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open Canterlot High (Reboot!)


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@@The Down Trotten


He looked into the pony's eyes ''Well, you dont need to use magic as it is obvious that is what you are asking. You gain the power to use powers that pegasi and unicorns can use. Unrealistic to you? Is it not? To fly, to teleport. To levitate objects with elegance like the other races? The earth pony's actually benefit more from my class than the rest of the races of equestria'' he then demonstrated how he could levitate an object with a violet aura which then formed a hoof... It lifted a book from a bookcase.

  • Brohoof 2

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"hm? whats this?" rune looked curiously at the potion. "well, knowing that you said it makes tuning a breeze, then its probably something that tunes the strings for you..."


rune chuckled. "ah, next thing your telling me is that the guitar plays itself! although, we both know thats absurd."


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@@The Down Trotten


He looked into the pony's eyes ''Well, you dont need to use magic as it is obvious that is what you are asking. You gain the power to use powers that pegasi and unicorns can use. Unrealistic to you? Is it not? To fly, to teleport. To levitate objects with elegance like the other races? The earth pony's actually benefit more from my class than the rest of the races of equestria'' he then demonstrated how he could levitate an object with a violet aura which then formed a hoof... It lifted a book from a bookcase.

He raised an eyebrow "Are you saying this is a non magic class sir?" he was intrigued but a bit skeptical "Surely you jest?" Now hold on there... don't be so quick to judge, maybe this is really true... even if it seems unlikely. 

"Because that looks like magic to me sir" 



EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"Nice to meet you Crimson and Tyra." Trivy said as she pulled up a chair next to them. "My name is Trivy. I'm not from any special place, just canterlot. Nothing fancy like the frozen north." She said with a shy smile. She turned around, looking at the teacher who clapped his hoofs together. "Better listen to what he has to say."


"Well met, Trivy!" Tyra greeted, grinning widely and showing her teeth.

She looked to the front and nodded. "Aye, perhaps this is important?"


He looked into the pony's eyes ''Well, you dont need to use magic as it is obvious that is what you are asking. You gain the power to use powers that pegasi and unicorns can use. Unrealistic to you? Is it not? To fly, to teleport. To levitate objects with elegance like the other races? The earth pony's actually benefit more from my class than the rest of the races of equestria'' he then demonstrated how he could levitate an object with a violet aura which then formed a hoof... It lifted a book from a bookcase.


"Teaching earth ponies to fly and teleport?!" She squeaked, standing on her desk and seat, staring wide-eyed at the pony in front, "Sleipnir's mane! It can't be possible, can it?!"


Things were actually seeming a lot more interesting now.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"hm? whats this?" rune looked curiously at the potion. "well, knowing that you said it makes tuning a breeze, then its probably something that tunes the strings for you..."


rune chuckled. "ah, next thing your telling me is that the guitar plays itself! although, we both know thats absurd."

"Yup it is an autotuning potion, my dad taught me to make it one day while business was slow at our blacksmith shop. Maybe one day I can teach you to make it, it works on any string instrument. Problem is the ingredients are pretty rare so I don't have much, good thing it only takes a little." Burning loosened one of the strings and then dropped some potion on it. A few seconds and it was in perfect tune.


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"well, give a colt a fish and he eats for a day..." rune didnt finished the rest of the proverb, but rather said something else. "isnt it good to know how to tune it by hoof, though?"


although, while the potion was good, and all...rune liked to do things the old fashioned way.


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"well, give a colt a fish and he eats for a day..." rune didnt finished the rest of the proverb, but rather said something else. "isnt it good to know how to tune it by hoof, though?"


although, while the potion was good, and all...rune liked to do things the old fashioned way.

"I know how to tune it by hoof, this is just for when I don't have time too." Burning yawned. "Anyway kind of tiring waiting for this teacher so I am gonna take a little nap k?" Burning put the potion and guitar back in his saddlebag and closed his eyes.


"Wake me up when teach comes."


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@@The Down Trotten


The face of the pony distorted from its former welcoming gaze to a more hateful one ''I will only say this once. Dont compare my arts to the likes of that unpure energy those wretched ungodly Unicorns use. My arts are ancient. From the time when magic was but a fragment. Before the unicorns existed, this is an art that lets you use your body's internal magic to connect to the astral magic plane and do wonders that not even Unicorns can hope to do.'' he then returned to his former look before adding another last sentence to what he said ''And dont, try to dwell deep within. It will only harm you for good unless you're ready to face tartarus'' he said before coughing then continuing ''Actually what i said earlier is the exact reason i have this class. To make people not go down that deep dark road that leads you to become power hungry.''

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@@The Down Trotten


The face of the pony distorted from its former welcoming gaze to a more hateful one ''I will only say this once. Dont compare my arts to the likes of that unpure energy those wretched ungodly Unicorns use. My arts are ancient. From the time when magic was but a fragment. Before the unicorns existed, this is an art that lets you use your body's internal magic to connect to the astral magic plane and do wonders that not even Unicorns can hope to do.'' he then returned to his former look before adding another last sentence to what he said ''And dont, try to dwell deep within. It will only harm you for good unless you're ready to face tartarus'' he said before coughing then continuing ''Actually what i said earlier is the exact reason i have this class. To make people not go down that deep dark road that leads you to become power hungry.''

"So it is magic sir? Because quite frankly... well never-mind... seems interesting" He is going to be a most interesting teacher, I can't wait for his class. "Is there anything else we should know sir? I think I speak for the rest of us when I say we are quite ready for this class to start." 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten


He sighed when the pony before him said it was magic again and he spoke after him ''Well... Its not magic, it is pure energy unrelated to that of magic which comes straight from the source of any magic the unicorns use after tainting the rich and perfect energy.'' He then said calmly ''Look forward to my class. But, ill see you soon... I think Lektra is coming soon and she would be most likely mad at me if she sees me entertaining her class during her time... So i bid thee farewell... Oh and dont wake him up'' he said pointing at thunder ''Let him have whats comin'' he said before teleporting out to his classroom which wasn't that far away ''I forgot it wasn't that far... Now lets go to the lounge and chill'' he said grabbing a lizard before teleporting once again while petting it to the teacher's lounge.

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Sunset awoke in a field somewhere... to which he sighed, soon after re-adjusting himself to exactly where he was "you've done this before Sunset... you can do it agin" he picked an apple from a nearby tree before rummaging through his saddle bag and attempting to make himself look "okay"... he hadn't quite planned out how much money he would have when he got to canterlot... and he didn't plan out how much he would spend on the first day buying things that "looked cool" but after about an hour of attempts to make the scruff of his light brown mane nice he gave up and started to walk to Canterlot high... his new place of refuge from the world... or that is what Sunset saw this place as. As Sunset approached the school he felt like it was some grand place, he smiled at it... this town was the second closest thing to his dream... Manehatten, as he walked to that Sunset sighed and looked down... and then he was on the floor in a matter of seconds... it was as if his body had given up for just a second, he appeared to have fallen on his face and rolled over to his side. Sunset soon got up and brushed himself off, trying to make the least of a scene that he could before entering Canterlot High, as he approached the door he noticed a lack of... well anypony, as he walked in and heard his hoofsteps echo down the hall he started to get concered, he peaked into a classroom and managed to make out a clock... he was late... he quickly grabbed a schedule from his Saddle bag and ran to find his class. Once Sunset had reached it and peaked in to see the judging eyes of each being in that room... soon a sense of foreboding overcame Sunset and he laid against the wall for a second trying to relax himself... "Buck it" he shouted aloud in his mind and burst into the classroom... Sunset didn't want to be late and disturb this class, he was then presented with "the class" of his, he then had a very awkiward face in which the left side of his cheek sort of moved up and he eyes widdened (more than normal) and he just stared at the class for a moment before freezing up in the corner of the room.

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Anna got off the train and quickly trotted to campus, and soon as she got off, she realized how bitter cold it was. It was her first day and she was already late. Her long lab coat, and blue scarf, flapped in the wind as she rushed to get there. She was a young pegasus, in her 20’s, which was surprising. She looked so focused and strict, unlike any other young pony her age. She had a baby with her too, a little grey colt in a carrier. His little head faced her chest, and the carrier supported his back, holding him tight against his mother. Anna seemed to know how to already navigate this town, she decided to pick up the pace by flying, and as soon as she landed at campus, she was met by another mare.

The mare that waited for Anna was just as young as her, with crooked glasses, a frail frame, and a hoof full of papers. She looked disheveled and stressed, not nearly as focused as the pegasus that arrived. Anna walked past her, but even though she did so, this pony (who looked like a teacher herself) followed.

“I filed all your medical stuff…” She chuckled awkwardly, trying to keep up with the golden mare.

“Good. Then that’s it.” Anna said as she walked at a brisk pace to the door. “First day, and my papers are done… But I can’t even arrive on time. That is everything, right?”

“Not really…” The frail mare mumbled, following Anna as they walked up the main staircase into the school.

“Hmm?” Anna said as she opened the doors, walking into halls filled with teenagers. Though it was early in the morning, they seemed plenty loud. “What do you mean?”

There’s nothing. I did everything. Anna thought to herself.

“Well, you picked up a lot of side jobs, you need to get them all sorted out with your schedule”

This was a ICS, or a In-Class Support. Her name was Butterfly, and she wanted to be biology teacher. Being that Anna was a biology professor, she looked up to her, and pretty much did 25% of her work so far to get her started on her new job. Was that because Anna made her? Probably not, since Anna was a humble pony who was very independent. Let’s call Butterfly Anna’s fangirl.

How hard could it possibly be to organize my time here? It’s a damn school, I can just followed the bell schedule. It’s like they’re doing it for me.

“Butterfly, I might as well have a clock branded on my flank, because time management is a very unique skill of mine” Anna said confidently, navigating around all the children.

“It’s not about that though, Anna-” She bumped into a pony, getting the wind knocked out of her. She caught back up with Anna, her glasses even more crooked “You… You need to make sure the principal approves of how you’re managing your time! If you don’t… Then he may fire youuu…” She said in a low voice.

That’s a joke. They need me.

Anna chuckled sarcastically “Okay then. Well, did you get my coffee?”

Anna’s baby looked around, fascinated by all the ponies his mother seemed to walk straight by. His name Zeus, and he was Anna’s son. Why he was here was a mystery right now. Who would think bringing a baby to this zoo would be a good idea? Apparently Anna. Who can teach and take care of a baby at the same time? Apparently Anna. He suckled on a blue pacifier, he liked all the attention he was getting! Girls in the hall giggled at how cute he was, and waved at him. His hooves were sorta stuck, so he couldn’t wave back. He was disrupted from looking at all the girls when his mother stopped.

“You didn’t get my coffee?! You had one job”

“Uh.. Well… No… I didn’t have time! And no, I have lots of jobs… I just assumed with how fast you’re walking, you already had some!” Butterfly whined. She put her ears down.

Anna sighed “No, no. It’s fine. I’ll just go to the… teacher’s lounge-” she said with a moan. The thought of socializing with new ponies “-and get some… And yes, I did, but it wasn’t enough for this place” she said. The professor started walking again, and was only a few steps from her room. As soon as she reached it, she unlocked the door with her key. She turned on the lights.

The golden mare unwrapped her scarf, and looked down at her baby. He was so cute, his little ears were red from the cold. She kissed him on the head, and rubbed his little ears to warm them up. He liked that, Zeus started cooing happily.

“Is there anything you want me to do? I don’t have anywhere-” Butterfly interrupted.

Right, work.

Anna stopped. “Uh-huh. Organize those medical papers and file them. I’ll be back to finish it up, just get started.”

“Okay….” Butterfly said with a small smile.

Anna walked down the hall, and it started to clear out as ponies got to their classes. She walked happily down the hall, until some ponies started running. She wondered why, some bumped into her, some almost knocked her over. What was wrong with these adolescents? Then the bell rang, and things went to hell. It was like a stampede of late students rushed by her. Anna shot up, and hovered above them. This place really was a zoo! She looked at Zeus, who found it funny instead of terrifying. She sighed, landed, then made a right turn into the teachers lounge.

Anna walked in and... Felt like a total outcast. Her awkward meter was the highest ever, she was never the new pony. She felt like she was in college again. She stood in the middle of the room after rushing in, like a deer in headlights.

Why am I here? Oh, right, coffee. Better get to it.

Anna puffed up her chest, and activated protocol 4. Don’t acknowledge anybody directly. “Excuse me… Morning… Hi….” She said to... anypony, pushing past anypony in her way to get to the coffee machine.

“Yes my weekend was great! How about yours? Yes…. mmmhmm…” She said, again, to nobody directly as she poured herself a cup of coffee at record breaking speed. She looked insane, but… a very graceful insane person. She poured herself a cup of coffee, poured in sugar and cream, and stirred it all with one hoof and in world record time! All just to avoid socializing.

She gulped down the coffee just as fast, while still talking to thin air “Haha! Yes, that is funny! Yup, gotta go… Ta-ta!”

She smiled as she dodged ponies in her way to get to the door as soon as possible. Anna was like a balarina, holding the coffee and not spilling it all over herself while moving so subtly. The mare even took a few sips! Zeus giggled again, because everything about this school was fun.

Anna crushed the styrofoam cup, tossed it into the trash can across the room (what a sick 3 pointer!) and walked back out the door. That probably all happened in under 60 seconds. She headed back to her room with her baby.

That was awkward… God, I’m already starting to get worried about this place

Edited by Star-Lord
  • Brohoof 2


Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella


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Silhouette folded up her blueprints of the building as she made her way to her class. "Room 015. I'm going to a school designed by smart flanks." She lamented. The room was sparse when she arrived. Already she had her sights set on the front row desk closest to the door. "First to enter, first to leave." 


She took her seat and undid her Type O Neighgative band hoodie, slipping it onto the back of her chair, revealing a black suit coat, w/ a stylish crest on the pocket, with a large P centered on it. Underneath was a crisp and pressed white collared shirt w/ a black tie. A red plaid skirt, finished the back half of her ensemble, and long, white silk stockings w/ shined black shoes finished the ensemble. Her shoulder length silvery mane w/ red highlights were the only things to caress the flawless jacket, and long bangs partially blocked her blood red eyes and the faint hexagonal patterns within. Whatever parts of her dark grey coat that weren't covered had an almost dull sheen to them.   


Floating a pair of her thin framed squarish glasses to her eyes, a habit more than a requirement, she then telekinetiked a large binder out of her bags and splayed it across the desk, more than encompassing the whole thing. She turned to the thick notebook within and opened it to a blank page.  She then began to write:


Prison without walls: An ode to suffering...




"Where the buck is the teachers lounge!?" The kitsune jogging down the hall asked? "I know they completed reconstruction last summer, but why not put it in the same spot as it was last time?"


"Probably because it was one of the places destroyed last time, so the shifted it to a more fortified location, I'm guessings." Replied her bat pony companion the size of a princess. 


The foxy ones ears twitched "You hearing that?" 


​"Oh definitely." She replied, twitching her own tufted ears.  "Sounds like class is already in session. When's my class again?"


"Uhh, hold up." she stopped. With her teeth, she unclipped her saddle bag and started nosing around in it until she had a slip of paper betwixt her fangs. Unfolding it with one paw, and taking the bottom of it between the digits of her other one, she scanned over it and said "Looks you class doesn't start for another five and a half hours. Hmm, uh Taivie? Are you certified in 'other cultures'?"


The bat pony, Taivie, looked at her with a little confusion. "Um, I guess? I'd like to think of Scandaneighvia and the rest of Europony culture as distinct. Why?"


"Cause it says here that you're in charge of history, slash, other cultures." She pointed with a claw.


"Say what?" Taivie began to fumble through her own saddlebags with her wing.  She pulled out her own copy of the schedule and looked over it. "When did this happen? I wasn't informed of this. I'd better be getting double the pay for teaching two classes!"


"Sucks to be the poor bastard who lost his other cultures class. Must feel so insignificant right about now. Speaking of which, when's my class start?"  


"Uhh" Taivie said as she looked down the schedule. "Hmm" She said as she looked up the schedule. "Um, you don't'... have one."


"Say what?" She said as she looked across her own copy. "For realsies!?" 


"Yep." Taivas began flipping through the pages. "Looks like you don't' have a class till... Thursday. Yep right there." She pointed with the tip of her wing."10:30-11:30. Philosophy- Miko. Huh."


"I didn't have to wake up today!? Buck this! I'm going home. Be back to pick you up at four." Miko said as she turned tail and trotted back to the carriage. 


"Kay. Have fun, Meeks!" She hollered after her compatriot, to which she got a composed "Ugh...". She then turned around to face the noise. "The teacher should know where the lounge is. No harm in asking right?" Taivie strode her way to 0.15.

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Tyra had lost interest in the lecture on Dark Arts, mostly because her questions went unanswered and they began using a lot of long words she didn't understand.


So she resulted on looking around the room...and she spotted a newcomer by the door. Curious, she leaned over and tried to make out what she was writing. It looked to be some kind of story.


"I always thought kitsunes were native to Neighhon," She mentioned nonchalantly, her lack of understanding personal space showing.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He looked over at the commotion of his new friend "Is the teacher here?"  he kept looking "Tyra, I asked if the teacher was here?" If the truth was to be told he was getting impatient and with a sigh he saw that it was not the teacher but rather a bat pony? If I wasn't here to learn this day would be most interesting... 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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The greyest of blue skies, encompassing the world once vibrant with color.


​Gale winds blew away the petals of flowers before the bloomed


Dust coated any aspects of youthful vigor, tarnishing the shine of new coming exuberance. 




Silhouette didn't get to finish that thought, cause the sounds of breathing, noise and warm air from her left proved distraction enough.


"Just pretend you didn't hear. Don't even acknowledge. Most ponies will respect focus on one's work.


The presence of those unworthy, proving an obstacle. 


​Their motions, lopping the heads off conscious thought. 


Their words, the grinding screeches that bled the melodic cadence dry.


Their convictions, the acid bath of new ideas in utero.  




@The Down Trotten @blazedtime

*knock knock* Taivas lightly tapped on the door. "Um, hello sehre! Excuse me!" She made her way into the classroom, folding her wings at her side and ducking her head so as not to have her ears scrape against the door frame. She made her way to the desk, where the teacher was leaning back, listening to his headphones. She could make the song out clearly. Wasn't quite her thing.  


Once she reached it, she rapped on the desk, hoping to get said teachers attention. "Um, excuse me!" When he didn't stop bobbing his head. She rapped louder this time. "Um, hellos in there?" She waved a hoof in front of his face. Still no stopping of the boobing.


She sighed. "Alrights. Plan B."  Living with a roommate that would blare 80's thrash metal though noise canceling DJ phones taught her a few things, namely how to get attention in what would likely be the most peeving way possible. 


She maneuvered her wing between the teacher and his device. With the tip of her wing membrane running along the chord, she unplugged it. 



((OOC: Be back in an hour or so. Got some work to finish.))


Buck it, schedule's been freed. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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He groaned. Strangely enough things moved faster back home on the farm, not that he didn't mind waiting but now that he was finally here  he wanted to do something. He rubbed his face and turned back to Tyra "who you talking to?..." seeing her read, he too became intrigued and assuming that since Tyra was reading why not him as well. 

He inched closer trying not to be noticed, moving his worn hat up so he could see the words better "Oh... a poet..." he whispered. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@The Down Trotten @Unicorncob


Seeking, for isolation.


Searching, for peace.


Thirsting, for distance.


Longing, for enrapture. 


A perfect world to be sought. Or a perfect world to be forged. 


Where the mobs of the inconsequential, the hordes of the condemning, are naught but a nightmare. 


Where the intrusive voices working as both scathing remarks and screams in the night, are naught but a trick of the mind. 


Where their hoofs of filth, their bloody caresses, their flesh forged of perdition, are just illusions to fill the empty spaces after such fill of them.


In the back of her mind, she was aware of their presence, but nothing had come of it, yet. It might as well just be her imagination, for now. 


Where the sharp gouges of prying eyes, the volleys of arrow and spear, comprised of judgmental rendering and opinions carved from stone but fathomed on a skim of the detail, lay notched behind the sights of a piercing stare.

Where the cold, ink soaked claws of glances above the shoulder, breaching the attempts at security initial... are little more than memories, left to be entombed in the farthest distance, and buried beneath the farthest depths perseverance and


She stopped. She struggled on this last word. She needed something to describe a combination of feeling relief, yet feeling it as a result of accomplishing a goal or overcoming an obstacle. She put her eraser to her lips in thought. 

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"Atonement..." he accidentally thought out loud. Hearing his own voice gave him a start, and he shook his head. Realizing he had spoke figured he might as well finish his thought "The word your looking for I believe is atonement..." normally he didn't feel bad about his outward thoughts but this was a bit different he had breached someone else inner world. Something that he wasn't quite sure he was ready for 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@The Down Trotten


Her pencil fell from her telekinetic grasp to the binder with a soft *thwip*. That was enough to snap Silhouette out of her focus. She looked up from her writings. To her immediate left was a small, blue earth pony filly. Close to her right, the speaker, was a colt in a rugged hat. The feeling of feeling claustrophobic was making itself very much apparent. "Oh it's times like this I wish I were deaf."


"Ehem." She made in a mock clearing of her throat.  "Do you two mind?"

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His mind came to a screeching halt. Normally he'd be the one asking questions and now he had been asked one simple one. Do I mind? Mind what?... Mind being a gapped mouth idiot yes. He scolded himself mental for a second and blinked a few times as if he hadn't heard her. Finally snapping to reality he spoke "Um... sorry... I just like poetry, not good at writing it but I do enjoy it... and theres not much else here in this so far intellegtical waste land to distract me... Sorry to disturb you miss." he sighed and wasn't quite sure what to do at this point and tried not to taste the staleness he felt in his mouth 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@The Down Trotten


"At least he's willing to own up it... after about a minutes response time." 


"Apology accepted. Make sure it doesn't happen again." She looked back to her writings. "And to address your... suggestion... atonement would be ill fitting. The character is the one being victimized. Therefore they have nothing to atone for. Quite the contrary, they are the ones who should be attoned to."


"However." She levitated her glasses off "I do concur with you on the notion that this place is an intellectual wasteland." 

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He brightened up a bit or at least in his mind. "If you believe that to be the case perhaps you'd indulge me to a discussion why Atonement actually might be quite fitting in this instance? Allow me to defend my suggestion perhaps?" Finally what I came here for, some real deep discussion 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"Oh? Somepony who think themselves of an enlightened intellectual paradigm? A daffodil in this dessicated field of weeds? Allow me to be amused at the prospect!" 


"Oh, please, do go on. Indulge me with your proposition." Silhouette said as she slipped her glasses back unto her muzzle. 

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He hadn't been intimidated to many times in his life but this pony was doing a very good job of it  

"Well, Atonement not has connotations of a sense of highest relief but also a sense of accomplishment, even a sense of overcoming darkness. Yes the character is being victimized but with her Atonement she can put aside her own demons and darkness, and face the darkness around her. she has bested her own inner evil and is stronger for it and can face the on coming challenge with a bit more confidence ... That is if I'm reading the poem right... My prose and art form are not the best..." 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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