Rave? where are ye mate? Lunch is almost ready!" She spoke loudly through the hallways. 

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Rave could hear Caramel's voice. "Caramel?" he started immediately tracking her voice. After a while, he found her and smiled. "Caramel, there you are. I have been looking for you. Your stuff is no longer in our room. I thought that something might have happened". 

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''Aye, I moved my stuff to the ship. Since we're leaving tomorrow. Ye should probably move yer stuff as well.. unless ye want to stay here for the night. That is understandable. Anyway, lunch is in 5 minutes. I'm heading back to the ship. Will ye be joining us?" Caramel said, ready to start walking again.

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Aqua looked around at the ship with amazement. Her eyes were twinkling with admiration and curiosity. "Wow..." Was all Aqua could manage to say at the moment.



Aqua's surprise turned into joy as she returned a friendly hug to Tyra. "Hi there Tyra!" She chuckled.

Edited by TwilightAqua
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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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"Ah, I understand. I will begin moving my things over to the ship. I will join you once I have finished moving everything over" he signaled her that she could start moving. He turned in the other direction and started walking back to the room that he had been previously using. 

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Caramel gave a small nod and walked back to the ship. She got below deck and walked around a bit to bring back happy memories. She then walked to the kitchen with the huge dinning table in the middle of the room. She grabbed a box of cookies out of the cupboards and sat down by the table. She ate some cookies while waiting for the others.

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Aqua dashed back to her room quickly so she could pack her things. She opened up her saddlebag and started to levitate her things into it. After she filled up that bag, she decided to take one more saddlebag.


Aqua, suddenly feeling she needed to feel she needed to see it again, used her magic to levitate her pink seashell away from her left ear and into her hoof. A small tear slid down her cheek, good thing no one could see this as she was underwater. She put it back in her mane and then got back to packing her things.


When Aqua was done, she went to rejoin the others in the kitchen and took her seat.

Edited by TwilightAqua
  • Brohoof 1


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Aqua's surprise turned into joy as she returned a friendly hug to Tyra. "Hi there Tyra!" She chuckled.


"Greetings, friend!" Tyra repeated, beaming up at the merpony, then got off to let her up.


@@Pucksterv @


She perked up as she heard Caramel's instructions, then nodded in understanding.

"Aye, I shall use the room I have used before!" She chirped, then looked down at her gear, "I already have my cloak and saddlebags with me, so I need not return to the room...which was nice, thank you Scarlett!"


She hopped below deck of the ship and made the familiar route to her old room, grinning as she fondly remembered her first adventure with the crew.

Dumping her saddlebag and cloak on the bed, she dashed to the kitchen and sat next to Caramel.


"I am most excited, friend!" She beamed, pattering her hooves on the table, "Are you?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I am most excited, friend!" She beamed, pattering her hooves on the table, "Are you?"


Caramel snapped out of her day dream about cookies and sailing when Tyra pattered her hooves on the table. "Aye, I am very much excited." She said with a wide grin. Tyra always seemed to bring a smile on her face. Such a positive pony, she was lucky to have her on the crew. She shoved the box of cookies over to Tyra. "Ye can have some if ye like, lunch isn't here yet anyway."

Edited by Pucksterv
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With his things set in his new room, Wade made his way to the kitchen. He took one of the seats at the table.


@@Pucksterv "You know Captain, as small as that is you really should not be eating something so sweet this close to a meal. You'll only end up ruining your appetite. So please do yourself a favour and put the cookies away. Besides, they work better as a dessert anyway."

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Caramel's ears flipped backwards after the words Wade had told her. "Ye listen very carefully Mate. I like ye. Yer a strange pony but I like ye, you seem like a smart and decent pony. But saying things like this, is were you are wrong!" She got out of her seat while staring at Wade with a deadlock. "Ye never ever tell me what to do! Especially when talking about cookies. Understood?" She said, looking Wade straight into his eyes. or well, bandages. Still Wade could probably feel her starring at him. Just by listing to her breath, you could here she was really angry.

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With Caramel's response, Wade grinned and stood from his own seat. Returning the gaze as best he could. Much harder when you don't use eyes. "I thought that might be your response. And I'm not willing to fight a Captain on her own ship in front of her crew. But if get sick, or are not able to finish meals because of your little cookie addiction, don't say I didn't warn you." Wade sat back down as his little speech was done. "If this truly has been a habit of a life time for you, I'm amazed at how you've managed to retain your figure."


'Thinking about it, I could have worded that sentence better. Anticipating some backlash shortly.'

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Scarlett, suddenly de cloaking at the table where Caramel and the other were, leant over to Wade and whispered "Just go with it, never question the cookies"


She turned to Tyra and said "You are very welcome" before looking around and asking everypony else "How were your rooms?"


Art by DoeKitty

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