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open Canterlot High (Reboot!)


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Welcome to Canterlot High!


Welcome aboard Canterlot High. You out of ten, hundred thousand ponies have been chosen to attend our school along with other ponies which will be divided into three classes, dont worry though. We have checked up your history and everything so you might aswell just say hello to any old pony friend you have.


Well then... As our principal didnt finish writing this before fainting i'll finish it... Wait why am i explaining this? Oh right umm... Yes, welcome to Canterlot High, one of the most prestigious high schools in canterlot as of today. I am one of the teachers at this school and my name is Segran. What you will expect from our school is dedication from your seniors and the ever improving teachers like myself. Ofcourse we have abit of a dilemma with some parents because of the courses we teach. Those arrogant... self-confident... idiotic... mindlessly ignorant fo- Ah... Sorry about that its a bad habit when people bad mouth my class... Hope you dont! And if you dont know why i haven't erased some of the text its because i'm using a magic pen that only the principal can erase, dont ask me why when you get here! I'll personally make it a liv-


Th...Thats enough Segran, well then... As Segran helped me say, this is Canterlot high and we expect of you only the dedication to strive for the stars. Without my presence ofcourse since i will be not going to the school anymore once you guys start your little school year as i will resign that day to live a happy life... Got a backup principle aswell so dont fear! Hope that she/he doesnt screw it up... Haven't met them yet, err... Wait i cant erase it? And why am i still writing this... emmm Ciao!


-Ex-Principal Worthrighty



Day 1: Four days to Friday



Student's start:


It's a cold winter morning as you leave your house or train central to go to your new school it was snowing lightly while the streets even though the guards heated them occasionally froze over instantly. It was so freezing cold that even the lamps had stopped working and it grew slightly grey in Canterlot. A perfect day to be inside and study to be exact... Not that you want PE today! But you knew it because you had gotten a paper for your schedule two days ago... With that strange letter the principal sent aswell.



Teacher's start:


It was freezing so cold that the windows in the school had frozen over and it was a constant 13 degrees celsius in the building. You were not freezing but you had hoped that the day would move along faster, ofcourse you were in the teacher's lounge socializing like every morning... Aswell as making sure people dont mistake you as being sick so you dont get your pay. That wouldn't be fun but its all for the children anyways except maybe not for a few of you. Your classes started always at the same time on mondays... About 30 minutes from now.




He sighed as his cup of coffee he took even though he hates it before going to class since it made his mouth taste bitter got cold extremly quickly ''Wish Celestia or Luna could do something about this winter cold... I know they're doing their best and so are the guards but what is up with this after-winter it was almost no snow before'' he spoke loudly to the others while looking extremly bored at the clock ''Oh... We should get going, you need to prepare too. Don't you Lektra?'' he said to the pony in charge of the first class up for the freshmen before leaving to his classroom to tidy up before the freshmen had his class in some days... Not that there were much to do until then because of the stupid schedule he had.

Edited by rolle
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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Thunderstreak sat in the teachers room. He was drinking some nice hot tea, while listening to a sick beat. You could see him bobbing his head along with the beat. "Samsara, samsara" Sang Thunder for himself. He didn"t socialize that much with the other teacher, because he doesn"t think that they would like his personal interests. But he didn"t really care, he was here to show these students how to make music. He added a bit of sugar to his tea, and took another long sip. He sighed with content. Thunder decided to go play some basketball in the schoolyard, since he didn"t have any classes today. He took out his basket ball, and began doing some cross overs, and shots.

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Burning Light begins a nosedive from his position high above his new school, the speed was dangerously fast for that height. He loved it.


Mere feet from the roof of the school Burning flips out his wings and slows down drastically. Now on the roof of the school Burning examines his surroundings.


"Cool a pegasus landing zone." Burning said with a smirk. He sees a sign reading "No students allowed on roof"


"I'm sure it is just a suggestion."


Burning throws his saddlebag down and rummages through. Trick notebook check, Pencil check, Schedule... 


"Oh no!" Burning forgot his schedule, but an idea pops in his head.


"Guess I should just phase in with everypony else." Burning walks in the rooftop door, over the sign as he passes it.


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Trivy had just left her house after wrapping herself into a big scarf and a hat. She could hear the snow crack underneath her hoofs as she walked across the street. She looked at her watch, she was early but she wanted to leave a good impression for her first day of school any way. She arrived, walking inside while looking at her schedule again. "Which classroom was it again?"

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Cirrus Stripes trotted to the main entrance of the school, a navy blue scarf complementing the thicker winter coat of hair that was growing in again. While the guards in the street on the way over were visibly straining to keep their teeth from chattering, Cirrus was shrugging off the cold, having had years of experience with it. All his experience with the cold however did not stop him from enjoying the shelter of the inside of the school when he entered.


Sitting down, Cirrus fished through his saddlebags to find his schedule. "Hmm..." He grimaced for a moment, trying to make sense of the contraction-filled schedule before he folded it up and placed it back in his bag.


@ @Pucksterv

Noticing a mare with colors that reminded him of the desert. Cirrus stood up and trotted to her as she examined her own schedule. "Hello!" he said, before pausing to parse through how to pronounce the next few words in Equestrian. "I am Cirrus Stripes. It is being my first year in Canterlot High School." Once in front of the mare, Cirrus offered a hoof in greeting.


((Imagine Cirrus as having a Slavic accent.))

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Sketchy left the train with a grumpy look "why does it have to be so fracken cold?!" He said to himself clenching his white scarf. "I swear if PE happens to be outside, I will die!" He mumbled as the Pegasus hovered over to school with his arms crossed. "I hope the school is warm though..." Sketchy mumbled once again when he approached the doors of Canterlot High, then walked in. "Looks like Experimental Engineering is first..." He said to himself looking at the schedule.




Mr, Horseshoe took a sip of coffee as he Sat on the bleachers looking at his roster, and planning what to do today in PE. Mr, Horseshoe looked out the window, and sighed "can't go to the track that's for sure." He said to himself. Mr, horseshoe took out a notebook, and wrote down

-postpone mile/400 yard

-move push-ups/pullups today inside

"Looks good, those kids better try hard..." He mumbled.

Edited by Pelate
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"Which pegasi thought it would be a good idea to make it this cold on the first day of the school year?" Caramel asked redundantly to her companion as the pair stepped off the bus. She glanced about her. "Hm. Big school." She commented, her gaze critical as she eyed the place.


"We don't have P.E. until Wednesday?" her unusual companion shrieked, stopping dead. Caramel glanced back at her, sighing. "What monster wrote this schedule? I'm going to go talk to the king of this stupid school."


"Principal, Talisman," Caramel interjected, a trace of mock annoyance in her tone. "They're not called kings. They're principals. Who gave you the idea that they were kings?"


"Sorry, dictator. Where did I get that idea?" Talisman wondered aloud, grinning playfully at Caramel as she stowed her schedule. "Er, have you ever heard of 'experimental engineering'?"


Caramel snorted at the question. There was a beat of silence as the two glanced about them. "We have about thirty minutes till 'experimental engineering', according to that clock," Caramel said to her lion friend. The two glanced at each other. "I'm heading to class. It's too cold out here for me." Caramel informed Talisman. "You go terrify some poor student, if you'd like."


Talisman grinned, her smile showing very pointy teeth. Caramel rolled her eyes and trotted off, into the school. Talisman followed her, as most students seemed to be heading inside anyway. Once inside, the two split up--Caramel exploring the school, looking for the class that belonged to 'Lektra Bolt'.




Talisman began looking for prey--er, some nice (and gullible) looking student to befriend. She quickly set her eyes on someone--not quite as small as she would like, but he looked fun. She prowled up silently behind the largely-built pegasus, walking and reading to his schedule, mumbling to himself. She grinned wickedly, and leapt out in front of him. "Rawr!" the lion said, attempting to startle him.

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Sketchy put his schedule away, and began walking to class, suddenly someone Had jumped in front of him, he blinked and gave a confused look, slightly weirded out by what just happened, he stepped back *a lion? Cool* he thought before speaking "hi?" He slowly said cocking an eyebrow "Ah thank you probly shoulda chose a different victim, man, I'll jus say dat" he said with a little laugh.

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Talisman growled quietly in frustration. "Hmph." She grumbled under her breath for a moment. His strange manner of speaking wasn't helping her. She had never heard a pony speak like that--though, she had limited experience with ponies, admittedly. "C'mon, I'm a lion. Betcha haven't seen a lion before. Ughh. Everypony always falls for it the first time." She grunted and cast her eyes about, looking for somepony else to annoy. When she didn't find an ideal target, her head snapped back to Sketchy. She eyed him suspiciously. "Where are you from anyway?" she grumbled.

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rune sat off, with his trademark black-and-white leatherman jacket, and scarf wrapped tightly around his face. some ponies would think that he had won the lottery, or something, as he positively skipped to the school, apparently dancing to some song that the others couldn't hear.


of course, this was just rune being his normal happy self. he didnt even seem to mind the cold.


he arrived, shortly, looking up at the school. "alright, lemme see what'cha got!" he declared loudly. 

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Crimson yawned as he stepped off the train Ah yes.. Canterlot... Canterlot... Wonder if it will hold true to the dreams I had of this place. His fathers old disheveled work hat a bit askew from his sleep on the ride over, his mother's hoofed knit scarf a bit worn, and the refurbished potato sack that served him for a saddle bag all added to the abstractness of the pony who plodded on his way to class. 


He sighed as he looked at all the other ponies I wonder if any of them share my interests... or if this is just going to be like grade school.  Just before he entered the building he stopped to marvel at it for just a second And so it begins. Shaking his wonderment aside he pulled out his schedule. "Hmmm experimental Engineering... wonder  what we will be engineering..." he smiled at the possibilities 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Sketchy chuckled a little bit as she growled "I guess in jus' not easily scared, I mean, if you were like some sorta giant wasp den I would be bookin' it." He said jokingly. Sketchy looked back at her awkwardly, she stared at him as if she was interrogating him "I'm from Seaddle" sketchy said.

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"What kind of cosmic entity did I lose favor with to force me into this tartarus?" Silhouette asked to nopony in particular, as she stood outside the front gates. She eyed the shivering guards on either side of the grounds entrance. She walked past, shoulders square, head held high. As she passed the guards she paused briefly and said "Stand up straight and start looking professional. You have the prestige of the royal guard to maintain." She walked off with a huff, not bothering to see their reaction. 


She telekinetically slipped her agenda out of her saddlebag. undoing the strap seal, she flipped open the first page.  


"Experimental engineering? Seriously? I've already completed applied engineering and reverse engineering! Who do they think I am!?" 


She slammed her agenda shut, breathing out a low growl. "They're lucky I'm getting financially compensated for this." She muttered as she magicked the door open with a bit of force, her tone the only thing colder than the ambient temperature.  The bitterness of canterlot's weather, was not having any effect on the righteous flames of Silhouette's indignation. 






Cold. Quiet. That could be the general description of the CHS grounds. Those around to experience it, thought indifferently to it. 


​Until they heard the sound of a loud air horn playing "La cucaracha" in the not so distance. They all halted in their tracks, and knew what was to come. They also knew, that anytime they had to run and find conver, had just passed.   


*VRROOOM!* Just then, a motorized, ponyless carriage flew off the hill nearest the school like a ramp. It crashed to the frozen, paved lot around the school. It started sliding, no, skidding, no, drifting sideways, until slowing to a stop. A sideways stop. A perfect stop, bumper a scant few meters from the building. 


The sunroof flipped open, and a tall figure flew straight up and out, before landing, straddling the roof of the carriage, leather wings spread. 


"Brrr! It's a bit colder than I expected in Canterlot." she said with a thick Sweetish accent. 


"Oh yeah, sure it's cold! This, coming from the filly who was born & raised in a nation notorious for it's ancestors riding Windigoes into battle!" said a sarcastic, somewhat raspy voice from inside the carriage. There was a *ca-thunk* as the coach side door opened. The ticking of nails on frozen asphalt accompanied the tall, cinnamon red coated canid, bracing her pawing before hind kicking the door shut, and biting on a small squarish contraption, that caused a slight thunk sound, followed by a *tweep tweep* from the carriage. She then whipped the contraption and it's accompanying set of keys up into the air and turned to the side to watch as they fell right into her saddlebags. 


"I keep hearing ponies everywhere bitching about this cold. How about they try living in Horsekkaido for a while, or better yet, try sneaking 50,000 tonnes of Potato cider out of Stalliongrad and through Steedberia during the winter solstice festival. Hey, it's not my fault you ponies can't grow longer coats." She said as she ruffled a black paw through her lavish red pelt.


"I'm not complaining! Who here is complaining? Matter of fact, this is nothing compared to summertime back in Horseinki. Just saying that eet's colder than usual for Canterlot." The white and blue maned bat pony replied.


"Hmm. Yeah, it is a bit odd.  You'd think the magically regulated canterlot would be warmer than this. Why? Pegasi on strike again? Or did Cloudsdale get blown off course again?" The foxy lady said as she swept her reddish brown bangs to the side and started making her way to the side entrance. 


Her bluish lavender coated companion jumped high off the carriage and glided smoothly to her side, landing and trotting in step.  "Who knows? One of the nobles is probably having a hissy fits. Either that or eet's another city wide calamity again. What are we, like, 3 weeks overdue?" 


"Yeah, that sounds about right." The foxy one said as they both entered the building. 





Roll intro title sequence. Theme song sponsored by Foal Factory



MLP forums presents:


Canterlot High



Written and directed by: 


Edited by Denim&Venom
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Trivy looked at the stallion that was standing in front of him. She didn't really know how to respond since ponies never really walked up to her. Then again, she wasn't wearing her cloak either. She looked at the hoof in front of her. She had seen ponies shake hoofs before, maybe that was his intention as well. "My name is Trivy, I'm a first year as well. Nice to meet you Cirrus." She said as she shook his hoof. She looked at him awkwardly, trying to giving him a smile. "Do you perhaps know where the first class is? I believe it's called Experimental Electrics or something like that. It's going to start pretty soon I think."

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@ @Pucksterv


Cirrus smiled. "Actually. I was hoping you would know where to go for class. A map is something they should have been giving to us, no?" Cirrus looked down the hallway past Pucksterv. "Maybe we go walking and find class? I am used to walking. Walking, but not knowing where I am going to find where I am going."


He began walking, keeping his hoof in contact with Trivy's before looking back and letting go. "Sorry. I am used to guiding by hoof. Old habit."

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"Well it says it's classroom 0.15 so that means it must be if the main floor." Trivy said as she walked after Cirrus. "Maybe they have a map of the school somewhere on the walls. My last school had that as well." Trivy said, trying to sound as logical as possible. "But I guess your way of searching can work too." She said as she walked next to Cirrus.

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@ @Pucksterv


Nodding to acknowledge what Trivy was saying as they moved along, Cirrus scanned the doors, trying to find a '0.15'. He ambled, turning as the numbers slowly approached the one they were (hopefully) to have their class in. "Trivy? Are you from Canterlot? Mother tells me that school has many ponies from other places. But I want to be learning about city from a... native?"

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"Well I live in Canterlot now but I wasn't born here. I was born in a village behind the mountains of Canterlot. I do know how to get around if that is what you're asking." Trivy said with a smile as she looked at the signs at the doors in the hall, looking for the right classroom.

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Thunderstreak walked idly through the halls. He was looking for someone he could help, since he didn"t have any classes to teach today. He walked with his trademark headphones, and blue hoodie. He saw two students looking at a map seemingly lost. He walked up to them "Hello, do you need help?" Asked Thunder with a smile

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"Uh yeah we do actually. We're first years after all." Trivy said greeting the teacher with a smile. "Do you know were we could find classroom 015? We have our first class in a few minutes, I don't wanna be late." She said. "I believe the class is know as Experimental Electrics. Are you familiar with it?"

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Thunder smiled "Ah, classroom 015, is at the mainfloor. You jus have to go through the hallway till you find your classroom. And i'm not a teacher in that department." Said Thunder "I"ll be your music teacher, my name is Thunderstreak by the way, so if you need help don't hesitate to ask, have a nice class!" Said Thundet

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"Alright thanks for the help. My name is Trivy and this is Cirrus. We will let you know if need any help. Though we gotta run, our class starts pretty soon. See ya later Mister Streak and thanks again."  Trivy said with a smile while waving her hoof before walking away towards the classroom. 

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A rather diminutive earth pony mare trotted through the snowy Canterlot with vim and vigour. She was not bothered by the freezing cold; in fact, being from the Frozen North, she was used to it, and happily welcomed it! It reminded her a lot of home.


Her braided mane and tail bounced up and down in her gait, a grin of excitement across her blue-coated, freckled face as she entered the high school. This was an all new experience for her, and you would think a mare in her early teens would be rather intimidated entering such a new world, but she welcomed it with open forelegs!


She looked around, oblivious to the strange looks being given to her by other students, and spat out the drool-covered schedule onto her hoof. Thankfully it had some kind of strange, invisible waterproof covering that made an amusing noise when she flopped it around.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Fluttering through the halls Burning looked into a few classrooms, one in particular caught his eyes. It was a room full of weird objects he did not recognize. He checked the door number to see it was 0.15.


"What the heck kind of school uses decimals in room numbers? Whatever this seems like an interesting place I guess I will have a look."


Burning lands and walks into the classroom. The cold of the morning finally kicked in on him so he took a seat next to the heater.


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He meandered through the school This school is almost bigger then my hometown... wonder how long it took them to build? He sighed, already he was full of questions and he hadn't seen anyone around to ask them to. Well not anyone who could properly answer them. "Well I suppose I should head to class..." with a shrug to himself he followed the number system until he found the classroom "experimental engineering... Still very curious as to what that means..." plodding in, he noticed a few other ponies already there, recognizing none of them, and honestly not in the mood for awkward socializing, he sat himself in the front row and tried to prepare himself for whatever was to come  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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