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private Sombra's Shadow


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@@JonasDarkmane, "Oh, but I'm not talking about explosives," Jinx replied with a smile. "Except perhaps in the magical sense. This spell will tear a hole in the magical shield, making an entry thru it and weakening the rest of it considerably. What's more, any unicorn who attempts to repair the damage will only be working towards the shield's eventual collapse. They will think that their magic is helping, when, due to the nature of this spell, their magic will merely strengthen my spell, not the shield."

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@@Pripyat Pony


Rave turned away from Jinx, looking back at the shield. "Then get to work, archmage". 


With that, he was done talking to her. He was going to supervise the explosive team himself. He wanted to make sure that the walls would come crashing down. He barked a few orders to one of his own, the pony coming running. 


"Send word to the explosive team. Tell them to gather around me". 


The pony nodded and ran off. 

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@@JonasDarkmane, Jinx shrugged and turned to face the shield. She said nothing, but inwardly, she felt that Rave was being very discourteous towards her. She took a moment to run over the spell in her mind; it was similar to the spell she used to defend Sombra's castle, but was meant for offence rather than defence. Once she was ready, Jinx leveled her horn at the chosen place in the defensive shield and let fly the spell in a stream of dark magic. The shield was strong and held out for a while, but Jinx kept the spell steady. Eventually, cracks appeared in it. After a few minutes, the part of the shield which Jinx was attacking shattered with an audible noise.

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"Tell me they'll both be okay."

Winter stared at the city slowly disappearing behind a curtain of smoke. "I'm not sure about the city..." She went silent for some time as she stared again, into nothingness. "Harcourt is gonna be fine though, don't worry." She said, breaking the silence as she slowly turned the ship.

Edited by Pucksterv
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Winter stared at the city slowly disappearing behind a curtain of smoke. " I'm not sure about the city..." She went silent for some time as she stared into nothingness. "Harcourt is gonna be fine though, don't worry." She said, breaking the silence as she slowly turned the ship.

His heart sank a bit about the unknown fate of the city, but mention of Harcourt being ok raised his spirits a bit. "I'm glad he's ok..." And suddenly, without warning, he did something he never did to anypony else, save for Wing. He embraced Winter, saying, "Thank you so much for your help. It would have been much more difficult to escape if at wasn't for you, and you saved Harcourt, so... Thank you." He let her go, giving a small smile as he turned to go below deck and check on everypony down there.
  • Brohoof 2


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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His heart sank a bit about the unknown fate of the city, but mention of Harcourt being ok raised his spirits a bit. "I'm glad he's ok..." And suddenly, without warning, he did something he never did to anypony else, save for Wing. He embraced Winter, saying, "Thank you so much for your help. It would have been much more difficult to escape if at wasn't for you, and you saved Harcourt, so... Thank you." He let her go, giving a small smile as he turned to go below deck and check on everypony down there.


Winter was surprised by his sudden embrace but quickly returned the hug. "No problem Bud. I'm glad to help out." She replied with a smile and maybe even a small blush as well that had crept onto her face. Once the path ahead was clear, she turned the ships navigation in autopilot and she stepped away from the steering hut. She followed Psych below deck, already yawning as she made her way into one of the hammocks inside the sleeping quarters.





Eventually, cracks appeared in it. After a few minutes, the part of the shield which Jinx was attacking shattered with an audible noise.


Rarity looked in the direction where the noise was coming from. "Dear Luna, give me strength." She muttered under her breath. She signed the captains guard by raising her right hoof. The guard jumped into immediate action, followed by all of the remaining soldiers. They made a formation, still hiding behind the wall but ready for whatever enemy was planning on throwing at them.

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Winter was surprised by his sudden embrace but quickly returned the hug. "No problem Bud. I'm glad to help out." She replied with a smile and maybe even a small blush as well that had crept onto her face. Once the path ahead was clear, she turned the ships navigation in autopilot and she stepped away from the steering hut. She followed Psych below deck, already yawning as she made her way into one of the hammocks inside the sleeping quarters.





Rarity looked in the direction where the noise was coming from. "Dear Luna, give me strength." She muttered under her breath. She signed the captains guard by raising her right hoof. The guard jumped into immediate action, followed by all of the remaining soldiers. They made a formation, still hiding behind the wall but ready for whatever enemy was planning on throwing at them.

A few ponies below deck were hanging extra hammocks, and after Psych helped with that, he searched for Wing, finding her sleeping as well, but without a blanket. Grabbing one from a storage closet, he draped it over her and tucked her in, before crawling into a nearby hammock himself and drifting off.
  • Brohoof 2


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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After the fear of immediate danger was gone Stardust couldn't help but feel something pulling on her heart. She sat alone on the back of the ship. Staring at the water down below. She could hardly see the land they had just left, and the night was only growing darker. 


A ship full of ponies and she felt so alone. She didn't have a home anymore, she was scared, and she felt lost. It had been a long time since she had any of these feelings. She felt like she should be proud to be on this crusade, to feel like she is serving a purpose. But she didn't know what exactly that was at the moment. 


All she knew was a pony has gone missing, a griffon was sailing the ship her and Aria built and we were supposedly on our way to the Griffon Kingdom. Rarity said I knew where the next element was, but how can I? I am just a silly pegasus that looks at stars.


All she wanted to do was sleep but the waves made her a bit sick, she wanted to find Aria and see if she was up for playing her song for her. But she felt that might be a bit selfish at a time like this. She could hear her song some other time. 


She reached up and grabbed some of the fog cloud that she had made, and turned it into a small pillow. Maybe I can get a little sleepShe closed her eyes trying not to throw up. 

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As night fell, Dereia felt Lilith weakening, even as she moved, so before it got too bad, she closed her eyes and, with a deep breath, the cloak slipped back to brown, and Dereia once again became a spectator.



Lilith woke up, already on her feet, startled into consciousness by... something? She couldn't tell, but it seemed her little jaunt didn't do much on her body. She theorized on what happened, but she could never be sure. Perhaps she did merely fall asleep amongst her tears. With a sigh, she quickly scanned the horizon before turning around.


Where there had once been hell, there was now a massive amount of pyrotechnics that rivaled some of the best firework shows in Equestria. The fireballs cracked and exploded through the shield, with multicolored effects. Holding her eyes closed so that her eyes could adjust back to normal, she climbed down the rope ladder and quietly slipped downstairs herself, breathing deeply of the salty air before departing.


She was careful to make her way towards the ward; stopping only to ensure the others were alive and well. It seemed only a few ponies were missing... with Trivy among the missing. Deciding that this was the last straw, she went as quietly as she could into the room, and, upon seeing Harcourt cuddled up in a blanket, she almost backed off. However, swallowing what little pride she had left, she stalked over and sat down in one of the nearby chairs against an unused wall. "But..." she whispered to herself, "how to say it...?"


Tell it to him straight, in all of it's beautifully bloody and gory detail! Especially the fights. I like that part.

You could remain silent and friendly; await him to ask you instead.

... remain cautious, and tell him only what is needed to reveal your intentions.


"Perhaps... or, maybe a different solution."


She remained in silence, attempting to think of a solution while waiting for Harcourt to awaken.

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Luther Blackwater's voice was firm as he uttered the word Harcourt hated most.  He looked behind himself, making certain his hooves were lined-up with the spot in the wall he'd been kicking.  His Father had been making him do this since lunch, and seemed to be in no rush to be anywhere else.  


His hooves slammed into the same spot on the wall, making the cracks already present stretch farther across the tall expanse of granite.  Farther, but not far enough.  




Never far enough.


Harcourt kicked again, this time merely glancing back as he kicked instead of taking his time.  That kick had basically the same effect as the last one, except for wider cracks and a single chip of stone that whizzes to the left.  




This time, he didn't even look back; he simply let his hooves fly.  The sound of the impact was sharper than the others, and he paused and waited for the inevitab-




Facing away from his Father, it was safe for Harcourt to roll his eyes.


"WHY stop?  Why not just go on all day, having me make gravel like this?  Is there even a point to it, Father?"


"You kicked too high and too fast.  You need to line up your blows, or they'll never amount to anything."


He bristled.  "YOU think I'll never amount to anything, is that it?"


Luther Blackwater leveled a grim frown at his eldest son, then stepped over slowly to the wall.  Harcourt stepped back, uncertain of what was to happen; his Father had never struck him, but Luther was not past screaming in your face if you got him riled far enough.


Instead, Luther simply turned around and lined himself up carefully with the wall.  After a few moments, he nodded, faced forward and drew his rear hooves back.  The kick he delivered make a hard crunch, and the entire wall buckled as a huge fissure rolled out from Luther's kick on both sides, reaching each end of the wall's borders.


"Strike low, and you'll weaken the structure's support."


Luther once again looked over his flank and lined up another low shot.  When he was ready, he reared forward and slammed his hardened shoes against the exact same spot with incredible speed.  The entire top half of the wall shook, and the two ponies, Father and son, stepped back far enough to watch the upper end slide off the bottom and hit the ground with a heavy thud.  Luther turned to Harcourt.


"Strike slow, and you'll hit your target every time."


He stepped back, looking down at his young son with a softer scowl then usual on his face.


"Keep it in mind, Harcourt.  Low and slow; make it a mantra, if you must.  Speed means nothing when you make such short-term progress."


Harcourt just stared - he'd been kicking that wall of rock for years... and his Father took it down with two kicks.  TWO.


He looked back at Luther, a bit of awe stuck in his eye.  Here was his Father, robust and alive as he had been during Harcourt's foalhood... a sight he remembered with a strange brand of fondness that would leave others shaking their heads, were he to try to explain it.  He may have had issues with the old stallion, but the fact remained that he did miss his Father.


It was at about this point that the first spear suddenly came jolting through Luther's ribs from inside.


When it stopped, it looked exactly like one of the House Darkmane spears that had been jutting from his Father's corpse.  What's worse, Luther simply continued on as if it wasn't happening... but Harcourt was treated to a bloody sight that repeated itself over and over until five spears were sticking plainly out of Luther Blackwater - yet he seemed not to register a single one, even when a waggling spear knocked over one of the lanterns.


"Low and slow, Harcourt.  Low... and slow..."


Blood trickled down from Luther's mouth, yet he didn't seem the least bit bothered.  But Harcourt was.  


Damnation, he was.


His eyes snapped open, then closed again just as quickly, followed by a slower and steadier eyelid lifting.  


Harcourt's line of sight wandered about the cabin and took in what there was to be seen, making a detailed inventory list for possible later use; it wasn't his ship OR his stuff, no... but there might come a time where knowing the location of something useful could save lives.


Regardless, his eyes eventually came to rest upon Lilith.  


The Ranger was seated in a chair near the wall, alone in the room except for himself.  The look on her face was not one of accomplishment or happiness.  That was never a good sign.


"Miss Crow... you're... all right... I presume?"


Harcourt gave a bit of a stretch under the blanket, then winced.  With a curious look on his muzzle, he pulled back the blanket and looked down at his own belly.  The pouch was currently not there; beneath where it was, his formerly slight paunch had now somehow become a rigid, hard board of muscle.  He stared a moment, then looked up at Lilith.


"Are we... away?  Are... are we... safe?"


Somewhere between the shock of waking up from unconsciousness and the confusion and worry of not knowing what has happened while he was out, Harcourt began to try to calm himself from the horrific dream that had separated him from his slumber.


He looked to Lilith Crow, the Ranger that had stopped his pain, and waited to hear her response...


... which he was afraid wouldn't be good.

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Dark... cold... silent... Where am I? What happened? Why can't I see? Why... WHY can't I move? What was that? I felt something running down my leg... Help... get me out of here! PLEASE! Wait... a light, it's coming towards me... NO... Celestia I'm not ready to die yet... NO! Don't bring towards the light... light...cold...silent




*You're not dying Trivy, you're simply surviving*


What? huh? who said that? Is somepony here? I.. I can't see, please... where am I?


*Calm down, I'm not here. I'm speaking to you through your mind.*


You mean, you're just a crazy voice inside my head?


*No I'm speaking through the mentally bound we have*


But.... But I don't understand? How is that possible? Who are you? Silence Answer me! Please

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Rave watched with glee as the shield started to crack. He looked at the ponies who had gathered around him. 


"We will make our king proud. We will slay his foes in his name. We will BRING DOWN THAT WALL. FORWARD". 


With that, he started to charge towards the wall, the other ponies following him, carrying the explosives. The catapults had been instructed to open fire once again and Ironhoof's heavy guard swooped up in front of them and ran towards the wall, serving as a barrier to protect the explosives. 


Rave was now wearing heavier armor as he was going to be participating in the battle. 




@@Pripyat Pony


Meanwhile, General Ironhoof waited eagerly for the wall to fall down. He stood right next to Jinx. 


"When the wall comes crashing down, I will lead the breach assault. I have done so with other fortresses before. I will break the defenders spirit here as well. I advice you to convince the Darkmanes to also contribute similar amount of units to the breach. Crimson should be on top of the hill to the far right of us". 

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Lilith was shocked out of her reverie with Harcourt's voice. "Well... physically, I am unharmed. Mentally, however... that is a different story."


Story... That's it.


With sigh, she continued. "All but one are on this ship." She shook her head sadly, with a small smile on her face. "But... everyone else made it out. Psych and Trivy both played pivotal roles in the rescue. Without them, we wouldn't have gotten as many refugees as we had."


More and more, the ponies from this group sound ever more like the battle. Whittled down, one by one, with shadows enclosing them on all sides.


With a sigh, she sat back. Looking around, she noticed that she was alone. Feeling like the carnivorous plants of the Everfree wrapped around her chest and compressing, she took a deep, shallow breath and said, "Perhaps... I have a story for you, if you would hear it. It certainly would take a great weight off of my chest, if you were to hear it... and understand it."

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Yet again, Psych had a hard time sleeping. He had a little bit of sleep, but continuously was waken up by nightmares. Sighing, he rolled out oh his hammock with a dull thud, and quietly made his way back topside, trying not to wake the others. When he emerged, he noticed nopony was awake, at least not out on deck, so he made his way to the side of the ship, sitting and staring out over the ocean, thinking of all that had happened earlier that day.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@JonasDarkmane, "I will send a message to each, in order to save my energy," Jinx replied. "The messages will appear as scrolls in mid-air. If they do not read it at once, the message will be read from the scroll. I found such a spell in the Canterlot library. Not very interesting, but then again, useful." Jinx sent out the messages to each of the Darkmanes, detailing exactly what Ironhoof had asked her to do. She had something else in mind for her magic. Standing by the breach in the shield, Jinx released what would look to the average pony to be several small orbs of white gold light. Each one hovered for a moment, then drifted away thru the city. The orbs would be fascinating to ponies; any pony who saw them would feel drawn to come closer. But once they touched the orb, the torture spell which Jinx had placed on Bright Moon, and several slaves and captives afterwards, would activate. Trapped in their own personal nightmare, the pony would either be completely mindbroken, or would go insane, attacking their friends.

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There were a million questions traipsing through the old stallion's mind at that very moment... but the look on the Ranger's face spoke volumes of its own.  He was glad they were safe and away... but who was the one loss?  


At this point, any loss should be noted; too few of us to simply allow names to slide.


Yet he could see there was thunder beneath the cowl for Lilith; that meant lightning on the brain, and the rather morose Ranger seemed to have an electrical storm behind her brow.  Harcourt was feeling a slight little weasel of panic running laps in the cage in his head, but he wasn't so wrapped in his own thoughts that he couldn't see her suffering.


He settled back into the blanket, and turned his full attention to Lilith.


"You seem to... need... to tell it," Harcourt told her, "so please... by all means, do so."

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She sighed. "Thank you... let me tell you now, what I am about to tell you has only been shared with only a few people..."


Lilith took a breath, organized her thoughts, and began.


"A long time ago, in the plains just south of the Everfree Forest..."


((Prepare yourself for a wall of text waiting just behind that spoiler.))



... there was a young mare. I will not share her name with you at this time, but perhaps it will be made clearer to you, should you truly understand. She was much like many other mares of her small village- young, brave, adventurous. Always eager to explore the woods around her house, but never deep enough to go into the Everfree. In these nearby woods, there was a ranger's outpost and, after several months of exploration, she managed to convince the rangers to allow her a chance to learn, grow, and flourish under their care. When she came of age, she said a tearful goodbye to her parents, and was off.


She learned several things under the guise of the ranger. How to not fear the Everfree, how to scrounge for food amongst the greens. She was already a sharpshooter, so they instead focused on bladecraft, on stealth, on speed; how to see, hear, and smell the world as it truly was. They would regularly return to the village; often to test her abilities for her to see their effects on the average senses, and the rate of her growth astounded her. Yet, this cheerful mood was not to leave. All full moons must eventually wane, as you very well know.


It was the smoke that reached her first. Having spent a week alone in the shelter, she had ventured out and hurried to the town, unprepared for the destruction that... IT had left. A great beast from the Everfree had rampaged through the village, and she glimpsed it as it romped away. She found many things among the wreckage- mainly bodies. She was horrified to find the charred corpses of, not only her entire ranger coven, but also her parents, her friends, and her family. For the first time in her life, she was alone; surrounded by nothing but the bones of those she once loved.


It was an experience she would share many times in her future.


The story resumes several years in the future. Having roamed Equestria alone, the young ranger had gained plenty of experience. She was a changed mare then when she was previously- instead of the outgoing, bright personality, she had become introverted and spiteful, forming a shell around herself; not wanting to have her soft core injured once again. She knew naught but vengeance-she wanted the beast's heart, and all of her actions circled around it's destruction. Even when she returned to the Ranger's Sanctuary, the heart of the Everfree, to meet with the force of nature that was the leader of the Rangers in Equestria, she carried nothing but vengeance with her- drawing with her an ancient spirit, bloodthirsty and vile. Where one spirit treads, however, more surely follow; and thus she drew two more to her- a spirit of kindness and beauty, who had glimpsed her true self, and a spirit of wisdom, drawn to her by the shadows she kept company with. It was with these spirits, that the darkness encircled her and invaded. It was in that darkness, where it started to corrupt her.


She was told to run, but where was there to run? The Sanctuary was in pieces, the artifacts and crystals within plundered. Perhaps the most sacred place in Equestria lay in ruins behind her, but she knew not where she ran. Being the only one that she knew of left, she left the Everfree in fear and was caught.


Yet... the power behind the darkness looked upon her, and saw potential. It invited her in, embraced her. If she was to serve, she could become something greater. Its forces would be at her command, to destroy the beast, resanctify the Sanctuary, and restore the tradition. He appealed directly into something that was perhaps a dominant piece of her soul- her need for the death of the being. She accepted the offer instantly, not thinking of the consequences. Of the lies. And thus, the soul fell to darkness.


Not long after, she was commanded to track and to follow the ponies of light who still believed in hope and of love, of war through which, one day, there might be peace. She followed the trail, and found the ponies. Several among them, she knew, were special- but she started looking to them as targets, not friends, as she had trained herself to do oh so long ago, when she was still in grief over her village. But, she was not expecting one thing.


She managed, somehow, through some primal bonding, to find a common cause with one of the ponies. He was a hard pony, worn by the times, and a complete stranger to him, but she found herself warming up to him. It was the words of this pony that set her to doubt, and the words of this pony who set him alight. He had a friend already, another mare, who was a fiery soul and kept the party alight, fanned by his words, and hers was the passion. She followed, as she was told, but she was starting to have her doubts- even when they reached their destination, she was thinking for the first time in a while, not of vengeance, but of friendship.


As she arrived, the darkness realized where it was and sent it's force after them. Flying across Equestria at a lightning speed that surprised even the ranger, they laid siege to the city. Many heroics occurred during that day from many different parties- shipmasters alike. And, despite the efforts of the others, the fiery soul was extinguished in the darkness of the sea... after they had sacrificed so much, they were to lose the member most cherished by all.


Upon learning this, the ranger realized her faults. The darkness of her heart abated and, shame-filled, she decided to come clean, starting with the one she trusted most, in an effort to start changing her ways- even if he was to reject her, and send her away.


Have you guessed the members of the story, the reason I have come? Because, even bedridden as you are, you have a right to know, and the tears rolling down your face now is better then the tears shed where the darkness and the evil can see, laugh, and corrupt you... I wish for you not to make the same mistake, falling to hopelessness, greed, vanity, and vengeance.


The beast is a monster of the Everfree, still. The Darkness is Sombra, and the ponies of light are these refugees. He is you, Harcourt, and Trivy is the fiery soul that sacrificed herself. And the ranger, fallen to darkness, but exposed to light and asking for forgiveness, is the mare sitting in front of you. Lilith Crow. And, having told my story and answered your question of who has fallen, I can do nothing else but await your reaction, and pray that you will show mercy to this poor, blind soul, only now opening her eyes.



With her story finished, she sighed and lowered her head, attempting to hold back the tears. Unsuccessfully, they started to fall, one by one, staining the cloak that she had wrapped around herself, dirty and stained from days of use.

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He sat there a moment, regarding the Ranger at her most vulnerable moment.  His face belied nothing; horseflesh replaced by stone.  He had listened to the entire tale, and had waited until it's end had come and gone before putting any thinking forth into it.


Trivia... oh, Trivia...


It was all he could think at first; he couldn't blame her for sacrificing herself - probably for some other pony's life, no doubt.  All the years he'd spent training her and giving her some of his best advice, gone in but a moment.  The snarky quips, the yelling matches, the crying jags, the pouting, the rare laughter, the smile beneath the cowl...


... all forevermore gone.


No sob escaped his mouth.  No shivering in emotional turmoil.  No dramatic glance away to appear stalwart.


But his eyes began to pour rivers of loss down his aged muzzle.  They flowed like the rain of a thousand nights of misery, their only sunrise being when he blinked, only to revert to the flood almost instantly.


His voice was clear when he spoke, not shaky or forlorn.


"I understand vengeance far better than one might give me credit for."


He sat up, his eyes still streaming as he continued.


"My family was once rather influential in Equestria; the Crystal Mountain Blackwaters.  They tended to have more interest in bits than in peace, and as such they were led astray - they sided with House Darkmane, for the purpose of reviving Sombra.  When Sombra's forces took the Crystal Palace, House Darkmane found my family... lacking... and slaughtered them all.  I only survived because I had left to wander about a decade earlier, but I returned to my family's home to find their... remains... waiting for me.  A fallen guard from House Darkmane was the only proof I found."


He carefully stood up, and began shuffling the blanket into an out-of-the-way spot in a corner.


"In this way, you and I are much alike, Lilith.  We both are merely stories that others have forgotten, looking for our epilogues.  Yours will be the end of that creature... mine will be when House Darkmane finally learns the folly of their actions."


He turned his stare on her, all seriousness behind those tears.


"And yet, though we both know these goals will likely end in our deaths, we continue to fight for them... in whatever capacity we may.  Capacities that apparently include 'betrayal', as keeping in line with your words earlier."


His facial expression didn't change; still full neutrality lie on his mug.


"But these are the things that make us tick, so to speak.  They are goals with which we have tortured ourselves for so very long... and it is beginning to dawn on me that these goals alone will not be enough to carry us much further.  Case in point, I'd be willing to bet that you have NO goals planned for after you achieve the death you seek from the creature that you spoke of, do you?"


He waited but a moment, then nodded.


"That is no way to live."


Harcourt Blackwater walked across the room to close distance with Lilith Crow.  He came upon her where she was sitting, and he placed a hoof on her shoulder.  With water still sluicing down his cheeks, his eyebrows relaxed and his muzzle became a sad, yet gentle, visage of compassion.


"I understand that the blind pursuit of revenge can cost the soul far more than the initial bill dares to explain.  This would lead somepony far, far astray if they thought it would further them along the slippery slope of vengeance.  Far enough astray to believe the words of a megalomaniac like Sombra, yes?"


The hoof on her shoulder slid across her back and was joined by the other one, turning from a supporting hoof to an embrace.  A kind one.


"Lilith, if it is forgiveness you seek, then as far as I am concerned, you shall have it.  But understand, the gift of forgiveness comes at a cost; I ask for the currency of your loyalty, the pay of your sweat from effort for our group, and the bits of your self-forgiveness... though that last one will be accepted as smaller payments, if you like."


He stepped back and gave her a weary, yet certain smile.


"Join our group - OUR group, yours as well as mine - in proclaiming to all of the world that we may not have the right to survive any more..."


The smile became a vicious grin that said much of the fighting spirit within this stallion.


"...but we are fighting for the privilege to do so.  And I want you to fight with us, Lilith; everypony deserves somepony to lean on when the burden of living overshadows the gift of life... and everypony gets 'one'.  What you've told me about your actions under Sombra?  THAT will be your one; I will never breathe a word of it to anypony, and I will chalk it up to a life experience that needed learning.  I won't give you veiled threats, but I will say that this will not be so pleasant a conversation if - only IF - that time should ever come.  With that understanding, I only ask for your help."


He took a moment to step back and look himself over properly.  He had a rather scrawny, sparse baby blue coat where the false stomach had been... but it was a gathering of hard, yet dull-looking knot of muscles that flexed under the faded fuzz.  The downside was that it only further outlined how lean he was... ribs were visible, his cheeks had no swell to them, and you could still count the knobs of his spine no matter how much wiry cording rolled across his back.


"The years... along with that damnable cart... have been hard on me, of that I've no doubt.  But you helped me take some of those years back with your healing; I owe you a healing, in its own way... and yours may require more than mere poultices will cure.  We can work on that.  We can help you; you can help us win our battle to survive.  And maybe teach a few of these younger foals how to thrive, as well.  It's what I offer for forgiveness... that, and the knowledge that you would belong once more."


He sighed.  "You keep trying.  Never turn off your heart.  That's why you keep finding others to accept you - THAT is the magic of friendship that was taught across Equestria oh-so-long ago; I've never forgotten it, and I never will."


Through all of this - the smiles, the hug, the reassurances - those waterfalls of pain coursed down the somewhat wrinkled mountain of his face, small pools left behind as he traveled about the room, a little lake of a tear stain left on Lilith's shoulder from earlier.


Never a word about her.  Not one.  But the volume of tears matched the one with which his heart was wailing inside.


Trivia... Trivy...


Though the broken record continued to ring throughout his mind, the sound escaping his mouth bore no tone that betrayed it; the sad siren song came from the oceans beneath his emerald eyes.


"Do you, Lilith Crow, accept these terms?"

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Each one hovered for a moment, then drifted away thru the city. The orbs would be fascinating to ponies; any pony who saw them would feel drawn to come closer. But once they touched the orb, the torture spell which Jinx had placed on Bright Moon, and several slaves and captives afterwards, would activate. Trapped in their own personal nightmare, the pony would either be completely mind broken, or would go insane, attacking their friends.


"That... that orb looks so beautiful... Red Stone.. look." A guard said, poking the stallion next to him. "Wow... that's is amazing... what's that?'' The guard lifted his hoof towards the light with shimmering eyes. "Huh...wait what? what's happening?" His face changed quickly. "Mother.... what are you doing here? Where am I? Mother, no, I swear, I didn't steal those cookies, I swear." The guard ran away in fear, screaming, leaving the other guard confused before the process repeated itself on him.


Rarity's ears popped up at the sudden sound of distress. "Captain, what's happening?"


"I don't know my lady, these orbs seem to effect the guards somehow. These beautiful shining...."


"No! Captain, get away." Rarity closed her eyes, trying to resist the orbs that shone like diamonds. "Must resist, must hide.'' She ran away from the orbs, retreating towards the underground shelters.





Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.



It was a soft glow in the corner at first. Then suddenly the whole room was shone by purple light. The small gem that Rarity had given maybe an hour ago floated up and in the center of the room. Shining brighter, almost blinding. It flew towards Harcourt, stopping before circling around him. The purple light cloaked around him, making his mane flow, his wounds old and new heal, his eyes spark as it slightly levitated him from the surface.


The light went out slowly, bringing him back to the ground as the gem laid down in his hoofs.

Edited by Pucksterv
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Lilith remained silent for several moments as the purple light flooded the room, mulling over what was just said to her. She looked into his tear-stained eyes and, in them, she found no rage, no betrayal. In front of the core of sadness that was aching for Trivy, there was nothing but... acceptance? As the light faded, that was all that she could find in his eyes, the flood from them not hiding the generosity within them.


Before she could respond, however, she felt her psyche shunted aside into darkness...



With a growl, Lilith stuck a hoof forwards, a large retractable claw coming out of the gauntlet on her leg, keeping it even with Harcourt's throat but not close - an accusation, not a threat. At the same time, her brown cloak, after shimmering for a moment, brightened into a deep, blood red. With teeth bared, she growled, "How is it that you have no fear, no anger, even no betrayal at all?! This one fears nothing, yet your lack of negative emotion scares me like none other! What dark beast are you hiding behind your soul? Do you even comprehend that this one is responsible for the loss of your precious one, the destruction of Baltimare after taking advantage of your trust in her?!"


"Nay, Dark One. It is because he understands; and the reaction from the Element behind him confirms my suspicions."


Her cloak immediately changed to a deep, somber blue and the claw retracted, resting her hooves in a neutral position as if in meditation. "... you comprehend, then. Perhaps the world is not as doomed to darkness as one is led to believe, should they be led by this one, with his spirit, his skills, and his wisdom. It is a skill to be cherished."


"The tears you shed," she continued, her voice becoming a deep, stallion's voice, "Are to be cherished as well, as they prove that you did not trade your feelings for the wisdom. I have seen grief harden the softest of hearts- this one among them. Your words and her own experiences have done much to soften them, something I have been striving towards for years. For this, I thank you."


She- he?- bowed. "Forgive me the interruption in the conversation, but the Dark One is never one to have been patient, and I did not wish for the conversation to turn salvation into sourness and hatred. That, and it allowed poor Lilith an opportunity to think upon her words and actions before she loses her composure even more than what she already has. I, for one, feel that is is an honor to have met you, and I wish you well. Perhaps, in the future, we may have a more in-depth conversation concerning wisdom and it's specifics. It is something that, I feel, both of us would benefit from. But before I go, perhaps, what they say nowadays, a piece of advice. The Little One who tried the hardest to save your loved one is currently above decks. Perhaps you should see to him soon, so that he- nor you- does not become like this one did." With a smile and a wink, the cloak faded back to brown and, after momentarily slumping over, Lilith stood stark upright, looking around as if she had just awoken from a terrible dream.



"What? But..." She sighed to herself. "I hate it when they do that..." she muttered to herself, the tears starting to flow again. She sniffed for a moment before stammering out a, "Well... I..." and then, after another pause, standing up.


Then, she realized exactly what he had meant by his words and, in as straight as a voice that she could, said, "I... I accept the terms that you have given to me." She paused here, knowing not what to do know, and after walking up to him, hugged Harcourt, wrapping him in a loose embrace. "Thank you... and... and I'm sorry... about Trivy."

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"She... was a good girl."


He couldn't bring himself to say much more than that about her yet.  The wound was too fresh, the blood still seeping from it in the form of Harcourt's tears.  Still embracing the Ranger, he looked down to the purple crystal in his hoof... and sighed, knowing that he had been imbued with the element's energies - he was 'officially' a Bearer now.  Whatever time would bring, he was now in this to the hilt, for better or for worse.  Pushing this thought aside for the moment, he gave Lilith a pat on the back, then stood back to regard her.


"Thank you, Miss Crow.  I promise, on my honor as a Blackwater, that if we still stand when all this is over and done with, I shall personally assist you in finding and putting a final end to this monster you seek - one way or another.  And your... allies?... are welcome as well; we'll talk about that later, I'm certain."


He looked at the Element of Generosity's crystal, and marveled over the fact that the power wasn't there - it had only used it as an inn room, of sorts; the power was with him, and that power needed the other powers with it to be complete.  They had to find the rest, and each Element had to have a Bearer.  Hence, he had to keep his eyes open for potentials.


He looked to Lilith.  She would be an excellent guardian for an Element... but which would suit this little raven?  Time will tell, doubtless - but I have faith that she will not disappoint me.  Given a place to belong, Lilith will have roots once more... and that will allow her to grow.


His thoughts wandered further.  Now that I know who the spy was, I can quietly shame myself for ever doubting Psych.  As for an Element Bearer, he would be perfect.  Seeing him take up with Lovely Wing so well, and with what I hear of his actions... well, I think I know which way the wind blows for that pony, and it is a kind wind indeed. 


Heading for the door, he spoke over his shoulder to Lilith, "We shall speak later of Sombra's forces - doubtless you saw much during your time there, and it may help us yet.  In the meantime, we will need to make certain we know who all we have to account for.  Would you perhaps be willing to obtain a head-count for our group?  I do believe I should speak to a few ponies... please let me know what you come up with; I will be happy to familiarize you with each pony in our group, should you wish."


With this, Harcourt made his way through the door and onto the deck.  He scanned about, searching for the blind pony, or perhaps the caring pegasus and her friend.  He only knew they all had to prepare themselves; if the war wasn't lost, then Harcourt was determined to see it through to the end, for better or for worse.


He missed Trivy terribly.

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"She... was a good girl."


He couldn't bring himself to say much more than that about her yet.  The wound was too fresh, the blood still seeping from it in the form of Harcourt's tears.  Still embracing the Ranger, he looked down to the purple crystal in his hoof... and sighed, knowing that he had been imbued with the element's energies - he was 'officially' a Bearer now.  Whatever time would bring, he was now in this to the hilt, for better or for worse.  Pushing this thought aside for the moment, he gave Lilith a pat on the back, then stood back to regard her.


"Thank you, Miss Crow.  I promise, on my honor as a Blackwater, that if we still stand when all this is over and done with, I shall personally assist you in finding and putting a final end to this monster you seek - one way or another.  And your... allies?... are welcome as well; we'll talk about that later, I'm certain."


He looked at the Element of Generosity's crystal, and marveled over the fact that the power wasn't there - it had only used it as an inn room, of sorts; the power was with him, and that power needed the other powers with it to be complete.  They had to find the rest, and each Element had to have a Bearer.  Hence, he had to keep his eyes open for potentials.


He looked to Lilith.  She would be an excellent guardian for an Element... but which would suit this little raven?  Time will tell, doubtless - but I have faith that she will not disappoint me.  Given a place to belong, Lilith will have roots once more... and that will allow her to grow.


His thoughts wandered further.  Now that I know who the spy was, I can quietly shame myself for ever doubting Psych.  As for an Element Bearer, he would be perfect.  Seeing him take up with Lovely Wing so well, and with what I hear of his actions... well, I think I know which way the wind blows for that pony, and it is a kind wind indeed. 


Heading for the door, he spoke over his shoulder to Lilith, "We shall speak later of Sombra's forces - doubtless you saw much during your time there, and it may help us yet.  In the meantime, we will need to make certain we know who all we have to account for.  Would you perhaps be willing to obtain a head-count for our group?  I do believe I should speak to a few ponies... please let me know what you come up with; I will be happy to familiarize you with each pony in our group, should you wish."


With this, Harcourt made his way through the door and onto the deck.  He scanned about, searching for the blind pony, or perhaps the caring pegasus and her friend.  He only knew they all had to prepare themselves; if the war wasn't lost, then Harcourt was determined to see it through to the end, for better or for worse.


He missed Trivy terribly.

Psych was currently leaning over the railing of the ship, looking completely heartbroken. He had lost their leader, and hated to think what everypony else now thought of him. What's worse, he was afraid of what Harcourt might do to him when he found out it was him who had dropped her to the murky depths below. He let out an exasperated sigh, pulling himself back and turning around, only to bump straight into Harcourt's chest. He quickly backed up, looking down at the ground and saying, "I-I'm sorry..."
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Harcourt could see the misery laid out in careful rows on Psych's brow.  He had a feeling that misery was one they both shared.




It was a single word, and he waited for it to register with the blind pony.


"I'll take it as read you've heard?"


He still couldn't bring himself to speak her name, but he was certain Psych would instantly know of whom he asked about.

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Harcourt could see the misery laid out in careful rows on Psych's brow.  He had a feeling that misery was one they both shared.




It was a single word, and he waited for it to register with the blind pony.


"I'll take it as read you've heard?"


He still couldn't bring himself to speak her name, but he was certain Psych would instantly know of whom he asked about.

He couldn't bring himself to speak, and only nodded. He felt as if he was on the verge of tears, and if he said anything, he would burst out in a crying fit. Besides, he didn't want to say anything that might set Harcourt off, since he couldn't truly tell how he was feeling, and was too afraid to spread his sight in fear of coming face to face with his enraged face.
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Psych had no actual vision; as such, his world was interpreted in ways other than the ones most ponies would recognize.


There was a pause, during which the rush of ocean air caressed his face and the rolling surf brushed by his talented ears.  After a moment, more words:


"There's no time like the present to let yourself go, my friend; you've done your best, and that's all anypony can ever ask of another."


The strange sound of something coming in his direction, slowly... that tightening of echo as the object which is reflecting sound comes closer.  Psych braced, as he was certain it would be whatever he deserved.


The hoof that took hold of his shoulder was in no way unkind.  There was a careful gentleness in the action, as was the sensation of Harcourt's weight shifting as he leaned in.  Slowly, oh so slowly, he embraced the poor, blind psychic... 


... and began to cry.


He buried his face deep into Psych's mane, the almost rhythmic shuddering of his chest, the huffing of air, the tightening of his grip, every sign of a savage weeping fit - all but sound.  Nothing but the heft of his breathing made a single noise; without sight to see or sounds to hear, the blind pony experienced the old stallion's crying through only the sensation of intense grief shaking the body as it leaves in silent sobs.


Even though others may have seen what happened, only Psych would ever understand how it truly felt.

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