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Why I Think My Little Pony is an Underrated Cartoon

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Okay, sorry if it's more of a reply, it originally was, but honestly, I think this 4-page document needs it's own thread.


And, more than that, everyone likes it for a different reason, the discussion of "Why is MLP good" is just a huge topic, after all, it's the foundation of the entire fanbase which brought the forums into existence!, so I think it deserves at least it's own thread...


So, grab a bowl of popcorn, and a drink (eating popcorn without a drink? Uhck! That just hurts!), and enjoy my opening thoughts for this discussion :P



No one person can understand why every person likes MLP:FiM, because different people like it for different reasons, and different combinations of different reasons.



But, I think I speak for the core group here, the "real bronies" who really love the show for being itself, not for "meme", "irony", or "hipster", we didn't join the forums because it's funny to like ponies, or for any other reason than just because the show is awesome, and connects with us in some way.



For me, it manages to be funny a lot, and yet at the same time It's a highly immersive experience, for people who are good at getting "into" a show, people who feel sad when a character feels sad, who are truly empathetic like that; other cartoons that stretch suspension of disbelief too far don't cut it. Cartoons that are nothing but a big joke don't cut it. But MLP:FiM, manages to be funny, and still retain some emotional experience to those of us who enjoy an immersive experience, due to the astounding quality of the show, and the astounding quality also makes that immersive experience a really amazingly awesome one.



The characters are dynamic, flawed yet very lovable and understandable; they really feel like actual people you know, they're dynamic, they're interesting, they feel many emotions at once, they're deep, way deeper than the show actually ever lets on (Lauren Faust has said, even, and the psychoanalysis we see that keep popping up prove it.). The fictional world is extremely deep, it was established in an absolutely brilliant way, at once the first episode plunges you right into it, yet you're never confused, and all the while it almost has as much dimension as something fit for great literature. The opening of the very first episode made me think of a backstory straight from Tolkein's mind, and so far, the depth of the current world has kept up this level of excellence and even exceeded it.



The plot continues this trend of excellence, all the episodes are connected, characters change and remain changed forever (Example: Twilight was more nerdy in the earlier episodes, but by now she's more socially skilled and accepting of things she doesn't understand. Rainbow Dash was nice, became a bit of a jerk ultra-athlete in the beginning of Season 2, then she hurt her wing, started reading and she's humbled again.), things change and remain changed forever, and yet they still manage to make the episode understandable on it's own, and have a clear beginning and ending. This alone is a fantastic feat worthy of recognition.



And how do they even come up with these conflicts? I'm horribly jealous, as a writer, that they manage to come up with these! They appeal directly to the characters, they're emotionally involving, yet they're domestic. By that I mean they deal with common, everyday life, and not some huge, important event, like fighting an alien invasion. I use "domestic" with the same disgusted tone that Dr. Who did when he saw his companion arguing with someone. It's so everyday and down-to-earth, it's just horribly boring. It's low, common, meladramatic, I guess, is what I'm getting at. That's what every show I've ever seen comes off as, when making an emotional drama out of everyday life.


Yet, somehow, by some impossible paradox (like being bigger on the inside than the outside), MLP:FiM manages to make everyday problems emotional, real, without being meladramatic or domestic, in that negative sense, yet they are domestic, but the show somehow does it without it being horrible.

Maybe it's because the characters are so relatable and lovable that we care about them.

Maybe because they're so well-made and lovable we feel what they feel.

Maybe it's because the issues they face are something that we all have felt before, so we both know what it's like, and we feel it when that character feels it, because of the depth of character, too.



And that, too, makes it all the more real. Because in real life, unlike fiction, we're not leading a resistance to free a nation from tyranny, we're not brave explorers, soldiers in Normandy, cowboys, or anything extraordinary like that. The fate of the world depends on what we do as a collective whole, but every day I don't wake up and fight an alien invasion, and in the afternoon use a laser designator to guide a cruise missile to blow up the alien command center while my squad fights of waves of aliens (though I did, that one time, in Los Pegasus). Because of this, the fact that the conflicts in MLP:FiM are everyday really speaks to us, because it's more in-line with what we actually face. Yet, somehow, they're still more emotional than everyday life, but not meladramatic. It just blows my mind that they can pull that off. It should be impossible! It makes about as much sense as Pinkie's Pinkie sense! Yet there it is!



Now, true, there are shortcomings. Some things they had to inherit from our somewhat lower legacy of G1-G3.5, such as the name “Ponyville”, and, what most people struggle with, the series is named after a series with a poor reputation, G3-3.5. But I can't really even say that that's bad; It would be bad if their being ponies wasn't essential to the story, but it is. We have unicorns, ponies, and pegasi, and each one of them are unique and characterized, and each race even seems prone to a different personality. Pegasi are adventurous flyers, you get Rainbow Dash, Daring Doo, the Wonderbolts.

Earth Ponies are down-to-earth hard workers,the common pony, farmers like Applejack.

Unicorns are high-class intellectuals, like Twilight, Rarity, and most of Canterlot.

Yet even then we aren't restricted to stereotypes and a 1-dimensional world aspect, but have vivid exceptions, like Fluttershy the pegasus, and Hoity Toity the earth pony, or Octavia, an earth pony.



But the real shortcomings come from the creative process of a TV series. How does the founding of Equestria, as appears in “Heart Warming's Eve”, fit in with Celestia, Luna, her banishment to the moon, etc. etc? How do those things fit in with Discord? The mane 6 have saved the world twice, yet in “Sweet and Elite”, a pony laughs at them as low-class ruffians?

You can explain these, but none of the explanations I've seen are entirely satisfactory. It happens because the episodes are written one at a time, by different writers, and sometimes, something slips.



But honestly, the show has crossed a threshold of such awesomeness, that I'm willing to forgive one or two mistakes. Would you call Shakespeare bad because of some minor detail, that you discover a flaw in one of his “great plays”? No, not only do we forgive great writers, but we even cover for them. No human, or collection of humans, can be perfect, there is no such thing as the perfect story, so we must be satisfied with something very close to it, the closest thing to it, IMO, is MLP:FiM.



I've discussed characters, plot, setting, things that all fiction has (or should have). But don't even get me started on the animation (I've always loved animation, every frame is a work of art!), audio, voice acting, music, and the songs! The songs that belong on Broadway! And honestly, I think one day someone should pitch "Winter Wrap-Up", maybe "Art of the Dress", and "Cupcakes" on Broadway play “Friendship is Magic”. IMO, that's their level of quality. The voice actors are amazingly talented, the music is great, and the animation is absolutely amazing. Cartoony, but not too much. Adorable, yet not so adorable it's disgusting. It has a fantastic feel, fantastic elements and colorful, yet it's believable.



All those things make for an amazing show, but that's only the beginning. What makes FiM so amazing, is that all those things resonate with eachother. The characters make the plot more immersive, which makes us emotionally invested in what happens to them. The world makes the show more immersive which makes the characters more real, the depth of the characters makes the show more immersive which makes the world feel more believable, which gets us more emotionally involved in the plot, etc. etc. etc.



I think the show is terribly underrated. We say: "It's got good animation", or "the plot is really superb", but we all, or most of us, I hope, like it a lot more than that and we don't know why, so those explanations are entirely inadequate. They don't even begin to cover what makes the show what it is, or why it spreads virally, forms tight-knit communities, and formed a fanbase of millions and rapidly growing.


I don't think I even managed to cover everything. Something I could add right now is that the diversity of the characters allows for everyone to really feel like they're in the show as one of them; hence the phrase: "x is best pony", and on top of that, their diversity also enriches their characterization by contrast, and allows for amazing interactions and plot, which starts that resonance again that I mentioned earlier.



I mean, I haven't even mentioned any of the elements of the story in any detail. I've just said "the plot", or "the characters", or “the setting”, without going into many details, so I could go on and on. But I think I've done enough, and already too many people won't read this because it's so long (4 pages on Open Office).



One last thing I want to mention, though, is it's effect outside of fiction. Inside, we're exposed to a much better world. Why are so many authors prone to write negative? It's easier, I guess, but a dystopia can give you one example of doing things wrong. But you don't buy a “how-to” guide to tell you how not to do things. The world of MLP:FiM, is not perfect, but it is amazing, something even achievable IRL, I believe. We're exposed to positive social interactions, and whatever someone is exposed to is their role model, so in effect, it makes the world a better place.


It starts when someone encounters another fan; instantly, they're friendly. Why? Because they're thinking of the show, a world where everyone acts like friends, a positive place where friendship conquers all. As this world comes to our mind, we act more friendly towards fellow bronies who have been to this Utopia.


But what happens if we treat everyone like that? What happens if everyone treats everyone like that? Then, merely because the idea is in our minds, and we act it out, Utopia becomes a reality. Truth is, not everyone will act it out, of course. But if only 1 out of 10 people do, or 1 out of 20, then the real world can become so much a better place. Already, millions of lives have been improved, depressions recovered, hopes restored, and even lives saved. Keep up the dream, keep the goal in mind and act it out, and the trend can only continue.



But in conclusion, and TL;DR, not only does MLP:FiM blow every other existing show clean out of the water, but it is one of the finest works of fiction I've ever seen. All the elements of fiction, plot, characters, setting, are brilliantly handled, and resonate with eachother to improve eachother to an enormous extant, evident by the millions and rapidly growing fanbase.



And not only that, but it even carries over into the real world, and may achieve a goal very few fictions in history ever have, that is, to change the world, at least in some small way.



MLP:FiM is not overrated, it is underrated. And remember...


Nopony insults the princess!

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Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
  • Brohoof 39

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I love MLP as much as the next guy, but I would say the show gets its due credit and praise. I believe it's neither underrated nor overrated. These terms differ from person to person, as something that is overrated to one person or group could be underrated to an entirely different person or group. Everything is all right as long as there is civil discussion for all three cases (under, just right, over) and it doesn't boil down to insults, flaming, and other bad feelings.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 2

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Considering its huge popularity and equally huge fanbase, I don't personally consider it underrated, although your essay post made me reconsider the definition of "overrated". I do agree, the writers manage to pull off the show in a spectacular way unmatched by most other shows I've seen (actually, anything I've seen, but I don't watch much TV anyway). What does set the show apart from its competition, from my viewpoint at least, is its ability to emotionally touch its viewers.


There's no doubt about it, the group known as "bronies" contains more emotionally troubled people than I've seen anywhere else, me being one of them. MLP has saved their sanity(sometimes even their life) and restored happiness to those who were devoid of it. I've always wondered why, and I guess partly it would be due to the current state of the world. Flip open a magazine, and all you see is hysteria, genocide, wars, and worst of all, politics. A lot of the entertainment today, games in particular, seem to be geared towards violence. Halo and CoD come to my mind as just a few of the examples. With today's emphasis on chaos, it's refreshing to be able to walk home, and open up a sanctuary of peace on your computer. MLP lets people forget their troubles in a world of peace and kindness. Partly the reason I think so many bronies would want to live in Equestria is for that reason-when compared to our "scumbag" world, they don't want to live on this planet anymore. (Yes, double meme reference)


But enough about that. Emotionally, MLP touched my heart in a way that no other show ever had, and I doubt any show ever will. The kindness was a nice afterthought, and I'll admit is was important in securing my love for the show. But the real reason this show makes me smile everytime I press "play" has to do with the Mane 6 in particular. They're fleshed out more than many other characters tend to be. Their personalities are lifelike, loveable, and tend to be relatable. They have their flaws, but that's part of what makes them great-"perfect" personalities don't exist, and never will. And the "skipping" focus means that nopony is neglected.

That's all very nice and well, but that wasn't the reason MLP affected me so deeply. The real reason was, well...they were best friends. Yep, laugh all you want. But they weren't just "best friends". These were friends that I know in a heartbeat would sacrifice themselves to save each other. Friends who'd stay together through thick and thin. Friends who laughed toegether, and shared memories. Who sometimes clashed personalities (which makes them even more lovable and realistic), but always found a way to make up in the end. Friends that loved each other. And that sold me. It's what I've been looking for my entire life. Friends who were kind, generous, loyal, honest, funny, and magical. Seeing my innermost desires expressed in this show just made me...happy. That, coupled with the fact that Rainbow Dash's personality reminded me so much of my own (and her personality matched, too. I can deal with the most arrogant greedy bastard alive, just so long as they're loyal) sold me on the show and ensured my undying love for the fandom. It taught me to not give up, because I'd find those friends someday.


My story is just one example of a brony's life emotionally changed by this show. There are millions of others, each with their own story to tell. But we've all got one thing in common. MLP is a great show. Not for animation, or for plot, although those are important as well. But if there was anything that makes it deserving of the title "underrated", it's the show's ability to be a safe haven for everyone struggling in this harsh world. And most of all, the show's ability to unlock our innermost desires, and gently show us the way. In watching the show, we learn a bit more about ourselves in the process.

  • Brohoof 6


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I keep pushing my money through the USB port...


The OP should be shown to every single anti-brony calling the fandom "cancer", and who accuses us of being "creepy" for liking a show aimed at little girls.

Then again, considering it goes against their opinions, most of them probably wouldn't even read a line. And haters don't like happy things, anyway.


Also, about the depth of the characters and environments and interactions and whatnot. I've read an article, forgot where, written by Faust herself; it explained that her motive for FiM was, in fact, the lack of variety in the previous generations.

We have this wonderful show with all these facets because someone, watching the previous shows, realized the need for differences in them (mostly personalities) and decided to take action.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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lol, now we have a thread for ppl who this the show is overrated, and one for ppl who think the show is underrated, let the war begin! lol jk


I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........

Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40


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Very well written. I personally think that the show is a bit overrated at times, actually, but there are also a lot of points here with which I agree.


"The quantity of your friends doesn't matter, it's the quality of each one." - Unknown

My OC and ponysona:  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/white-lightning-r599

(Yes, that was made in MS Paint. Deal with it.)

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I completely agree. The show isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn close in my opinion. Especially when you compare it to the other children's shows on TV these days.


I also agree that the world would be a much better place if everyone used the lessons and morals that are in the show. Makes me think of the song Long Way From Equestria by MandoBrony


MLP:FIM changed my life and made me a better person. Most people would find that statement ridiculous, but whatever. It's the truth.


For your well written post, here is a complimentary bro hoof

  • Brohoof 1
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I approve. Didn't read the content, but the title is enough to indicate a good topic.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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I have never read such a long post... and agreed with every point on there


Though I don't personally think the show is underrated, I gotta give you a brohoof.


Well played

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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You sir, deserve a brohoof. I can't believe how well-written your essay, thing was. This post should be shown to all brony haters. And yes, I agree with you, not very many people know just how amazing this show is.

Edited by RickRossTheBoss
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I wouldn't say MLP:FiM is underrated, especially not with the internet. But yes, it is an amazing show, expected from a person who was fundamental in Foster's (another show I'm a fan of).

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This is why you're one of my favorite users.


I keep pushing my money through the USB port...


The OP should be shown to every single anti-brony calling the fandom "cancer", and who accuses us of being "creepy" for liking a show aimed at little girls.

Then again, considering it goes against their opinions, most of them probably wouldn't even read a line. And haters don't like happy things, anyway.


Also, about the depth of the characters and environments and interactions and whatnot. I've read an article, forgot where, written by Faust herself; it explained that her motive for FiM was, in fact, the lack of variety in the previous generations.

We have this wonderful show with all these facets because someone, watching the previous shows, realized the need for differences in them (mostly personalities) and decided to take action.


Lol, it took me a bit, but I finally got the first line. Your comments are payment enough :D


I replied to that DA picture, btw, as Eagle1Division


Very well written. I personally think that the show is a bit overrated at times, actually, but there are also a lot of points here with which I agree.


EASA, you always surprise me...


You write posts that are quite long, but they somehow remain on topic and retain coherency to the end.




Wow! I really worry a lot that I ramble and get off-topic and get incoherent, so you couldn't have hit a better spot with that compliment! Thanks so much!


Oh, and brohoof returned!


I completely agree. The show isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn close in my opinion. Especially when you compare it to the other children's shows on TV these days.


I also agree that the world would be a much better place if everyone used the lessons and morals that are in the show. Makes me think of the song Long Way From Equestria by MandoBrony


MLP:FIM changed my life and made me a better person. Most people would find that statement ridiculous, but whatever. It's the truth.


For your well written post, here is a complimentary bro hoof


I have never read such a long post... and agreed with every point on there


Though I don't personally think the show is underrated, I gotta give you a brohoof.


Well played


It's all about the depth of the show; the OP is totally correct about that.


And as I've said before, because it's designed to be a kid's show, you don't feel like you have to put up an emotional wall to watch it, unlike so many movies and shows. This assists with the perceived emotional depth,


Great post, yo.


You sir, deserve a brohoof. I can't believe how well-written your essay, thing was. This post should be shown to all brony haters. And yes, I agree with you, not very many people know just how amazing this show is.


And to all these quotes;


Thank you everypony so much!

It just reminds me how awesome and nice this community is!

Posted Image


I wish I could do something for y'all in return, so I guess I'll just keep working on my fanfiction and try to make it something everyone can enjoy, eh? :P


Considering its huge popularity and equally huge fanbase, I don't personally consider it underrated, although your essay post made me reconsider the definition of "overrated". I do agree, the writers manage to pull off the show in a spectacular way unmatched by most other shows I've seen (actually, anything I've seen, but I don't watch much TV anyway). What does set the show apart from its competition, from my viewpoint at least, is its ability to emotionally touch its viewers.


There's no doubt about it, the group known as "bronies" contains more emotionally troubled people than I've seen anywhere else, me being one of them. MLP has saved their sanity(sometimes even their life) and restored happiness to those who were devoid of it. I've always wondered why, and I guess partly it would be due to the current state of the world. Flip open a magazine, and all you see is hysteria, genocide, wars, and worst of all, politics. A lot of the entertainment today, games in particular, seem to be geared towards violence. Halo and CoD come to my mind as just a few of the examples. With today's emphasis on chaos, it's refreshing to be able to walk home, and open up a sanctuary of peace on your computer. MLP lets people forget their troubles in a world of peace and kindness. Partly the reason I think so many bronies would want to live in Equestria is for that reason-when compared to our "scumbag" world, they don't want to live on this planet anymore. (Yes, double meme reference)


But enough about that. Emotionally, MLP touched my heart in a way that no other show ever had, and I doubt any show ever will. The kindness was a nice afterthought, and I'll admit is was important in securing my love for the show. But the real reason this show makes me smile everytime I press "play" has to do with the Mane 6 in particular. They're fleshed out more than many other characters tend to be. Their personalities are lifelike, loveable, and tend to be relatable. They have their flaws, but that's part of what makes them great-"perfect" personalities don't exist, and never will. And the "skipping" focus means that nopony is neglected.

That's all very nice and well, but that wasn't the reason MLP affected me so deeply. The real reason was, well...they were best friends. Yep, laugh all you want. But they weren't just "best friends". These were friends that I know in a heartbeat would sacrifice themselves to save each other. Friends who'd stay together through thick and thin. Friends who laughed toegether, and shared memories. Who sometimes clashed personalities (which makes them even more lovable and realistic), but always found a way to make up in the end. Friends that loved each other. And that sold me. It's what I've been looking for my entire life. Friends who were kind, generous, loyal, honest, funny, and magical. Seeing my innermost desires expressed in this show just made me...happy. That, coupled with the fact that Rainbow Dash's personality reminded me so much of my own (and her personality matched, too. I can deal with the most arrogant greedy bastard alive, just so long as they're loyal) sold me on the show and ensured my undying love for the fandom. It taught me to not give up, because I'd find those friends someday.


My story is just one example of a brony's life emotionally changed by this show. There are millions of others, each with their own story to tell. But we've all got one thing in common. MLP is a great show. Not for animation, or for plot, although those are important as well. But if there was anything that makes it deserving of the title "underrated", it's the show's ability to be a safe haven for everyone struggling in this harsh world. And most of all, the show's ability to unlock our innermost desires, and gently show us the way. In watching the show, we learn a bit more about ourselves in the process.


You know, that part where you said "...I think so many bronies would want to live in Equestria is for that reason-when compared to our "scumbag" world, they don't want to live on this planet anymore", it got me off thinking about something; I'll just link it here because I don't want to throw this thread so off-topic, so here's the link: http://mlpforums.com...a-better-world/


I was talking about how it could change the world, and I dunno if I mentioned how it already has, for so many people. I mean, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is regarded as one of the best works of fiction of all time, but has it effected so many peoples' lives for the better? I don't think so.


I think, really, our whole world just needs a bit more of a positive attitude like the show has, you know?

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
  • Brohoof 3

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I would read it right now if i wasn't so drowned in homework. Followed the thread and I will come back to look over it tomorrow. Seriously, this needs to be released in chapters.


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Hello, and I am the guy who believes that MLP is overrated.


Not to discount your feelings in that post (if you truly feel that way about MLP, that's fine, we all have opinions), but I believe that your strong emotions about the show are clouding your ability to objectively judge the show on its merits alone as a cartoon. This is what I mean by MLP being overrated. People are no longer judging MLP as a cartoon, but rather, as a piece of media which has delivered that much needed bit of salvation to their lives.


I once compared the sentimentality of the brony fanbase to that of the excessive piousness of early Christians. Early Christians were very emotionally attached to their religion, and constant persecution from the Romans (including the execution of Jesus) helped reinforce that attachment. The result was that Christianity was able to attract people who felt the great need to be part of something great - and the emotion-laden nature of early Christianity gave Christianity an edge over more pragmatic and less emotionally stirring pagan religions which were the dominant religious forces at the time.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello, and I am the guy who believes that MLP is overrated.


Not to discount your feelings in that post (if you truly feel that way about MLP, that's fine, we all have opinions), but I believe that your strong emotions about the show are clouding your ability to objectively judge the show on its merits alone as a cartoon. This is what I mean by MLP being overrated. People are no longer judging MLP as a cartoon, but rather, as a piece of media which has delivered that much needed bit of salvation to their lives.


I once compared the sentimentality of the brony fanbase to that of the excessive piousness of early Christians. Early Christians were very emotionally attached to their religion, and constant persecution from the Romans (including the execution of Jesus) helped reinforce that attachment. The result was that Christianity was able to attract people who felt the great need to be part of something great - and the emotion-laden nature of early Christianity gave Christianity an edge over more pragmatic and less emotionally stirring pagan religions which were the dominant religious forces at the time.


The reason it stirs that emotion is because of it's quality. Ugh, I'm so sick of seeing this goal of eradicating human emotion and total objectivity everywhere! Humans are emotional beings. Emotions are the things that drive all action and purpose. The reason we call a show good is because of it's emotional reaction. It's art, not science, we're not aiming for a mathematical simplification, finding an unknown variable, finding the best way to accomplish an engineering goal, or learning some property matter has, this is a show, this is art.


How the heck to do you do an objective, non-emotional analysis of a TV show? What exactly are the "goals", then? Making it the most like reality? Then why not just film an intersection and call it the best movie ever for being perfectly true to reality? What are the ends of the points we use to critique art, such as TV shows? The ends of those things we praise; dynamic characters, good plot, deep background world, etc. etc, the end purpose of those things are to either (1) educate, (2) make you seem more intelligent, or (3) elicit an emotional reaction in the audience (entertainment), as I believe Rene Descartes it was who wrote that those were the 3 reasons people read, and I add, thus the way we can measure quality.


MLP:FiM does a little of the first, none of the second, and lots of the third.


Above all else, if it gets people to be so emotional about it, then it's already accomplished that goal no matter what you say about it's actual "quality". Because, as I said, the end purpose of all those things which you measure it's "quality" by, are to get an emotional response.


Saying it's elicited a great emotional response, but it's low quality, is like saying that an airplane has a horrible design, but flies and does everything else really well. How can emotions cloud my judgement, if emotions are the purpose and the way which we use to judge it? Do you watch it for some entirely objective, non-emotional reason? I would find that somewhat odd, but hey, I'm not hating, just kinda odd.



And you won't get very far using Christianity as a bad example for me. If you ask me, they were willing to die because they'd received a witness of it's truth, and have found something worth living, and thus worth dying, for.

Edited by EASA - Matt
  • Brohoof 4

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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