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searching [OOC] Canterlot High (Reboot!)

Little Red

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Welcome to Canterlot High!

Applications are open!

Canterlot High is a prestigious, private high school in Canterlot! We offer all sorts of activities.

From great academics to all sorts of clubs and extracurricular activities, a student is sure to find a fun learning experience at this school! If you'd like to join, you would be welcome here at Canterlot High!

Note: I, Little Red, have resigned due to personal issues (see page 16). This page is still open to roleplay on, but other sub-DMs have been going inactive. If you would like to make another reboot, know that I, for one, encourage it. Good luck, everyone!

Roleplay Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/134299-canterlot-high-reboot/?p=3978938

Canterlot High is pony high-school. It's a reboot of @NonbinaryDuck's original Canterlot High. Thank you so much for the inspiration, NBD.


First off, there are already lots of people from the original Canterlot High. Don't let that intimidate you! We want as many people as possible! But there will be some restrictions on characters: see "Rules" below.


In this roleplay, everybody will have the same schedule (see "Schedule"). There will also be a number of extracurricular activities and clubs. Once there are no more teacher slots (or even if they are open), feel free to make a couple OCs that teach some of the extracurriculars, or are staff of some sort!

The DMs

This reboot is a little different because we have no actual DM, but several sub-DMs. Each applicant will be voted on by 2+ of the sub-DMs, and other things like that. Here is a list of the DMs:

@rolle, @Pelate, , @Sigma, @madjack2001, , @MoltenKitten, @Little Red, bronislav84



1.  Follow all basic forum roleplay rules. The big ones we will address again.

2. Do not join unless you have a character that has been approved by the DMs. This is a basic forum rule, but on the original topic we had issues with this rule.

3. No godmodding. It is not permitted to take control of another person's character. Maybe if they have given express permission.

4. Respect DM wishes. If any of us DMs say something, please respect that.

5. Try and be welcoming and have fun! If there's a new player that doesn't know what's going on and his character has no friends, have your character bump into him/her in the halls! Try and include people. Not a rule, per se, but a way to make this more fun for everyone.

6. Contact us if there are issues or suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a plot or an event, or if someone was a jerk, contact us! We would love to hear what people have to say.

7. If you change your name, let us know. This is so we can keep track of the players and edit the front page.

8. Nothing overly NSFW. I doubt anyone will want to make their 15 year old character have sex, but still. No sex/too much violence. A little blood is okay. "Mary chopped off Sue's head with a sword and then began bludgeoning it with her baseball bat, the skull slowly crushing under the strength of her hits" is not okay. Kissing is also okay, but not-- actually, I don't want to give a example of that.

9. Inactivity. If you do not post for five days, you will be given a warning. You get two warnings. After two warnings and another five days, you will be kicked. NOTE: if you warn us in advance, we will make a note of it and not give you a warning.


Character Guidelines


We are going to be loose with who we allow in, but please respect the following rules and fill out the follow admission form.

Note: all characters are Freshmen. Some can be a year behind or a year ahead depending on their age/intelligence, and depending on how long the roleplay lasts we may move the characters up to Sophomores/Juniors/Seniors.

1. No alicorns. This is supposed to be a roleplay that can reasonably exist in cannon.

2. Characters should have a background, but it doesn't have to be that long.

3. Teachers MUST teach one of the classes that have not been signed up for! See "schedule". If you have a suggestion for a class, we are open for suggestions.

4. Feel free to have a character be of another species! Not exactly a rule, but know we're open to it.

5. Students should be of a reasonable age. This should be anywhere from 13-15, maybe a couple 16s. Bear in mind every student is a Freshman.


Admission Form:


Character page link: (if possible)

Appearance (if no link):

Personality (if no link):

Background (if no link):


Position (if teacher, include of which subject):


This may not be updated anymore!!

This full-week schedule, designed by Rolle, has classes 1-3 times a week depending on their importance in Equestria life.

School begins at 8:00 and ends at 14:30. Extracurricular and after-school clubs are from 14:30-16:00.

If there is a "???" next to the course name, it is currently taught by an NPC and can be signed up for.
Note: We had issues with the schedule, so if you want to suggest a class, we will listen to it and may replace another class.




Monday (24 hour clock ver)

Experimental Engineering - Lektra Bolt

PE - Sgt. Clark Horseshoe

Math- ???



Health Ed - ???

History/Other Cultures - Taivas

14:30 End of monday.

After school activities moderated by a teacher. (Clubs, one time things... etc)





Tuesday (24 hour clock version)

Class needed

Dark Arts: In and out - Segran

Anatomy - Professor Anabella Belle


Art - ???

Math - ???

14:30 End of Tuesday

After school activities.





Wednesday (24 hour clock)

Dark Arts: In and out - Segran

History/Other Cultures - Taivas

Experimental Engineering - Lektra Bolt


PE - Sgt. Clark Horseshoe

13:15 Early Release
End of Wednesday

After school activities





Thursday (24 hour clock version)

Music- Thunderstreak

Math - ???

Philosophy - Miko





Drama - ???

Biology - Thunder Farts

End of Thursday.

After school activities





Friday (24 hour clock version)

Music - Thunderstreak

Math - ???

Experimental Engineering - Lektra Bolt


History/Other Cultures - Taivas



Philosophy - Miko

14:30 End of Friday

After school activities.





Bear in mind, this will most likely not be updated any more!



The pony in charge.


Admissions are open! We will be selecting this position more carefully than others.


Vice Principal:

The pony almost in charge.


Admissions are open! We will be selecting this position more carefully than others.



From janitors to nurses to the secretary, these are the ponies that aren't teachers but still help run the school.





The ponies that teach classes. Those that run extracurricular activities or clubs are not included in "Teachers," but "Staff."


Experimental Engineering: bronislav84: Lektra Bolt


Dark Arts: In and Out: @rolle:

Name: Segran

Appearance (if no link): He can change his form however he wants. But he was a rather ordinary looking homeless earth pony with messy grass coloured hair and blue fur under the filth that is...

Gender: Genderless as of new form.

Cutie Mark: Cutie-markless- was removed for new form.

Personality (if no link): Calm and reading but still easily tempered Segran is a former pony who values teaching over learning. Hates apples.

Background (if no link): Once a pony who had a pretty hard life because of his job... Being a dancing poem writer. It was a weird line of job and not many wanted to see him do his 'job' so he wanted to learn something else which he did when he found his heritage from his grandpa. It was on his body... Under his fur to be exact. The reason he can use any dark arts is because of a dark arts on his body which his grandpa placed there. When found by the target they get revived into what i call a ''void'' born pony, basically one with nothing being able to shapeshift themselves freely or show their true form of the void. As well as being unaging from their point of death. But don't worry, he will only teach the dark arts that doesn't hurt the user.

Age: 18 (at ''death'') 

Position (if teacher, include of which subject): Dark arts teacher (-cough- Any magic that everypony can use except for voodoo. This is pure magic that anyone can use but at a risk if its a great magic. Segran is the only pony in existance who can use any Dark Arts without risks.)


P.E: @Pelate: Sgt. Clark Horseshoe (No link yet)


Biology: @RainbowDashie: Thunder Farts

Personality:Old, but still very humourous.

Background: Has always been interested by biology, and now he's a teacher in it.

Age: 54

Position: Biology teacher.


Anatomy: : Professor Anabella Belle

Background Changes: Anna, at one point, was a to-be professor. Her wealthy family put her in a special program when she was 14, a boarding school she studied at until 18, and then transferred to Canterlot College. There she took on a biology major and studied many sciences beside it. A head professor noticed her, took her under his wing, and was planning to make her a professor herself (a high honor, one of the highest at her age). All was good and well with this plan, until she became pregnant. After problems and a disappearance from the father, Anna never suceeded. She went to Ponyville after giving up on her dream, and took on a simple life. Her family gave her plenty, so she had quite a load of wealth herself. Despite this she lived a very modest and humble life, in a decent sized house, raising her baby.

So... For this I was thinking that maybe she gets a letter in the mail from the high school, offering her a position? She still had the title as a professor, but she never finished her training. This was a chance for her to actually teach science/biology... But what about her baby? Zeus doesn't have any relatives in Canterlot or Ponyville, and hates to be away from his mom... Anna would have to take the train from Ponyville, and though a short trip, she'd be gone most of the day. So she brings Zeus to school with her each day.

Philosophy: @Denim&Venom: Miko

Appearance: cinnamon red coat.  White on chest, stomach, tail tip and muzzle. Red eyes. Reddish brown mane.  Black on forepaws. 

Personality: Tends to talk w/ a rolling rasp and a little bit of a drawl to her voice. She tends to bump into ponies and things quite a bit. She'll tumble down stairs, bump into stalls, nudge into ponies, fall down a hill, go through a wall, etc. And then walk it off as if nothing happened. If she's in a hurry, she tends to parkour or rollerblade her way through town or the hallways JSR style. When she's off the clock, you can find her talking to herself, singing & dancing to herself, or just making random noise as she walks. Sometimes she'll stop sit down in one place and just look out into the distance, or just fall asleep.  She uses the term "Bruh" a lot. She'll sometimes speak in haikus to confuse ponies on purpose. She'll speak in a high pitched neighponese accent in a mock parody of her own cultural stereotypes, but typical talks in some odd cross of Cajun & SoCal surfer lingo. She works to have a youthful rapport with her students, and her methods of teaching and relating to her students are, unorthodox, to say the least. Like the drunken martial arts master, she uses humor, awkwardness and surprise to keep her students invested, and make them feel like they have a say in this brief microcosm of the universe. 
Background: A graduate of the University of Neighpon Whinnyoto, with a doctorate in philosophy. Works at the local Canterlot shrine of Shinto & Taoism. Has also written, drawn and published her own manga series and is even on the way to having it enchanted. On the side, she also fronts a heavy metal band, and partakes in cagefighting every other month. It helps her stay "the coolest sensei in school."
Age: Appears to be early to mid twenties, though likely much older.
Position: Philosophy

History/Other Cultures: @Denim&Venom: Taivas


Appearance: sig-3975360.sig-3975360.sig-3975360.sig- Taivas.png

Personality: Boisterous, dramatic, almost theatrical in the way she speaks. Some say she takes inspiration from Princess Luna. She finds it's a good way to keep attention. Enjoys conversation. Makes humorous jokes about herself, her race and her native region. Doesn't teach her lessons as much as act them out, as if her classroom were a stage. Tends to wear old style military uniforms.  
Background: Raised in Scandaneighvia, Nordic and Europony culture runs in her blood. She graduated the University of Gothenbuck, Sweeten with a Bachelor's degree in Military history. On the side, she works as a military reenactor, and plays in the same metal band as Miko. 
Age: Mid twenties 
Position: History

Music: : Thunderstreak]


Age: 20







@Little Red: Skylar Streak


@Pelate: Sketchy Tah


@Sigma: Sigma



Name: Burning Light

Appearance (if no link): Black Pegasus with a red orange and white mane that looks like fire.
Gender (if no link): Male
Cutie Mark (if no link): A fireball
Personality (if no link): Hyper active and can't stay still is almost constantly flying around. Curious and adventurous
Background (if no link): Burning Light became petrified of water when he almost drowned as a colt. He earned his cutie mark after he managed to keep a fire going for a record of 12 days straight.
Position: Student

: Lightning (no link yet)
@Reaver: Caramel Dream


Age: 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: She's moved out from her family, who she's not fond of, and works on a side job as a cashier on top of her school work so she can rent a small apartment, teaming up with Talisman to afford it. Obviously, fighting is not included in this RP.


@Reaver: Talisman Duskstripe


Age: Changed to 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: After living with yaks for some time, she moved out and met a pony who encouraged her to seek an education. She decided this suggestion had some merit and moved to the biggest, baddest pony city she'd heard of: Canterlot. There, she met Caramel, and the two began working together to earn some money and rent an apartment. She has some gold left over from her life with yaks, so the two live without fear of running out of food or necessities.She and Caramel are like sisters.


@Unicorncob: Tyra Shatterhoof

Personality: Friendly, loud, boisterous, lack of understanding personal space, likes to fight and sing

Background differences: Her family decided to introduce her to the modern world early, by arranging for her to attend an Equestrian high school

Age: 13

Position: Student


@Pucksterv: : Cirrus Stripes

Age: 13

Position: Student


@Denim&VenomSilhouette Dusk

 Appearance: Stormcloud grey coat. Silvery Mane & tail w/ red highlights. Mane is shoulder length, with long bangs. Red eyes. Wears hoodies. 

Personality: Antisocial. Prefers her own company. Acts more mature than her age. Believes attending high school with those her age is a step down. Finds most social interaction to be "unsatisfactory" and "inadequate." Also describes other ponies as "distractions to her creativity" Prefers to solve puzzles and play strategy games, when she's not sculpting or crafting intricate art. 
Background: A top honors student in elementary school. Graduated years ahead of her class. Smart enough to attend the famed Princesston university with full grown ponies, and graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in sculpture.  Unfortunately due to Equestrian law dictating that a registered collegiate degree holder is required to also have a diploma before being considered for employment, compounded with her parents believing that she needs "more socialization with kids her age" and the fact that she isn't old enough to drop out, has led her to being forced into High School. 
Age: 14
Position: Student

: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rune-r8233'>Rune


Age: 15 1/2


@The Down Trotten: Crimson Quill'



@madjack2001: Sunset Hooves



Edited by Little Red
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I am a big tiger, rawr. Get scared of it... Errr, got nothing else to really say... Sorry... sorry


The pony in charge.

Admissions are open! We will be selecting this position more carefully than others.

Vice Principal:
The pony almost in charge.

Admissions are open! We will be selecting this position more carefully than others.

From janitors to nurses to the secretary, these are the ponies that aren't teachers but still help run the school.


The ponies that teach classes. Those that run extracurricular activities or clubs are not included in "Teachers," but "Staff."

Experimental Engineering: bronislav84: Lektra Bolt

Dark Arts: In and Out: rolle:

Name: Segran
Appearance (if no link): He can change his form however he wants. But he was a rather ordinary looking homeless earth pony with messy grass coloured hair and blue fur under the filth that is...
Personality (if no link): Calm and reading but still easily tempered Segran is a former pony who values teaching over learning. Hates apples.
Background (if no link): Once a pony who had a pretty hard life because of his job... Being a dancing poem writer. It was a weird line of job and not many wanted to see him do his 'job' so he wanted to learn something else which he did when he found his heritage from his grandpa. It was on his body... Under his fur to be exact. The reason he can use any dark arts is because of a dark arts on his body which his grandpa placed there. When found by the target they get revived into what i call a ''void'' born pony, basically one with nothing being able to shapeshift themselves freely or show their true form of the void. As well as being unaging from their point of death. But don't worry, he will only teach the dark arts that doesn't hurt the user.
Age: 18 (at ''death'') 
Position (if teacher, include of which subject): Dark arts teacher (-cough- Any magic that everypony can use except for voodoo. This is pure magic that anyone can use but at a risk if its a great magic. Segran is the only pony in existance who can use any Dark Arts without risks.)

P.E: Pelate: Sgt. Clark Horseshoe (No link yet)


Biology: Star-LordProfessor Anabella Belle



Background Changes: Anna, at one point, was a to-be professor. Her wealthy family put her in a special program when she was 14, a boarding school she studied at until 18, and then transferred to Canterlot College. There she took on a biology major and studied many sciences beside it. A head professor noticed her, took her under his wing, and was planning to make her a professor herself (a high honor, one of the highest at her age). All was good and well with this plan, until she became pregnant. After problems and a disappearance from the father, Anna never suceeded. She went to Ponyville after giving up on her dream, and took on a simple life. Her family gave her plenty, so she had quite a load of wealth herself. Despite this she lived a very modest and humble life, in a decent sized house, raising her baby.


So... For this I was thinking that maybe she gets a letter in the mail from the high school, offering her a position? She still had the title as a professor, but she never finished her training. This was a chance for her to actually teach science/biology... But what about her baby? Zeus doesn't have any relatives in Canterlot or Ponyville, and hates to be away from his mom... Anna would have to take the train from Ponyville, and though a short trip, she'd be gone most of the day. So she brings Zeus to school with her each day.




Philosophy: Denim&Venom: Miko


Appearance: cinnamon red coat. White on chest, stomach, tail tip and muzzle. Red eyes. Reddish brown mane. Black on forepaws.
Personality: Tends to talk w/ a rolling rasp and a little bit of a drawl to her voice. She tends to bump into ponies and things quite a bit. She'll tumble down stairs, bump into stalls, nudge into ponies, fall down a hill, go through a wall, etc. And then walk it off as if nothing happened. If she's in a hurry, she tends to parkour or rollerblade her way through town or the hallways JSR style. When she's off the clock, you can find her talking to herself, singing & dancing to herself, or just making random noise as she walks. Sometimes she'll stop sit down in one place and just look out into the distance, or just fall asleep. She uses the term "Bruh" a lot. She'll sometimes speak in haikus to confuse ponies on purpose. She'll speak in a high pitched neighponese accent in a mock parody of her own cultural stereotypes, but typical talks in some odd cross of Cajun & SoCal surfer lingo. She works to have a youthful rapport with her students, and her methods of teaching and relating to her students are, unorthodox, to say the least. Like the drunken martial arts master, she uses humor, awkwardness and surprise to keep her students invested, and make them feel like they have a say in this brief microcosm of the universe.
Background: A graduate of the University of Neighpon Whinnyoto, with a doctorate in philosophy. Works at the local Canterlot shrine of Shinto & Taoism. Has also written, drawn and published her own manga series and is even on the way to having it enchanted. On the side, she also fronts a heavy metal band, and partakes in cagefighting every other month. It helps her stay "the coolest sensei in school."
Age: Appears to be early to mid twenties, though likely much older.

Position: Philosophy



History/Other Cultures: Denim&Venom: Taivas


Appearance: sig-3975360.sig-3975360.sig-3975360.sig- Taivas.png
Personality: Boisterous, dramatic, almost theatrical in the way she speaks. Some say she takes inspiration from Princess Luna. She finds it's a good way to keep attention. Enjoys conversation. Makes humorous jokes about herself, her race and her native region. Doesn't teach her lessons as much as act them out, as if her classroom were a stage. Tends to wear old style military uniforms.
Background: Raised in Scandaneighvia, Nordic and Europony culture runs in her blood. She graduated the University of Gothenbuck, Sweeten with a Bachelor's degree in Military history. On the side, she works as a military reenactor, and plays in the same metal band as Miko.
Age: Mid twenties

Position: History



Music: blazedtime: Thunderstreak]


Age: 20





Little RedSkylar Streak

PelateSketchy Tah

Name: Burning Light
Character page link: (if possible)
Appearance (if no link): Black Pegasus with a red orange and white mane that looks like fire. Cutie mark is a fireball
Personality (if no link): Hyper active and can't stay still is almost constantly flying around. Curious and adventurous
Background (if no link): Burning Light became petrified of water when he almost drowned as a colt. He earned his cutie mark after he managed to keep a fire going for a record of 12 days straight.
Position (if teacher, include of which subject):Student



Chill: Lightning (no link yet)


Reaver: Caramel Dream


Age: 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: She's moved out from her family, who she's not fond of, and works on a side job as a cashier on top of her school work so she can rent a small apartment, teaming up with Talisman to afford it. Obviously, fighting is not included in this RP.



Reaver: Talisman Duskstripe

Age: Changed to 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: After living with yaks for some time, she moved out and met a pony who encouraged her to seek an education. She decided this suggestion had some merit and moved to the biggest, baddest pony city she'd heard of: Canterlot. There, she met Caramel, and the two began working together to earn some money and rent an apartment. She has some gold left over from her life with yaks, so the two live without fear of running out of food ornecessities.She and Caramel are like sisters.



UnicorncobTyra Shatterhoof

Personality: Friendly, loud, boisterous, lack of understanding personal space, likes to fight and sing

Background differences: Her family decided to introduce her to the modern world early, by arranging for her to attend an Equestrian high school
Age: 13
Position: Student




Appearance (if no link): As it says in her character page, she usuallly wears a cloak. She will not be wearing that in this rp
Personality (if no link): She feels most comfortable alone yet is still seeking to make friends as she is lonely most of the time.
Age: 15
Position: Freshman


Pucksterv: : Cirrus Stripes


Age: 13

Position: Student



Denim&VenomSilhouette Dusk


Appearance: Stormcloud grey coat. Silvery Mane & tail w/ red highlights. Mane is shoulder length, with long bangs. Red eyes. Wears hoodies.
Personality: Antisocial. Prefers her own company. Acts more mature than her age. Believes attending high school with those her age is a step down. Finds most social interaction to be "unsatisfactory" and "inadequate." Also describes other ponies as "distractions to her creativity" Prefers to solve puzzles and play strategy games, when she's not sculpting or crafting intricate art.
Background: A top honors student in elementary school. Graduated years ahead of her class. Smart enough to attend the famed Princesston university with full grown ponies, and graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in sculpture. Unfortunately due to Equestrian law dictating that a registered collegiate degree holder is required to also have a diploma before being considered for employment, compounded with her parents believing that she needs "more socialization with kids her age" and the fact that she isn't old enough to drop out, has led her to being forced into High School.
Age: 14

Position: Student



PeytonJay: Rune


Age: 15 1/2



The Down Trotten: Crimson Quill


Appearance : a brown coat with almost a deep maroon mane. Looks tired most of the time, and reserves his smiles for only the most interesting of occasions
Background: Much like his simple back round from his link but instead of collage professors its now high school teachers. While his parents did put a lot of bits for him to come, he's also here to make sure he gets the most out of his education. If that means questioning his teachers often then so be it
Age: 15

Position Student



madjack2001: Sunset Hooves


Edited by rolle
  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Name: Caramel Dream

Character page link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/caramel-dream-r8304

Age: 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: She's moved out from her family, who she's not fond of, and works on a side job as a cashier on top of her school work so she can rent a small apartment, teaming up with Talisman to afford it. Obviously, fighting is not included in this RP.


Name: Talisman Duskstripe

Character page: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/talisman-duskstripe-r8585

Age: Changed to 15/16; freshman

Position: Student

Backstory differences: After living with yaks for some time, she moved out and met a pony who encouraged her to seek an education. She decided this suggestion had some merit and moved to the biggest, baddest pony city she'd heard of: Canterlot. There, she met Caramel, and the two began working together to earn some money and rent an apartment. She has some gold left over from her life with yaks, so the two live without fear of running out of food or necessities.She and Caramel are like sisters.


So, uh... :squee: ? Please accept these two. It'll be my first time RPing as more than one character, but I wanna try it out! This RP looks super fun, and I love you Red, so, yay?

  • Brohoof 1
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Character page link: Thunder in my signature


I do change his personality for this roleplay, same for the background.


Personality:Old, but still very humourous.

Background: Has always been interested by biology, and now he's a teacher in it.

Age: 54

Position: Biology teacher.

  • Brohoof 1
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Name: Tyra Shatterhoof

Character page link: Right here

Appearance: ^

Personality: Friendly, loud, boisterous, lack of understanding personal space, likes to fight and sing

Background differences: Her family decided to introduce her to the modern world early, by arranging for her to attend an Equestrian high school

Age: 13

Position: Student

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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See, I'm not DM, I just posted the OOC. :adorkable: The way we're doing it is we all (we=listofsubDMs) vote on each applicant. That is, 2 of us vote on each applicant, and if there are 2 "yes", the applicant is in, and we haven't decided what to do about a "no" yet...

And, unfortunately, I think everyone's offline except me... :please:

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Name: Trivy
Character page link: right here
Appearance (if no link): As it says in her character page, she usuallly wears a cloak. She will not be wearing that in this rp
Personality (if no link): She feels most comfortable alone yet is still seeking to make friends as she is lonely most of the time.
Age: 15
Position: Freshman


Let me know if it's alright

Edited by Pucksterv
  • Brohoof 1
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Name: Thunderstreak

Character page link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/thunderstreak-michael-anderson-r8525

Appearance (if no link):

Personality (if no link):

Background (if no link):


Position: P.E Assistant


Oh, and if you included music as a class, the i would love to be a musical teacher instead! :)

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Welcome. I'll be the one to let you know and everything for now unti little red is avaible once again and i hope you find the waiting (yay waiting) fun.


Oh and... No other sub-gm has been on yet so i am unable to tell any of you if you got in. sorry

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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We have just one spot open and we gladly accept if someone wants to fill it. We most likely already have music clubs and after-school stuff with it so... It would be kind of pointless, but i dont wanna discourage you so just go ahead and try if you want.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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We have just one spot open and we gladly accept if someone wants to fill it. We most likely already have music clubs and after-school stuff with it so... It would be kind of pointless, but i dont wanna discourage you so just go ahead and try if you want.

So i can be a music teacher?

Or if you have presidents of this music club. The i would like to join that :)

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That is up to the other sub-gms and me alike. I have no say that you will be guaranteed a slot. This is a democracy and i want to keep it that way


(Staff/Teachers moderate the clubs. Or atleast thats what i wanna say but we are not done with discussing that...)

Edited by rolle

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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