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private Sombra's Shadow


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Moonbane was a silent listener, he watched out for the the group and while not many of them had spoken too him with him he still worked for their survival. A team was a team no matter how you were seen.

He got up and stretched his wings and legs out and came up behind Harcourt with the stealth that one might accociate with an assassin and spoke.

"You care much for the ones you hold close. It's always horrible feeling when one must leave, whether it be by choise or by fate." He looked into the distance, his ethereal eyes scanning the area as the living's eyes would. "The horizon is clear this evening but I fear something out there is watching us, waiting for an opperunity to lash out." He looked back to the group, at each individual and as they all settled down and slept. "You should rest, I can take the watch for this night. You need your rest, tomorrow is a big day and we all need to be at our 110% capabilites." He gave the stallion a reasuring smile, "You can trust me on this one, it'll be fine."

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Harcourt turned and regarded Moonbane.


The serious gray pony was quite a sight to any and all who would look upon him.  The faint outlines of stitches running across each limb and wing made Harcourt recall a story he had once read about a madpony who had reanimated a monster from various body parts; Moonbane was somewhat reminiscent of such.  


But Harcourt had known better.  When the horrible-looking stranger had helped free a number of enslaved ponies a few years back, he had welcomed Moonbane into their fold, and had never regretted it.  Proof again of that old addage: you can't judge an apple by its skin.  This was a rule in spades where the corpse-like pony was concerned.


Harcourt looked into the sockets of Moonbane's skull, locking his view with the ghostly blue wisps that floated there.  Though other ponies still shied away from him, Harcourt knew there was nothing for him to fear there, and treated the stallion accordingly.


"So, instead of merely thinking I'm going soft, you come out and say it?  For shame, my friend - you should know better... and your breath should beg my pardon, good sir."  His roguish smile rolled across his face, taking years off the old stallion's appearance.  This was a game between them both - Moonbane jiving Harcourt about his age, Harcourt prodding Moonbane about his smell... but all in good fun.


Harcourt gave a chuckle that turned to a sigh in his throat.  Yes, he was tired; tired was actually an inappropriate word for how he felt.  Yet, here was the ineffable Moonbane, telling him what he should have acknowledged already.  Being a friend.


"Okay, alright... I get the picture.  Far be for me to argue with you - the stench alone makes your point for you.  Very well, then... as soon as I finish these last few bags, I'm off to try to rest these weary old bones.  Besides, I'll need your help tomorrow - while the others are packing up to go, I plan to leave a few Harcourt-style traps in place to protect Mr. Orange during his stay here.  If Sombra's guards come, they'll have quite a reckoning before they get to the old stallion... and I could use a helping hoof.  Of course, if it's the shades that come..."  He shuddered visibly at the thought, but said no more on the subject.


"Thank you kindly for reminding me of my growing senility, my friend.  I'll be hitting the hay shortly."  He put a hoof on Moonbane's shoulder, smiling at him.  "Hopefully, we'll all be better off for the journey, don't you think?"

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@@JonasDarkmane, Jinx agreed with what Rave said. She knew full well that neither of them would do on such a mission. Rave was a member of the Darkmane family who had brought Sombra back, whereas she was Sombra's personal mage. There was no way that either of them would do as a spy to infiltrate the few pathetic pockets of resistance.


"That's true enough," Jinx replied. "While I could use magic to change my looks, it would take up far too much energy to be worth doing. It would be best to use such a skilled operator as Lilith to work her way into the rebels' main groups and destroy them from within. I know her from way back and I know that she would be the best pony for the job."

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@@Pripyat Pony

Rave grinned. He patted Jinx on the back. "Excellent, you shall be the one that will give her the task. You know her very well. I expect her to leave as soon as possible" with that, he left her to go and inform Lilith of her task. "I have other matters to attend to before I start with eradicating the rebels" he thought to himself. 

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@, Jinx nodded and left to go and find Lilith. She asked various ponies about where Lilith might be; eventually, a shadow commander said that he'd seen her heading towards the forge. Jinx nodded curtly and immediately made her way there. She could have used a finding spell, of course, but had decided that the time it would take to cast the spell would be time wasted and it was better to take the easy way and ask. Arriving at the forge, she saw Lilith and walked up to her.


"Hi, Lilith," she said, smoothly. "I think you remember me. Of course, back then I was borrowing the body, and sharing the mind, of a small unicorn mare with purple fur and a mint and black mane. Now, however, I have returned to my original form. I have a task for you set by Rave Darkmane. It is a job that I believe you would be extremely good at."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Lillith was on her guard as she sensed some sort of disturbance moving outside. As if reality somehow twisted around this pony... a dangerous one, to be sure. But, as she entered the door, she determined that only a few ponies that were able to create this 'wormhole' in nature would ever come talk to her, and, shortening the list down to two or three ponies, she let loose a pent-up breath. It wasn't the prince, or the insufferable colonel that insisted on lording it over her, but was actually the court mage, Jinx. Perhaps she was here on her own business- from what Lilith had heard of her, she would bristle at mere messenger duty.


After giving he smith her request, she was surprised to notice that being a messenger was exactly what she was doing, and she seemed rather enthusiastic about it as well. Lilith turned around and- seeing how she was her superior- bowed. "Hello, Archmage Jinx. I do indeed remember you when you were sharing a body with the mare Jay. It is good to see that you have escaped that..." She paused, searching for the right word to use here. "...prison."


She stood up as Jinx relayed the assigner of the task. "Prince Darkmane himself...? That is intriguing indeed, that he has a task for me. Might I inquire what it is, or does he wish to talk to me in person concerning this?" Let's hope it is not something menial and pointless, she thought to herself. If this turns out to be some sort of hazing, the colonel will never stop heckling me about it.

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@, "Yes," Jinx replied. "Having to share the body of such a pathetic creature as Jay was indeed a prison. It is much better now that I have regained my original form. Regarding the mission, Rave asked me to inform you of it as he has several tasks that require his attention. To put it bluntly, there are rebels who resist the rule of our leader. More than likely, there is a lead group; it seems a likely assumption. We would like you to find out about this group, and infiltrate it. Learn of its plans and report back to either myself or Rave with your findings. Then we will be able to make plans to destroy the rebel leaders and take the rest prisoner to join the slaves, where they belong."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Lilith remained silent for a few moments, thinking over what was said. "Is there any initial intelligence, such as recently hit locations or liberations? Would you like me to stay with the group once I find it and continue to communicate information? Do I have sanction, for the sake of maintaining my cover, to participate in any raids that I might be asked to do?"


Lilith paused here for a moment. "Other than that, if I am to stay with the rebels for an extended period of time, I will need some time to have a two-way communication device created on a secure channel so that I may stay in touch. Then I shall need a few hours to gather and finish the enchantments on my gear, as well as to pack sufficiently for long-range travelling, and then I shall depart."

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@, "That seems reasonable," replied Jinx. "I expect we will be able to provide you with what you require. As for intelligence, I would suggest that we ask Rave about possible rebel groups. He has extensively researched the problem, and should be able to brief you before you leave."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


Lilith remained silent, turning around only to receive a bundle of crystal arrowheads. With a sigh, she procured a trio of medium-sized globes of crystal. "Very well, then, Archmage. I shall prepare and depart as soon as I am able. Thank you." She put the arrowheads in her saddlebags before starting to leave, but, before she did, Lilith turned around to face Jinx once more. "Is there anything else you wish to talk about before I leave? I fear that this may be the last time we talk for an extended period of time... and it has, indeed, been quite a long while since we were last able to."

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@, "It has been a while, yes," Jinx replied. She had been friends with Lilith for a while, altho when the friendship was developing, Jinx had been sharing Jay's body. "Maybe we could talk a while, before you go to Rave for briefing. I would be interested in finding out what happened to you since we last met."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


She nodded, walking outside slowly and holding the door for Jinx. "Well... the last few years before the return of Sombra were... lonely, to say the least. I managed to get another lead on the beast- apparently, it's some sort of elemental manifestation. It's odd, though. Something like that should have disappeared by now, but I've still have been able to track it a considerable distance. It makes me wonder if there is something... sentient about the Everfree." She sighed, frustrated. "Then there was a really odd group of ponies that went adventuring for the Tree of Harmony... something about proving a legend. They ditched me three-fourths of the way through the journey and, after a few days, I found what was left of them had fallen to a particularly cruel variation of a carnivorous plant..." That had scared her. The stench the plants created was overwhelming... it sent chills down her spine remembering it.


"Other than that," she continued, "It's been mostly quiet, and I've spent most of my time alone... that is, until a few months ago when I discovered Sombra had taken over. I decided that joining with Sombra was better than being mistaken for a rebel- besides, it seems that Sombra does not care for the Ranger's Pact. Thus, I am here..." Despite Jinx being a past acquaintance, she did not divulge her intention to use the supplies and opportunities for her own end. Besides, she thought, Jinx might be in Darkmane's back pocket, and everyone here knows that Prince Darkmane's in his patriarch's back pocket.

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Through the small cracks in the ceiling of the castle ruins came the light of the sun. One light beam fell on Trivy's face perfectly, causing her to wake up in annoyance. She was used to the dark by now. Besides, the last few years, the light of the sun only meant one thing, Danger. Trivy gave a small yawn as she rubber her hoofs in her face. She sat up straight and looked around the room. Everypony appeared to be sleeping. She got up from her bed quietly and began to pack up all her bags.


She climbed towards the castle balcony since the stairs were long gone. She looked outside, she could see Ponyville in the distance, or at least, what was left of it. She then saw something in the corner of her eye. A black cloud was moving over land. "Shadows!" She yelped. She climbed down and walked towards Harcourt. She put her hoof on him and tried to wake him by shaking him. "Harcourt, wake up. We gotta go, now." She whispered, not wanting to create any panic.

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@, Jinx walked by the side of Lilith, listening intently. "Not a lot has happened to me," she remarked. "As you know, back in the days when I resided in Canterlot, my days were full of my experiments as I struggled to achieve immortality. I succeeded, but at a price. My body was destroyed, I became little more than a spirit, yet... I was alive. I came into the mind of Jay after she was knocked on the head, and there I stayed. I could not perform the spell to recreate my old body as Jay was not yet mature and didn't have the power to do such a spell, even with my help. Eventually, tho, after Jay came of age, I heard of a spell book kept within the Castle Of The Two Sisters which contained the spell I needed. I travelled there and performed the spell with Jay's assistance. You see, she wanted me gone from her head just as much as me.


"After Sombra came to power, I offered my considerable services to him as Archmage of his court. Nopony is more versed in dark magic than me, if I do say so myself. And of course, Sombra and I have a lot in common. We both lived on after our bodies were destroyed and both came back more terrible than ever."

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In his dreams, Harcourt was young again.


He was back inside the mansion-on-the-cliffside that had been his family's home for as long as he'd been alive.  He had come home after being gone for over a decade, having achieved the notoriety he'd sought for so long, and had wanted to finally show his father Luther that he had been able to make a name for himself after all.  He wanted to rub it in the old stallion's face that he had become something, and hadn't had to kick rocks to do so.  He had taken his own path in life, and had earned the right to finally tell Luther Blackwater that he didn't know everything after all.


He had found his father's body in the main study.


It was apparent he'd tried to fight back against whoever had done this; there were signs of a struggle, and there was more than one spear jutting from the corpse's ribs.  Blood was all over the place, but especially on the old stallion's rear hooves.  He had kicked the hell out of somepony, that was certain; Luther certainly wasn't the kind to go down without a fight.  But he had gone down, all the same.  Gone down fighting, yes... but still gone.


His mother had been lying in what was left of the garden.  They'd burned it down to cinders, and her charred remains had solidified runnels of silver and gold all over it... and Vylia Blackwater had never gone anywhere without her baubles.  There wasn't even a scrap of her once proud mane to stroke; there was nothing but bones.


When he had found the body of his younger brother Daxter, the tears had come.  The kid would have been in his late teenage years.  He'd been better than the others; Dax had always tried to be a good pony - a gentle soul - and he had even (on occasion) been able to touch the icy hearts of the Blackwater elders.  Always trying to make friends, despite his family's reputation.  They had pulled him apart, and it had taken Harcourt a good, solid hour to gather all of him together for a proper burial.


He never found the body of his baby brother Oglevy - and Harcourt was sort of glad for that; he'd hated the kid, and still he felt as if the colt was taunting him by not being found.  It'd be just like the brat, leaving the question unanswered just to torment him.


Now, as he stood above their unmarked graves, he wept openly.  They hadn't deserved this.  None of this.  Nopony deserved to come home to this.  He could feel the shattered remains of his broken heart still beating, but the actual emotion was blank.  Null.  Void.  He thought to himself, so this is what it's like to be dead inside...


He turned back toward the mansion, and in the shade of the door which lay askew, attached only by a single brass hinge, was the solitary corpse of a soldier.  The body had apparently been missed when the invaders had cleared out, and it had all the hallmarks of Luther Blackwater's devastating rear kick on its muzzle.


It had something else as well... it was wearing armor emblazoned with the crest of House Darkmane.  That told Harcourt all he needed to know.


However, unlike the actual moment in time, the corpse suddenly turned its head in his direction.  It gave a fairly gruesome smile, and its mouth opened wide.  It spoke to him, though in a familiar voice rather than the half-expected squawk of a dead thing... it said -


"Harcourt, wake up. We gotta go, now."


His eyes snapped open.


It was Trivy, standing over him with a quiet riot of emotions on her face.  That meant only one thing: trouble.


Shaking the awful memory/nightmare from his mental cobwebs, he got to his hooves.


"Gather the others.  It's now or never, my dear."


He grabbed up his satchel, and began to head for the cart.  Over his shoulder, he asked, "Which way are they coming from?"

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Trivy jumped a little when Harcourt snapped his eyes open all of the sudden. 


"Gather the others.  It's now or never, my dear."


"Already on it." Trivy said as she stood up from her place and started to wake the other ponies. "Wake up! Wake up everypony! We gotta get going. Come on!" She said with loud voice while trying to stay calm. She didn't want to create any panic, that would only make things worse. She kept herself together. "Pack all your things and then follow Harcourt alright." Trivy said as she pointed at him.


She quickly walked over to him. "Alright, the shadows are coming our way. Not sure if it's just a traveling army or they are actually coming here. Doesn't matter, we gotta get out of here. We can't go outside but I know another way. Underneath Canterlot, underneath us, are the old crystal mines, we can use it to get away from Canterlot without going outside. You lead the group down the mines while I buy us some time, okay?"

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"Alright, the shadows are coming our way. Not sure if it's just a traveling army or they are actually coming here. Doesn't matter, we gotta get out of here. We can't go outside but I know another way. Underneath Canterlot, underneath us, are the old crystal mines, we can use it to get away from Canterlot without going outside. You lead the group down the mines while I buy us some time, okay?"


"Buy us some time?  Trivy, I certainly hope you don't do anything foolish - we cannot afford to lose you.  Consider it taking the meal of hope you've fed the ponies you addressed last night directly out of the mouths of the hopeful.  I..."


He sighed, then looked about as the other ponies were gathering their things.


"Fine... FINE.  The only reason I'll allow it is because there are far too many lives at stake to spend time protesting what I'm certain you'll do anyway.  Though I was planning to set up some traps for Mr. Orange to use against any solid resistance he may have met, I did not get the chance.  The supplies may prove useful, however, for 'smoke and mirror' style distractions; they are in my workroom - use them wisely.  And Trivy?"


He gave her a cold, serious stare.


"Don't make me hunt you down in the afterlife simply to punish you for getting killed, am I understood?"


He turned then to the other ponies, and spoke clearly for all to hear as he led them down to the dungeons, where the fissure in the west wall led to the mines below.


"Alright, everypony - we haven't time to lose!  Move your flanks!"


The refugees made their way downstairs, their hoofprints retreating into silence.

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@@Pripyat Pony,


As Jinx was talking (and Lilith was absorbing the entire conversation), Lilith took this opportunity to simply enjoy the night- the moon and stars of the skies, the desolation of the streets, the peace and quiet that the darkness brought to her. Some ponies- even, on occasion, some of the younger rangers- found her fondness for the evenings to be odd and castigating, but she didn't mind. The way the stars reflected off of the crystal alone was worth it, let alone the fact that she saw better and- as a result- shot better in the darkness, or the other myriad of things that came as a result from it. With a smile, she took a breath of the evening air, appreciating the soft chill in her lungs.


"More terrible than ever..." Lilith echoed, trying to think of a way to respond to this information. After a moment of silence, she turned back to Jinx. "Well... have you come up with any... entertaining pieces of magic; or any arcane baubles that you've found to be particularly amusing since your commission to join Sombra's court? Surely your experiments have revealed something that entertains you in some way..."

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"Don't make me hunt you down in the afterlife simply to punish you for getting killed, am I understood?"


"Understood." Trivy said as she looked at Harcourt with a confident smile. She watched him and the refugees disappear underground and then her smile broke. She knew she was probably not going to make it but she didn't care, she had prepared herself for her own death a long time ago. She didn't like the idea but she was happy to give her life to protect the others. 


Mr. Orange was sitting on the floor, against the wall. He looked at Trivy with a warm smile. "What are you still doing here dear? Protect me? Darling, I died a long time ago. Come on! Save yourself, you still have a life in front of you."


Trivy nodded. "I can still protect you against the s-" The floor began to shake, like a small earthquake. The shadows had arrived at the Canterlot gate. "Okay, so I can't get to Harcourt's workshop, no time, I can use a shield, I can use my magic." She looked over at Mr. Orange who was shaking his head. "I understand. There is nothing I can do." Trivy said with a sad voice, tears filling up her eyes. "Thank you." She said before she ran off to find the others.

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Rave was conversing with the Master of Punish. Things had been quiet as of lately, his services had not been needed for most of the day. After years of slavery, many of the slaves were starting to accept their fate, while others, were just starting to plan in silence. 

Rave was just completing his daily routine. Always overseeing the small tasks before it came to the big ones. After having talked with him, he left him to walk down the hallways within the castle. 


"I hope I will see some action soon. I haven't really had much fun as I drove a dagger in the Blackwater family. Those were satisfying times" he said in a rather malevolent tone. He walked around grinning. It was really a random thought though as it had been his most exciting moment in his life. Rave thought that the Blackwaters would be expecting a share in the power, but Rave was not really one to share power with another family trying to impress Sombra. No, he wanted only the Darkmanes, and no other family. 


"You will have to oversee Lilith's task soon" a dark voice in his head told him. Rave only nodded and kept on walking down the hallway. 

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The fissure in the dungeon wall was large enough to be seen from the door of the cell it had formed in.  As Trivy arrived, she saw just the slightest movement from within it.  She made her way to the hole in the wall, feeling the ground shake at the approaching doom above.


As she slipped into it, she could hear the slight shuffles of ponies further down the way.  Following those sounds, she reached a natural archway where Harcourt was standing, apparently scanning the walls.  He turned, saw her, and sighed with relief.


"Praise Celestia for small favors,he muttered, then he pointed further into the cavern.  "Go to the others; I'll be just a moment more..."


He had been looking over the cavern carefully, using his family-trained knowledge of rock formations and mining to assess the cave itself; more precisely, its stability.  Nodding with approval, he then trotted over to a precise spot and, turning his back to the wall, he lashed out with a massively strong rear kick.  


The walls shook.  Another kick, and stones from above began to clatter to the floor.  A third kick, and the ceiling began to give way - and at that, Harcourt dashed towards the rest of the group.


"Have yourselves a merry time trying to make your way through that mess, you shadowy fiends!"  


With the tunnel collapsed behind them, he casually sauntered back toward the group... and that damnable cart, of course.  I'm beginning to think that, if faced with a choice between the cart & the shadows... I'd take my chances with the shadows, thank you kindly.


He caught up to Trivy and the others, smiling roguishly.  "They'll need shovels to find us now," he chuckled.


The chuckle turned to a sigh of resignation as he ambled over to the cart and began reconnecting himself to the harness.  Once attached, he began to pull it along as he kept the other ponies together.  He turned and lifted an eyebrow at Trivy.


"Glad you came to your senses, dear - discretion IS the better part of valor, you know.  No need to feel bad for hightailing it." 

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@, "Well, the spell I use to protect Sombra's castle is particularly amusing," Jinx replied. "It's not just a run of the mill shield spell, but a bit more complex. Anypony who breaches the spell will be immediately attacked with a defensive magic which will not only freeze them in place, but also put them thru mental and physical torture to keep them busy until one of our guards can come and collect them."



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"Glad you came to your senses, dear - discretion IS the better part of valor, you know.  No need to feel bad for hightailing it." 


''I promised you I would stay life didn't I? No need to look so surprised." Trivy said in a teasing tone as she walked after the others. She could hear a sizzling sound behind her, the shadows were now inside the castle ruins. She frowned at the thought that they would get to Mr. Orange any moment now. She turned to Harcourt while a small tear ran down her cheek. "I...I couldn't save him...I couldn't get to the workshop in time."

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"I...I couldn't save him...I couldn't get to the workshop in time."


Harcourt sighed, and gave Trivy a pat on the back.


"Sweet Trivy, Mr. Orange chose his fate - not you.  Though your heart was in the right place, take solace from the fact that he made his own choice, thereby freeing YOU of responsibility.  Life has become harsh, and we cannot always have the luxury of deciding how we go... but when we do, it means we will go out on OUR OWN terms.  There's a dignity in that, you know... and Mr. Orange earned that dignity.  Besides, Trivy my dear, fate is capricious..."


In his mind's eye, the graves of his family stood out like a slash of red in an ocean of blue sorrow.


"... and sometimes, there's not a thing a pony can do."


He gave her a quick hug, then began pulling the cart again, its load of children and supplies weighing him down almost as much as his heart.

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Diamond has been quite the whole time. She simply chose to follow everyone else, after all, she didn't really have any talents that could help them. When the shadows attacked Diamond was in a total panic Ohhh, what do i do?! I will just run towards the cave like place everyone else is running towards Thought Diamond and sprinted towards the entrance. When she made it inside, she was met with a heart wrenching scene. A mare was crying, because of the loss of someone. Diamond decided to try and cheer her up


"Hey, are you alright?" Asked Diamond with her usual adorable smile, hoping that it would make an impact on the mares mood.



(Sorry for not posting for quite some time, had some things i needed to take care of)

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